𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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|Taste me, the salty tears on my cheek; That's what a year-long headache does to you|
|I'm not okay, I feel so scattered; Don't say I'm all that matters|

"My mum wasn't anti-social but she was sorta like me; she wanted to isolate herself. She was so used to being isolated away from everyone that it grew on her. I remember hearing her tell me about her first year at Hogwarts and I was so shocked because my mom wasn't the quiet type. But that's another topic for another story....." ~Antares "Taylor" Sirius Black

Year: 1971, Scotland, Britain
Setting: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Date: September 2nd, Thursday

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After having a nightmare about the time Evelyn hit her with a frying pan, Susan woke up early at dawn. She slept under the bed's mastress, not having trust in sharing a room with four other strangers. She waited for the girls to fall asleep first before shutting her eyes. While the others all argued the first night, she stayed under her bed drawing in the dark, thankful for the strays of light shedding through the Gryffindor hanging cloth.

Somewhere during the night Prewett warned Evans to stay on her side and stated her 'crap' better not touch hers - choosing the beds they wanted, theirs were the closest to each other.

Susan didn't trust any of these girls. She refused to sleep openly in the Gryffindor bed, possibly giving one of them access to wake up and choke her. What type of school was this? How did they know they weren't rooming you with a psychopath?

Meadowes also asked the other girls not to touch her Marilyn Elizabeth poster and McKinnon warned them all not to touch her signed Marilyn Elizabeth biography book given to her by her mum.

Susan didn't hear the rest of the conversation since she started drawing and blocked them out. She had trouble sleeping and kept having nightmares about Evelyn or Alfie beating her and her leaving Frank behind all alone. She missed her brother. Maybe... sometime in the future she'd be able to room with him? She worried about how he was doing. Going along with not trusting her roommates, she didn't trust his either. If any of them hurt her brother-

Susan wasted no time in getting up, grabbing her drawing notebook before making her way out the girls domority and down the stairs. Maybe Frank was up? Back in the mansion his schedule was tight. He had to be up around dawn either for piano lessons or meetings he was allowed to attend with Evelyn and Alfie.

And Susan... she would be alone.

She was so used to isolating herself. Being in a room with four girls made her feel like the world was closing in on her. Sadly, she was met with the sight of the Lupin boy sitting down in one of the big comfy Gryffindor chairs while reading. He didn't notice her until he heard the sound of somebody taking a seat on the Gryffindor couch:

Susan said nothing as she felt that words did not need to be spoken and only started drawing or sketching.

Either one was good for her.

The Lupin boy uncomfortably went back to his book and she continued to draw. Silence filled the air around them and the sound of her Muggle pencil moving and his pages flipping was the only thing being heard. Susan honestly wouldn't have minded if it was just her in the common room. There was people everywhere, people in every corner. How was she supposed to get used to this?

The Lupin boy looked up from his book and stared at her for a while until Susan slowly looked up, feeling his eyes on her.

"What?" She asked harshly and put one of her Muggle pencils down.

The Lupin boy turned back to his book. He knew staring was wrong but he was hoping she would leave so he could be alone in the common room.

"N-n-nothing. I was wondering why you were down here..." He confessed halfway and went back to reading. Susan didn't respond, picking her Muggle pencil back up and went back to work. She loved the feeling of being in control of what she drew. She loved being able to escape the world and escape her emotions and her pain.

Drawing helped her get through a lot and her love for it is unexplainable.

The room was silent. Susan was still on her first drawing whereas the Lupin boy was reading his second book. He didn't mind the silence but he did mind not being alone.

He was used to being alone, which is why he left his dormitory so early.

Being in a room with another person was very awkward and it always forced him into making conversation.

After all, he was isolated away from people most of his life due to his condition, "I hate this," He tried muttering but it came out louder than he expected.

Susan looked up from her drawing with her eyes. Not saying a word, she stood up. The boy's heart began beating as he pictured her walking over and slapping him. Instead, however, the young girl put on the slippers she borrowed from her brother and walked out the dormitory to sit outside the portrait.

"I'm sorry..." He mumbled. Feeling bad, he went back to his book and sighed. He rarely saw her speaking yesterday. He could tell she was the type that didn't want to be bothered. Not to mention that she seemed a bit loco. She kept hitting the side of her head and he caught her whispering to herself a few times. They made eye contact during sorting and he felt like she was about to murder him each time.

The two finally got alone and stayed in awkward silence; both were secretly inching closer to running back to their dormitories knowing good-and-well they wouldn't be alone in their either. Susan had the balls to do what he couldn't.

After all, loneliness brought them comfort....


Susan finished putting her uniform on after struggling with her tie for the longest as she attached her name tag on her robe before she filled her leather envelope handbag with her Hogwarts books.

She scribbled over the "Anne" part in her name, now only showing the "Susan" part. "I hate trying to brush this. I wish I had Marlene's hair," Susan overheard Lily commenting as she struggled with brushing her hair. Susan rubbed her own hair. Lily should've been thankful; she didn't have the nest Susan couldn't tame. Nor did she live with an aunt who called it monkey features while beating her.

Frank joined her on her way down the stairs and grabbed her bag for her, "Sleep well, Anne?" Frank started the conversation as they walked out of The Fat Lady portrait, "Not at all. The floor is pretty cold but little sleep is better than none. How about you, Justice?" Susan responded and he shrugged. Frank followed Susan who was following some 2nd years making their way to the Great Hall.

"I slept fine. Found out something new. Did you know the girls can enter our dormitory but we cannot enter theirs? Pretty odd," Frank asked her like he was still astonished.

Susan furrowed her eyebrows a little, "What'd you mean?" She asked him and Frank looked up at the ceiling a bit trying to remember it correctly, "Well, according to my dormitory mate Raven, back in the era of the Hogwarts founders a common belief was that girls were more trustworthy than boys. And I'm here to tell you my bed is always opened for you," Frank said. Susan flinched thinking about the nightmare that kept her up most of the night.

Frank walked beside her, "Learn anything from your dormitory mates?" He asked her and she thought about it for a while.

She then nodded, "Lily Evans is annoying -- she has the mindset we'll drink rainbows and skip down a hill together holding hands. I also learned that McKinnon likes her personal space and wants Lily's stuff to stay on her own side, including Prewett. Speaking of that girl, Prewett started talking about how her bedroom was pretty much different and kept changing the topic. So, she's the talkative type. And Dorcas has an odd obsession with body language. Lily and Prewett caused hella tension in the room, I'll give them that," She answered and Frank looked at her weirdly, "My domority and bed is always opened.... remember that...." He assured her and patted her shoulder. Susan laid her head down on his shoulder and the two walked to the Great Hall in silence.

Once they made it, they noticed there was barely anybody in there. Susan was grateful - she wouldn't get another painful headache. They sat down and Susan pulled her drawing notebook out and flipped to a free page.

"Good morning!" A feminine Italian voice greeted them. Susan basically felt Frank jumping out his socks and she already guessed who it was, "Hi, Reñe. I didn't get to talk to you after we were Sorted! Ravenclaw... wow. The House of wisdom! Fitting! Aren't we supposed to sit with our respective Houses only?" Frank ranted on, getting rewarded a smile from the girl. Her French-braided hair dangled over her shoulders, her uniform fitting neatly on her figure.

"We're allowed to sit with other's during the morning. It is rather exciting. It's best to get to know other people. Nobody should feel left out," Reñe said softly and Susan scoffed. 'If you say-so. I prefer to be alone.' Susan thought and continued drawing.

Reñe's head turned in her direction, "Why do you prefer to be alone, Susan? I preferred to be alone once. Is being alone really worth it? Being alone makes one feel more depressed. Being alone heightens the risk of going insane. But then again, we're all sane. We each just have our own level of sanity," Reñe said. Upon seeing the darkening look his sister was giving off, Frank stepped in.

"Um, Reñe, that's rude," he nervously chuckled, earning a suspicious glance from Susan. Did he know what was going on? What powers did she have that Susan wasn't aware of?

Reñe played with her hair, "I cannot control it. I really do apologize for disturbing your mind. The mind is the most artistic part of the body. I can understand why you're getting so defensive. The mind is like a special book that is not meant to be opened. But do you want to know something, Susan?" Reñe asked her as Susan's eyebrows furrowed.

Reñe smiled, "I'm not afraid of you. So I know you won't do anything," as the blonde girl said this, Susan's drawing was now fully unintended to.

Frank kneed his sister, "Reñe fears people...." He whispered and Susan frowned more. She looked at the Ravenclaw humming quietly to herself while twisting her hair around her finger, kicking her legs under the table. 'She's a little bit loony.' Susan thought carelessly and then slapped her forehead.

"I was called an 'odd ball' yesterday. It's okay," She told them and Frank cocked his head, "Why?" He quickly asked, not wanting Susan to curse at her. She stopped kicking her legs, "I told them that I believe Muggle drivers don't know what grass, or flowers, are because they never see them slowly," She answered his question and Frank grew interested again.

Susan pinched the bridge of her nose. She came here to be alone; to not be near anyone. Is the weirdo going to bother her every morning? In the future, even if her brother is happy with her, she's never paying them visits.

Susan had to admit, Reñe weirded her. Something about Reñe made Frank attracted to her. Susan still hasn't heard or seen one clue that would help her figure out what it was. She was a mind-reader, which Susan was never taught about so it's creeping her out. Maybe that's why Frank liked her. Maybe it's because she can read minds. Can she read his?

"Why do you say that?" Frank asked her and Reñe went on, "Frank, if you showed a Muggle driver a green blur, he'll say that it's grass. And if you show a Muggle driver a pink blur, he'll say that it's a rose garden. The white blurs are the houses. The brown blurs are the cows. They drive by so fast all they see are blurs," She explained. He opened his mouth to respond but closed it, still confused.

He didn't get the point she was trying to make but he knew that Reñe had points behind all her conversations. Having conversations with her made you reflect on life differently and on yourself a lot.

Reñe crossed her legs and noticed that the Gryffindors were starting to come and she didn't want to cause any trouble, "It's hard for some to understand but in reality it's hard for none. We all interpret lessons in our own understanding," She said and Frank nodded while Susan thought about what she said but only shrugged it off.

Reñe then went back to being silent. The silence didn't last long, "Are you two happy?" She asked the both of them. Susan's head shot up as Frank said nothing.

"What is that supposed to mean? Where did that come from?" asked an offended Susan. Reñe only smiled and went back to the Ravenclaw table while the Gryffindors started taking their seats. Susan and Frank exchanged looks of confusion.

'Why in the world did she ask us if we were happy? She's weird. It's pretty obvious. No. No. Not even a weird person will ask you if you're happy out of nowhere. She asked you the question and just left. Not to mention she was talking about Muggle drivers not knowing what's surrounding them. She's most definitely weird. A bloody weirdo.' Susan thought and turned her head to look back at Reñe sitting down next to some other Ravenclaw checking out her bracelet.

'What is being happy?' Susan thought and went back to being quiet.


Susan couldn't help but replay what happened at breakfast over again. The girl pisses her off. All of the First Years had their Timetables and the day was getting ready to start, but she couldn't get Reñe out her head. That question of if she was happy bothered her. Susan knew the answer: no.

She wasn't happy.

She was pretty much sad. She got abused.

Who would be happy growing up in an abusive household? What person in their right mind would be happy if they had Susan's life? What even made Reñe ask them that? Two days barely knowing this girl and she was already weirding Susan out.

Reñe was very strange, but was it because of her lifestyle? Frank talked about the way her and her brothers are treated at home so... does it have something to do with how she turned out? And speaking of brothers, Susan wondered if they went here as well?

She then remembered it was none of her business and she had to stop wondering about another person's life.

So, here Susan was, holding her drawing notebook close to her chest as she walked next to Frank with her Timetable in hand. All first-years at Hogwarts must take seven core subjects: Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, History of Magic, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy and Herbology. Flying lessons (on broomsticks) are also compulsory. They were currently on their way to Transfiguration.

"Are we happy? I am... I think. I believe I am happy," Frank also had the question stuck in his head. Susan didn't answer for a while but shook her head softly, "Try not to think about it," Was all she could say before they finally found their way to Transfiguration taught by Professor McGonagall, aka the pointy hat lady.

During breakfast, Susan overheard McGonagall being referred to as Minerva and was laughing at it silently, even having Frank join in with a view chuckles.

She noted for herself to see if McGonagall hated her first name just like how she did:

Transfiguration is the art of changing the form or appearance of an object, and hence this is what this class teaches. Transfiguration is a theory-based subject, including topics such as "Switching Spells" (altering only a part of some object, such as giving a human rabbit's ears); Vanishing Spells (causing an object to completely disappear); and Conjuring Spells (creating objects out of thin air). It is possible to change inanimate objects into animate ones and vice versa. It wasn't easy making it to this class at all.

There were a hundred and forty-two staircases at Hogwarts: wide, sweeping ones; narrow, rickety ones; some that led somewhere different on a Friday; some with a vanishing step halfway up that you had to remember to jump. There were doors that wouldn't open unless you asked politely, or tickled them in exactly the right place, and doors that weren't really doors at all, but solid walls just pretending.

It was also very hard to remember where anything was, because it all seemed to move around a lot. The people in the portraits kept going to visit each other, and the coats of armor could walk. Nearly Headless Nick was happy to point new Gryffindors in the right direction, but Peeves the Poltergeist was worth two locked doors and a trick staircase if you met him when you were late for class.

Susan witnessed him drop wastepaper baskets on people's heads, pull rugs from under their feet, pelt them with bits of chalk, or sneak up behind you, invisible, grab your nose, and screech, "GOT YOUR CONK!"

And it was only the second day.

Even worse than Peeves, if that was possible, was the caretaker, Argus Filch.

He stopped every First Year and warned them he did not joke around about First Years fooling about the corridors. Susan was about to tell him off until Frank covered her mouth, gave Filch a small smile and dismissed the confrontation.

So trying to get to one class was hell. Susan didn't know if she could survive this for four months.

Susan and Frank made their way in, "Morning, Longbottom's," Professor McGonagall greeted them.

Frank nudged Susan, reminding her of the note he wrote for her. In it was a dare to call Professor McGonagall Minevra, "Morning, Minerva," Susan greeted her back. Frank looked at her like she was insane for calling a grown-up by their first name. He didn't expect her to actually do it.

Professor McGonagall stared down sternly at Susan, "It's Professor McGonagall to you. Now take your seat," She told her and Susan shrugged. 'Sure Minerva.' She thought and sat down at a table in the last row near the wall in the fourth desk.

Frank looked at his sister, "First, you have bloody balls for that. Second, okay, let's say she asks us again..... what do we say? Do we say we're depressed? Do we say we're happy being in Hogwarts?" Frank theorized Reñe's question even more.

Susan guessed that he was talking about Reñe who she wanted to avoid talking about, "It doesn't matter," Susan lied and Frank nodded, playing with the Revealer in his hand.

Susan traced over her recent two drawings and couldn't help but feel a lump in her throat.

"Are you two happy?" kept playing over and over again and Susan's drawings showed clear-as-day to everyone that she wasn't happy. Her thoughts would shows everyone she wasn't happy.

The poor girl didn't know the definition of happy. She would kill just to feel happy once. She couldn't remember the last time she was happy. She rubbed her eyes and flipped through all of drawings. Full of nothing but despair. Full of nothing but anger. Full of nothing but emptiness. Full of nothing but sadness. Full of nothing but hope. There was no happiness in none of them. Reñe's question became louder in her head. Susan quickly closed her drawing notebook and put it on her lap before scooting her chair up and twisting her Crude wand in her hand.

She was once again feeling emotional and if that Reñe girl was going to be adding on to her emotions than she needed to stay far away from her.

Professor McGonagall silenced her students as class started and Susan heard the sound of snickering coming from behind her. It didn't take much for her to already know the two fools seated themselves behind her and her brother. She knew that she was going to have to ignore them.

She said she wanted to dodge Sirius throughout her Hogwarts years but it's going to be hard to do that when they're in the same House and take all of their classes together, "Transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts. Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back. You have been warned," She told them as Alice came running in late while laughing.

Everyone turned around and looked at the black-head girl, "Miss Prewett, nice of you to join us," Professor McGonagall said with sarcasm and threat clear-as-day in her words.

Alice stopped laughing and wasted no time in taking the open seat next to the Ross girl in the middle section. Professor McGonagall looked at her class fully and told them about the Alphabets they would learn for their first lesson in Transfiguration. And before they got into that lesson, she demonstrated what they would learn to master after finishing a year in her class: transfiguration. She turned her desk into a pig and left the class in shock.

Susan pulled out her parchment and her quill before writing her name with her right hand. Susan was born right-handed. Frank was left-handed.

After taking a lot of complicated notes, they were each given a match and started trying to turn it into a needle.

Most of the class complained about not being able to do it and Prewett kept talking to McGonagall about how her parents told her Transfiguration was one of the hardest classes so she expected something tough as this.

Susan spoke nothing about it though and remembered that as long as she kept her wall up than she would be good until the school year was, which she wasn't wishing for, over. She was not ready to go back to those monsters any time soon.


The bell rung letting the students know that class was over and Susan quickly jumped out of her seat, "I'm going to go ask McGonagall about future tutoring lessons - I know I'll need it. Wait for me," Frank told her and Susan covered up her displeasure, watching him walk away.

She gathered her things, rushing to get to her next class. The quicker she got the day over with, the quicker she could go back to drawing.

"Imagine giving us something hard on our first day! Jiving man! I'm telling!" Susan heard Potter complaining from behind her and just stood there, holding back what she wanted to say. They were too busy joking around to even try and turn the match into a needle.

Imbecility was all she could think of.

Susan tried picking up Frank's books and she failed miserably. The young witch groaned and looked down at the books that were scattered across their desk. She was just going to leave that there until he came back. She was lazy.

"How about you two stop complaining? I, for one, think it's brilliant that we got a taste of what we should expect from her this year. It's called being prepared. Do you two know that word?" Evans said to the boys and her black-head friend by the name of Severus Snape stood behind her with her books in his hands.

Why did Evans bother shaking Potter's hand if she knew she disliked him? What was the reason? That seemed okay at the feast. What changed?

Potter rolled his eyes, "Go away, Evans! We weren't even talking to you," He told her, "Or your homeless friend in need of shampoo," Sirius added with a snicker. Susan huffed, glancing over at Frank speaking with Professor McGonagall.

Lily squinted her eyes at them both. Severus sneered at Sirius, "Oh, the nerve! You was speaking loud so I believe anybody is free to voice their own opinion. If anybody's jiving, it's you," She responded and Susan tried blocking out the rest of the argument.

She sat back in her seat as the argument continued, being frustrated with how nosy every millisecond felt being here. Second day. Second day.

Black watched her tap her flats impatiently against the stone cold classroom floor and hesitantly walked up to her, "Why do you look so... so angry?" Sirius asked her and she sent him a glare. Sirius jumped back, seeing that as the same glare his own mum would give him. Sighing, Sirius picked up Frank's books and sat them on the desk for her. She grimaced as he did so. Sirius gave her this 'really?' expression and he stood in front of her.

This girl wasn't his mum; she was somebody that needed help, "I asked a simple question. You have this angry mood to you. You look angry, too. You're too beautiful to have such an angry look all the time. Why don't you ever smile?... How do I put this? Smile so others can leave you alone," He continued on.

Susan scoffed in disbelief when the word 'beautiful' came out his mouth. "Any guy who calls you beautiful will only use you for sex, you useless slut" Evelyn's voice rung through her head. Susan put on her leather envelope handbag and got a good grip on Frank's books this time.

"I'm not sleeping with you, stranger," She simply told him and walked over to Frank, leaving him with an appalled expression.

"Hi, Anne. I was just finishing up," Frank said, "We are finished up here. You two run off to your next class," Susan didn't respond, but she agreed with McGonagall on running off to their next class.

Instead she stayed quiet and waited for Frank. She turned around and looked at Lily and Severus away from James, who was on the floor laughing and Sirius, who was on the desk laughing. She shook her head before feeling Frank grab her left hand after gathering his books, dodging the two laughing idiots that McGonagall was heading towards.

The two siblings made their way out the class, "So, how do you guys like the school so far? I don't really like it. There's no space for me to ride my skateboard. I like riding my skateboard. It's fun. They're too strict here. That's why I like the Peeves guy. He makes it fun. Don't you like fun?" Prewett's talkative mouth was loud enough to be heard by the sleeping birds outdoors.

The other Gryffindor's in front of Susan and Frank cheered in victory that they managed to dodge Prewett.

Susan could have sworn she saw all life leave Frank's face. He seemed a bit annoyed. "It's suppose to be magical. This entire world is," Frank bitterly replied. Prewett checked her invisible watch, "I think it's time for somebody to lighten up!" Prewett joked before running off.

Susan kept looking forward, "Justice, I didn't know you could get annoyed. I'm shocked," Susan nudged his side, "Me either. But everytime she opens her mouth it never closes. And when it does... peace comes," he jokingly agreed, giving her this grin.

"Peace you say? I forgot that word existed. She vanished it from the dictionary," Susan responded and scooted to the side to dodge some running Sixth years that were trying to escape Mrs Norris, Filch's cat. The two siblings spent the rest of the complicated walk joking and cursing in their head whenever a ghost flew in them.

This was something she was going to have to get used to.


Charms was a core class and subject taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Unsurprisingly, it specialises in the teaching of charms. Even though mastering the science of charmwork is clearly essential to performing the greater part of magic, charmwork is seen as a "softer option" by some.

The class was taught by Professor Flitwick, one of the few dwarfs in the school. Susan found him adorable but didn't say it aloud. Professor Flitwick, the Charms teacher, was a tiny little wizard who had to stand on a pile of books to see over his desk.

At the start of their first class he took role call and Susan had to hold in a squeal the entire time. He was too adorable. He had little elf ears, his arms were shortly hanging on his sides, his tiny legs were positioned neatly on the floating stack of books beneath him. Susan and Frank sat in the upward column for the first time.

"Do you think this core will be as hard turning a match into a needle? I seriously think so. I heard Charms is as hard as Transfiguration. I don't want to fail my first year at Hogwarts. I don't want to fail at all!" His breathing stepped ahead of his heart beats causing Susan to rub circles on his back, assuring him that he had nothing to worry about, "You got this better than anybody, Justice. With your brains you can pass all of these classes," Frank was still worried but gave her a fake smile.

Susan couldn't tell if the smile was fake or not but she still gave him an assuring hug, which he gladly returned.

Susan looked around at the full class and her eyes landed on cute little adorable Flitwick. Between him and the goblins she didn't know which one was cuter. Feathers started flying down in front of each Slytherin and Gryffindor -- the two houses that made sure they stayed on separate sides.

This reminded Susan of what her father wrote in his will about him and Evelyn being close despite her being a Slytherin and him being a Gryffindor.

She wondered if their classes had this much tension like theirs did? Because the tension was so thick you could cut through it with a knife.

"Why do we have feathers?" Frank asked abruptly and Susan shrugged in return and rubbed the feather against Frank's ear. Frank jumped and rubbed his ear, "Don't do that again," He warned her and she did a small laugh. She could never be scared of her tiny bean. She will continue to see him as the same little boy he was when their parents... Susan cleared her throat, trying to cover up the lump.

Susan put her feather down and turned her head in the direction of the tiny Professor standing on a stack of books, "One of a Wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation!" He started the lesson and Susan listened closely:

The Professor continued, "Levitation is the ability to make objects fly. Do you all have your feathers?" He asked the class and some of the witches and wizards lifted their feathers. Susan pulled out her wand since it was sticking her in the stomach and some Gryffindor boy next to her named Matt Turner eyed it, "Is that a Crude wand?" Remembering what Ollivander told her about this wand, Susan covered it up with her arm.

She paid more attention to Professor Flitwick. He taught them how to move their wirsts correctly for about ten minutes. Professor Flitwick then pulled out his wand, "Now don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing; the swish and flick. Everyone!" He indicated for them to follow him. They picked up their wands and moved their wrist with him, "Swish and flick!" They said in unison while doing so.

Just finished taking Professor McGonagall who showed no emotion besides strictness, it warmed most of the Gryffindor's hearts seeing Professor Flitwick wipe his proud tears.

"Good! Now enunciate Wingardium Leviosa. Off you go!" He clapped his hands and the students started. Turner adjusted in his seat, feeling prideful about this and went at it, "Wingardium Leviosa!" He chanted with the other students, basically swinging his wand everywhere.

Susan watched him, noting not to do that and sat up in her seat, "Stop! Stop it before you hit me! Stop it, you blockhead!" Dorcas scolded Matt, putting a hand on the boy's wrist, "Keep that up and you'll clock someone in the nose. It's all on the wrist movement," She put her own wand down to help him.

Susan pointed her wand down at the feather in front of her. Ollivander told her this wand only chose the best with potential in DADA. Susan would love to own up to that. She was an embarrassment to her parents enough. Showing herself in DADA would hopefully cover that up.

"Wingardium Leviosa," She chanted, not fully focused thanks to her mind stuck on DADA. Her feather didn't move. She tried again and her feather still didn't move, "What the-" "Wingardium Leviosa," Frank chanted and his feather lifted in the air.

Susan saw it lift in the air as well as Evans', Snape's, and even Potter got his feather up there. The Slytherin's glared at them, nobody on their side got their feathers to lift up except for Snape - but he was sitting on the side full of their enemies. They'd get on him about that later.

"Congratulations Lily, Severus, James and Frank!" Professor Flitwick congratulated them and Susan high-fived Frank who had a big smile on his face.

"You believed in me. You told me not to worry and that I had this. Are you proud?" He asked her and she nodded.

"Very proud," She answered and went back to her own feather.


Susan stood next to Frank against the Hogwarts wall and watched as all of the older years rushed to their next classes.

"When will we move?" Frank asked and Susan continued to watch them, "When there's no more 6th and 7th Years," She answered. Frank sighed and looked down the hall at Remus. The boy put his own books down to help a Hufflepuff pick up their books.

"And why can't we move?" He asked her and Susan held her drawing notebook close to her chest, "Because I don't want to get tumbled over by tall people who are shaped like bulls," She answered and Frank was quick to throw his arms up in surrender, "My bloody bad! I was just asking," He said and they went back to silence.

Frank looked at her, "I'm going to have to get used to this, won't I?" He asked, "Yep!" Susan answered and his head went back to watching the kids, "We're going to be late for class, aren't we?" He asked again, "Yep!" She answered and he nodded slowly.

She laughed a little which made him chuckle before they gripped each other's hand and Susan laid her head down on his shoulder. Frank sure will have to get used to this........

|Thank You For Reading|

Author's Note: Well, this chapter ended fast. I had Frank master it before Susan because I want Frank to be better at Charms than her so she could have another thing to learn from him other than nature. Susan wand is a Crude wand which means she will be better at DADA than him and she will be better at dueling than him. The reason why Sirius asked Susan did she have a Crude wand was because she didn't look like the type that was mean or was good at dueling (yeah, he was basically judging the book by its cover). Susan and Remus both woke up early this morning due to lack of sleep and both thought about doing the same thing: going down to the common room for peace and quiet and to do what they loved. Plus, Remus needed it after sharing a dorm with James, Sirius, Peter and some random dude. This will be a tradition for the two soon and there will be many more chapters to come! We are only in the beginning of First Year and I am trying my best. Remember what I always say: bare with me, okay?

Continuing part 2: But anyways! Let's talk about Susanne's drawing. She was drawing a crying girl eye with a boy and a girl in the pupils. The two was holding hands and the girl was jumping up happy while the boy stood there depressed. This represented Susan and Frank. The crying eye was Susan and she was watching one of her worse fears: her being happy while Frank was sad. Susan only cared about making her brother happy. She didn't care about her happiness or what made her happy. If Frank happiness was to be taken away from him than Susan would lose her mind. But she didn't draw one tear; she drew two. One tear represented her crying for her father, the other one represented her crying for her mother. Here is the drawing:

Susan's drawing:

Extra note: Susan drawings will always connect with her in some way. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and don't forget to give me your feedback on it. We are nowhere near the ending and her journey is yet to come to the finish line. Her and Sirius friendship is always wrote down in my journal and I cannot wait to get it fully type out. Right now both him and James is annoying her to death but she'll soon learn to warm up to them. I'm thinking about having them save her from something in order for her to get close to them. But how I created Susan I know she wouldn't talk them to after they saved her because then she'll believe they only did it for sex (Alfie messed her up bad). Maybe I'll have them save Frank and she'll be eternally grateful. That's what I'll most likely do. Thank you for reading and I apologize for any spelling mistakes.

Question: How do you think Susan and Sirius will friendship will be like?

|Love You All|

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