𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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|It feels so right to be here with you; And now looking in your eyes|
|Now who'd have ever thought that
We'd both be here tonight|

"Dad annoyed mum to death and mum said she never knew the reason why. They had a very interesting friendship and I wish I could of saw how it expanded. But I didn't see it. I heard it. And so are you....." ~Antares "Taylor" Sirius Black

Year: 1971, Scotland, Britain
Setting: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Date: September 1st, Wednesday

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this is, by far, one of my new favorite chapters only because of what i edited. my readers before the editing, remember how the feast originally went? bothering Susan & stuff? Yeah, that's gone. enjoy what ive replaced it with. i surely enjoyed writing it. :)

Susan glanced around at the bewitched sky above them that the others were looking so amazingly at. It was lit by thousands and thousands of candles that were floating in midair over four long tables, where the rest of the students were sitting.

These tables were laid with glittering golden plates and goblets. At the top of the hall was another long table where the teachers were sitting. She walked behind her brother as some red-head and her black-head friend who seemed to have been discussing the matter of her getting Sorted into the Slytherin House was behind her in the straight line Professor McGonagall told them to form.

In front of Frank was the Alice girl - the one skateboarding everywhere while they were shopping in Diagon Alley. Susan overheard her stating her name to McGonagall as she was talking the poor witches ears off. The Alice girl seemed to have been easily conversing with herself and Frank kept whispering to himself about her being crazy. Meanwhile, Susan saw the opportunity as being pleased was she was separated from Sirius and James.

Apparently Sirius had hatred towards her as well. Or maybe he just wanted to bother her because she never gave him the time of day to become his associate. Professor McGonagall led the first years up here, so that they could all come to a halt in a line facing the other students, with the teachers behind them. The hundreds of faces staring at them looked like pale and moon lanterns in the flickering candlelight. The two snickering fools stopped behind Susan as Susan got the feeling they would keep annoying her. She folded her arms and looked back at them, "Can you wankers stop that?" She asked them in a whisper.

Sirius cocked his head at her, "You shouldn't have annoyed me about your stupid name tag then, Susan. I would have given it back if you wasn't so demanding about it," He shot back and Susan took a deep breath. 'Control your anger, Su. Control it and throw it away. You won't be able to control it for long. You do know that right? Can you just shut up and let me be? I'll think about that. No.' Susan hit the side of her head and watched Professor McGonagall silently place a four-legged stool in front of the first years. On top of the stool she put a pointed wizard's hat.

This hat was patched and frayed and extremely dirty. The Professor then scanned around at all of the First Years. Susan made awkward eye contact with some brown-headed boy for about five seconds until the both of them looked away. She hated making eye contact with people. Her uncle forced her to make eye contact with him while gripping her chin and yelling at her:

"Welcome young, welcome old,

I am the Sorting Hat.

I don't protect your head from cold,

I'm more important than that.

No other hat to me can compare

No cap, nor bonnet, nor cover.

To me your thoughts are laid bare

I ascend above all others.

So inside your head I can view

To sort you accordingly.

As you start your Hogwarts year anew,

Your house is up to me.

Maybe you go in Gryffindor

Where bravery is found

If you're valiant, daring, or audacious,

Then you are Gryffindor bound.

Perhaps you belong in Hufflepuff,

With their faithfulness and devotion,

And their untiring forbearance thrives

Hufflepuff would be my notion.

Or maybe sagacious Ravenclaw,

With their scholarly brains

They possess the will to acquire all

Ravenclaw individuals have knowledge to attain.

And finally crafty Slytherin,

Where you have to watch your back

They search for ways to obtain their goals

But many friends you won't lack.

So go ahead, try me on

The famous Sorting Hat,

Lend me your thoughts for a little while,

To set your mind on track."

~The Sorting Hat opening theme song

Some in the hall burst into applause as the hat finished its song. It bowed to each of the four tables and then became quite still again, "When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted!" McGonagall unraveled the parchment and all was quiet, "Erin Ross!" She called out the name loudly and Susan winced a little. She watched as a long haired brunette, who seemed to not have been nervous at all, with brown eyes stepped up and sat down on the stool as if she was used to it.

She looked very excited and was more excited when the Sorting Hat was placed on her head. The Sorting Hat was a sentient hat at Hogwarts that magically determined which of the four school Houses each new student belonged most to. The Sorting Hat originally belonged to Godric Gryffindor, one of the founders of Hogwarts. It normally stays in the Headmaster's office until it was needed. It didn't take long before the Sorting Hat decided which House the brunette belonged in, "GRYFFINDOR!" He boomed loudly and 1/4 of the tables stood up applauding as she jumped down off the stool and smiled widely.

She crossed eyes with Susan who looked away. 'Why am I making eye contact with everyone? Who knows? I sure don't. I know.' Susan thought and rolled her eyes. She waited for the next name to get called, "Davey Gudgeon!" She called next and Susan waited patiently for the lady to call her up. She looked at Frank who was staring at Reñe and smirked a little to herself until he noticed her looking at him. He jumped and turned bright red before turning his attention back to the Sorting Hat.

"You look like a tomato...." She laughed quietly and he told her to shut up, showing that he was clearly embarrassed.


Susan continued to wait for her name to get called as all the other First Years seemed to have had their name's down before hers and Frank, "Sirius Black!" She shouted. Susan looked at him and he looked back at her, "Don't snicker too much," She told him dryly as he eyed her while he made his way onto the stand, "I'll try not to," He responded before taking his seat.

Susan heard many whispers about him getting Sorted into the Slytherin House since he was a part of the Black Family and she heard other whispers about how he'd turn out just like the rest of them. Sirius' expression showcased worry, he was praying to not get Sorted into Slytherin, meanwhile even James looked like he expected Sirius to get Sorted into Slytherin.

Susan never heard much about the Black family but it seemed they were feared. No wonder the Longbottom's wanted to stay on their good side. Susan could only wonder to herself if he was going to get Sorted into the Slytherin House.

She ended up being wrong and so were the others, "GRYFFINDOR!" The Sorting Hat screamed as he basically ran his way over to a clapping James - who looked very proud some might say. Everyone seemed shocked and some of the Slytherin students eyed him weirdly. Susan let out a huff and continued to wait.

"Alice Prewett!" The lady called for the skateboarding girl who took deep breaths before stepping up. One of the older Gryffindor witches clapped when Alice's name was called and gave her this bright smile of comfort.

Alice ended up being Sorted into the Gryffindor House as well. Besides Ravenclaw, it seemed the Gryffindor house was getting everybody. McGonagall continued to move on, "Reñe Li!" She called out and the whispers that were there for Sirius was now there for Reñe.

A random Slytherin wizard stood up to watch the sweet girl get Sorted. Reñe smiled and skipped up to the stool before taking her seat. The Sorting Hat wasn't an inch near her hair before it screamed what house she belonged in, "RAVENCLAW!" It shouted and the Ravenclaw table immediately boomed with excitement.

The Slytherin wizard clapped and sat back down, his eyes of glee never diming.

Frank clapped and congratulated her. Susan could tell her brother was getting worried. Susan saw Reñe send Sirius and James a farewell smile, taking her seat and shaking hands with the people at the Ravenclaw table. 'Why is it taking so long for Frank and I to get Sorted? The best people are always saved for last. You got that right.' Susan thought and let out a huff.

She watched as the Professor continued on, "Mary MacDonald!" She shouted. Upon hearing her name, a brown-eyed brunette witch ended her conversation and slowly walked up the stairs gracefully with elegance, sitting down with this beautiful grin that made this shy boy standing not too far from Susan look down while blushing.

Her eyes showed her soul. They were a deep pool of restless gold, an ocean of hopeless grief. No wonder the boys awed at her. The Hat debated for a while before finally deciding, "HUFFLEPUFF!" It roared and most of the Hufflepuff wizards stood up applauding like crazy. She sent the shy boy the same grin she had imprinted on her face and Susan could have sworn he almost fainted. She huffed impatiently again.

"Lily Evans!" She called out and Susan leaned on Frank. She was getting sleepy. She watched as the red-head took her seat on the stool and was confident with looking at everyone that was staring at her. It didn't take the Hat long before it got her house down, "GRYFFINDOR!" It roared the house name once again. The Gryffindor's clapped and Susan saw Lily send the black-head boy a smile before she sat down at the table and shook hands with James, introducing herself to him and turned her back on Sirius:

The lady didn't stop after Lily was sorted, she kept going. Some of the other students who were already attending Hogwarts had such bored expressions on their faces as they waited for the sorting to be over with, Susan didn't blame them.

She was bored herself and she was one of the kids getting sorted, "Severus Snape!" She called out and that was the same boy Lily sent the farewell smile towards. The boy was Sorted into Slytherin and he looked longingly at Lily but was greeted at his table by an older Prefect.

Susan yawned a little as the next name was called, wishing she was already laying down sleeping, "Remus Lupin!" McGonagall called, an amber-eyed young wizard stepping up to the stool. Susan took notice that he was the boy she was constantly making eye contact with. She did have to admit he was pretty handsome. Immediately shaking her head, Susan cringed at the thought.

Plus, her uncle made it clear to her that no wizard in his right mind would date a disgusting embarrassment.

See - Susan rarely thought about dating. She did once and that Sirius boy came and ruined her thinking. But the times where she did think about somebody loving her made her depressed. Alfie's voice always reminded her that she was ugly, an embarrassment, unloveable, weak, pathetic. He knocked her confidence all the way down to the point where she believed nobody could ever love her.

So, she stopped thinking about getting married; it wasn't going to happen. She stopped thinking about getting proposed to; it wasn't going to happen. She stopped thinking about getting into a relationship with somebody who would make her happy; it wasn't going to happen. She stopped thinking about falling in love; it wasn't going to happen. She stopped thinking about somebody fancying her; it wasn't going to happen.

Alfie broke her emotionally with his words. He made her believe that nobody would see her. He made her believe that if she was to get married than he'll only use her to birth their children, clean the house. He then he reminded her that she was too ugly for anybody to be sexually attracted to her.

And that's the mistake Susan made: she believed him.

"Why are you looking at him like that?" Frank asked her and Susan jumped.

'Snap out of it, Su. Snap out of it. You're slipping today. I know.' She thought but Susan ignored his question. She watched the Remus boy get Sorted into Gryffindor and she was starting to believe that Gryffindor was getting the most witches / wizards. She watched the shy boy, who almost fainted at the fact that MacDonald grinned at him, get called up by the name of Peter Pettigrew and it took about five minutes for him to get sorted into the Gryffindor House.

She let out another huff of impatient-ness and watched Dorcas Meadowes get sorted into Gryffindor as well as Marlene Mckinnon and somebody named Avery got sorted into Slytherin.

She was sure her and Frank name's were the last ones, "Frank Longbottom!" the Professor shouted as Susan saw her brother freeze. She sent him a small smile of encouragement and let his hand go so he could go up there.

He sent her a look of worry but that look went away when she gave him some thumbs up and mouthed 'I'm here for you' towards him. Everyone whispered excitedly about having a Longbottom in their year since the Longbottom's were very respected. Susan's heart began beating. Okay, so, the siblings would be popular. No big deal. No big deal at all. One thing she learned was rudeness can be in your favor. And Susan will own up to that.

The Hat wasted no time Sorting him, "GRYFFINDOR!" He shouted and the Gryffindor table applauded.

Frank stood next to Susan, "I'm going to save you a spot!" He assured her and walked slowly over to the Gryffindor table. He sat down next to the Alice girl and patted the open spot next to him, indicating that she will fill it.

Susan did a slow nod, turning around and wrapping her arms around herself since she didn't have Frank next to her anymore.

She felt that sense of loneliness coming back.

"Susanne Longbottom!" Susan cowered at the sound of her real name and puffed so silently to herself before the butterflies in her stomach started flying around. She felt the soft panic that could grow or fade depending on what she was to do next.

Professor Dumbledore lifted up in his seat just like he did with Frank. Maybe like her brother, she belonged in Gryffindor. He watched as the daughter of Auror Longbottom held her breath and slowly sat down on the stool - not meeting the eyes of anybody. He watched as the daughter of Auror Longbottom closed her eyes to avoid all the other eyes staring at her. He watched as the daughter of Auror Longbottom squeezed both sides of the stool out of nervousness.

Susan squeezed her eyes tightly together and felt her heart beating out of her chest, "Hmmmm. Awe, Susanne Longbottom. Tough one. Tough one indeed. I cannot decide on which house to put you in. I'm sensing a little bit of all four that you seem to not be aware of. There's a thirst to protect inside of you - yes, it's very huge. And in order to protect you will need to be brave. But you also have the knowledge of knowing how to protect and survive inside of you. But you are also fair.....yes, you are very generous. You're kind. You're also a leader. A very strong leader. However, in order to be these you will have to be brave. You will have to be courageous. I have the perfect house for you...." he said, his inching voice creating a pit of vomit in her stomach. Susan felt her heart beating.

It felt like she's been up here forever when in fact it was only a few seconds. She didn't want to get separated from Frank. She wanted to fill that spot next to him.

"GRYFFINDOR!" It roared and the Gryffindor table, along with Dumbledore and McGonagall, applauded. Susan didn't smile but she made her way over to where Frank was seated and sat down next to him.

Alice clapped and smiled at her - as well as the older Gryffindor sitting next to Alice, "Alice Prewett. Nice to meet you fellow lion!" She introduced herself and Susan gave her a small nod. Frank gave her a big hug and she hugged him back.

"I was so scared we were going to get split apart. My heart was beating as soon as your name was called," He said into the hug, reminding Susan of what the sorting hat was telling her. Susan hugged back tightly.

"They could never separate us. Nobody can separate us." She assured him softly and she, once again, made eye contact with the Remus boy. 'I have got to stop this. You really do. Shut up.' She thought and she let Frank go.


While everyone else was munching away on their food, Susan wasn't eating anything but instead watched Frank as she awkwardly kept her mouth shut.

Not only was she not used to eating since she gave Frank all of her food, she has never been around this many people. It was giving her anxiety. Even though her stomach was growling she ignored it and picked at her food, her hand twitching for her to start drawing.

"So, you two are siblings, huh? Heard your last names, bros. Are you twins or something? The Prewett's loves rocking with the Longbottom's, bros. You two don't look alike. Rocking, dudes. Step siblings maybe? I wish I had siblings the same age as me bros," Alice rambled on and waited for Susan or Frank to respond.

A hungry Frank stopped eating before nodding and going back to his food. Susan said nothing, imagining herself sketching a new drawing and mourned for her drawing notebook.

"Are you two not sociable? I can understand, bros. I myself am not that sociable, dudes. Or so I've been tolds before. What about you two? Ever been tolds you're not sociable? I've been tolds before. I think they were jokings but who knows? Not this gal," She asked but Susan answered before Frank could, making Frank know this was not going to be good.

"It's none of your business," She simply stated, going back to being quiet. It did feel as if all of these questions reminded her of their aunt whenever she tried cracking her about sneaking Lanky food after bedding hours.

Plus, Susan knew what happened between Auror, Augusta and Amelia and she didn't want anybody judging them the way Evelyn and Alfie did. She could barely handled Alfie and Evelyn; she knew she wouldn't handle anybody else's judgement about their parents.

She went back to picking at her food as Alice held her hands up showing she meant no harm before laughing it off. Her laugh sounded like a freaking dolphin.

"I can see she's in no good mood. What about you Frank? How about we get to know each other. What do you like to do for fun?" Alice asked him. Frank looked at Alice as if she was an lunatic begging to be freed, "Yeah, uh, not the talking type. Especially to people who talk to themselves," Frank lied and gave her a fake smile.

Alice looked at Susan trying to see if she caught what he said but Susan continued poking at her food, the chatter bringing on an headache for the isolated girl. Frank held her hand under the table before he went back to eating. Alice, on the other hand, turned her back on the both of them and used her talkative mouth to start up a conversation with the 3rd year she was sitting next to.

The 3rd year did not look please.

Susan felt her head pounding. She has never heard so many loud voices all at once - it was causing her to get a harsh headache.

She tried her best to ignore it as she let go of Frank's hand to prevent squeezing it because of the pain, "You're rather talkative, Alice. Maybe tone it down?" The red-head named Lily, who was sitting on the opposing side beside Sirius and James, was evidently annoyed with Alice's loud behavior as the rest of them. First night together and impressions mattered. That's why Susan wanted the impression of being quiet to get around.

Alice took a deep breath and chuckled, now resembling a quiet dolphin, "Dude, this is our first night in HOGWARTS!" She shouted, standing up in her seat and throwing her hands in the air. Susan and Frank embarrassedly ducked as not only the Gryffindor table, but a few others from opposing tables either shused her or eyed her. Lily's face scrunched up.

"And why don't you want the first night to be enjoyable?" the red-head's tone sounded as if she was being conceding towards the girl.

"Yo, is it cause I talked to these two?" Alice shot back, "What? You's want to befriend the Longbottom's like everyone else? I could care less!"

"The correct term is 'I couldn't care less'," Frank bitterly joined in.

Susan stopped tuning out the conversation right then and there. She folded her arms on the table and rested her chin on top of them.

Alice shot him a glare, clearly not liking how signaled out she was right now, "Bloody hell, it doesn't matter! Look Frank and Susanne, I don't care how famous your family is! I'm not kissing ya arse so don't go around-"

"My name is Susan and I suggest you watch your tone if you don't want this dry piece of chicken replacing your dolphin cords," Susan went back to her original position as Frank smugly went back to eating. He knew he didn't have to respond to her raising her voice at him; his sister was here.

Alice's mouth stayed gaped, the girl's mind trying to process how she's being talked to and treated right now. She frantically searched the table for that Gryffindor Prefect earlier who was pleased to see her.

"What's wrong with Susanne?" asked Lily, being caught off guard by Susan's words as well but didn't want anymore problems happening.

Susan irritatedly muttered to herself. Why was everybody so talkative? Why couldn't they all be quiet? Why did they have to ask questions? Why were humans like this? Then there was the Reñe who goes around reading people's minds or whatever. You have this lot talking every millisecond, not knowing how to keep their voices down. Her head was pounding, her heart was racing and she wanted to be in her room drawing. She can't handle this. She can't.

"It's a nickname. I wouldn't mind being called Siri. It's not odd,"

Susan slowly looked up to meet Sirius' eyes. The two didn't have to speak to meet an understanding; the nod from Sirius was enough.

He was there when her name was made fun of.

Lily cleared her throat, "I wasn't talking to you, Black. You have no rights speaking to me after being rude to my friend," Lily scooted away from him to the best of her ability, also trying not to be close to James.

Was this what Frank had to go through all the time? Susan did not want to picture having to be forced into conversation with these people for the rest of the year. She realized she had to build a wall around herself. All she wanted was to walk her path with her brother. Why were they all talkative? Felt the need to talk? Why can't they eat quietly?

She had one person be nice to her before and they ended up kicking her and Frank right back out in the cold. Not to mention that Alfie and Evelyn was nice when they first met them but they turned into complete monsters. Susan wasn't about to fall for the niceness anymore and if she kept ignoring them than maybe they'll leave her alone.

Alice leaned on the table, "Watch your tone, Lily. You sound like a snob," She gave the red-head a fake smile as the older Gryffindor next to her let out a tiny snicker.

Lily was about to say something else but was interrupted.

"Are we aware we have dorm mates? Are we aware we have classes together? Are we aware we have to spend years of our lives together? Come on. This is the first night. Don't make enemies with future family," There was she, the Gryffindor Prefect Alice was frantically searching for. She was standing behind Alice with an expression of disdain and disappointment. Her hand was placed protectively on Alice's shoulder as the salt water building up in Alice's eyes slowly went away.

Lily fixed her posture and frowned, "And are you aware I am not here to make enemies? Excuse my tone, but you do not know me. Your friend here needs to learn table manners. Are you aware of that?" Her flowing hair was removed out of her face as she gave a quiet huff towards the end. James and Sirius shared a look of interest behind her back before watching the confrontation.

The Prefect gave a dry chuckle, "Lily Evans - born 30th January, 1960. Evans? No record in the Wizarding world to my knowledge," the glee in her eyes dimmed as she continued, "Alice is my cousin. You will show her respect. We all have years to grow and learn. Let's not make our future years more harsh because we can't keep our snobbish attitudes to ourselves. If my cousin ever comes to me again and tell me you nearly made her cry, Lily, I will have sent you to Professor McGonagall's office and Filch for detention. Understood?" As she finished, Alice refused to meet anybody's eyes. She fiddled with her hands as Lily stared the Prefect down.

Frank was too busy stuffing his face to say anything. And Susan.... she just didn't want to be bothered. Her head was aching bad and the constant loudness was pissing her off. They wouldn't shut up.

Lily's face stayed unreadable as her fingers danced over each other. The mention of the name Evans not being found in the Wizarding world records nearly had an affect on her expression changing, "Understood..." She answered, her tone being different from before.

The Prefect satisfiedly nodded as she grabbed Alice's hand and made her come sit in her area. Before James spoke, another girl did. She had hair similar to Susan's, although hers was shorter and not as stringy. It was curly, pitch blacked and resembled a small cloud forming after a rainstorm. Her skin was chocolate kissed, as smooth as her voice they would soon be be hearing.

"Threats in authority is another form of weakness. You did nothing wrong, only spoke your mind. She tattled to her cousin in power and ran. Don't feel down. I think you're bloody cool sticking up to a Prefect on your first night," Dorcas explained, giving the ginger a soft smile, showing off her enchanting almond eye shape.

Despite the aching in her head, Susan agreed with the girl. That was a low move from Alice. When you're arguing, stand your ground. Bringing in another party to come to your defense is an automatic loss.

"Bloody brilliant! I might like you!" James chimed in, giving the girl a pat on the back.

About twenty ghosts had streamed through the Great Hall doors. Pearly-white and slightly transparent, they glided across the room talking to one another and hardly glancing at the first years. One of the ghosts, named Nearly Headless Nick, had flew through Lily while she was in thought, making her gasp.

"Bloody shut up!" Susan quietly grumbled, the walls of her head pounding louder by the second. The salt water filling her eyes were quickly wiped as the young girl publicly massaged her temple.

"Ghost? How cute." Marlene said dryly. Dorcas raised an eyebrow towards the other girl's attitude. It's as if she doesn't want to be here.

Frank laid his head on his sister's shoulder while Dorcas was giggling, telling Lily that having a ghost fly through you wasn't so bad. James and Sirius seemed to have been talking about anything.

Susan felt herself feeling a little bit sleepy but the pounding headache was forcing her eyes to stay awake, "Did you get sleep last night, Anne?" Frank asked her and Susan shook her head. She let her head rest on her right palm.

"No, not really. It was hard falling asleep when I knew I was going to finally get away from those people," She answered him. Susan felt her eyes slowly closing but she forced them to open once again.

Frank patted her back out of sympathy as Susan kept her same stone-cold facial expression on.

"Kiss me if I'm wrong but you really need to loosen up a bit. You've been so negative since the boat ride. I thought you'd at least be happy to be here," Sirius, the grey-eyed rat, decided to speak towards her.

Susan wished she had a book so she could search when she asked for his opinion.

She stopped herself from eye rolling and sat up straight, "I'm not kissing you," She told him and Sirius started to smirk a tiny bit,"So I was right. Longbottom girl needs to loosen up and recognize she's about to have the best journey of her life," He told her and Susan's breathing got heavier. He didn't know how her journey was going to go and she didn't want him speaking about her life.

"No, you was not, you rat," She told him and James gasped. He rubbed Sirius' face before hugging him, "Don't listen to her buddy. I love your rat face," James assured him and Sirius looked more offended at him than Susan.

Susan didn't say she was talking about his looks, she just called him a rat.

James laughed and Sirius pushed him away, "Rude!" He told him and Susan hoped that would make him leave her alone, "Oh, cheer up, will you lot? You look angry, you look pissed, you like you're two seconds away from murdering us," James pointed at Marlene, Lily and Susan. All three ignored his statements, mumbling to themselves in response.

"Oi, piss off! You lot belong in a fairytale," Susan replied. Sirius was the first to respond.

"Quiet girl goes bad? New book for the library anyone?" He joked

'You have to keep your cool, Susanne. I hate my full name. I hate hearing it. These people are going to make me kill somebody. Look, just keep your cool and ignore them. Keep your anger down and keep that wall up. You'll be find if you're able to keep these up. You're right. I'm going to have to keep my cool. I'm going to.' Susan sighed to herself.

Susan soon fell asleep minus the pounding headache, the memories of Alfie and Evelyn's treatment flashing through her head, the loudness that surrounded her and the annoying boys that went back to talking loudly to block out Evans' voice.

Boy, she was not mentally prepared to deal with this everyday.


The First Years followed the Prefect's towards their common rooms. Reñe waved to both Susan and Frank as the Ravenclaw's parted ways with their Prefect.

Susan saw the black-head boy staring longingly at Lily as the Slytherins went their own way and Susan knew nobody in Hufflepuff so they didn't matter.

She gripped Frank's hand as they made their way up the stairs, "Keep watch of the staircase! Peeves likes to move them. He can be a bit tricky to first years," The Gryffindor Prefect, the same Gryffindor who threatened Lily for Alice, told them and everyone admired the portraits.

Frank waved at one of the ladies in the portraits and smiled too hard when they waved back, "Oi, Longbottom girl. You was just getting checked out. Did you know that?" Sirius told Susan playfully when him and James passed her and Frank on the stairs. She pushed Alfie's voice out of her head and squinted her eyes at him.

"By whom? You?" She shot back and Frank choked on his spit. Lily only shook her head and kept walking whereas Sirius looked at Susan like he wanted to kill her. Like he'd ever check her out. Susan shrugged and continued to follow all of the students.

Frank looked at his sister, "I'm sensing some fancying going on. I wouldn't be shocked if my senses were correct," He asked her and she flicked him on the arm, "Yep, because surely eleven year olds even know what the word dating means. Quick question though: do you fancy Reñe? I sense you do. I wouldn't be shocked if my senses were correct." She asked him and he shut up immediately.

Susan contained her guffaw, "Like I thought," She said and looked back at him before continuing their journey. Her? Like him?

He must be out of his mind......

|Thank You For Reading|

y'all im not lying when i say i enjoyed rewriting this chapter, especially the eating scene. i just set up a lot of character development, plot and awing moments for friendships to form. also, awing moments for jily. frank & alice as well.

see you next rewrite!

|Love You All|

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