𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞

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|All my life been running from a pain in me|
|Cause fear in itself will reel you in and spit you out|

"The hard thing about leaving people who has been with you most of your life is trying to forget them. That was the case with my mom when she started her Hogwarts journey....." ~Antares "Taylor" Sirius Black

Year: 1971, Scotland, Britain
Setting: Arrival at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Date: September 1st, Wednesday

• • • • • • • • • •

Susan put Frank's nature book on top of her drawing notebook and stood up as she felt the train come to a stop. She had to admit her stomach was doing all types of flips. She wasn't going to be alone anymore. She was going to a castle with hundreds of witches and wizards. And she was going to stay there for four months before going on break.

"Are you okay, Justice?" She asked him and he nodded. The nickname Susan created for Frank came from the fact that he pretty much talked about justice for abused children a lot. Susan didn't mind it at all, matter of fact, she enjoyed listening to him talk about justice non-stop. Anything her little brother was passionate about, Susan did not mind hearing about it. She helped her little brother up and let out a sigh, "Are you sure you're alright? I mean a lot of kids are going to be here. Teenagers as well. You can chicken out now if you want to," Susan asked him and Frank looked down for a bit before nodding.

"I'm fine, Anne. I think I'm the one that should be asking," Frank joked and Susan gave him an worried expression but laughed it off.

"Are you sure, Justice?" Susan asked him and he once again nodded. Susan grabbed his hand, aside from the fact that she knew he had to be lying, and swung open the compartment door. They were about to step out but three people sped past them, nearly knocking them back in.

Susan was shocked whereas Frank gasped with excitement, "That was Reñe! My Reñe! And that Black boy with... well, I don't know who that other boy was!" Frank exclaimed and Susan let out another breath that was stuck in her throat. Right. They're attending school with that boy, too.

It didn't cross her mind that she was going to have to see the grey-eyed boy at this school. Eavesdropping in conversations about Hogwarts, Susan never heard Walburga mention Sirius. Evelyn mentioned her and Frank, but Walburga normally talked about Regulus. She stepped outside the compartment first, "The Reñe girl that you fancy?" She teased him, trying to calm her nerves. Frank rolled his eyes at his older sister. Susan was well fond of Frank's 'obsession' over the "beautiful Reñe Li" in his words.

The two siblings made their way out of their compartment and Frank nudged Susan, "And we also saw the Black boy that was caught in your bedroom. I'm not the only one that's fancying people," He replied and Susan stopped, giving him a serious look. Her fancying that boy? Not even his grey eyes could make her say 'yes' to him, "Justice, that boy got me into a beaten. Well, I got myself into a beaten," She muttered the last part and Frank said nothing but instead wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close.

Susan's been struggling with her emotions terribly. One moment the poor girl felt empty then another moment she felt so angry. They were tearing her apart and Susan was far too broken for anyone to come put her together. Some days she wanted to scream out in agony pain and just cry all night long but Susan refused to. She refused to cry and she refused to let Evelyn get the satisfaction of seeing her cry. She refused to. Susan learned a real lesson when she cried in front of Evelyn and she knew that she would stop herself from crying again:

"Cry like the little weak girl you are. Your mother would be so disappointed in you, you whore. You really are a weak embarrassment to the family. Nothing satisfies me more than seeing the 'tough' girl cry. Cry all you want to. It'll prove how fragile you really are. Cry all you want to. It'll only make me laugh more and smile harder." Evelyn Longbottom, 1971

Susan knew that Evelyn was one of the vile people her mind warned her about and Susan knew there was more vile people out there in the world just like Evelyn.

She knew she'll run into those vile people and she was going to find some way to keep Frank away from them at all cost. She surely learned how to handle them telling from how she's been dealing with Evelyn for seven years but she knew Frank couldn't handle them and she wasn't going to test him to see if he could, "What House do you think you'll get sorted into? I see you as a Gryffindor, Anne," Frank changed the subject and Susan was eternally grateful that he did.

The two stepped off the Hogwarts train together and Susan shrugged, "I really don't know. There's Gryffindor: known for bravery. There's Slytherin: known for their cunning ways. There's Ravenclaw: known for their intelligence. And there's Hufflepuff: known for fairness," Susan thought out loud. 'But which house will I belong in? Susanne, you're brave enough to stand up for your brother. You're intelligent enough to survive in the real world. As for being a Hufflepuff, well that'll be an option. You're fair. I've never been in a situation where I had to be fair. I have never been in a situation where I had to be kind. And I told you to stop calling me Susanne. Well, it's between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor for you. I don't care. As long as I'm not separated from my brother.' Susan thought and that caused her to link arms with Frank.

It didn't matter what house the black-head was sorted into, as long as she had her little brother by her side.

"Firs' years! Firs' years over here!" an unfamiliar voice called for a group of students around Susan's age. Susan and Frank stood in the mist of the crowded First Years that were surrounding the 8-foot-something man in front of them.

Frank didn't notice the gigantic man since he was too busy looking at Reñe who was putting what looked like an drawing back in the grey-eyed boy's robe pocket while the boy next to him nudged him teasingly. He had no idea what was going on with the three but he was a little bit curious about what they were doing.

Plus, drawings always reminded him of Susan.

"Justice, you doing alright over there?" Susan snapped her younger brother out of his daze. Her eyes traced where his gaze stopped at and a tiny smirked formed its way onto her lips. 'Susanne, you will have to find out more about this girl. Protect your brother at all cost. See why he fancies her. Nah! I think I know that. And I hate my name so don't call me Susanne. It's Susan. You keep telling yourself that. Shut up. Just shut up.' Susan thought and hit the side of her head before shaking it. She let out a huff and stared at the hairy beast that stood before them.

"Do you think he'll eat us?" Frank whispered and they both cocked their heads to the side. 'No, he's not going to eat you two. Go away. How can your second voice go away? I'm stuck in your mind. Shut up.' Susan thought and hit the side of her head.

Anyone who found out Susan had a second voice in her head would call her crazy. But being in the house with Evelyn and Alfie without being able to draw was enough to make her crazy. That's when the second voice came in and it stuck with her since then. Her mind then raced back to the beast in front if them. Boy how Evelyn would freak out:

Susan also noted to try her best not to think about Evelyn nor Alfie while they were here but that was going to be impossible to do telling from how they've spent seven years with the vile witch and wizard.

Susan wasn't exactly nervous about coming to Hogwarts --- okay, yes she was. But Susan was relieved when she got her letter and was more relieved when Frank got his letter also. They spent the night in his bedroom playing around because they were so glad to get away from their aunt and uncle.

Susan kept her arms linked with Frank's as they walked with all of the other First Years while following the big hairy man that introduced himself as Hagrid when everyone circled around him, "Do you think we'll have to go back to them if we do something bad?" Frank asked her out of fear and Susan shushed him. If it was one thing she made sure to do was to make sure her brother did not fear them.

Of course it was hard because they were abusing his older sister but Susan tried to keep Frank from seeing it as best as she could. She hate the thought of not being able to protect him and she hate the thought of him actually fearing those monsters. It was just simply her sister instincts kicking in.

Just like her sister instincts is telling her to become friends with the Reñe girl so she could make sure her brother won't get heart-broken. Like it was said before, it was suppose to be Frank protecting her but instead Susan always protects him.

Their brother-sister relationship was a little bit complicated.

"C'mon, follow me -- any more firs' years? Mind yer step, now! Firs' years follow me!" Hagrid shouted again and Susan made sure to pull Frank away from any shoving First Year that couldn't contain their excitement.

Susan wanted to protect Frank all the time and stop him from stressing over her. Frank wanted to protect his older sister and got frustrated everytime she would stop him from trying protecting her. They both wanted to protect each other but only one of them actually could while the other one at least tried to. Frank has been showing some signs that he wanted to murder their aunt and uncle. He's been tired of what they've been doing to his sister for the longest and he's tired of her trying to shield him away from it.

Frank wasn't little and naive anymore. He was growing up as well as Susan and Susan couldn't keep him from the real world for long. Frank isn't really prepared for the real world since his sister kept him naive towards it. But Susan's intentions was and still are good. There's nothing wrong with wanting to protect your little brother. Especially when he's all that you have. She would lose her mind if something was to happen to Frank and that's what Susan is trying to keep from happening.

Following Hagrid wasn't easy and it was getting in the way of her thoughts. Slipping and stumbling, they followed Hagrid down what seemed to be a steep, narrow path. It was quiet except for the tiny whispers that came from those who were discussing what their families did at Hogwarts. Susan and Frank kept their arms linked together while they looked at all the boats to get on.

"Do you think they use magic to carry all of our trunks off the train?" Frank asked her and Susan did a small shrug. All she knew was that she really did not want to share a boat with anyone just in case they tried to make conversation with her and she was not up for it. Susan kept searching with her eyes but felt herself getting jerked back by her excited brother, who's arm was still linked with hers, who was basically sprinting towards the Reñe girl and Susan had to slow him down before he bumped into somebody and she'd have to kill them.

It was already a hard path to get down and he wasn't helping, "Justice! Calm down!" She exclaimed but Frank continued to run until he reached Reñe who was calling for him. Frank was about to hug her but stopped himself, "Hi, Reñe! I was looking for you! Reñe, this is my older sister. I told you a lot about her. Reñe, meet Anne. Anne, meet Reñe!" Frank introduced them but Susan just stared at them. She wasn't too thrilled with the grey-eyed boy.

Him and his friend? whispered among each other while looking at Frank. Susan raised an eyebrow, "Do you two have something to say?" She asked them, ignoring the hatred she already had for the grey-eyed boy. Not to mention she was ignoring looking into his eyes as well. They stopped whispering. Reñe stopped talking to Frank and grabbed on the grey-eyed boy's arm, "This is my cousin Sirius, Susan! And this is his buddy James. They met on the train and already made two people mad. But don't worry, James said it was an accident," She said with her bright smile that Susan barely saw.

James rolled his eyes. Susan looked James up and down before she tapped Frank, "We have to-" she was cut off by Hagrid walking over to the five of them. Reñe quickly hid behind Sirius when they saw the tall figure coming their way in the dark and Susan stood proudly in front of Frank, "Yeh lot ought ter catch up. Yeh almos' got lef'," he told them and Susan grabbed her brother who suggested they go with Reñe 'em.

Susan sighed, "Sure, Justice. We can go with them." "Ooooh!" everyone exclaimed at the same time she had given into her brother's demand. Susan didn't have to ask why they oohed. The narrow path had opened suddenly onto the edge of a great black lake. Perched atop a high mountain on the other side, its windows sparkling in the starry sky, was a vast castle with many turrets and towers.

"No more'n four to a boat!" Hagrid called, pointing to a fleet of little boats sitting in the water by the shore, "Come, Justice, we won't be able to sit on the same boat if we go with those three," She told him. Frank looked very sad at the fact and Reñe noticed, "Sirius, my friend wants to share the same floaty thingy with me. Would you mind taking another floaty thingy?" Reñe asked, causing the grey-eyed boy to frown, "Yes, I would mind! One more wouldn't kill that big beast," and with that the grey-eyed boy grabbed James by the arm and pulled him to a boat. Reñe didn't argue, instead she looked down before following behind him.

Frank pulled Susan to the same boat, "I'm not one to break the rules but anything to stay close with Reñe," Susan heard Frank tell himself and she stopped herself from rolling her eyes. She hoped that if she was to ever fancy somebody she wouldn't mindlessly step out of character just to be with them all time. She had to stay true to herself... well, stay true to whomever she was at least.

"Everyone in?" shouted Hagrid, who had a boat to himself, "Right then -- FORWARD!" And the fleet of little boats moved off all at once, gliding across the lake, which was as smooth as glass. Everyone was silent, staring up at the great castle overhead. It towered over them as they sailed nearer and nearer to the cliff on which it stood.

Susan grabbed the lantern that was inside of it as her and Frank were the two in front. The boats could only fit four people but apparently the three in the back made it work. Frank asked Susan if he could hold the lantern and she gave it to him and started to look over her drawings in the dark. Frank turned his head around, "What house do you expect to be in?" He asked Reñe, and James let out a loud groan. Susan turned her head around but turned back around. Reñe elbowed James but he only pushed her into Sirius, almost knocking him out of the boat.

"The last two people who asked us that question got angry at us for no reason," James informed them and Reñe folded her arms before shaking her head, "Apparently him and Sirius insulted the poor boy. I saw the pretty red-head walking out of their compartment and she was furious. Insulting somebody you just met is wrong. Imagine the impression you could have given off. Or imagine if that poor boy has insecurity problems and you two did not help him. This is one of the reasons why I fear talking to people. You two were being mean," Reñe said in her sweet tone and Susan tried ignoring the conversation.

Reñe then continued, "But aside from the mess they have created, I expect to get sorted into whatever house I am chosen for," She answered and Sirius face-palmed. James stared at Susan for a while, "Drawing in the dark? And I expect to sorted into Gryffindor like my father. Is that a problem?" He asked Frank and Susan turned around quickly. 'Did he just ask my brother if he had a problem? Protective sister mode engage. You damn skippy.' Susan thought as Frank jumped a little from his sister's sudden motion. Reñe and Sirius leaned back a little and James gripped on to Reñe's robe, "Did you just ask Frank if he had a problem?" She asked him and Reñe smiled a little.

A sweet smile at that, "She's getting protective over him. She does not play about her little brother," She said and Susan looked at her. 'Why is she talking? I don't know but her accent is weird. I never heard anyone with that accent before.' Susan thought and Reñe continued to smile, "I am talking because I can, Susan. And I was born in Italy. My accent is nice to say the least," Reñe answered and Susan was freaked out a bit. If it was one thing Susan never did was think aloud so unless Reñe was some type of physic than she should have been clueless on what Susan was thinking.

Sirius snickered a little at how freaked out Susan looked and James was just as confused as Frank. Reñe looked around at the group, "Did I say something wrong? I apologize if I did. I just thought we were getting to know each other," She said and pulled out a book and turned it upside down to read. 'Okay, how did her and Frank become friends?' Susan thought and Reñe answered.

"Because I'm very friendly. I am also considered odd so he found me interesting," Susan blinked a few times before Sirius started snickering again.

James raised his hand, "Can someone tell me what is going on?" He asked them and Sirius tapped him from behind Reñe's back before whispering to him what she was. Susan only turned around and turned Frank around with her. She stayed silent the rest of the time and Frank was used to Reñe so it didn't bother him at all.

'So, nobody is going to talk about how she was reading my thoughts? That's creepy. And I usually like creepy. You're going to have to look into it when you make it to Hogwarts. The only thing I want to look into is my drawing notebook. Do you really want this girl reading your thoughts? Especially when you're going to be surrounded by alot of kids that will get on your nerves? Do you really want to take that risk? You know what, you're right. I'll find time to look into it.' Susan thought and Reñe agreed that she should look into it.

Susan gasped silently and heard the grey-eyed boy snickering again. She got tired of him snickering and threw her name tag at him and he caught it, "Rude," Sirius nonchalantly stated.

Susan glared at him before holding her hand out for him to give it back. He refused to since she threw it at him and Frank was about to jump in but James pointed out the Hogwarts castle, making Frank awe in amazement. "Heads down!" yelled Hagrid as the first year boats reached the cliff; they all bent their heads and the little boats carried them through a curtain of ivy that hid a wide opening in the cliff face. They were carried along a dark tunnel, which seemed to be taking them right underneath the castle, until they reached a kind of underground harbor, where they clambered out onto rocks and pebbles.

Susan stared at the grey-eyed boy. She didn't exactly know him but she knew she gave him one of her drawings for his birthday. She also knew that he enjoyed seeing her tossing a glass at his mother when she was raging out. She also knew she regretted not confessing to him what was happening to her after he left because she could have actually met somebody like her. But that was long ago and Susan gave up on meeting somebody like her. She gave up on wondering if she would ever feel loved. She gave up on wondering if she'll get happiness. It was clear that Susan life was meant to have nothing but pain in it and Susan had to accept that.

"Give me my name tag," Susan told Sirius and he waved it up half-way in the air for her to see before he put it in his robe pocket with a drawing in it. Susan did not know what irritated her more: the fact that he was pissing her off so easily and she had to control it or the fact that the Reñe girl was reading in the dark which can cause her eyesight to mess up. Susan sent one last glare at Sirius before turning back around and staring at the huge castle that was getting close to huger the more they got to it, "We're almost there," Frank smiled widely and Susan nodded.

They wouldn't have to worry about Evelyn nor Alfie for a long time.....

|Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry|

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is the British wizarding school, located in the Scottish Highlands. It takes students from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and also the Republic of Ireland.

Susan caught up with a fast-walking Sirius who was telling James more about himself. Frank trailed behind his sister in amazement still, "Can I have my name tag back before I get in trouble? I don't want any of these adults talking to me," Susan asked him when she finally caught up him in the mist of students. She hasn't spoken to him in years and this being their second time speaking wasn't starting off too well.

She already had plans of avoiding him, this was just helping those plans. Sirius shook his head, "Why?" She asked for an explanation. They walked up a flight of stone steps and crowded around the huge, oak front door, "Are you going to apologize, Longbottom girl?" He asked her and Susan scoffed. 'Me? Apologize? I don't apologize. It reminds of --- don't think about Evelyn. Don't think about her. I'm trying not to! He's making me think about her! He's a curse!' Susan thought and she shook her head. Sirius mocked her scoffed.

"Then you're not getting it back. Sorry not sorry. Although, I'm not shocked. Throwing things is in your nature," He told her. Hagrid raised a gigantic fist and knocked three times on the castle door. Susan frowned at what he said.

Was he hinting at her lashing out during one of their parties?

"Give me my name tag back," She demanded, ignoring that last statement, "Apologize," Sirius responded, "No," Susan shot back. He wasn't about to make her do something she didn't want to do, "Than no to giving it back. We can go all day, Susan," Sirius told her, "And I got all day, Sirius," Susan responded, stepping up to him but Frank pulled her back and James shushed Sirius. Frank was definitely going to tease her for this. He most definitely was.

The door swung open at once. A tall, black-haired witch in emerald-green robes stood there. She had a very stern face and her look reminded Susan of how Evelyn would look at her when she knocked Susan down. The look made Susan shiver and Frank linked their arms together, "The firs' years, Professor McGonagall," Hagird told the professor, "Thank you, Hagrid. I will take them from here," She responded.

She pulled the door wide opened. The entrance hall was big and the stone walls were lit with flaming torches like the ones at Gringotts, the ceiling was too high to make out, and a magnificent marble staircase facing them led to the upper floors. They followed Professor McGonagall across the flagged stone floor. Susan could hear the drone of hundreds of voices from a doorway to the right -- the rest of the school must already be here -- but Professor McGonagall showed the first years into a small, empty chamber off the hall. They crowded in, standing rather closer together than they would usually have done, peering about nervously.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. Shortly, you'll pass through these doors and join your classmates. But before you take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses," She said and Susan mind went back to wondering what house she could possibly be put in. Any house was find by her as long as she didn't get separated from Frank. They always did find a way to come back to each other if separated.

"They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory, and spend free time in your house common room," She informed the students. Out of the corner of Susan's right eye she saw Sirius shift uncomfortably at the mention of Slytherin but said nothing and only continued to pay attention, "While you're here, your house will be your family. Your triumphs will earn you points. Any rule-breaking and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup. Sorting ceremony will began monetarily," She finished and walked off.

Gryffindor was one of the four Houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, founded by Godric Gryffindor. Godric instructed the Sorting Hat to choose a few particular characteristics he most values. Such character traits of students Sorted into Gryffindor are courage, chivalry, and determination. The emblematic animal is a lion, and its colours are scarlet and gold. Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, also known as "Nearly Headless Nick" is the house ghost.

Slytherin was one of the four Houses at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, founded by Salazar Slytherin. In establishing the house, Salazar instructed the Sorting Hat to pick students who had a few particular characteristics he most valued. Those characteristics included: cunning, resourcefulness, and ambition. Many Slytherin students tend to clique together, often acquiring leaders, which further exemplifies Slytherin's ambitious qualities.

Ravenclaw was one of the four Houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Its founder was a medieval witch Rowena Ravenclaw. Members of this house are characterised by their wit, learning, and wisdom. The emblematic animal symbol is an eagle, and blue and bronze are its colours. The Head of Ravenclaw is Professor Nealy and the house ghost is the Grey Lady, otherwise known as Helena Ravenclaw.

Hufflepuff was one of the four Houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Its founder was the medieval witch Helga Hufflepuff. Hufflepuff is the most inclusive among the four houses; valuing hard work, dedication, patience, loyalty, and fair play rather than a particular aptitude in its members. The emblematic animal is a badger, and yellow and black are its colours. The Head of Hufflepuff is Professor Throne and the Fat Friar is the House's patron ghost.

Susan immediately spinned around to face Sirius, "Give me my name tag back and I swear I won't knock you out," She started it once again but he ignored her and only listened to James describe how well his father was in Gryffindor.

Susan looked back at Frank talking to Reñe who was staring up at the ceiling while making doodling noises. She decided to handle her own battle like she always did. She reached in his robe pocket to take it herself but he grabbed her wrist and gave her a 'really?' look before letting it go, "Why can't you just give it back? You're irritating me, stranger. Is it fun picking at me? We're not that close to where you're allowed to do that," Susan told him truthfully. This is one of the main reasons she doesn't talk to other humans. She's only used to talking to her brother, her aunt and uncle shielded her away from people, and when she was forced to talk to somebody they irritated her.

She only had one conversation with him and it didn't end well. She wasn't even sure what the full conversation was about. Susan was a very complicated girl to understand but that's only because of what she's been through. She can't really control her emotions and there are times when she feels like she doesn't have any emotions. Then there's this voice stuck inside of her head that came while she was fastly whispering to herself in the corner.

Evelyn was driving the girl crazy and not being able to draw made her insane.

Then there's how she wants to protect her little brother like she's been doing for years but at the same time the voice is telling her that she will have to let him fly on his own. But Susan didn't want to let Frank fly on his own. It's like a mother not wanting to let her baby go after nurturing them for so long. Susan watched her brother get older and at times she felt like crying because she still saw him as what he was when their parents died: a little boy.

Susan got so used to taking beatens for him and protecting him that it never crossed her mind that he won't need her anymore. Especially now that they're in Hogwarts.

And that's when it hit Susan: she's afraid of him leaving her.

You do have to be honest, once somebody doesn't need you anymore they leave. It's like you tutoring someone and you get attached to them but once they understand the subject they won't need you. They've basically mastered it and all of that tutoring might have helped them but they no longer need your help. So either they will leave or you will have to leave.

And that's what Susan fears the most: Frank leaving her.

But that's normal, right? Susan never told Frank this and it was hard for Susan to believe this herself..... but she had trust issues. And the trust issues came from her parents.

After all, she trusted them when they always told her that they would be there. She also trusted their aunt and uncle, while they were faking their niceness when they first met them, when they said they would comfort them in their time of need and take care of them. She trusted Augusta when Augusta used to tell them that if anything was to happen to their parents than they should come to her. Look at how her trusting them turned out: parents were murdered and left her, aunt and uncle abused her and are driving her insane, Augusta dropped them off at the abusers house and they never saw her again. Susan has complete trust issues and she was always so afraid of leaving Frank alone because he could have easily ran off and left her. It may sound stupid to some but put yourself in her shoes and just think about it.

The two people she trusted and loved the most left her. The two nice people who she thought would care for her and her little brother left her and they turned into monsters. The woman who was suppose to step in and be a mother to them left her.

All Susan had was Frank and her drawings. She fears that Frank will leave her like how everybody else did. She feared that he wouldn't need her anymore and she feared letting him go because she couldn't risk the harsh side of the world getting to him. She was only trying to do her job as big sister and she's gotten used to that job.

So, it didn't matter what house she would be in. As long as Frank wouldn't leave her.

"I'm not playing with you, Sirius. I want my name tag back," She told him and Sirius rolled his eyes. James laughed a little. "He's going to give it back once you apologize for throwing it at him. It's simple and fair. You apologize and he gives it back. It's that simple," James told her and Susan winced at the word 'apologize'. She once apologized to Evelyn for Frank being his clumsy self and knocking over her China.

Evelyn ended up beating her and told her apologizing was for weak people who was too fragile for the world. Susan took her words to the heart and has been afraid to apologize since then because it always triggered that memory.

So, like said before, Susan had a reason behind everything she does or does not do.

Susan glared at James, "Why can't he just give it back? It's not his name tag and I have to wear it or else I'm going to get in trouble," She responded and James looked at Sirius for an answer, "We're not close at all," Sirius finally said before tossing her name tag back to her.

That sentence right there made Susan think about how depressed she was after he left her bedroom because she thought she had lost the chance to have an actual friend. Boy she surely didn't want to be around him if he was going to be triggering memories.

"Happy?" He asked her and Susan glare went away but was replaced with an emotionless face. 'I don't know what the definition of happy means.' She thought stubbornly before turning back around. Frank stopped talking to Reñe and nudged her, "Ignore him, Anne. It'll make you feel better," He told her and Susan nodded slowly and rubbed her ribcage. That was the exact rib Evelyn cracked when she was beating her for apologizing.

All she did was apologize and it resulted into her rib getting cracked. All she did was apologize and it resulted into her head getting slammed against the wall.

All it took was that apology for her to bring out that monster. Well, Evelyn, your words always spoke louder than your actions to Susan.

And your words will cause Susan to change into her actions in the future.......

|Thank You For Reading|

Authors Note: This was not my best chapter that I've done and I could've did Reñe better than I did but I at least tried in this. In this you found out that sleepy me made Sirius 'take' Susan's name tag and he wouldn't give it back not because he wanted her to apologize, because he wanted to pick at her, you know? Plus, she did throw her name tag at him and he was 'punishing' her for doing so 😏😏😏 You'll understand what I meant in future chapters 😏😏😏 Aside from that, you aka my beautiful / handsome readers learned that Susan had trust issues all along. Why didn't I do a chapter on this? Well, it's simply just the same as why I didn't do a chapter on how Susan got her nickname for Frank: I'm- *Marilyn Monroe singing voice* -laaaazy. But for real, in the future I'll probably do chapters on her trust issues and how she gained her nickname for him. I wanted to have each of her backstory chapters meaningful and I think those two chapters would be meaningful, you know? But until then, I'm going to be-*Marilyn Monroe singing voice*-laaaazy :). But anyways! Next chapter will be her Sorting and next chapter will be where the chapters begins! I did my research, I'm a researcher, and found out that nobody knows who was the Head of the houses during The Marauders Era so I had to come up with my own two Professors. I'm trying here so bare with me, okay?

Continuing part 2: Other than that, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and whatnot. You also found out that Susan fears Frank leaving her and I clearly explained the reason why in this chapter. I mean, Susan was basically like a mother to Frank more than an older sister. She fed him, she starved herself to death for him, she froze in the cold for him, she took care of him when he was sick, she knew what to do when he had his anxiety attack, she kept him happy, she tried her best to protect him from the sad reality he was in, she cared for him, she kept him from crying, she stayed all the way up until morning just to make sure he didn't have any nightmares, she took beatens for him when he did something, she kept him away from danger, she almost died for him multiple times, she taught him lessons, she almost was burnt to death in that forest, luckily that dog came and she's loved dogs since then, for him, she took care of him, etc. Frank depended on his older sister and she somewhat depended on him. She feared him leaving her and him not needing her anymore. It might sound complicated but Susan is a complicated witch if you can't tell. But anyways, I hope that you all enjoyed and thank you so much for reading.

Question: What are your thoughts on Susan being afraid of Frank leaving her? Why?

|Love You All|

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