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|You hold your child as tight as you can and push away the unimaginable|
|We push away what we can never understand. We push away the unimaginable|

"You know her name, not her story. You've heard about what she's done, not what she's been through. So before you're quick to judge her, how about you listen? Listen to me as I tell my mum's story. The Story of Suzin Black......" ~Antares "Taylor" Sirius Black

Year: 1968, London, Britain
Setting: The Longbottom Palace


This was all the Half-blooded girl felt since she's been living with her 'family.' They weren't family, they were 'those people' in her mumbling words. What did she do to deserve this slap? What happened that led to this slap?


She hasn't done anything to deserve her beatings, her starvation, or her servant treatment. But she puts up with it all for one good reason: Frank Brian Longbottom. She took every beating for him; she fed him more times than she fed herself; she made sure he was put away so he wouldn't witness what his sister went through. Her brother gained clumsiness after living here for some time so she had to watch his every move or else she'd be taking another hit for him.

Just like other times, Frank made the simple mistake of dropping the plate with his shaky hands - he had some horrid anxious ways - and, once again, Susan begged them to let her take the punishment while he stayed locked away in his bedroom. Susan bruised easily but she didn't care as long as her brother was safe away from their aunt Evelyn and uncle Alfie's beatings.

Frank always covered his ears to block out the sound of his sister's screams, and, as rare as this was, he tried saving her. He gained anxiety over the past three years and his nervous system was a mess because of them. Susan found herself bruised while trying to calm her brother down before he had another panic attack. All Susan has been doing over these past years of living here with them was protecting her little brother, keeping him from any danger, and taking care of him.

Her entire life so far has been wrapped up around Frank.

Not once have they ever laid one finger on him and Susan wants it to stay that way. She knew that if it stayed like this than they would be fine. She was going to make sure they will forever stay fine.

Susan protects her brother everyday, 24 hours straight. She has this weird desire of making sure not even a bug landed on him incorrectly or else it'll get the angry side of her - and she hasn't explored that side.

Even though that particular night on October 21st, 1965 had ended with Auror telling Frank to protect his sister, it has been the other way around for the past three years. Was it a breeze? No, it wasn't. Susan flinched in her sleep and woke up screaming at times. Frank always held his sister in her sleep and most times they slept in the same bed due to her nightmares.

Her being scared always made him scared.

"YOU'RE SUPPOSE TO BE IN CHARGE OF WHAT HE DOES!" Her aunt screamed at her when she hit her head on the hard cold floor, feeling like twenty migraines just pounced at her brain. Susan groaned and held the back of her head. She sat up with her elbows stilled propped on the floor, "He didn't mean it. He's just shaky most times-" she started but was cut off by two kicks aimed at her ribcage, causing all the breath to leave her body, leaving her gasping for air like a fish out of water.

Her eyes watered as she heard a quiet gasp. 'No. He's not suppose to be in here.' Susan thought and got on her hands and knees. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Frank standing at the door way with widen eyes while holding the teddy bear she had stolen for him on his birthday: September 7th.

Their aunt Evelyn and uncle Alfie never let her have any galleons, heck they barely fed her. Susan saw how her brother looked at the teddy bear while they were walking by the store and she promised herself to give it to him one way or another. Susan grunted and weakly got up. She would never look or seem weak in front of her brother.


"That didn't hurt," She forced out behind gritted teeth and Evelyn scoffed. "Oh? Bold? You'll regret that," She responded and before she could back-hand her, Susan took off, fighting the pain, and grabbed Frank's hand on her way out.

Frank ran with his sister to his bedroom and the older sibling locked his door once they got it closed. She felt throbbing in her sides and clenched the side of her ribs. Susan's ribs felt as though they had been flash-burned with acid from the inside.

"Ow!" she exclaimed, feeling another sharp pain. Susan fell on the floor and clutched her sides, "Anne!" Frank screamed with worry and bent down to check on her, "Are you okay?" he sniffed. Before she could reply with a lie, both siblings jumped when they heard the loud sound of beating on his bedroom door. Susan stood up, ignoring the pains, ready to defend her little brother.

There was no way that evil witch was laying a finger on Frank and best believe Susan will make sure of that.

"YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF- OPEN THE DOOR! OPEN IT RIGHT NOW, YOU MONKEY!" Her aunt screamed. The banging on the door stopped for a quick second, making the siblings believe she gave up.

"Alohomora," an enchanted spell was casted a bit after the silence. It was then afterwards that the door burst opened causing the young boy to shiver in fear. Susan gripped her brother. Evelyn did an evil chuckle before making her way over to them, "Look at you... holding on to your brother for safety. You're just like that pathetic monkey of a mother of yours. Weak, gross, leeches," their aunt told Susan as Frank cowered in fear. Susan started to panic, "FRANK RUN!" She screamed and she didn't have to tell him twice before he dashed out of his bedroom.

His aunt couldn't get ahold of him and ended up falling face first, "I'm going to let Alfie deal with you, you disgusting Halfblooded bitch!" She spat her at. Uncle Alfie was their father's prejudice pure-blooded brother. He hated their father purely because he married a Muggle and brought "shame" to their family's name. That's why they hated Susan. She's the outcome of their father sleeping with Amelia and it causes her to be a half-blood whereas Frank was a pure-blood.

Half-blood was the term commonly given to wizards and witches who had known Muggle or Muggle-born parents or grandparents. Muggles were non-magic people. It was very uncommon for Half-bloods to be born during the 60s in the Wizarding World because everyone stayed in their Pure-blooded heritage. Having a half-blood in the family would be considered humiliation and embarrassment. Pure-blood was the term for wizards and witches who claim to have no Muggle or Muggle-borns in their family tree. Muggle-borns were wizards / witches who had Muggles as parents but still ended up being magical. However, when traced back far enough, nearly every family tree had some non-magical ancestors. But this wasn't the case in the 60s. Either you were a Pure-blood wizard / witch or you got spat on. It was very disgusting behavior and was a very disgusting mindset to have but blame the parents for teaching their children to think that way. But being taught that was no excuse for you to beat on an innocent child as a full adult that could escape that mindset.

That was your choice and your choice only.

Susan sadly has to pay for her aunt and uncle's hatred towards her father daily. Like said before, Susan would never let neither one of the demons touch her little brother. Not even if her life depended on it, "Yes, aunt Evelyn...." She muttered like she was suppose to do. All Susan could think about was Frank hiding in his usual spot she always found him in after they let her go after one of her beatings and he would just cry silently because he felt like he let the beatings happen to her.

"Now go find your brother and both of you go clean up my bloody kitchen. You can both help Lanky," She told her in disgust and walked out in the direction where she always went: West Parlor. That was her favorite part out of the entire mansion and no one was allowed in there. Susan once came in there in 1966 and got hit with many Crucio's until she was screaming for her parents to come and save her.

That was the day she realized that their aunt and uncle were more deadly than the front they put on in front of guests.

Susan stomach had many pains going through it and she had a bruise on her left cheek. Her body hurt from hitting the hard floor and her head hurt from when her aunt yanked her by her hair. Their uncle was off at work, he worked for the Ministry, and was there most times. He was rarely home, work was his home. But whenever he had a bad day and came home to his wife telling him about everything Susan did, she knew she was in for a treat.

There was this thick black belt that was Crucio as an object and it was always across Susan's back or her other body parts as she screamed out for it to stop. Susan feared that belt telling from how little she was and it left brutal and ugly bruises on her. Her aunt told her it was okay because she was already ugly and the bruises were actually helping her look better since nothing could fix how she looked.

Minus her pain and her need of healing, Susan moved very slowly back to the kitchen, not before taking a glance at the painting beside her brother's bed. That was Susan's first ever painting she did and she's still proud of it.

Because of the fact that her aunt saw her "best mate" boasting about how many talents her daughter had and how she was entering Wizarding talent shows, Evelyn forced Susan to find a passion for anything as long as she got to brag about it. Apparently Evelyn realized how "useless" and "talentless" Susan was so they spent basically hours trying to find something Susan was good at.

Susan remembered when her mother took her to an Art Museum once and showed her, her favorite painting by her favorite artist: The Starry Night created by Vincent van Gogh. The Starry Night was an oil on canvas by the Dutch post-impressionist painter Vincent van Gogh. Painted in June 1889, it depicts the view from the east-facing window of his asylum room at Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, just before sunrise, with the addition of an idealized village. Susan didn't know how she remembered that day but then again she didn't know how she remembered much of anything that had happened to her in the past. The one thing she will forever wish she didn't remember was the day their father left them.

That was something that still gave her shivers.

Susan told her about the Muggle painting and her aunt was about to beat her for suggesting a talent that had something to do with Muggles but her uncle thought it was a wonderful idea and called in a few favors with the Italians Martina and Alessandro Li, who were also Pure-bloods, and they managed to get the painting.

Susan remembered how her mum described how much she loved the details of the painting, how much she loved the history of it, how much she loved Vincent van Gogh work. All Susan did was remember her mum's sweet graceful smile like she was back in earlier 1965 watching her mum explain the importance of Muggle art and why she wanted to share it with her. Susan re-created The Starry Night out of the love of her mum and she did perfect on it.

Nevertheless, her aunt had to admit she did "alright" and told her art was definitely her talent. Susan became teary staring at the painting and just thought about her mum whispering "I'm proud" next to the painting. She knew that wasn't real yet she still smiled because imagination was better than reality.

That was the day Susan found her passion for art and she's been trying to find some galleons to steal so she could buy some canvasses. Yeah, she has to steal for a living. Even though they knew she could paint and she had an talent they still didn't want her to explore it. These people confused Susan more than her life did.

"Is Mrs alright?" Lanky asked Susan in a whisper since she wasn't allowed to show any sign of emotion towards the two siblings. Frank helped Susan sit down on one of the mantle stools and Susan rested her head on it. "No. I'm in pain, Lanky. Big pain," She grunted out and Lanky felt bad for her but finished scrubbing the floors. Frank sat down beside Susan and gripped his teddy bear.

One thing he hated seeing was her in obvious pain. Especially pain that was his fault, "I'm sorry there's nothing I can do about it. I'm sorry you have to take these beatings for me. I'm sorry you have to deal with me-" He started to apologise but Susan cut him off before he could continue, "Frank, stop apologizing. There's nothing you can do about it and I'm going to make sure they won't ever touch you! I told myself I will always protect you, and that's what I'm doing! We won't have to deal with this for long anyways.... probably," She whispered the last part.

She didn't know what the future held for the both of them.

Frank sighed, not wanting to argue, and looked down at Lanky, "My sister is in pain...... she needs magic. Professional magic....." He told her and fear grew on Lanky's face. They were not allowed to do magic until they made it to Hogwarts, which was far away for the both of them, or their uncle and aunt would kill them both.

Alfie believed that they were basic children with a basic education level and that they would only cause destruction around the mansion and since Alfie and Evenly held parties sometimes, it would end up not so well for them at all if they caused destruction with their "reckless wand-waving." They banned Lanky from taking orders from them and they told her she better not ever let a drop of magic touch them or she'll wish she was back on the street she was kicked out on. But Frank didn't care about any of that. Susan was groaning and wincing in pain and he could've sworn a tear escaped her eye but he couldn't tell because she laid her head in the other direction. He never understood why she never cried in front of him.

Lanky backed away in fear while her lip quivered, "M-Mistress Evelyn s-said Mr and Mrs should not touch the magic," She told him and her bony back hit the bottom cabinet under the kitchen sink. Frank looked at her then at Susan then back at her, "I don't care what my aunt and uncle said, Lanky! My sister is hurting and I let her get hurt. I want her to be healed immediately before something bad happens to her!" He explained and Lanky sunk down to the floor.

Getting yelled at was something Lanky feared most because she got yelled at all the time by her last owners before they kicked her out not before beating her. They erased her from their family's name and didn't care about where she would end up being on the streets at all, "M-Mr s-shall not yell," She muttered over and over again until Frank had enough and apologized just to shut her up.

He didn't care about her freaking out, he cared about Susan getting healed before her aunt ended up killing her one day.

"Look, Lanky, once it's time for us to go to bed and our aunt and uncle leaves to go to their friends place like always, we could steal their spare emergency wand locked away in their bedroom and we could use it to heal Anne," He tried making the plan sound as easy as he could so Lanky would stop freaking out. Susan didn't move her body since it would hurt too much but she did say something on the idea, "Don't," She said. Her voice was barely heard because she spoke so quietly. It hurt her to talk since she screamed so much and her voice was starting to hurt because of it.

"What was it, Anne?" asked Frank as he got off the stool and put an sympathetic hand on her shoulder. Susan repeated herself, "Don't..." She then continued on with her sentence, "..... don't risk yourself for me. Don't," Lanky felt so bad for her. Susan ended up in St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries once because of the fact that her uncle had almost beat her to death and that was honestly the first time Frank jumped in.

They've been through so much in such a little time.

St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries was a wizarding hospital located in London, England. It was founded by famous Healer Mungo Bonham in the 1600s. The emblem of St Mungo's is a wand crossed with a bone, "But Anne, you're hurting and I hate seeing you hurt. What if you end up passing out? Or start bleeding to death? Or what if they kill you?" He freaked out and Susan winced when she lifted her head up.

Little did he know the first two happened while he was away. She just never told him.

"Don't stress yourself out over me, Frank. Your anxiety will start messing up again," She told him quietly and Lanky chewed down on her bottom lip. She grew to liking Susan very much and always sent her a smile before her bedroom door closed for her beating. She didn't want to see her in so much pain like she did with the child of her other owners. He was always in pain also.

Him and Susan would have been great friends if they knew each other.

"Lanky agrees with Mr idea," Lanky finally said with boldness. Frank stopped trying to convince Susan that she was not fine and looked at her in shock and joy.

He smiled wildly at her, "Really, Lanky?" He clapped and stopped after realizing their aunt had ears like dogs. Their aunt seriously could hear like dogs and that was highly impossible. Dogs have much more sensitive hearing than humans, hearing sounds four times farther away than humans can. They can hear higher frequency sounds, can more easily differentiate sounds (they may recognize the sound of your Muggle car) and they can pin point the exact location of the sound. Sound is caused by air vibrations. Susan told Frank this during one of her lessons of teaching him new things while they played their game of professor and student.

Susan had a severe love for dogs. She was actually saved by a dog once when she was six after her aunt abandoned her in the woods full of fire and expected her to die. It was a ghastly orange grin, tearing through the verdant woodland. There were unfettered flames, devouring hungrily, licking and lapping at the coppice, twisting and swaying in a dance without rhythm. She knew she was going to die but thanks to luck a dog had came and gracefully saved her before the poor girl choked to death. All Susan was thinking about when she started choking was how she was not going to leave her brother.

Not at the moment, not ever.

She didn't even know how the woods fire started; but she guessed Evelyn had to be the one to start it. Evenly left her there alone on the ground and then that's when she started smelling it. The smell of the smoke coming out of the woods was so bad, it was as if someone had put a piece of coal into her lungs.

She had started to scream for somebody to help her, anybody really. It went on for some time with her coughing interrupting the screams for help and she started getting light headed. But something, somewhere, sent a dog to her rescue before she choked out. Fire burns oxygen, so as a fire continues to be active, more oxygen gets removed from the room. Smoke puts too much carbon monoxide into the lungs which prohibits oxygen into your body and carbon dioxide getting released out of your body. Usually this causes you to pass out before dying and can cause brain damage. So if that dog didn't come and save her than Susan would have passed out and died.

That's why she love dogs so much. She still wondered where that dog was 'till this day, "Yes, Mr. Lanky has seen that Mrs is in pain and Lanky is willing to help," She said and Frank gave her an appreciative smile.

"You are not doing it. They'll kill you both and I'm not having it," Susan groaned and Frank shook his head. He always listened to her but he wasn't going to this time, "No, ma'am! You're getting healed rather you like it or not," He told her proudly and after nearly twenty minutes of arguing him down, Susan gave in at some point.

Well, this was what Frank wanted.


Susan laid down on Frank's bed and continued to stare up at the ceiling while not moving one muscle. The current events of her uncle coming home, aunt snitching on her, Frank being locked away, a thick hard black belt being pulled out, and pain.....just so much pain, played through the young girls head.

Lanky was cleaning up the mansion like she always did and kept walking past Frank's bedroom door to see how she was doing. Frank finally closed his door after Alfie yelled at her to clean up faster and popped her on the back.

"When will we leave this place?" Frank asked her. He always did and she never knew how to answer. Susan continued to stare at the ceiling and forced herself to blink the tears away, "Soon," She finally answered. She didn't know when, she didn't know how, she did know why and that's all that mattered. Sooner always did come faster than later but for them, this might not be the case.

She doubted they were ever going to leave, and truthfully, they might not. But Frank had hope and she didn't want to crush that. Maybe his hope would get him away from them? She wished it would. He didn't deserve to be stuck in this place with these people. He deserved better.

He deserved the world.

"I hate them. I hate what they're doing to you. I bet you were so happy with mum and dad. I might not remember them but I bet they were better than this! I bet you smiled all the time and you were safe. But here... here you're not. All I see you in is pain. They're bringing nothing but pain on to you and that's making me mad. Who would do this to a child?! Bloody gits!" he told her truthfully and Susan forced a half sad chuckle that barely came out.

"Pain, Frank......makes us stronger. It shows the scars to our beauty and the feeling of what the real world is like. They bring pain unto me because they hate us. And they want to see me break down and cry like I used to do. But never break down, Frank. Never give in. No matter how much pain you're in," She told him and Frank nodded after staring at her. He was used to her lessons and speeches at moments like this and he always listened to them. This lesson he learned to never give in to someone's sickening needs no matter how much pain they put him through.

And that's the lesson that will lead to Frank's legacy. He didn't give in.

No matter how much pain him and his wife were in........

|Thank you for reading|

Author's Note: Hello! Welcome to the first chapter of Suzin's story! I'm cherubstar but you can address me as Moony and Moony only. Before we start this I just want to apologize for any spelling mistakes, missing words, short paragraphs, improper grammar, etc. And I know that most people who create stories based on abuse doesn't know what they're talking about, but I'm different. Because I've seen abuse before, and I know so many people going through it, and I've heard stories on it. I didn't really want to put that much into my first chapter because it makes me so sad thinking about the fact that there are children out there getting beat just because of what their parents did. I didn't want to go too extreme with it and I just wanted you all to get an incite on Susan's earlier-earlier life. Like what happened to her and Frank's dad and what happened to her mum. She loved her parents dearly, especially her mother. And speaking of Amelia Longbottom, she is someone I created so Susan can be half Black. Persia White (her face claim) is mixed with a lot of races but my favorite is Black (I'm African-American). I want you all to see how Susan's mum looked before she was sadly murdered:

Amelia Longbottom:

Her when she was first met their dad:

Also, here's Evelyn and Alfie:

Continuing part 2: You see how beautiful she was? Her mum's face claim is Bianca Lawson. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and you'll learn that mostly everything Susan will be doing is for a specific reason. I know this chapter probably wasn't that good but I'm going back to edit my entire book. I noticed that my writing improved overtime and I have a certain way as to how my book should look. So, if you get a notification saying that something new was updated than just know that it was one of my chapters and you can come back to look over it if you want. But anyways, in this chapter you learned about how Susan found her "passion" for art. I wanted it to be because of her mother since that was the one woman she loved dearly. If only Evelyn knew that she did have an artistic talent and actually acknowledged it instead of knocking it down. That's one thing Evelyn always did with Susan, knock her down. But anyways! I will like to continue. I want you all to see what Susan's first ever painting looked like:

Susan's re-creation of The Starry Night:

Extra note: Thank you all for reading so much and I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter because there are many more to come. I tried my best in this chapter and did a little flashback of the day they lost their parents. I was actually suppose to be finished with my Taylor story before I got to this story but I always pile stories on top of myself. But anyways, once again I hope you all enjoyed and I am far from the end (obviously). Thank you all so much for reading.

Question: What do you think happened between their parents?

|Love You All|

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