Chapter 19: Good bye my friend

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Me and DJ were outside at night. I was playing duel monsters with him. I have two deck of cards with me, so let him barrow mine. So far, I had 1400 life points and he had 200.

"So, do you end your turn?" I said.

"I guess, not much I can do."

"Okay then, I play monster reborn and I bring back my blue eyes white dragon. Then I play the card no defense.

It forces all of your monsters in attack mode. Then I attack with white lightning and just like that, all of your life points are eliminated."

"Are you sure?"

"Yep. The attack was more than enough. Even if it wasn't, I would've attacked with Dark Magician. And if that wasnt enough, I had mirror force faced down, so I had you trapped." I said

"Wow. I see you really take pride in duel monsters."

"Yeah. I have years of practice. You only had 34 hours. Not bad." I said taking back the deck I let him borrow.

I look to see the rest of the campers come outside.

They set up a projector and put on a movie. It looked like a horror movie. I look over at DJ to see him looking scared. The movie barely started and he's already frightened.

About an hour and a half later, the ending was near.

"Here comes the blood-fest!"Gwen shouted.

"Aw, the psycho is going back to the woods! He's getting away! Yeah, good ending!" Izzy shouted. I guess that's the end.

"Woo, am I ever glad that's over. I really hate scary movies!" DJ said. I patted him on his back.

"What scares you most? The part where everyone meets an grizzly death. Or then pysco killer with a hook." Duncan said causing DJ to hide behind me.

Everyone around chuckled at DJ's firght.

"Oh, come on, Deej. For a slasher flick, it was pretty tame." Gwen said.

"Yeah, there was hardly any hacking. It's not like BloodBath 2: Summer camp raid of terror." Duncan said.

"No way! I love that movie. I love the part when the killer jams that guys hand into the lawnmower." Gwen said.

"Or when he pushes the chick off the dock and then she lands on a propeller blade that slices her in half." Duncan said.

"Or when he shoves that big dudes head inside the wood chipper!" Duncan and Gwen say in sync causing DJ to jump onto my lap, and into my arms. My face was red as a tomato.

"Aw, looks like Duncan and Gwen have more than common than bad fashion sense. It's just mindless guts and gore."

"Horror movies are not mindless" Gwen said.

"Yeah, they're loaded with psychological trauma. Heh, look at DJ." Duncan said.

"Um... DJ. Can I have my legs back?" I said.

He kept shaking while hugging me in fear.

"Yeah. I'm taking that as a no." I said.

"Whatever! Does anyone have any idea what our challenge will be this week?" Heather said.

"Hey, yo, chef, where's the fire?" Duncan asked. Chef gasped. And hopped on the boat.

"Dude, you forgot this!" Owen said and picking up a backpack. A newspaper fell out and he picked it up.

"Escape Psycho killer on the loose! Be on the lookout a man wearing a hockey mask, a hooked hand, carrying a chainsaw!" Owsn said.

"Haha! He's on the loose."

"Oh, come on! They don't expect us to fall for this! Scary movie, followed up by patty exits, followed by strategically lame prop!"

"I don't know, it looked pretty spooked." DJ said moving closer to me.

"Puh-leade! It's all apart of their little stunt to freak us out."

"If this was a stunt, would Chris leave his hair gel?" Owen asked.

I mean. The guy has money. I'm sure he has enough for more. And how do we know he just didn't put some ketchup in there for it can have weight?

Everyone except me and Heather gasped

"Lemme get this straight! Chris left us for dead, and now we're alone while that escaped psycho killer with a chainsaw is on the loose." DJ yelled.

"Hehe. I guess we get to die. Maybe I'll get to join my mother in heaven." I muttered, but it seemed like everyone heard me, giving me this werid look.

"That was a joke." I said trying to cover up.

"No, we're alone while that escaped psycho killer with a chainsaw and a hook is on the loose!" Duncan said causing DJ to scream and cover himself in fear on the ground.

"I told you, dude! Not funny!" DJ said.

"Ugh, neither is your chicken little routine! Get a grip, bro!" Leshawna said.

"I can't help it. I feel like I'm being watched." DJ said. I kneeled down on the floor.

"Hey, hey. It's okay big guy. Don't worry, we're all in this together." I said.

"It's a reality show! We're always being watched!" Heather yelled.

"Okay look, it doesn't matter whether is real or challenge! We need a game plan!" Gwen said.

"Yeah,yeah, we need a game plan." DJ yelled.

"You little fright legs might need a game plan, but I need a facial!" Heather said walking like she owns the place.

"Are you crazy? First rule of slasher films, never go off alone!" Gwen said.

"I might actually listen to you if I were in a movie. We're being punked! You're so so gullible. Hey Chris! If your listening, next time rent one that takes place at a summer camp! If you losers want to hang around here playing boogeyman, go ahead. But I have a date with expulsion." Heather said.

"And the bossy mean lady seals her fate." Izzy said.

"I say we go back to camp and talk strategy. Who's in?" Gwen said. Which was pretty much everyone but Izzy and Owen.

"Okay, rule number one. Do not go off on your own. Rule number two. If you go off alone, never go in the woods. Rule number three. If you do go in the woods, never ever ever make out make out in the woods. Where's Izzy and Owen? " Gwen said.

"Out breaking rules one through three" Duncan said. I face palmed. Gwen began drawing a chart of everyone.

DJ nudged my arm, catching my attention.

"Dude. I gotta go pee."

"Okay, go ahead." I said looking back at the ground. It's like I could read DJ's mind.

"You want me to walk you, don't you?" I said.

"Just in case Geoff runs off on me."

"Okay. But after that, we go straight back to the campfire, okay?"


We made our way to the bathroom. We all stood outside the bathroom.

"Okay Geoff, no matter what. YOU DO NOT LEAVE. Not if you hear a psycho, not if you see a psycho. Not if the psycho is slashing you to bits." DJ said.

"Relax dude, I got your back." Geoff said.

DJ then looked at me. He put both of his big hands on my shoulders. I felt the butterfly's in my stomach going off.

"I'm trusting you to also look out for me. Please keep watch."

I put my hands on both of his shoulders.

"DJ. You're the first real friend I've ever made. I won't leave you. You know that. I'm not going anywhere without you. Trust me big guy. I got you fully covered. Besides, I'm even watching over you even when you don't ask." I said.

"Alright. Thanks Derick." DJ said.

I couldn't help but hug him.

"Your welcome. " I said.

DJ went to the bathroom as we stood outside keeping guard.

"Hm... I noticed something about you and DJ'S relationship." Geoff said.


"It's like, different from me and Duncan's relationship with him. You two are just so huggy and close. So touchy."

"Okay, I'm starting not to like this conversation." I said crossing my arms with a glare.

Suddenly I heard an ice cream truck.

"You stay here, I'll be right back." Geoff said.

I then heard screaming from the bathroom.

"DJ, you okay?" I said.

I was about to open the door, but suddenly DJ dashed right through falling on top of me.

"DJ, what happened!?" I asked

"Heather, green mask." He said. His words were coming out scattered. He got up and ran off.

"DJ wait!" I said. But he was gone just like that. I began running back to camp.

I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and I crashed right into Gwen causing us both to fall.

I got up on my feet. I helped Gwen up.

"Derick, you okay?" Gwen said.


"Whoa. You like DJ?" Gwen said.

"Oh shit... I wasn't suppose to say that. But lets focus on the bigger problem. " I said.

"Okay, tell me what happened."

"DJ had to pee so he asked me and Geoff to look out for him. Then an ice cream truck came along so Geoff left, the DJ dashed out the bathroom and then he was gone."

"Well, your still alive, let's just regroup." Gwen said.

We both ran into the bathroom.

"Are you okay, I heard screaming?"

"I'm fine. But you might wanna check on DJ. He ran out of here like he seen a ghost. Can I have my shower in peace please?" Heather said in her stuck up tone.

"Oo, I wouldn't do that if I" me and Gwen both began to say, but she just glared us.

"Fine, so it yourself. By the way, that's a great look on you." Gwen said as I laughed.

We both dashed back to the campfire.

"Where's Leshawna?" Gwen asked.

My mind started to lose track of what they were talking about, I started paying attention again.

"Is that what you went to Juvie for?" Gwen said.

"Like I'd tell you why I went to Juvie" he said burning the board.

"I'll go get some water!" Gwen said dashing off.

Duncan left off, and Gwen came back to take out the fire.

"Duncan? Duncan! Okay, you know what? I'm getting a sandwich!" Gwen said storming off. I followed behind her. I just hope DJ is okay.

We both sat down and made sandwiches.

"It's nice to have real food for once." I said.

"It's annoying that I tried to help them, then they all literally did the opposite of what I said." Gwen said.

"Well I guess we're the final two. Look on the bright side, if what Heather said was true, we definitely won invincibility."

"Yeah. I guess."

Suddenly, a guy with a chainsaw and a hook came up behind us.

"Do they really expect us to fall for this? Chris, you can drop the act, your not able to kill children. So It's clear to see that this is fake." I said.

"Look, I know actors without speaking parts don't get paid much, but Seriously. Dude, invest in a dental plan, and some toothpaste." Gwen said.

"Not to mention you hair, and skin. I can smell you from here." I said.

"Hey, do you want a sandwich before you impale me with your big scary hook?" Gwen said.

He shook his head. Me and Gwen split the sandwich.

"Look, you can drop the charade ok. I know your an actor with a hook prop. And frankly, your not that scary." Gwen said.

He took of the hook.

"Ewww. What the heck, man" I said

"Ewww. Gross. How did they get to go all scabby like that?" Gwen said.

He then yelled at us with his chainsaw in the air.


"What." Me and Gwen both said at the same time.

The psycho continued to yell at us, while me and Gwen screamed in fear. She began kicking him in the chain really fast. I then kicked him between his legs causing him to fall on the ground.

We looked at each other and shrugged, and continued to stomp on him.

"PLEASE STOP? IT HURTS!" The psycho yelled.

We both looked at each other and stopped. We took down a psycho, sweet.

He limped his way out the room. Me and Gwen first bumped. I guess we paid attention to the movie.

DJ fainted on the floor. Everyone else left. I splashed water in DJ's face.

"You awake?" I said.

"Yeah. I'm up."

"Come on, we have an elimination ceremony to attend." I said

We went down to the dock of shame.

"Well, it's obvious to everyone that Gwen and Derick won invincibility. And sadly, It's equally unanimous that DJ walk the dock of shame." Chris said.

I heavily sigh.

"Since he was the only one who screamed and bolted without the psycho killer even being there. But, no hard feelings. You will be missed." Chris said.

"Aw.. group hug!" Owen said. We all hugged as one, even Heather.

DJ got on the boat.

We all said goodbye. I went to the cabin.

/"Well... I'm all alone now. I lost Harold, I lost DJ, I'm probably gonna lose Izzy. And now, I'm stuck with the remaining cast." I said forcing my tears back.\

I went to the guys cabin, and stuck to myself. I'm gonna need some sort of way to stay in the game. I went to sleep, trying to think of a strategy.

Hi, everyone. It's the author. I just wanna say thank you for getting me 2000 reads! I started around last summer, and this is where I am now. It really goes to show that hard work pays off. Anyway, thanks again everyone, see you guys in the next chapter. Bye bye!

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