Chapter 18: I can't ride or build a bike

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I was sitting under a tree watching DJ play frisbee with the rest of the campers.

"Morning, campers. Your next challenge awaits you at the arts-and crafts center." Chris announces on the loud speaker. I took off my hat, shook my hair into place and put my hat back on and ran off.

I followed the rest of the campers to the arts and craft center.

"Welcome to the arts and crafts center." Chris said.

"More like the arts and junk center." Duncan said.

"Yeah, it used to be an outhouse but now it's where Chef parks his road on." He kicked it open and I looked to see a red motorcycle with flames on it.

"Which brings us to today's challenge! Building your own wheels."

/"I swear they get more and more lazy with creating these challenges."\

"You'll find all the parts you'll need in our bike depot. Once you've collected the basics, trick them out any way you want using the props from the arts and crafts center. Best design wins! And, being a nice guy I'm even throwing in a bike manual." Chris said.

/"Great. Another challenge that I have zero experience with. Man I didn't go outside enough as a child."\

I grabbed the blue prints and looked at the materials I have.

"Yeah. This is not gonna work." I mumbled to myself.

"What's a matter? Don't know how to build a bike." I hear Duncan say making fun.

"Mind your own business Duncan. I'm more than capable of making a bike." I said. I don't even know how to ride one. I looked to see Izzy finished her bike.

"Hey Izzy, can you help me with my bike?"

"Just a second. Hey Leshawna!" Izzy yelled.

"Wanna ride my bike, there is more than enough room for the both of you." Izzy said in excitement.

Me and Leshawna looked at each other. We have no clue what this might lead to.

"I mean. I don't have any better options, so I might as well." I said.

We both got on the bike. Izzy in the back, me in the middle, and Leshawna in the front.

"Great. Both of your extra weight will make us go faster!" Izzy said.

"Um. I'm gonna take that as a compliment." Leshawna said.

"Good let's go!"

Suddenly the bike started to move. Leshawna was screaming for her dear life. I closed my eyes, holding onto Leshawna, and hoping for the best.

DJ's pov

I put on a purple helmet and tested it by bang my head to a tree. The guys then began having a conversation

"Hey, do you guys remember your first bike ride?" Owen said.

"Aw, yeah. I wiped out so bad I popped my collar bone. You could see it sticking out right out of my shoulder. That was wicked. " Duncan said causing me to grab my shoulder.

"I flew so far over my handle bars that I skinned for a mile. Hehe, skin was hanging of me in chunks." Geoff said

"That's nothing. I popped my arm right out of my socket, it took three doctors to hold me down and sling shot it back into place." Owen said.

They all sighed in relief and said "good times."

I dropped the helmet and put on a knights helmet.

"Campers, time to judge your bikes. Put your pedal to the metal and meet me at the crafts center." Chris said. I went down to crafts center with my bike. Chris took a look at it.

"Seriously, this is lame" he said as I frowned.

"Okay, here's how it works. Everyone will pick a name out of the helmet to see whose bike you're riding. If your bike makes it across the finish line, then you get to ride it in the final round for invincibility."

"Before we began... Has anyone seen Izzy, Derick, or Leshawna? " Chris asked.

Now that I think about it. Where is Derick? He's always looking out for me, and I haven't even noticed he was missing until now.

We all made our way down to the beach. I picked up a card. I got Geoff's bike.

We began racing.

Derricks POV

Leshawna kept screaming like her life was gonna end, Izzy kept riding at a fast rate, and I just held on to Leshawna hoping I won't fall.

"AHHH!!!! GET ME OFF OF THIS THING!!!!!!!!" Leshawna yelled.

We crashed directly into the water. Somehow. Us three weren't eliminated from skipping the challenge, which I'm completely fine with.

I swam up for air.

"Leshawna, are you okay?"

"I am now. I'm just glad to be off that bike." She said in relief.

Izzy began laughing like her normal crazy self.

"WHOOO! LET'S DO IT AGAIN!!!!" She said in excitement.

I got out of the water, and dried off. We all watched Lindsay leave on the dock of shame.

"Dude, where were you? You missed the whole challenge."DJ said.

"Let's just say I went for a wild ride."

We all went to the guys cabin. All the guys were talking. Then there's me, just sitting in a coner reading wattpad. It's getting pretty intense. I think this guy just died.

Ever since Harold left, I seemed to be more alone.

"Hey Derick, whatcha up to?"

I look up to see DJ standing. I feel even shorter when I'm sitting and he's standing.

"Oh, h-hi DJ. I'm not doing much. Just, you know, sitting here. Alone." I said sighing.

"Well then. Stop sitting alone."


"I'm tired of seeing of seeing you sit here alone. Your one of my friends. Were gonna hang out before one of us are eliminated."

"You sure DJ? It looked like you having fun with the rest of the group."

"Yep. I made up my mind."

"Well if you say so."

"So, is there anything you have in mind?"

"Well, there is one thing. Follow me." I said.

I took my book bag and took one of my white Tshirts and used my siccors to cut a piece. I estimated the width of his head.

"Um... what are you doing?" DJ said.

I got up and stood on my tippy toes trying to reach his head.

"Can you lower your head a little?" I said.

He lowered down, and I the piece of my white shirt like a blindfold.

"I'm not gonna be lead into a trap, or anything, right?"

"Trust me DJ. This isn't the first time your were blind folded and I had to lead you."

I grabbed his big hand and lead him in the direction I was going.

"We almost there yet?"

"We're not to far" I said.

We walked a little further. His hands are so soft.

"Okay, you can take off the blindfold." I said smiling. His eyes looked amazed at the whole setting.

"I took a little while to get it all the flowers in the right position, but I like it here. It'swhere I go for peace and quite." I said.

"Wow, Derick. This is amazing!"

I blushed at the comment.

We both looked at the sunset.

"Hey, DJ?" I started.

"Yes?" He said looking at me. The sunlight brings out his dark eyes.

"I, I, uh...."

"Go on..." he said.

"Forget it. It's nothing."

"Ah, come on. Why do you always do this?"


"You begin saying something, then you just randomly stop."

"I... I don't know. Do I really do it that much?"

"Yeah, very often."

Heather's POV

"Hmmm... very, instresting." I mumbled

/"I don't know how DJ doesn't see it. Derick obviously has a crush on DJ. Which is something I can take advantage of, and since I'm in need of a new alliance, he's a perfect target."\

Derick's POV

DJ went back to the cabin. After I went to the bathroom, I began making my way back to the guys cabin. Suddenly my hand was pulled behind a bush. I looked up to see Heather.

"Heather, what's--"


"What do you want?" I whispered.

"Let's make this easy. The next elimination ceremony, I want you to vote with me."

"I'm not making an alliance with you. DJ told me about what you did to Lindsay, your just lucky she didn't rebel against you like Beth"

"Heh. Funny you bring up DJ. Look, you listen, and you listen well." She said pulling my ear.

"If you don't vote with me, I will aware DJ of your feelings."

"What are you talking about?"

/"Okay, how the hell does she know about that? Grr... I bet it was Duncan."\

"Don't play dumb, your crush on DJ is so clear to see. He's just to dumb to see it."

"He's not dumb. Shut up you little-"

"I will tell him."

"Please. Even if I did like him, which I don't! He wouldn't believe you. Everyone sees you as the most untrustworthy player in the game."

"Fine... have it your way."

"I will!" I said storming out of the bushes.

I went into the cabin and sat on Harold's old bunk. Heather pushed the door down.

Dang this place is cheap. Wait, that's aside the point. she's here to expose me.

"Hey DJ? Do you know about Derick's obvious crush on you?" Heather yelled. All the guys looked at me and gasp.

"Heather what are you talking about?" DJ said.

"Can't you tell? Notice that's he only talks to you? He's always blushing and nervous around you."

"He just a very nervous guy." DJ said.

"And he was friends with Harold." Duncan said.

"Yeah. But he didn't act jumpy or nervous around him."

WTF, how much does she observe her competitors?

"Your just trying to ruin the guys alliance, your obviously just sad that you lost the only person you trust in this game." I said.

"Pa-lease. I couldn't care less of where that blonde buffoon is." Heather said.

"Your not actually believing this are you?" I said frightened.

"Yeah, I'm sure DJ and Derick only have a mutual relationship. Nothing more, nothing less." Duncan said.

Did thugy, I mean Duncan just take up for me?

"Ugh, what ever. At least I have a brain, and your cute little alliance is gonna fall apart soon." Hearher said.

"Thanks Duncan." I said.

"Hey! Don't go thinking we're friends. Just gotta respect the guy alliance rules." He said putting back his black headphones.

DJ came and sat down next to me.

"Well, awkward silence." DJ said.

"Yeah. Super awkward."

"But what she said. It's not true right? You don't actually have a crush on me, right?" DJ said.

I looked at him. Part of me wanted to tell him, but I couldn't.

"No. We're just good friends." I said.

"Best friend." He corrected.

"Really?" I said excited.

"I mean, if you want."

"Yeah... sure. Of course. Hehe." I said giving DJ a fist bump.

"Well. Good night Derick."

"Good night DJ." I said.

Duncan came over to my bed.

"I'm obviously not gonna let her use your secret against you. That's gonna be my job." Duncan said.

"Wow, thanks." I said sarcastically.

"Your welcome pony brat." He said as I roll my eyes. He's just one of those people that you just get use to, that bothers you. But you get so use to it, you just stop caring.

I covered up and went to sleep.

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