Chapter 7: Our fears?

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Me and Bridgette finally got Sadie to move from the dock of shame and sit with everyone else at the campfire pit. Sadie continued crying hugging the piece of wood.

"It was a long goodbye" me and Bridgette both said at the same time. The Gopher team then came over. "What do you guys want, came to rub it in." Courtney said to the other team. "We got extra dessert from our tuck shop party" Trent said.

"So what, your just being nice." Courtney said knowing there was a reason behind why they were here. "Okay, Owen stinked up our cabin, and we need time to air out."Gwen said. Beth walked toward Courtney with green jelly. " Ew! I mean no thanks"

"What are you on a diet or something" Duncan said.

"I just don't like green jelly" Courtney said. They then offered green jelly to DJ. "Snake!" DJ yelled flipping the plate away from him. "Dude chill, its just a gummy worm." Cody said.

"Sorry for tripin. Snakes just freak me out" DJ said.

"Chickens give me the creeps dude." Tyler said. I seen where this was going and decided to sneak away

/"Look me and peer pressure doesn't mix well, and I'm not letting them get that out of me so. Yeah, I ran away."\

I woke up early around 6:45 am. I started to draw more anime characters. I was still trying to wake up some so I didn't get into detail. I closed my book and went to the bathroom to prepare for the next challenge. I went to the mess hall and sat down waiting for Chris to give us some sort of sign of when the challenge was gonna start. Everyone started to come in. " Campers, this is a little game I like to call phobia factor, prepare to face your worst fears."

/"Ha! I knew leaving the campfire pit was a good idea. This time I was one step a head."\

"Now our first victim. Heather meet us all at the theater. It's sumo time" Chris stated causing Heather to spit out her coffee. Considering how cheap this place is I'm surprised they have coffee here. "Gwen you me, the beach. Couple tons of sand" Chris said causing Gwen to gasp. "Wait how did they know those were your worse fears." Lindsay says clueless. "Because we told them." Gwen said with her head down.

I felt relief, this means I don't have to participate in today's challenge. I watch Beth go into a pool full of bugs, which I was a little impressed by. DJ was on stage having to pet a tiny snake. "Ah! It blinked" he said scared of it. "It means she likes you" Sadie said trying to help. "We need that point DJ! Suck it up!" Courtney yelled.

"I don't think that's helping" I said worried for DJ. "Well I don't see you doing anything four eyes" She said. I just trolled my eyes then looked at DJ.. "You can do it DJ, I- I mean we believe you can do it. Breath in, then pick up the snake, it won't hurt you. I promise." I said. He breath in and picked it up with a smile as we all started to cheer. "See, fear is only in the mind" Courtney said trying to sound smart.

I went to the cabin to relax for some peace and quite. I noticed that my diary key was in a different position then what it normally was. Maybe someone just moved it to get something.. I decided to check back on the team. I come outside to see Duncan hugging a Celine Dion music store standee. I'm not gonna even question it.

Then Tyler had to go in a pin with chickens. He wasn't doing so well though. "Im not sure were getting anywhere on this one." Chris said as Tyler was on the floor rocking back and forth. "Tyler this is the last challenge. Stop being such a girl." Courtney yelled. "The score is seven to three, so there's no point. No pun intended." I said. "Not necessarily, we still have two challenges set up." Chris said.

"It can't be us, but we didn't." me and Courtney both said at the same time. "You didn't have to, were always watching you and your reactions." Chris said. "Wait, Derick wasn't even there so how do you know about his phobia." Courtney said as I nodded along with her. "As for you Derick, we read threw some of your diary to find what you were afraid of."

/*Shocked face* "how much of my diary did they read? Crap, I really thought I was really one step ahead. I guess that explains why my key was in a different position.\

Chris pulled t a piece of paper. "Wait, what is your phobia exactly " Courtney said confused. "What Derick is afraid of is being embarrassed. Were gonna embarrass him" Chris said and chuckled after. "So what's it gonna be, are you gonna take it for the team and be embarrassed on national TV. Or chicken out like Tyler?" Chris said. I looked down as I blinked a tear back before it could fall.

"Chris, you can begin when ready." I said. "Okay then" Chris said excited.

/"This guy is cruel."\

"Did you guys know that Derick was the president of the My Little Pony club." Chris sad.

I could just hear people laughing at me, I just kept looking down at the ground. "It can't get any worse." I mumbled to myself. "Hey Derick, care to explain why your hair is purple?"Chris asked trying not to laugh. I just looked at Chris. I didn't respond to what he said. "He died his hair purple to cosplay one of the pony's with his group." Chris said as everyone continued to laugh. "And get this! He has pony ears that one of his friends gave him as a gift." Chris said.

I could hear Duncan laughing his heart out. I just stood trying not to move. I felt like was dying, I felt myself weakening ."Did you know that on Derick's first day of high school, he got so nervous that he peed himself and one of his friends had to help him sneak out the building and skipped school the rest for that day." I felt so embarrassed. That last one was the worst.

/"Okay. I know he's trying to do his job. But was that last one really necessary? I had an panic attack that day."\

"And, your done" Chris said. I walked away feeling really bad. I started to run. Just keep running, they all hate you. I found a tree. I slid down onto the floor and put my knees up to where my chest was and put my arms on them and put my head down. I broke down silently crying. I'm really not important. I shouldn't have come here. Everyone here probably except Harold hates me.

After a good ten minutes I tried to pick myself up, but I couldn't get myself to. Suddenly I heard someone calling my name. "Derick! You out here buddy?" it sounded a lot like DJ. I just remained with my head down.

"There you are, you okay buddy?" DJ said sounding concerned.

"Do I look like I'm okay to you?" I said with my voice cracking from crying. "Look, I know you, Duncan, and your other friend want me gone, so you can stop pretending to be my friend." I stated as my eyes continued to water.

"What! No. You really are one of my friends. Your just so secretive and distant. I don't get to talk to you much" DJ said. I looked up at him, I couldn't really see him because I had my glasses off plus the tears making me not able to see much. I wiped my eye to look into his dark eyes, since my face was already red from crying the blush didn't appear much.

"Yeah, I think the video did explain why I was so private. Because when you open up to people they judge you. Then again I had worse situations with my family." I said realizing I shouldn't have said that.

"Wait, your own family?" DJ said sounding confused.

"That's another story for another time." I said quickly changing the topic. "Please tell me we won the challenge." I continued.

"Um, Courtney chickened out" DJ said. I started to growl, mad that I did that for nothing. "Let me get this straight, Courtney forced everyone to face their fears and couldn't face her own?" I said still feeling humiliated. DJ nodded to what I said. I put my head back down.

"Aw, don't cry man." DJ said. I continued to keep my head down. "Hey cheer up buddy, on the bright side, there's lots of our teammates that didn't face there fears so you or me won't be going home." DJ said helping me up. "And I couldn't do mine with out you buddy." He finished then helped me up and gave me a hug. I blushed a lot and hugged him back.

"So all that stuff he said about you was true." DJ said.

"Yeah, but it could've been worse. At least he didn't read my diary out loud."

/" Look I know Chris is very very mean but he isn't heartless. He could have totally made things a lot worse. Like he could have read my diary out loud. So I guess I got off lucky."\

We went towards the campfire pit. I voted for Courtney.

I sat by myself still feeling embarrassed. Chris then began to give out marshmallows. It the narrowed down to Tyler, Bridgette, and Courtney. Chris then handed Bridgette a marshmallow narrowing it down to Courtney and Tyler. I crossed my fingers and hoped that it was Tyler that got the marshmallow. Chris then gave Courtney a marshmallow.

I then made my way to the cabin. I went up to go talk to DJ. "Hey, I just wanted to say thanks, for early I mean."

"No problem, we're a team." DJ said. I walked towards Harold.

"So, does this mean you don't like DJ" Harold whispered to me.

"No, I don't. At least I don't think I do." I said as we both laughed.

"Well see you tomorrow Harold" I said before heading to bed.

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