Chapter 6: Night in the woods

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I woke up around 6:12 in the morning. There was more light outside, so I could continue my sketch from last night. I closed my book and started watching DJ sleep. I then shook my head stopping myself from staring. Man, I'm a creep.

I played on my phone until Chris blew a horn waking up all the guys. Well now I can't stare like a creep hehe. We all went outside to the campfire pit. I sat alone, as Chris started explaining the challenge.

"I'm gonna warn you, some of you might not come back alive" Chris said jokingly. "Im kidding, all you have to do is spend on night in the woods." Chris continued.

He threw the map and compass to Duncan, just for it to be snatches by Courtney. We headed out to the forest. I walked next to Harold, since he's the person I feel most comfortable with.

"Wait so your telling me you have feelings for Leshawna, but didn't you two argue on the first day?" I whispered keeping his secret hidden.

"Well yeah, but I think we can get pass that" Harold said.

"Well I'm friends with Leshawna, so maybe I could help." I said making Harold gasp in excitement.

"You will!" he said excited.

"Sure" I said.

I sat where no one else was because I don't mix well with people. Plus I'm too secretive. I realized that my team went hunting. I didn't want to do what I usually do because it's easier hunting for yourself then your whole team. I just got the team some berries. I sat down where I was before. I was into the show until I heard someone say

" whatcha watching?" I instantly clicked the off button my phone. I turned around to see DJ with a bunny.

"Um, nothing hehe." I said as my face literally lit up in front him.

He looked confused and then walked off. I just stared from where I was sitting then sighed in relief that I was alone again.

"Are you just staring at DJ?"Harold said. I jumped up out of shock.

"What, no. I was staring off into space." I said trying to cover up.

 "Okay maybe I was, I like to people watch." I said continuing to cover up.

"You like him don't you?" Harold continued.

"Me, like anyone. Your telling this to me. I don't talk to anyone here except you." I said.

"But you talk to DJ. You comfort him after he messed up on the challenge." Harold said.

"Look he needed that. Trust me, I have my head in the game."  I said .

"Okay" Harold responded. I sighed in relief. Me and Harold continued to talk from  where we were until our team made a fire. We decided to join them around the fire. I sat quietly. Then I started to listen to there conversation.

"This reminds me of a scary story I heard once." Duncan said.

"Awesome, tell it" Geoff said curiously and excited.

"Are you sure because the story I'm thinking of is hardcore." Duncan warned.

"Oo were so scared" Courtney said mockingly.

"Alright, just don't say I didn't warn you.

"Duncan said even though Im not friends with Duncan, I was curious to where it was gonna go.

"One night, a lot like this one" he started. "So suddenly, they start hearing this tap tap tapping on the side of the window. The girl started to freak out, and by this time even the guy was a bit scared so he turned on the car and stepped on it." Duncan said making everyone scared. "When they got to the girl's house she opened the door and screamed. Because hanging from the door handle was the bloody hook. They say this killer is still alive, wandering these very woods. He can be just about anywhere really. Maybe even right here!" he said making everyone jump and scream. He burst out laughing. I just rolled my eyes.

"Duncan, that was not funny!" Courtney yelled.

"Oh yes it was, I just wish it was all on camera. Oh wait it is" Duncan said still proud of himself from scaring everyone.

" Do your parents even like you?" Courtney said.

Literally after insulting him, she huddles up to him when she here's something howling. We eventually went into our tents my head was near DJ's. I actually started to fall asleep jumping on cotton candy clouds, until screams started to interrupt. Then a burst of flame got rid of the clouds entirely making me wake up.

"That's just great Bridgette, now we have no where to sleep." Courtney yelled. 

"Its cool" Duncan said trying to remain calm.

"You think its cool? Things can not possibly get worse." She yelled again. As soon as she said that it started to rain. Then she screamed making my head hurt even more. I took out my umbrella and put it over my head.

/ Derick:"Look I didn't know it was gonna rain. I know this sounds weird, but I brought my umbrella because its sunny. One of my friends did it then I copied it. Although people question you a lot when you walk around with an umbrella when it isn't raining. But it make a fair shade outside." \

Everyone just looked at me as I felt more awkward then usual. Harold then came over and squeezed toward me and hid under the umbrella with me. I sort of fell asleep holding my umbrella over my head, I was awake before anyone else was. I silently crawled away from everyone and eventually walked back to the campfire pit to see Chris turned around talking to chef.

"Do you think any of them survived out there?" Chris said laughing a little.

"We know one did" Chef said as he pointed at me. Chris turned around surprised.

"How is anyone that quite, and your barely wet, nice job. But you still have to wait for your team." Chris said.

/Derick:"Now if my team doesn't arrive before the Screaming Gophers do they can't blame me."\

I looked to see the Killer Bass running back. Then I seen Heather push down Owen. Okay that takes some serious strength. That guy is very heavy.

"Not so fast, looks like the Bass are missing a few fish." Chris said to my team.

"Oh you mean Katie and Sadie? I'm pretty sure they got muled by bears" Courtney stated.

" Darn shame" Duncan said backing her up. Then out of the blue they come running back.

"We made it" Katie said. Then they pretty much had this whole make up fest.

"Are you finished." Courtney said. They nodded pleasantly.

"Good.Because thanks to you we just lost the challenge!" Courtney yelled.

And the Gophers got to go to a tuck shop. Yeah don't know what that is. We went to the campfire pit as everyone was pretty much dead. Everyone got a marshmallow except Katie. Me and Bridgette went to see Katie off and tried to convince Sadie to come to the campfire pit.

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