Chapter 3: A secret alliance?

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I was sleeping comfortably in bed. Suddenly a loud horn woke us up.

"All crew on set, call time is 4 AM!" Chris yelled. I rubbed my eyes and tried to feel more awake. We all walked out of the trailers.

"You're on a film set now, and you're gonna learn that show biz is not all red carpets and pool parties. Today you're gonna get schooled on how tough on set production life can be." Chris said.

"Do you think we'll be on the same team this season?" I asked DJ.

"I don't know. Let's hope for the best." DJ said as I nodded.

"Okay, let's get this split bath started. You're gonna choose schoolyard style. Boy, girl , boy, girl. Ladies first. Since we have no ladies here, Gwen." Chris said.

"*sighs* I don't know, Duncan." Gwen said.

Duncan smirked and high fives Gwen.

"I choose the beautiful Lindsay!"

"YAY!" Lindsay cheered as I face palmed.

Why would you pick Lindsay? She's literally, aside from Heather. The worst choice.

"Because I like to keep things cool, I pick Leshawna." Gwen said.

"The girls are back in town!" Leshawna cheered.

"I choose Justin." Trent said.

"Oooo, pick all the good looking people. That will get you far." Gwen said sarcastically.

"It will in show biz." Trent said.

"DJ" Gwen said.

"Beth." Trent said.

"We choose Heather." Gwen said.

"Really?" Heather said. Honestly I'm just as shocked as her. Trent was debating between me, Harold, and Owen.

He picked Owen, Gwen picked Harold, and Trent picked Izzy,

I got picked last. Kinda reminds me of gym how no one wants me on their team. I was put on Gwen's team.

Our team was the Screaming Gaphers. And Trent's team was the Killer Grips.

"Okay, since we're running late now, and don't seem to have any more of whatever those crew dudes, we better get going. Your challenge, for each team to set up a film lot." Chris said. Meh, sounds easy enough.

"We'll be starting flapjacks by seven." Leshawna said.

"Oh will you?" Chris said. Uh oh, I know where this is going.

"As for casein manager, I want your sets to go there." He pointed up to a large mountain. Yep, I knew it.

"You just love doing this to us!" Gwen yelled. Yeah, clearly.

"Yes, yes I do. Chef, clear for traffic up there. Lights, camera, actions." Chris said.

We began carrying stuff up the mountain. Owen was taking their trailer up the mountain.

"You gonna cry together, you little punk wannabes cause your team is going down." Trent shouted.

Whoa. Were we just roasted by Trent?

"Oh not cool. Not cool at all." Duncan said.

"Don't worry, we're taking Trent- I mean that team down." Gwen said looking at DJ.

"Oh no! You don't expect me to- What if the trailer slips and rolls back down and hurts someone? What then? I couldn't handle being responsible for that." DJ said.

"Simple. Then just don't do it." I said. Duncan and Gwen gave me a glare.

"What? We can't force him to do it if he doesn't want to." I said.

"Do it DJ, Do it DJ." Harold chanted.

"How many times do I have to say no?" DJ yelled. I tapped his shoulder.

"Not as much as you might think.." I said pointing at the top of the mountain. The Grips won the first part of the challenge.


We all went to the top of the hill for the second part of the challenge.

"I can't believe we don't have a trailer." Harold complained.

"We are so not gonna be able to apply makeup without vanity lighting. This could spell disaster. Thanks DJ." Heather said sarcastically.

"Oh, well we don't see you doing anything to benefit the team Baldie." I argued.

Yeah. I'm super defensive over him. Hehe.

"You'll be making a feature about a thug who tries to go straight but can't resist the lure of the streets." Chris said.

"Yeah, it's been done before." Gwen said.

"Hey, what about lunch? We've been working for eight hours and you are legally obligated by union rules to give us a meal break." Heather complained. Her argument is good, but it's so hard to take her serious with that bald head.

"Oh yeah. Who here is in the union?" Chris said raising his hand.

Chef gave us our script.

"Big lucky parmesan." Gwen said.

"A tough guy." Heather said. We all looked at Duncan.

"What?" Duncan said.

"You have got to play the gangster!" Gwen said.

"Don't typecast me. I don't even know if I can act."

"You want Harold to do it? He's as tough as butter." Heather said.

Well, I guess I'm not an option.

"Don't expect DJ to be a tough guy, that's for sure." Chef said butting in our conversation.

"How can you say that?" DJ said making this puppy dog face.

"Chef. Seriously? No one asked you. Leave him alone. Why is it that everyone has this mindset that guys have to be mean, just to be considered tough?" I said. He couldn't say anything after that.

I looked over at DJ and smiled.

"DJ. Your fine the way you are. And if it makes you feel any better, I appreciate your kind and positive attitude." I said.

"Thanks Derick."

/Derick: "I said something nice and sane without my mind overthinking the situation. I feel pretty good."\

"And now, time for the finale hair, and makeup." Chris announced.

"This light is just appalling! How am I suppose to work without a proper trailer and lighting?" DJ said causing us all to gasp.

"I mean, could you tilt that pretty chin up just a smidge?" DJ said.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Chef yelled pulling DJ throwing him into a chair. I followed to see where this was gonna go.

"What? My mama always told me I had a flair for applying her church makeup so I figured-"

"We need to toughen you up, you big old, marshmallow." Chef demanded.

"Um, no. We don't. We don't need another depressed cook that can't get a stable job." I said. He completely ignored my insult.

"Here's the deal. I'll help you man up and win this thing, you don't any stupid questions, like they say its an offer you can't refuse. I won't let you."

"Um, chef. Isn't that illegal? So, you can't um... You can't do that." I said.

"Mind your own business pony boy!"

"PONY BOY!? I...." I was about to start a whole rant but then the acting started.


It was kinda funny watching Duncan not act like a juvenile delinquent. Everyone was crying on Duncans act. Except me.

"Duncan clearly wins for best performance. The Screaming Gapher's win!" Chris announced.

Me and DJ both looked to see Chef still crying.

"You're gonna teach me how to be a tough guy?" DJ said as we both laughed. He then grabbed DJ by the shirt.

"Tough guys cry. And did you notice that your team just won. Who was the judge of that DJ? Huh, who?" Chef said as I rolled my eyes.

We both began heading back to the trailers. We both just sat outside, since Duncan was having some rock party.

"Okay. So, we're on the same team. I'm suggesting that we talk strategy." I said.

"Okay. What did you have in mind?" DJ said.

"I don't know. I was seeing if you had any ideas."

We needed a plan. I mean, its us against everyone else.

"I mean. I guess we just keep trying to win. But if we head to the elimination ceremony, we vote together. We keep that up until we get to the merge." I said.

"Okay. So what happens then?"

"Well, we ensure that one of us win invincibility, and we vote off whoever we feel is the biggest threat at that point in time in the game. Then if we get to the final two, we split the million."

"Yeah. Easier said than done."

"Yeah, I know. But it's all I can think of for now. So, you in?"

"Yeah. Definitely." DJ said as we fist bump.

/DJ: Man, am I lucky to have a teammate like Derick. He's smart, and dependable. I just hope I don't screw things up."\

After our strategizing, we went back to the trailer, and went to sleep.

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