Chapter 4: Freezing on the beach

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Once again, Chef was serving us some terrible slop. Seriously, after eating this for a day or 2, you're better off just not eating. I took my tray and sat down next to DJ.

"Morning DJ." I said, trying not to blush.

"Morning. Whatcha been up to?" DJ asked me.

"Meh, nothing much. I just wish that we could get actual food. I mean, seriously. How much does it cause for a decent meal?"

"I'm feeling you there. This crud stinks."

I looked over to see Trent spill salt over his eggs. Duncan then burst out laughing.

"Sorry about the morning A-Salt." He said. Not a bad pun, for a delinquent.

Trent then threw the salt at Heather. Trent then tried fixing it with pepper, but it just ended up getting in Heather's nose.

"Wow. Well that's a great way to start the morning." I said, sarcastically.

Suddenly Chris blew his whistle.

"Hang on to your coconuts players, we're going back to the beach!" Chris said.

"No. Anywhere but there again." I groaned. I had enough sand, and water.

"Ever see one of those 1950s surfers movies where the kids get up to neat-o fun before the big bonfire twist-a-thon before the bully kicks the sand castle in the nerd guy's face?" Chris asked.

/Derick: Due to the fact that I grew up with my grandparents, they watched older styled things. So I've seen this done hundreds of times.The idea gets boring after you see it once or twice."\

Everyone looked at Chris in confusion except Harold who nodded. And Heather, just sneezed.

"Uh, no Grandpa. We haven't." Duncan said.

"Well be ready to create one, junior. Two challenges, followed by a tie-breaker if necessary. So, grab your swimsuits." Chris said.

I sighed and changed into my swimsuit.

AN: so that's the swimsuit. Definitely didn't get this off Google images hehe... Anyways, back to the story.


We went to where the challenge was gonna take place. For some reason, it was super cold.

"When did you guys move the beach to Antarctica?" Lindsay asked.

"As some of you can see, we're actually in the shooting studio." Chris said.

"And the AC is cranked because?" Duncan asked.

"All the cameras and lights get so hot, they can melt Chef's heart." Chris said as Chef waved with a friendly smile. Creep.

"And the network told my agent that sweaty wasn't a good look on me. Your first challenge... Hang 10 this deck into the big blue, without swallowing tail in the sew." Chris said.

"What did you just asked me to do?" Leshawna snapped.

"He means, whoever stays on the surfboard longest, wins." Trent said.

"Exact-a-mundo groovy cat. So, who's going first?" Chris asked.

We all stood there just shivering.

"The team that wins will get a half hour head start on the next challenge. Given tonight's reward, you should be fighting harder than Justin's abs over who gets first shot." Chris said.

"Speaking of rock hard abs, have you ever seen my ten pack?" Harold asked Leshawna.

He then started to try and stretch as I just cringed and Leshawna rolled her eyes. Lindsay shot sunscreen out of a bottle, and it froze into ice hitting Harold in the back pushing him.

"Saved by Lindsay's idiocy." I mumbled.

"You got that right." Leshawna said.

"We have a volunteer." Chris said.

Harold stepped up on the surfboard. Suddenly the sharks peaked their head out the water causing Harold to leap off the surfboard.

"My booty and I are out." Harold said.

"Your booty has an opinion?" Leshawna asked.

"That's a big job for a saggy sad little thing." Heather said as I chuckled.

"I'll have you know this is a selfless act. My lady fans couldn't handle the loss of this perfect behind."

"And by 'lady fans', he means his mother." Heather said.

"And his aunt." I added.

Harold distracted the sharks with bacon and facon, then fell right on his back. Ouch.

Lindsay got on the board next. She didn't start off too bad. She got blown off of the board because of huge electric fans.

DJ got onto the surfboard next. He also started off pretty good. Suddenly a shark jumped across his waist and bit off his pants leaving him... Naked!

I felt my face heat up so fast. He quickly covered up and ran off.

/Derick:"Oh my God." *Covers face with hands*"I seen everything. I mean I thought I'd see it ten, or even fifteen years from now. But dear fucking God! Why now?" *Face becomes more and more red.* "My mind will never undo seeing that him like that. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing. I said blushing really hard." \

Next Owen stepped on, just to break the surfboard. The sharks flew out the water. Owen apologized to the sharks.

"Break time! Union rules." Chris announced.

"Finally, " Heather sighed in relief.

"I don't mean you shark bait." Chris said as I rolled my eyes.

Gwen got on the surfboard but then got shot off. Justin got on but also was shot off. Then the sharks did some weird CPR on him.

Duncan got on the surfboard and dodged all the seagulls and dodge Lindsay. Yeah, not sure how this guy doesn't get sued.

"And with that, Duncan secured victory for the Screaming Gaphers." Chris said. We all cheered for Duncan's good work, even me and Harold. And we're not too fond of him.

We changed back to our casual wear, and all began waiting for a bus.

"Welcome back to Total Drama Action, were against to contrary, the players have change out of their bathing suit. Hope you like swimming in your jeans." Chris said.

"Right, because we're totally going to the beach for real this time. The bus is just late." Heather said sarcastically. The bus then arrived in front of us.

"You were saying?" Chris said. I sat with DJ on the bus. We ended up on a smelly beach. Oh no. I remember the smell of this dump.

"Yes, campers, we're actually back to your old stomping grounds, Total Drama Island. If you need to take a moment and reminiscence about the great time you had here." Chris said.

"Great time?" I questioned, loudly. We then all burst out laughing.

"Fine, we'll skip the good memories montage. Screaming Gaffers, you've got a 30 minutes head start on... The Sandcastle Building contest, to be judged by our resident king o' the dunes." Chef then put on a sand crown shaped like a castle.

"Make like prop masters guys, and give me something awesome. I really don't want the tiebreaker to have to go down. I don't think legal quite approves it yet."


We began working on the castle. Harold took charge. Me and Leshawna were holding our buckets.

"Leshawna, Derick, pack it firmer." Harold demanded us.

"Who died, and made you bossy-mc pushy?" Leshawna asked.

"Yeah. You could at least ask." I added.

"I'm a bit of a Gary buff. Frank Gary? The greatest architect of our time." Harold said. Me and Leshawna had no clue what this guy was talking about.

"And we care about this because?" Me and Leshawna both asked. He then pointed at the sand castle. Whoa, it looks pretty good.

"Did Duncan and Gwen go to get more buckets?" DJ asked.

"I don't know. Shouldn't they be helping us?" I asked.

Our castle looked great, but then it got torn apart by birds.

"We have our winner!" Chris yelled."Which means we need a tie breaker and I was hoping for the evening off. Instead, gather some some wood, campers, for a fire of the Bon variety." Chris said.

I heavily sighed and began collecting wood. After collecting wood, Chris clapped making the wooden torches light up.

"Why do you bother sending is for fire wood?" Heather complained.

"I needed some alone time. You think these hands manicure themselves? "Chris asked."Which brings us to, the tie breaking challenge."

Leshawna volunteered for our team. And trent for the Grips.

"Prepare for a world of pain, son." Leshawna said.

"Bring it," Trent said. They moved back and Lewhawna began doing what she does best. That was sarcasm by the way.

They were both dancing until trent tripped over a tiny twig.

"Oh, I think I have turned my ankle." Trent said.

What? He's kidding right?

"Do something!" Owen yelled. Trent just attempted dancing on the ground.

"That's not dancing!" Chris said.

"It's modern, it's interpretive." Trent said.

"I interpertive as sucking," Duncan said.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but Leshawna and the screaming Gapher's are the winners!" Chris announced.

Everyone cheered but me. I just walked off and sat down in the sand, eating the food we got from our reward.

I watched Harold dance, doing some ballerina twirl. Duncan kicked sand into his mouth.

This season, I'm gonna stay out of there girl drama. I have the chance to win a million dollars. I have to win this.

DJ came and sat with me.

"Hey DJ." I said.

"Hey. Whatcha doin?" DJ said.

"Just watching everyone. Are you still in your alliance with chef?"

"I guess... not like I have much of a choice."

"I see. Well, let's hope for the best."

Everyone seemed to have a goodnight.

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