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Jungkook and haryeon reached first, while others reached after them.

Jungkook knocked the door, and the door got opened by a Lady in her late 40s

The lady asked
"Mam,we are officers. Can we talk to principal?"
Haryeon asked

"You can talk to him at university, it is not the right time to talk."
That lady commented

"Who's that?"
That was principal who asked from inside.
Then he came to scene to see jungkook with others.

His face changed into scary one, to remember their conversation from the college

"Sir, we need to talk. Your daughter is in danger."
Jungkook said that.

Principal and his wife looked at eachother by taken aback for a moment to hear that.

They let them come inside.
"What are you guys saying?"
Principal asked
"We are telling the truth? May we know where your daughter is?"
Jimin asked while step forward.

"She went outside with friends."
Lady stated
"Mam, please call her and ask her to come back fastly."
Irene said that, that lady nodded and dialled her daughter's number
"The person you are calling is not answering the phone, please send a voice mail"
It continued to say that and call got hanged.

Everyone became tensed.
"Guys don't worry, jimin, irene and Lisa, please stay here. Me, suga, jin, haryeon and jisoo will go and get her."
Jungkook said that, everyone nodded.

Mia's pov (principal's daughter)

"Ok guys, see you tomorrow"
I said that and closed the car door  behind before going from there.

I had a amazing day with my friends, now iam craving for some sleep.

I went through the usual short cut, to my house.

I heared some noice from behind, i felt chill down in my spine to sense some negative presence.

My stepps got increased, so did my heart, it went crazy.
Suddenly my track got stuck to feel someones presence behind me.
I gulped down my saliva and started to walk.
Then out of blue one rope gripped in my throat.

End of mia's pov.

Jungkook traced her phone, and reached at the location to see her laying in the alley, she is unconscious.
They took her to hospital.

Suga and jin investigated the place to get an evidence, but they didn't get anything as they expected.

Time skip, hospital.

Principal and his wife, with other officers reached at the hospital.
That Lady is crying over her daughter's tragedy.

Jungkook and his squad also reached at the hospital.

The doctor came to scene.
"Now, she is fine. Don't worry"
The doctor commented.
Everyone felt relief to hear that, they managed to save one girl.

"Excuse me, we got this paper from miss.Mia's pocket and here is her dress, we changed her to hospital wear"
The nurse said that and gave a paper, which is folded, to the principal.

Principal received it and looked at jungkook and gave it to him.

"𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝗿𝗲 5 𝗼𝗿 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘀𝗮𝗳𝗲."
Jungkook exclaimed.
"That means, the 4th person that we looked for wasn't her? Why did that killer said that she is safe?"
Jimin asked.

"Seems like he tricked us, he do have intention to kill mia, but he is also ready to let her go, if circumstances changes. That's what he is mentioning."
Jin said that, suga nodded
"Then who will be the 4th victim!?"
Irene asked, yes it is a big question mark!

"Investigate the principal,after this mess, ones he again get mentally stable.As we assumed,something seems fishy, ask him about BORA!"
jungkook said that to suga and left from there, along with haryeon.

Next day.
Namjoon and jennie were talking to eachother about the case.
"Why didn't they closed the University?"
Jennie asked
"Jungkook said that, the person who is doing this murder is within the college.He need everyone to be here. This is the only way."
Namjoon replied, jennie nodded.

Suddenly they noticed Byeon-wooseok, coming through the corridor.
"Hi mr. Kim, and um sorry you?"
Woo-seok asked.

"This is jennie, my wife."
Namjoon said that gaining a smile from woo-seok
"Oh my bad, i didn't knew. By the way nice to meet you Mrs. Kim"
Woo-seok said that
"It's ok sir, i get to know that you are a chemistry professor, nice to meet you too."
Jennie said that with her soft smile.
"Oh, seems like Mr. Kim had told you about me"
Woo-seok stated that gaining a chuckle from kim couples.

"Catch you later then, iam get going"
Woo-seok said that both of them nodded, with that he left from there.

Hoseok is going to a business trip, before going he thought to meet Namjoon and jennie.
So he went to KH University.

He was on his way to staff room, but suddenly he got bumbed to a person
"Oh iam sorry"
That person stated.
"It's ok."
Hoseok said that.
"Do you know where the staff room is?"
Hoseok asked that person
"Are you here for Namjoon, i mean
Mr. Kim?"
That person asked, hoseok got shock to hear that.

"How do you know?"
Hoseok asked.
That person smiled.
"Ofcourse you guys are famous cousins. I saw an article about you two, 'the god themself, introducing Namjoon and Hoseok' "
That person stated
(Info:those who read the first part of this book thoroughly will know what it is :) )

(Do you guys remember this photo from part-1 of masked man?)

"I never mentioned this to mr. Kim, but glad to meet you Mr. Jung, iam woo-seok, chemistry professor"
Woo-seok said that, hoseok smiled and nodded
"Oh i see, nice to meet you too"
Hoseok stated
"The staff room is at 2nd floor towards the corner"
Woo-seok said that, hoseok said thank you before going from there.
Woo-seok just watched him going.

To be continued

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