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"So did you find anything from CCTV?"
Suga asked to jimin
"That person ran towards **road"
Jimin stated
"Let that be aside for now, let's just go to the victims house. We haven't goes to their house"
Jin said that, for which suga nodded
"I will go after that unknown person, you guys can proceed with the investigation."
Jimin stated, they nodded.

Info:Guys, suga and jin are detectives, iam mentioning this as some of you are directly reading this book without reading 1st part. For mention, jimin is a crime branch officer.

Jungkook and haryeon with irene, jisoo and lisa is busy with studying files.

"What is there at that cupboard?"
Jungkook asked that while pointing at the cupboard
"Sir, it is files about old cases like, cases happened 2 to 3 yrs ago."
Lisa stated, jungkook nodded and went towards the cupboard.
His hands went through the untouched files, suddenly his fingers stopped at one file, he looked at the file carefully, his curiosity became shock
"Suicide attempt file of KH University student, Hwang Bora."
Jungkook exclaimed.
Haryeon went towards him to check the file
"Why didn't we knew about this case?"
Haryeon asked
"I don't know. Anyway irene take this file to my study table. I will be going to the University, haryeon, jisoo and lisa come with me. Irene you can go through the file if you can"
Jungkook stated
"Yes, sir i will make sure to read it."
Irene stated.
4 of them left to the University.

Suga and jin reached at lee dohyun's house.
The one who got murdered first.
"Sir,iam min suga and this is kim seokjin, we are detectives. We are here for investigation."
Suga said that while jin handed over their card to Mr.Lee.
Mr. Lee allowed them to enter.
They watched the house thoroughly to see dohyun's photos all around the house

Then a women in her early 50s came to scene
"She is his mother"
His father stated
Suga and jin greeted her, she also greeted them back weakly
"Sir, we only have limited time. Can we check out his room?"
Jin asked politely
Mr. Lee nodded

Suga and jin searched dohyun's room.
For half and hour they didn't got any clue, but they then noticed a paper which is crumble badly in the dustbin
Suga took that paper
There he and jin saw a big '1' written with red ink.
Suga commented
Suddenly they both knew what it is, they looked at eachother shockingly
"That means, the killer already gave hint that he is behind dohyun, that he is the first person."
Suga stated
"Suga we have to go to minho's house as soon as possible."
Jin stated, suga nodded.

"Sir thank you for your time. We will be get going"
Suga said that.
"I want justice for my son. Please find that person who took our son from us."
Dohyun's mother said that weakly.

Same dialogue continued in minho's house.
Suga and jin searched the room but got nothing.
They both came back to hall to see minho's parents
"Did he got anything, by any chance, before his murder?"
Jin asked
Parents thought for a moment
"Yes, before his trip to daegu. He got a parcel, i received it. He didn't got time to open it as he was in hurry with the trip, he said that he will check it after coming back from trip. But-he-my son didn't came back"
His mother stated
"Yes, we received phone call telling he is dead."
His father stated
"Did he shown any unusual behavior?"
Suga asked
"No, he was normal and happy."
Mother stated which father agreed.
"So did you guys opened that parcel?"
Jin asked
"Yes, there were only a paper written
'2' "
His father said that.
That's it, suga and jin looked at eachother.
"He often receive this type of pranks from his friends. He will also do the same with his friends, he was so childish" mother stated that bitterly to remember him.
"Can we get that parcel?"
Suga asked.
Mother nodded and left to take that box.
"Hope you will find the culprit."
His father said that by gritting his teeth angrily yet pain is visible in his voice.

After receiving the 2nd paper they went from there.

They went to the third victim's place, and they got a paper written '3' from that girl's bag.which was not at all surprising for them
Her name was 'JI'

KH University

Jungkook with his squad reached at the University.
They went to principal's room.

"Thank you for visiting sir, how can i help you?"
He asked
"Actually, today i get to know about the murder of  a formal student of this University, miss. Hwang Bora.
May i know about her?"
Jungkook asked
The change in principal's face didn't got unnoticed by jungkook.
"Oh that case, that happened about 2 to 3 years ago, that girl found death in the store room of this college in the terrace."
He stated
"How was her body found? I mean in which state?"
Jungkook asked
Principal became a bit uncomfortable to remember that
"Sir, i don't remember it."
Principal said that, which jungkook clearly know is a lie.
Jungkook kept silent
"How come you don't know?"
Jisoo asked.
"That happened 2 yrs ago."
"So what's-"
Lisa was about to ask further but jungkook gustered her to stop, haryeon know jungkook won't behave like this without getting any clue, so she kept silent.
"Thank you for your time sir. We are get going."
Jungkook said that and stoodup and then left from there.

"Something is off with that man"
Jisoo said that, lisa nodded in agreement.
"Seems like he know something about the reason behind that girl's death."
Jungkook stated
"But sir, should we get concern about this matter right now? We have other things to look after."
Jisoo said that.
"That's right tho? Why are we going behind this case that happened years ago?"
Lisa asked
Jungkook smiled bitterly
"Maybe some unexpected ways will lead us to find the truths. We have to go through every way possible way. maybe sometimes we will get that person who did that,from our own ship."
Jungkook said that out of his experience and looked at haryeon. Jisoo and lisa know what he is trying to convey so do haryeon.
(To know this you need to read first part of this book(masked man-1))

"Did you guys noticed that the kids who got murdered is the members of this University."
Jungkook stated that, then only reality hitted them
"Wait so are you telling that this girl have connection behind all this murder? I mean the one who died?"
Lisa asked
"50%. From the principal's reaction, i can say something is off. Seems like her death is not a suicide. Also who will be the one focuses on the members childrens?"
Jungkook asked
"Wait!do that principal have kids studying here?"
Haryeon asked
"Yes, one of his daughter is studying here!"
Jisoo stated
Jungkook knew what haryeon is thinking
"Keep an eye on her."
Jungkook stated.

Suga and jin kept forward 3 papers infront of jungkook and explained the things.
"So what if that principal's daughter also receives the paper?"
Irene asked, without any further thoughts jungkook left to principal's House.

To be continued.

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