-I need you by taes_potathoe [Rev. Suzy]

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Book Name: I Need You

Author: Taes_potathoemention a user

Reviewer: Suzy

No. of chapters: 11

Title: 1/10

Very common, makes your book sound cliche. Please go for any other rare and different title.

Cover: 6.5/10

It's beautiful but the girl at the back fails to catch attention at the first sight, the filter is too soft and fade so I'd suggest you to sharpen the features and details of the cover. The third pic of Taehyung from the left is off, his face isn't properly seen and the pic can be shifted to the left.

Description: 6/10

You can add dialogues from the protagonists and few poetic tools to make the description more fantastic.

Reader’s Interaction: 1/5 

The book has very few reads and the comments are barely seen in some chapters, this is because the chapter goes from all funny to dry all of a sudden, try to work on that.


It was a good storyline until some not so realistic incidents showed up, for example BTS staying at y/n's house, it could've been situated that both of them incidentally  end up at the same hotel or maybe like y/n would throw a party and they'd attend it but later due to transportation issues ended up staying in her house. Also, the staff wouldn't / cannot stay at an idol's home. Another part, you said to assume that the event was happening in India, it was referred to the BBMAS or the actual story location? It confuses the readers a lot and having the original location setup would've been better in my opinion. I observed that many of the references and the twitter update chapter was realistic and sensible, you kept a balanced realistic pacing until them staying at her home part showed up. The room selection part turned kinda dry and dragged out. 

Grammar: 13/20

There are homophonic errors, 

ex1: their , there 

Ex2: In ch 11, "than" *** "then" etc

Tense mistakes, the chapter or paragraphs don't follow the same tense and few dialogues have such errors as well.

Some typo's are also observed,

ex: batteling her eyes ***batting her eyes

ex: In chapter eight,

"so, they need help and they're…."

****  "so? they need help and ………."

again, "me" Namjoon said

"Yes, you" Hobeom said

**** "Me?" Namjoon said

"Yes, you!" Hobeom said

You need to work on your vocabulary as well since the story is written in a simple language without any usage of figures of speech.

Plot twists and attraction: 4/10

In the beginning you gave out extra details about her family which made everything obvious, you could've given them a surprise entry at the party. Attraction, well the book is a good read by the cover and opening chapter could be edited a bit.

Emotions and character development: 3/10 

There's no character development observed till the last update though the emotions can be described in a more detailed manner.

Creativity and way of writing:5 /10 

Your writing is simple and and easy to understand, still you do need to work a lot more on descriptive writing, using pictures isn't the best way to portray your thoughts, do try to write out whatever you see in the picture, it enhances your writing skills as well.

You mentioned that bold texts represents their conversation in korean but in the chapter choosing rooms 2, you didn't bold their conversation when they were playing rock, paper and scissors to decide who will sleep in the room.

Your opinion on the book:4 /10 

The book is a good read, just change your title into a better one and don't drag out the story, there are many plot holes which are supposed to be revealed with sensible and not so cliché backstory.

Total Marks:  47.5/100

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