03. Perfect Strangers

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bella notte
act i , distant memories
chapter three , perfect strangers

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For both Belle and the Bridgerton family who had seemingly frozen at their reintroduction, yet only two of them was completely fixated on the other. Belle felt her chest tighten at the sight of him, as dozen memories rushed back to her of being chased around the rose garden, playing chess in the sitting room, plotting to steal cinder toffee from the serving platters.


But her fixation was shattered at the sound of the first person to speak, the Viscountess herself who surveyed the young Grantham with a soft gaze and kind smile.

"My lady." The brunette swiftly replied, sinking into a brief curtesy as Violet Bridgerton took her hands in her own.

Their greetings lulled every so slightly, Belle knew it was due to all the present Bridgertons looking her over, she could feel every single one of their disbelieving gazes.

Though their stares were loud enough, there was no tangible sound and thus, their quiet was broken by the slight cough and mumbling of the second eldest son who had quickly averted his gaze and was beginning to edge away from the group.

"Excuse me." Benedict muttered, plastering a polite smile on his features before turning away, patting his brother, Colin, on the back as his younger br they tried to object to his departure.

Belle couldn't quite hide how her heart fell at the man's actions, as het shoulders slumped and a delicate sigh left her.

"Well, seeing as you are already acquainted, I'll leave you to it."

Lady Danbury clearly had sensed the change in atmosphere and sought a way of restarting the conversation, as she announced her own departure, promptly both Belle and the Bridgertons to focus once more on their counterparts.

"How lovely to see you." Violet continued, stepping slightly to the side so the girl could face those remaining of her children.

"The pleasure is all mine, I assure you."

"Are you quite alright?" Colin quirked an eyebrow at the Grantham girl who was still gathering her thoughts, but promptly perked up at his question.

"Merely startled is all." She replied briskly, plastering a glad smile on her face as she tried to rid her mind of the departed son and focus on the people in front of her. "I was hoping to have more warning before seeing you again. But it appeared Lady Danbury had other plans."

"Alas, it seems she always does." Violet chuckled, patting the girl's hand as her soft laughter shook her shoulders.

Belle brought her gaze to the rest of her companions, stood across from her was Anthony, looking across the rim of a champagne glass with Daphne still on his arm in a fine gown of periwinkle blue and positively radiant smile on her delicate features. On her other side was Colin, whose hands were politely clasped behind his back, his eyes following the discussion as it continued.

"You've certainly grown up a bit." Anthony remarked over the top of his champagne glass. "I assume your days of stealing peonies are long behind you?"

Belle wasn't quite sure if there was something of a mischievous twinkle in his eye as he spoke, nonetheless she squared her jaw and put a resolute smirk on her features.

"As I'm sure are yours, Lord Bridgerton." She replied, eloquently, before raising an eyebrow at the young Viscount. "I do recall the whole scheme being largely orchestrated by yourself."

Anthony made to object with a light hearted smile but was quickly silenced by his sister who elected to join the discourse.

"I can hardly believe it's been as long as it has since we saw you last." Daphne gushed from her brother's side. "The second my eyes landed on you, I could have sworn it to be yesterday."

"I can hardly say the same." Belle chuckled amicably, "You too have grown into something of a vision; a diamond of the first water if I recall this morning's paper correctly."

A small dusting of red dressed the top of Daphne's cheeks as Belle smiled upon her.

"Congratulations on your debut."

"Thank you."

"Please forgive us for the formalities." Violet turned to face the young girl, with a helpless smile as she looked between her children. "Such occasions as these ..."

"You needn't apologise." Belle dismissed the Viscountess' apology — she had thought that conversation was rather too polite for such old acquaintances, but nonetheless forgave. "I understand, or at least I'm beginning to."

"A dance, Belle?" Colin asked, making his first contribution to the conversation with an outstretched hand. "We can talk more candidly, perhaps you could tell me of Florence?"

Belle positively beamed at his suggestion and decidedly took his hand, as the two began to turn away from the larger group.

"Of course." She conceded, as they made their way onto the ballroom floor, giving a light applause as the last dance came to a close.

"I was right in assuming Florence, wasn't I?" Colin asked as the two promenaded around the edge of the ballroom, waiting for the band to prepare their next piece. "I'd hate to make a fool of myself."

"No, Florence is right." Belle politely eased his worries. "Although the thought of you making a fool out of yourself is rather humorous."

"Give me time, I hadn't danced for weeks until this evening." Colin chuckled, as they stepped onto the dance floor and another three quartered time waltz began. "I'm still trying to tell my right foot from my left."

A moment passed between the two as they danced a few steps and Belle assessed his statement.

"I don't believe it." She replied with a knowing smile, as he expertly led her around the floor. "You're a fine dancer."

"It is wonderful to see you again, Belle."


"We were all awfully anxious for your return." The third eldest Bridgerton explained. "Though we had very little idea when it would be. Nonetheless, what a pleasant surprise."

"Not for all you, it seemed."

Belle couldn't quite hold her tongue in that instance and almost immediately regretted opening her mouth as Colin's polite smile fell into one of slight embarrassment on part of his brother.

"Yes, I'm not entirely sure where Benedict ran off to. I rather thought him the most anxious to see you." Belle quirked an eyebrow at her partner's explanation although was still disbelieving even as he quirked an eyebrow at her. "The two of you used to be quite the duo, didn't you?"

"An awfully long time ago, yes." Belle conceded all too quickly with a brief smile before promptly changing the subject, as he spun her around. "But what of you, dear Colin?"

"What of me?" He repeated, with a small sigh before launching into the answer of such a question. "Well, I'm set to tour Europe at the season's end."

"Oh, how adventurous!"

"Yes, I'm to start in Greece."

"Greece?" Belle repeated with an intrigued smile — she, herself, had never been but her father had been on one or two occasions and always spoke of it as quite an agreeable place, aside from the heat of the sun in the summer months. "Well, you must visit Florence on your tour. You'd be a most welcome guest."

"Are you not here to stay?" Colin replied, evident surprise illustrated across his features.

"No, no." Belle quickly corrected him with a light hearted smile. "At the season's end, I will return to Italy."

"Well, I shall be sure to pay you a visit when you do." The Bridgerton smile politely, before spinning her once more. "But, in the mean time, you simply must visit us. My mother would have my head if I didn't insist it."

"Well, I could never refuse her." Belle gave a light chuckle as the music slipped into a lull and their fellow dancers stilled. The brunette spared the Bridgerton boy a fond smile. "Oh, Colin, I have missed you greatly."

        "And us, you."

       "Thank you for the dance." She smiled, bowing her head as etiquette required her to before straightening and feeling a little light headed.

       "It was my pleasure." Colin replied before quickly noticing his partner's dizziness and laying a hand on her shoulder. "Are you feeling alright?"

       "Yes, yes." Belle quickly dismissed him as she took his hand in attempt to soothe his worries, shaking her head a little as she tried to refocus from her slight dizzy spell. "I think I crave a breath of fresh air."

      "Do you wish for me to accompany you?" Colin asked as he escorted her off the floor and towards the great doors of the ballroom which led to the gardens.

      "Oh no, please don't trouble yourself." She assured him, taking her arm out of his and sparing him a quick smile. "I won't be long."

Belle could detect the gentlemanly instincts in Colin telling him to insist on accompanying her but her reassuring gaze told him not to press the matter. Instead, he straightened up before shooting her a firm nod and turning on his heel, back into the throws of the ball.

The brunette inhaled deeply and set her gaze on the entrance of the Danbury estate. In a few short steps, she was at the front of the building, stepping out into the braving cold night where the torches still burned bright and the horses leading carriages were whinnying impatiently.

She stood still for a few minutes, her gaze drifting to the dark canvas above as a chill struck her — perhaps she had underestimated just how cold the night would be. Still, she was not yet feeling up to returning and instead settled for keeping her blood moving by taking a quick walk around the building.

Her shoes weren't very comfortable — especially as they stepped upon the small stones of the ground. Belle wondered how thin her soles were as on more than one occasion she stopped to shake a loose pebble from within one.

Her arms were crossed, as her hand rubbed the bare skin of her forearms in attempt to create some warmth. The torches surrounded the perimeter of the buildings, allowing the pathway to be lit, however the vast grounds remained dark — Belle supposed it was too early in the season to promote venturing outdoors as part of the event.

It was awfully cold.

She'd quite forgotten the bitter chill of English weather, having been blessed by the Italian sun for the best part of twelve years. She couldn't help but shudder as the light breeze prickled her skin, and she manoeuvred to stand closer to one of the torches in search of heat.

       However, as she basked in the meagre warmth offered by the torch, her attention was diverted away from her coldness. As her gaze landed a tall figure stood not to far from her, his own gaze cast far off into the dark ground as his fingers methodically tapped the short stone wall that separated him from it.

       Belle was almost amused at the sight of Benedict — she thought him rather foolish if he thought standing in the cold was the best option to avoid conversing with her.

        Clearly, fate thought otherwise.

        Feeling a sudden boldness, the Grantham girl cleared her throat, the sound echoing across the vast grounds as she plastered a small smirk onto her features and began walking over to join him. 

        "So, this is where you ran off to, is it?" She asked, quirking an eyebrow as she caught Benedict's attention — a timid smile broke across his face at her voice as he let out a nervous chuckle. "I suppose I can't blame you, it's a quite a view."

       That, of course, was a lie. As Belle turned her attention to the grounds upon which he looked, covered in a blanket of darkness with no evident point of interest across its many acres.

      Another chuckle left the Bridgerton's smile as he dared a look at the woman who had settled on his right.

       "You must think me incredibly rude." He remarked, before hurriedly adding. "An assessment I suppose I can't blame you for."

       "Might I enquire just what is was that caused you to leave the ballroom with such haste?" Belle prodded with an arched eyebrow.

      "I needed a moment to gather my thoughts."

      "Is that it?"

      Belle didn't bother to hide the disbelief threaded in her tone, prompting Benedict to properly explain himself and turn to face her head on as he did.

      He faltered for a second as he surveyed her — he was quite sure if he recognised her or not. By the way she moved, spoke, even the way she narrowed her eyes, he knew it was authentically Belle. Yet, he couldn't quite get past how beautiful— or rather grown up she was.

      He never thought about the fact as he grew so did she. Whether he thought of her, he thought of that endearing young girl with a zest for life and knack for mischief. He was relieved that he could sense a trace of that girl in the woman before him.

       "I found myself thirteen again, or at least I felt as much. You caught me off guard." He made his feeble excuses before straightening up, taking his hand off the wall in front of him. "Your gown looks exquisite by the way, Miss Grantham."

       "Oh, Benedict, please don't tell me that you too insist on such stifling pleasantries." Belle groaned, shooting him a desperate look. "I had hoped there'd be something left of the roguish young boy I left behind."

        Belle could feel her desperation at his actions transform into a slight feeling of hope as she continued her sentiments, and though he didn't directly reply, she couldn't mistake the twinkle that appeared in his eye at her words.

        "You're a lady." He said after a moment of surveying her, just as his family had done. "I never thought I'd see the day."

       "Well, get a look while you can." Belle chuckled, before promptly spinning on the spot, earning a laugh from the man before her. "The façade is positively suffocating."

        "Isn't it just?" He somewhat agreed, chuckling still as he watched her itch at where the bottom of her glove met her skin. "I trust your uncle is with you?"

       "Yes, I've yet to be without him so far on my travels." She gave a light sigh, surprised at how at ease she felt — she dared to think it was calmest she'd been all evening. "He too has been rather incessant about all this etiquette and decorum nonsense."

       "I pity the man." Benedict chuckled, before his demeanour slowly shifted and he let out a weary breath, his eyes at his feet. "I realise I should extend my condolences. For your mother and father."

       Belle was silent for a minute, taking a moment to digest their sudden change in topics of conversation. She'd been offered condolences all evening, and yet this was the only time, she'd felt herself every so slightly wobble at the words.

        "Thank you." She replied in a small voice, sparing him a light smile as his gaze rose to meet hers.

       "I'll always remember them fondly."

       "I suppose I should reciprocate the sentiment."

       Benedict faltered, an eyebrows rising at the girl's words, his mouth opening and closing briefly before he formed words.

        "How so?"

        "To your own father." Belle explained, her small voice persisting.

        "Belle, that was years ago—"

        "That doesn't change anything." She dismissed him, her voice gaining a little more strength. "I don't believe you're any less hurt by his loss now than then, and I give my condolences. He was a wonderful man."

        "He was." Benedict agreed, before pausing as he surveyed Belle once more. "He would have loved to see you again."

         "I'd hope so." Belle shot him a weak smile, before she was overcome with a humours memory and her smile broadened. "Although I rather thought I'd severed my bond with him after you blamed me for ruining his best waistcoat."

       It took a few moments for Benedict to cast his mind back and remember the incident, at which he quickly retorted.

        "Wait a second, that was your fault." The Bridgerton remarked, a challenging smirk growing on his lips.

        "It was your idea to play dress up."

        "You insisted we played in the rose garden!"

         "It was a warm day!"

         Benedict seemingly had nothing more to add to his defence, as he was too preoccupied. He felt a childish happiness in his heart, he thought was all but gone as he smiled upon the Grantham girl who only continued to grin back at the man.

       He faltered ever so slightly as the situation came to light and his mind refocused, he became aware just how long the two of them had been wrapt in the other's company.

       "We ought to head back to the ball, should we not wish to raise suspicions." He declared after a moment, at which Belle gave a hearty chuckle of agreement.

        "Yes, I suppose we should."

        "I'll accompany you." He told her, his grin still on his features as he presented him with his arm. "Miss Grantham?"

      She took it gladly.

      "Mr Bridgerton."

      And just like that, any unease, frustration or nerves that had occupy Belle's mind that evening were seemingly drowned out by the joy that was practically radiating from her.

       The notion that the Benedict she adored from all this years ago still existed and remembered her — why, Belle could have sworn the happiness she felt could have fuelled her for the rest of her days.

       "Benedict, there you are!"

       Belle's thoughts were interrupted as she and Benedict turned the corner and very nearly collided with two female figures — that of his mother and sister.

      "Mother." He greeted appropriately, his arm sliding out of Belle's as they came to a standstill.

       "Your sister and I are leaving."

       "So soon?" Belle found herself querying, attracting the attention for the Viscountess whose face brightened ever so slightly upon realising it was her who Benedict had been with.

       "Anthony thinks it best if we leave now." Daphne replied, with an agreeable nod. 

       "But you've only just arrived." Belle countered, her eyebrows furrowing. "You surely have another dance left in you?"

       "Perhaps, but I daren't argue with Anthony." The Bridgerton girl replied, with a light smile. "He is much more well versed in these affairs than I."

       Belle knew couldn't argue with the will of a Viscount — especially if the Viscount was Anthony Bridgerton — and quickly conceded with a light smile.

       "Well, then, I wish you safe travels." The brunette told them as she spotted Anthony, who was arranging for a carriage to be brought around for his family, out of the corner of her eye. "It was truly wonderful to see you again."

        "And you, dearest." Violet replied, reaching for the girl's hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. "We'll see you soon, won't we?"

       "Perhaps you could stop by tomorrow morning?" Benedict was quick to suggest as he turned his attention to the girl by his side. "Bring along your uncle for a spot of breakfast?"

      "I would love to." Belle replied with a light chuckle, before explaining her reasoning for politely declining. "But I have no doubt your household will be overrun with visitors for your sister tomorrow morning."

      She shot another look at Daphne who replied with a bashful grin, before looking back at Benedict who sent him a soft smile.

      "Another time, then?"

      "I'll make sure of it." She assured him, craning her neck to look back at the entrance hall. "Speaking of my uncle, do you know where he's got to?"

      "Discussing whiskey with Lord Chamberlain." The voice of Colin entered their conversation as he emerged from behind Belle and Benedict, a wide grin on his face as he surveyed the two.

       "I should have known." Belle chuckled, as she looked at the present members of the Bridgerton family. "Well, I suppose I shall if you adieu and make an attempt at convincing my uncle to retire for the night."

       "If he's talking of whiskey, I don't doubt he'll be here for hours." Benedict chuckled, folding his arms across his front and giving a light tut.

        "Your encouragement is appreciated, Mr Bridgerton."

      With a few more polite goodbyes, the Bridgertons began climbing into a nearby carriage arranged by Anthony, Benedict being the last to enter.

       "Good night, Belle."

       "I'll see you soon." She replied with a small smile at which he gave a light sigh, his smile never fading.

        "It really was splendid to see you again."

       She couldn't help but agree as she gave him a small nod of agreement, watching as he slipped into the carriage and waved her goodbye as it began to launched into motion.

        "Likewise." Belle muttered to no one in particular, as she watched the carriage retreat.

       She turned on her heel and gave a gentle sigh as she began walking back into the ball — perhaps some good would come of her return after all.

𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖆 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖆𝖐𝖘!
it's the fact that
belle and benedict
just had their first
interaction for me


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