04. Present Interests

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bella notte
act i , distant memories
chapter four , present interests

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"ELOISE, DO STOP GRUMBLING and be polite to the guests." Violet Bridgerton said under her breath, her words hidden behind a polite smile as more suitors passed them into the drawing room.

"There are not my guests." Eloise retorted, grimacing at the sight of the men as she quickly darted out into the hallway. "They're Daphne's."

"Eloise." Her mother warned, but her words fell on deaf ears as the second daughter ran out of the earshot.

Eloise kept her book in a tight grip, her lips contorted into an expression of disgust as she bypassed still more suitors in her attempt to find refuge.

But her search didn't last long as her eyes landed on a figure who was shrugging on a navy overcoat as he moved in the direction of the door, looking also to escape the chaos.

"Where are you going?" She called to Benedict who gave a light groan upon being spotted.

"For a stroll." He answered shortly, as he checked the buttons on the cuffs of his shirt.

"A stroll?" Eloise narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "You never stroll. What are you up to?"

"What does it look like?" The second brother gestured to the queue of suitors leading to the drawing room. "Our house is overrun with visitors, I'm anxious to avoid them."

Eloise let out a pained sigh at the sight before whipping back around and seizing her brother by the arm.

"Take me with you, I beg of you."


"Benedict, please."

Benedict gave a huff as looked back upon his sister who regarded him with an expression of such desperation that the man found himself in no position to refuse her.

So, opening the door before the two of them, he closed his eyes, knowing he would come to regret his decision, and conceded.



"DARE I ASK, WHAT HAS you looking so smug?"

The sound of her uncle's voice caused Belle let out a soft exclamation of surprise as he called to her from where he stood by the garden door.

He had found Grantham girl in the garden seemingly regarding the blossoming sunflowers, but the smirk on her lips told a different story as her gaze fixed itself through the jungle of flowers and towards the Bridgerton residence. Or, rather more specifically, the swatches of visitors that passed through its doors.

"Oh, nothing." She gave a content hum as she turned to face her uncle. "It merely seems a little bet I made with myself came to fruition."

"And what bet was that?"

"That the Bridgerton household would be overrun with suitors for Daphne this morning." Belle clarified as her uncle clasped his hands behind his back, and strained his neck so as to look himself.

"Ah, and is the Duke of Hastings amongst them?"

"Simon?" A wry chuckle escaped Belle's lips. "I don't believe he would ever stoop to such levels."

"You don't believe he has an interest in Daphne?" Leopold queried, but Belle continued to smirk.

"I didn't say that."

Her uncle shot her a knowing look before straightening up and clearing his throat.

"Well, you're not the only one betting on debutantes."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Belle quirked an eyebrow although all her questions were answered as her uncle handed her a pamphlet.

"A new issue of Whistledown." He divulged, leaving Belle to let out a slight scoff of surprise.

"Why, Uncle, I thought you'd despised scandal sheets." The girl chuckled, as she scanned the first couple of words. "Why are you entertaining this?"

She tore her eyes from the pamphlet to look upon the man who merely shrugged, but his eyes bore a strange twinkle.

"It brings a smile to your face."

Belle cocked her head to the side and pursed her lips, shooting him a disbelieving look.

"Are you feeling alright?" She jested as she started forward, beginning to fan the man with the issue of Whistledown. "I thought you would slept off the worst of all that brandy you drank, and you did drink rather a lot-"

"Alright." He silenced her with an amused smile, causing her focus to fall back to the pamphlet in her grasp.

Straightening the page out with her thumbs, the Grantham girl's narrowed eyes scanned the printed words with great curiosity;

And an even rarer jewel of only the
most remarkable brilliance, fire and
luster has been unearthed. Her name,
unknown to most, yet soon known to
all, is Miss Marina Thompson.

"Miss Marina Thompson?" She muttered aloud, turning her attention back to her uncle. "Was that the young lady that attended with the Featheringtons?"

"Yes, and it appears she made quite the impression."

Belle took a few steps back towards the sunflowers and peered toward the Featherington estate, which was crawling with nearly as many visitors as the Bridgerton household.

"Colin was rather taken with her from what I can recall." She informed her uncle as she mindlessly flicked through the remaining pages of the pamphlet. "Not to mention, I saw him marching across the square not a half hour ago with bunch of geraniums."

"Are you making a habit of spying on our neighbours?" Leopold folded his arms, narrowing his eyes ever so slightly.

"Of course not!" Belle objected. "I was simply tidying the drawing room when-"

"Yes, I noticed that."

Despite her words being cut short, Belle couldn't help but spare her uncle a mischievous smile.

The Grantham girl had made good on her promise to Grace the night before, where she had divulged her intention to bring life back to the rather gloomy house that her family home had transformed into in her uncle's care.

She had risen early that morning, washed and dressed before sending out Terence to the florist, and donning her own slippers to accompany Grace to the baker. She had given the housekeeper Mrs Turner ample instruction to have the maids run circuits around the house and cast open every set of drapes and every window.

When she returned, she thought it rather remarkable how considerable a change merely allowing light back into the house had been.

"You can hardly blame me, Uncle." She shrugged, folding her arms across her chest as they began walking around the side of the house to the back patio.

"I like what you've done." He conceded with a small smile, at which she shot him a large grin before approaching and linked her arm through his.

"Good, because I'm far from done." She told him, before quickly changing the subject as they settled themselves on the small wall at the back of the house. "Did you like the currant buns? They're fresh from baker's this morning."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, I picked them out myself." She smiled, straightening up a little. "Did you know Grace was married to Mr Miller? The baker, that is?"

"I did."

Grace had introduced Belle to her husband Hugo who emerged to the front of the shop with flour covered hands and sweat glistening on his forehead from the heat of the oven. Nonetheless, Belle had shaken his hand and found him awfully agreeable, insisting he tell her what items she must buy from him.

"Well, I implore we get our bread from him in future. He is truly wonderful at what he does."

"I shall think about it."

Belle narrowed her eyes in good humour at her uncle hummed response, as they both fell into a peaceful silence.

"Miss Grantham?"

The brunette gave a small smile and hum of acknowledgement as she turned around to face Terence who stood alert by the door to the house.

"You have guests?"

"Guests?" She repeated, her eyes widening in surprise.

"Are you expecting anyone?" Leopold turned to her with a calm curiosity.

"Of course not, I don't know anymore."

"Send them around the side of the garden to us, if you would." Her uncle instructed his butler as he rose to feet and dusted off his waistcoat.

"Who would come to see me?" Belle asked him in a stressed whisper as Terence disappeared back into the house and towards the front door, no doubt where the so-called guests were waiting.

"Perhaps you caught someone's attention last night." Leopold answered calmly with a small glint of hope in his eyes.

"A caller?" The girl let out a large breath and shook her head vehemently. "No, no, no, Uncle. That is not why I am here."

Her uncle had turned from her and set his sights on the side of the house where the guests would be soon emerging. Belle gritted her teeth and stepped in front of him, her back to the approaching guests as she attempted to block his view and reclaim his attention.

"You must turn the guests away at once and say that I have taken ill."

"Why should I do that?" Her uncle cocked his head to the side with a knowing smirk.

"If you have any interest remaining my uncle you will do so!" She threatened him, her eyes still wide with panic. "I am not on the marriage mart!"

"Now, now." He tutted, "You don't wish to make a scene in front of our guests, do you?"

"Oh, Uncle!"

"Is it a bad time?"

The sound of another voice entered their midst, caused Belle's words to cease as she slowly recognised the familiar tone and felt her worry melt away.

"Oh, grazie a Dio!" She cried as she turned around to set her eyes on Benedict Bridgerton who couldn't help but smile at her in response. "I didn't expect to see you this morning."

"Well, I do hope it's a pleasant surprise." He quipped back at which she gave a light chuckle.

"Of course."

"For yourself." He presented a quaint bouquet of flower from behind his back, which Belle took from him with a grateful smile.

"Oh, so that is why you were so anxious to stop by the florist!"

Belle's attention quickly jumped away from the flowers in her hand and over to the young lady that had accompanied Benedict, who was looking on him with a smirk as she clutched a small book in hand.

Benedict gave a light sigh but shooting his companion a short look and turning his attention back to Belle.

"Belle, this is Eloise."

"I am perfectly capable of introducing myself." Eloise retorted as her brother attempted to speak for her.

"Well, you have yet to do so." Benedict said with a tight smile as he urged her forward and let out a nervous laugh.

"I'm Eloise Bridgerton." She addressed the Grantham girl with an awkward smile, her voice holding much less authority now that she was faced with a stranger.

"I'm Belle Grantham." The brunette replied with a kind smile, causing the younger Bridgerton to relax considerably.

"I've heard most wonderful things about you." Eloise grinned, clutching her book tightly as her mind raced through the stories and anecdotes her brothers had told her about the girl.

"How strange." Belle remarked, narrowing her eyes slightly as she turned to face her uncle with pursed lips. "It was to my knowledge, that my Uncle took it upon himself to paint a rather raucous picture of me."

"Precisely." Eloise grinned.

"Now, now." Leopold tutted as he approached thee group and the two girl let out light chuckle at his expense.

"Good morning, Leopold." Benedict bowed his head in greeting.

"Good morning to you both." He replied, before gesturing to the door behind them. "Would the two of care to join us inside-?"

"Oh yes, we could do with more help." Belle cried in excitement, as she passed the flowers into her uncle's grasp and looked back to find the two Bridgertons looking rather confused

"Help?" Benedict repeated, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

"My niece has taken it upon herself to redecorate my entire house." Leopold explained with a slow exhale.

"You were the one who told me to make myself at home." Belle quipped with a small smirk.

"I wasn't aware that included tearing down my drapes?"

Belle pressed her lips together. It was perhaps true that in attempt to open one set of particularly old drapes in the library, she had torn some down. But she didn't concede.

"They're a ghastly colour."

Her statement earned a light chuckle from Benedict and am impressed smirk from Eloise while her uncle cleared his throat at her defiance.

"Perhaps after some tea?" Leopold offered. "We should be somewhat hospitable, shouldn't we, Belle?"

"If we must, I suppose." She jested once more, her smile never fading.

"I hate to tell you, Leopold, but I have been sent with clear instructions from Hyacinth to locate the promised cinder toffee." Eloise announced as the four of them started walking towards the back door, striding ahead of Belle and Benedict in order to walk alongside the older man.

Belle shot Benedict a curious look as to what his sister was referencing but he simply shook his head as the two of them fell into step behind Leopold and Eloise.

"I'm glad you decided to pay a visit." Belle told the Bridgerton boy as she clasped her hands behind her back.

"Well, I won't deceive you into believing I didn't have an additional motive in coming." Benedict spared a quick glance behind him in the direction he and his sister had approached.

The brunette girl gave a sympathetic chuckle and tut of understanding at his words.

"Yes, your home does seem rather overrun." She agreed, "Daphne surely has her pick of the entire ton."

"It certainly seems that way." He agreed before adding in an amused tone. "Much to Anthony's distaste."

"Ah, yes." Belle let out a light laugh. "I trust he continues to play the part of formidable chaperone frightening well?"

"I think he's found his calling, in truth."

"I certainly do not envy her." Belle remarked at the thought of the all too stern viscount she had witnessed the night before.

The two of them stepped into the house having fallen in a slight lull in their conversation, but Belle's curiosity was not satisfied.

"And what of you?"

Benedict pursed his lips together in slight thought before shooting her a crooked smile.

"What of me?"

"You're not striding across town to pay a visit to any debutante?" Belle asked, an eyebrow arching as they continued their way through the house.

"No, I'm afraid such a thing does not lie in my interests at present." He replied contently, clasping his own hands behind his back, mimicking her stance.

"And what, dare I ask, does lie in your interests at present?"

Benedict let out a slight laugh at her question, before arching a brow and responding.

"In visiting an old friend who has more questions than those in the Spanish Inquisition."

Belle let out a light-hearted scoff before pursing her lips as the man continued to grin at her.

"Well, pardon my curiosity."

"I jest." Benedict replied, nudging her arm ever so slightly before nervously clearing his throat. "Although I suppose I could ask the same of you."

"Now, who's the inquisitor?" Belle quickly countered.

"I only mean to say I was surprised not to be fighting my way through a crowd of suitors." The Bridgerton boy gestured behind him once more, as Belle stopped in her tracks to face him.

"Oh, well there's a perfectly simple answer to that question."

"Which is?"

"I am not entertaining suitors." Belle stated with a small smile as though it was regular custom.

"You're not?" Benedict arched a brow, awaiting more explanation as to her reasoning.

"No." She assured him. "My residence in Mayfair is merely a short term means to an end while we manage my father's estates and accounts-"

Belle caught the man's gaze suddenly and found her words failing her, as the familiar green hue of his irises caused her heart to stop for a second.

She tore her gaze from his and shook her head in attempt to clear her thoughts, before looking back with a calm smile.

"I shall return to Florence at the season's end." She explained, as the two of them approaching the doorway into the drawing room.

"I see. So, you are already betrothed to a gentleman in Florence-?"

"No, no!" She cut him off urgently, his words causing them to cease walking once more.

"You're not?" Benedict could only chuckle at her apparent detest for such a notion.

At the sight of his smile, Belle couldn't help but join in his amusement before letting out a relieved exhale and sparing him a shrug.

"No. I guess I find myself in a similar state to yourself." She explained as Benedict arched a brow. "My interests do not lie in pursuing any form of courtship either."

The Bridgerton boy seemed somewhat contented by her answer as they made their way into the drawing room to join Leopold and Eloise.

"I believe that my time will be much better spent rekindling old friendships." She told him, nudging his arm slightly as he had to her moments before.

"I quite agree." He replied with a fond smile, before a look of confusion donned his features. "And new ones too?"

Belle shared his confusion momentarily before she followed his gaze and found it following the animated figure of Nicholas as he ran around the drawing room.

"Ah yes. My brother."


Belle could only chuckle at Benedict's sheer surprise, as she reached out a hand and summoned Nicholas towards her.

After noticing his older sister enter the room, the boy ceased his play and approached her, taking her hand and shooting a wary look on the man that stood beside her.

"Go on, introduce yourself." She told the little boy, giving his hand a gentle squeeze.

"Nicholas Grantham, sir." He bowed his head slightly before outstretching his hand toward the man.

"Benedict Bridgerton." Benedict replied, taking the young boy's hand in a gentle handshake. "Pleased to make your acquaintance."

"I'm an earl, you know."

Belle gave a light scoff as she let his hand go and lightly smacked his shoulder, at his manners.

"No, you're not." Belle assured him, with a knowing smile. "Not until you are one-and-twenty."

"Only fourteen years to go, Nicholas." Leopold called from the armchair in which he had settled himself, causing the young boy to run over to his uncle and argue the toss.

Belle watched as Benedict chuckled at the scene, a soft smile donning her own features before approaching the table where tea had been set out.

"So you are no longer an only child?" Benedict asked her as she began pouring a cup, at which she chuckled.

"You've seen first hand evidence of that." She affirmed his question, before passing him a cup, and turning back to pour herself one. "Although, it wasn't much of an adjustment I have to say. I had plenty of experience of dealing with meddlesome boys before Nicholas came along."

"Happy to have been of service." Benedict smirked before bowing elaborately before her, earning a hearty chuckle in response.

With their cups of tea in hand, the two of them settled themselves on the nearby chaise longue and turned their attention back to Leopold and Eloise, only for Leopold to outstretch a small box towards them.

"Would either of you care for some cinder toffee with your tea?"

𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖆 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖆𝖐𝖘!
long time, no update!

but season two premiering
meant that i had no choice
but to come back to this old
chestnut, boy had i missed it


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