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- Pilot

Olivia was minding her own business as she sat on the end of the wooden bar of the closed cafe,Β  a milkshake in her hand as she had a frown on her face watching the paramedics push a dead body away when Lana came rushing forward calling out her husbands name frantically.

"Who's that?" John B questioned watching the women rush to her dead husbands side as a girl from their school speaks up and informs the group, " it's Scooter Grubbs. He was out during the storm. Check out this pic I got, dead body. Insane"

Olivia turned around narrowing her eyes at the girl in disbelief and told her, " Don't be so insensitive. I saw Scooter just last night he helped me and Sarah latch the cabin on the druthers. I feel for Lana no one should have to go through that"

Kie wrapped her arm around the blonde pulling her into a sideway hug knowing how close her family was to the Grubbs and Cameron's especially since Ward is her godfather so she's always at the Cameron's house.

Recently, Olivia hasn't been going over that often since the break up with Rafe but only turns up when she knows the Cameron boy isn't there as she still close with Wheezie and Sarah even if Kie and Sarah hate one another they both understand that Olivia would never choose between them as they're both her closest friends.

"What kind of boat did he have?" JJ asked turning to face the girl who shrugged her shoulders casually glancing between the five friends and told them, " Somehow, that dirtbag copped a brand-new Grady white. Everyone's out looking for it"

Olivia choked on her milkshake at the girls words, coughing as she glanced between her friends with wides eyes as it was the same boat that they had found earlier and that it must of been Scooters motel room they had been in. The blonde girl couldn't help but feel guilt since JJ had stolen the gun and a stack of money from the hotel room that was probably a crime scene.

A little while later, Olivia was sat in a chair on John's B porch when Pope came rushing in freaking out as he exclaimed, " Okay, so, um... we didn't see anything. We don't know anything. We need to have total and complete amnesia"

"Actually, Pope's right for once. See I agree with you sometimes. Deny, Deny, Deny" JJ said standing up causing Olivia to scoff in disbelief as she crossed her arms over her chest letting out a heavy sigh, " Guys, we can't keep that money. It rightfully belongs to Scooter's wife"

JJ rolled his eyes at the blonde as he turned to face her and snapped, " Okay, not all of us can afford unlimited data plans, Olivia" The blonde narrowed her eyes at the maybank boy in annoyance and told him, " it's not about how rich I am, JJ. It's not right to keep the money especially since we stole it from a dead man"

"Olivia's right, we have to pass that off to Lana Grubbs. Otherwise, it's bad karma" Kie spoke nodded her head in agreement with the blonde beauty as Pope looked up glancing at his friends and added in, " Bad karma to be implicated in a felony, too. We gotta go dark"

Olivia hummed laying back in the chair running her hand through her hair as JJ looked at his friends and commented, " if that means we get to keep the money, than I agree"

Olivia rolled her eyes in annoyance knowing that JJ wanted to keep the gun and the money but much to her surprise John B spoke up patting JJ shoulder and told him, " I don't agree."

"What? Why?" JJ questioned with a frown on his staring at John B in shock as he moved to the other side of the room turning to look at his best friend, " just think about it, this is Scooter Grubbs we're talking about. The same dude that's buying individual cigarettes at the porthole."

Olivia sat up on the chair she was sat on as she nodded her head and added in, " Yeah, one time he begged me and Kie for change in the save-a-lot parking lot because he needed gas" JJ furrowed his eyebrows glancing between the two girls thinking that the two were messing with him but his eyes winded when they nodded their head in confirmation.

" we're talking about a dirtbag marina rat. who's never had more than forty bucks in his pocket, and all of a sudden, he's got a Grady-white? Just saying" John B continued raising his hands in the air when suddenly Pope stood up from the couch making his way outside and away from the conversation as he didn't want to talk about it anymore.

Olivia stood up following after her friends who went after Pope who grabbed a fishing rod, casting it out trying to tune out John B who continued speaking about the subject, " All right, so think about it, Pope. How does a marina rat get a Grady-white?"

"Prostitution" Pope suggested with a shrug of shoulders causing Olivia to snort loudly in amusement shaking her head and spoke, " Seriously, He's married there's no way he'll do that. I think he got into something that he couldn't get out off and whatever it was killed him"

"Square groupers bro" John B pointed out rolling his eyes at Pope and exclaimed, "Okay, flying under the radar, no aerial surveillance. They don't do that stuff during a hurricane. What does that mean, JJ?"

JJ who was staring straight into the waters answered John B with a smirk on his face, "They were straight smugglin" John B turned to face Pope with a smug look on his face and repeated, " Smugglin. And I guarantee there is a serious amount of contraband in that wreck"

"Hell yeah!" JJ suddenly yelled out reeling in the the line revealing a fish causing Olivia to jump of the the railing grabbing Kie hand and dragging her back into John B house as the five friends now made their way into his room.

" for the record, if that is a smuggling ship with the illegal contraband on the inside of it, it probably belongs to somebody else" Pope informed his friends from where's he sat on John B bed.

"Minor details." Kiara inputted sharing a smile with Olivia as she spun around on the chair she was sat on as the blonde chuckled leaning back into John B chest who smiled down at her wrapping her arm around her shoulder:

Pope ignored the brunette and continued, " they could come looking for it. Taking it would be catastrophically stupid" JJ smirked snatching the money from Pope with a roll of his eyes, "Right. Well, stupid things have good outcomes all the time. All we need to do right now is to figure outs way to get into the cargo hold of that wreck. Until then we just lay low, act normal."

"Right. And how exactly do we do that?" Pope questioned letting out a heavy sigh as a beaming smile appeared on Olivia's face glancing at each off her friends and suggested, "Kegger?" Making them all nod their heads in agreement with smiles on their faces as they stared getting everything ready for the party later on tonight.

❀ ❀ ❀ ❀

The boneyard was in full swing, kegs and coolers were set up as teenagers began to get drunk. Olivia was wondering around with a red cup in her hands seeing as soon as she arrived she had ditched her brother and made her way over to her friends with one thing on her mind and that is to get absolutely wasted.

"Sarah!" The blonde girl giggled loudly as she spotted Sarah with Topper, skipping over to the two bringing the girl into a tight embrace. Topper rolled his eyes in annoyance as he was hoping that his sister would be more sensible causing him to let out a heavy sight as he should've known better.

Topper grabbed his sisters arm leading her away from the drunk teenagers with Sarah following after them with an amused smile on her lips at her best friends antics, " why don't you sit down and rest. I'll go get you some water" Topper grumbled under his breathe sending a look to Sarah to look after his sister while he went to get some water to sober her up.

Olivia frowned but nodded her head anyway waiting for her brother to be out of sight before a smirk appeared on her face as she made her way towards the broken lifeguard tower with Sarah following after her calling out her name in concern.

"Olivia, what the hell are you doing get down from there before your brother kills me!" Sarah whispered yelled only for the blonde to roll her eyes and replied, " Relax, Sarah. I've been doing gymnastics since I can walk. I've got this"

Sarah put her hands on her hips with an unimpressed look on her face, " You're gonna hurt yourself, Liv. Get down before you fall off and break something" Olivia raised her brows at Sarah as she stood on the broken lifeguard tower ignoring the dirty blonde words not realising two pair of eyes were on them both.

"What is she doing here?" Kie questioned John B in distaste glaring at Sarah who was trying to persuade Olivia to climb down from the broken tower. Topper scoffed with a bottle of water in his hands noticing that his sister was a magnet for danger, " Olivia, be careful, okay. What are you doing?"

Olivia sighed in defeat noticing the looks she was gaining from the couple causing the youngest Thornton to jump into Sarah's arms as she spun them about causing the two girls to giggle loudly, " Olivia probably invited her. You know how close the two are" John B answered with a shrug of his shoulders.

" You know, you and Olivia are exactly the same. You both have feelings for one another but are too scared to admit it out loud." Kie began to say taking a sip of her alcoholic drink, "Liv is the prettiest girl in outerbanks she won't be available for long so if I was you I'd tell her how you really feel before it's too late and someone swoops her away"

John B scoffed watching as Kie made her way over to JJ and Pope before turning around as his eyes locked onto Olivia frame who was making her way through the crowd chatting to some of her friends with a bright smile on her face laughing at something one of the girls had said.

As Olivia was dancing the night away when JJ had caught her attention who made his way over to Sarah and Topper who looked like they were about to leave, " Hey, Hey, Hey Sarah!" He called out causing Olivia to slowly make her way over towards them, "Sarah, can I interest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage?"

"No, thanks" Sarah softly spoke with a small smile on her face causing JJ to frown as he let out a scoff and exclaimed, "Is it not fancy enough for you?" The dirty blonde shook her head glancing around trying to spot Olivia as she added in, " No. we were just leaving"

Olivia sighed noticing the tension but before she could call out JJ name Topper stepped in and spoke, " Hey, you know what? I'll take it. I'll... thank you, man. I appreciate it" JJ scoffed at Olivia brother in distaste and replied, "That's nice, but I didn't ask you. If you said pretty please, maybe, but you didn't."

"Oh, pretty please." Topper mocked JJ raising his eyebrows at the blonde boy who nodded his head turning his attention to Sarah, "Yeah. Sarah. You can have it." Topper stood in front of Sarah hitting the drink out of his hand making it go all of JJ causing Olivia to gasp in surprise, " she doesn't want it"

JJ clenched his jaw together pushing Topper roughly causing John B to get between the two boys grabbing ahold of JJ who harshly called out, " You're so funny, man!" John B who went to calm down his best friend only to shove Topper when he called out, " dirty pogues!"

"John B. We're supposed to be incognito, remember?" Pope yelled out from beside Kie when Sarah suddenly exclaimed, "Babe, babe, babe!" Watching as her boyfriend threw a solid punch at John B, "Hey, John B, don't make me drown you like your old man, all right?"

"Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" The crowd started cheering causing Olivia to yell out to her brother, " Topper leave him alone! God, why do you got to be such a dick" the blonde eyes widened in shock when John B launched himself at Topper tackling him into the water.

"Give it to him!" JJ encouraged John B making Kie shake her head letting out a scoff as she exclaimed, "John B, let it go!" It was no use seeing as the two guys were throwing punches at one another.

"Topper! Stop!" Sarah screamed out in horror when suddenly Topper flipped John B over and held him under the water causing Olivia to gasp loudly, " Oh, my god. Topper stop! You're going to kill him!"

"He's drowning him." Pope mumbled to Kie and JJ causing Olivia to glare harshly at her brother going to make her way towards him but before she could Sarah grabbed her hand before she could get any further.

Olivia tried to free her grasp from Sarah but before she could tell the dirty blonde to let go off her she heard a click causing the youngest Thornton to snap her attention over towards JJ who was pointing a gun at Topper's head, "Yeah, you know what that is. Your move, broski."

Topper immediately let go of John B raising his hands in surrender, "Come on. Chill, dude!" JJ ignored him pressed the barrel of the gun further against his head. "Stop! JJ! Put the gun down." Sarah begged still holding onto Olivia tightly shaking slightly in fear.

"Did you say somethin', blondie?" JJ questioned turning around to send Sarah a dirty look. "We're good. We're good. Put the gun down! All right? Come on, man!" Topper begged backing away from John B and towards Sarah and his sister.

"Kie! Can you check your psycho friend, please?" Sarah yelled out causing Olivia to step away from Sarah and rush towards John B who was still in the water. "Okay, everyone, listen up! Get the hell off our side of the island!" JJ exclaimed firing the gun twice in the air making people scream out loudly and quickly making a run for it.

"Are you crazy? You idiot!" Pope shouted angrily at JJ, "Why do that? It's not worth it!" Olivia scoffed shaking her head at her friends who were now arguing as she moved John B hair out of his face so she could see him clearly, " Hey, John B. You're okay, you're fine"

Olivia eyes winded in shock as John B stared at Olivia for a moment in a gaze before his eyes rolled to back off his head causing him to fall forward on Olivia causing the blonde to call out, " Guys! Guys! Hey, guys! Could use some help here!"

JJ and Pope rushed over towards Olivia pulling John B body up wrapping John B arms around their necks as they made their way back to John B's place. The two girls following after them as JJ and Pope placed him in the bed knowing he was just unconscious after Topper had tried to drown him.

Olivia's outfit

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