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- Pilot

Olivia and her friends made their way to the motel in hopes to find out who owned the Grady-white the five teenagers had found earlier that day. The blonde let out a heavy sigh at the sight of the motel as it looked even worser than the Marina.

The Thornton girl couldn't help but frown with an confused look on her face that someone that owned the sunken boat would actually stay on a place like this. It surprised Olivia as the blonde wouldn't think twice stepping into a place like this never mind someone that owned a Grady-white.

" I thought the Chateau was bad." JJ spoke standing in front on the boat whistling at the sight of motel causing John B to nod his head in agreement and added in, " this place is a shit show"

Kie hummed her eyes scanning around the area as she questioned, "Motel or meth lab?" Olivia raised her brows sending Kie a knowing look as Pope shrugged his shoulders casually and resorted, " you be the judge"

"Yeah, this definitely doesn't look like a place somebody with a Grady-white stays" Olivia stated turning to exchange a look with her friends. Pope shook his head in response letting out a scoff in disbelief, " No. looks like the type of place someone with a Grady- White would get killed"

" alright, here we go" JJ spoke turning his head into his shoulder and announcing like a pta system adding static along with it, " this is your captain speaking, HMS Pogue coming in for landing." JJ jumped off the front of the boat, tying the rope to a stake that was in the grass to keep the boat in place.

John B climbed off the boat after making sure that it was secure as he held his hand out helping Olivia out of the boat but before the three of them could leave Pope called out, " Hey, Liv. Don't let them do anything stupid"

Olivia snorted in amusement glancing back at John B and JJ who was stood behind her with offended looks on their faces causing JJ to roll his eyes at Pope and replied, " Oh, we will" the blonde turned back around to face Pope and Kie and assured, " I'll try but I make no promises have you met them"

"Yeah, I know" Pope muttered under his breathe knowing that no matter what Olivia tells them there probably bound to get into trouble especially if it involves JJ and John B. The blonde walked over to JJ as Kie looked at John B with a concerned look on her face as she handed him the motel keys and told him, " Be careful. I mean, it"

Olivia took the keys from John B walking a little ahead of the two boys passing a pile of mattresses that was outside, " why are all these mattresses out here?" John B curiously asked causing Olivia to glance at him over her shoulder and informed, " after a hurricane, they have to get rid of them because they're all moldy"

John B and JJ raised their eyebrows sharing a look before sending a questionable look to the blonde who rolled her eyes in response, " What?" The two guys shook their heads at Olivia who scoffed in disbelief, " You know just because I'm a Kook doesn't mean I don't know things"

Olivia led John B and JJ up to the second floor not playing any attention to what they were speaking about as she was focused on trying to find the motel room, " Just be careful, John" JJ teased his best friend cupping his face on his hands.

John B eyes were locked on Olivia figure that was in front of him before pushing JJ away from him and exclaimed, " God, you're so weird" JJ had an amused look on his face before he questioned, " dude, what the heck was that about?"

" I don't know. Maybe she wanted us all to be careful" John B suggested with a shrug of his shoulders as JJ frowned before noticing the way John was staring at Olivia causing a teasing look to appear on his face, " Ah, so when you're going to tell Olivia that you're in love with her"

John B narrowed his eyes at JJ with a scowl on his face as he whispered yelled, " I am not in love with her" JJ snorted in amusement as everyone knew about his feelings to the brunette, " Yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night. Since she's heard you're being threatened with exile, you two have gotten a lot closer. Like I haven't seen you two apart for a week. like give me that John D already. When are you gonna swoop on that, man"

"Shh! she'll hear you!" John B firmly spoke narrowing his eyes at his best friend before a small sigh left his lips, " we've been best friends for years, a relationship between us could destroy our friendship besides you know the rules. No Pogue-on- Pouge macking. You're the one that's always hitting on her"

JJ couldn't help the smirk that appeared on his lips seeing the look on John B face, " Jealous? Of course, I'm hitting on her. She's a super hot, rich and for some unknown reason she's slumming with us. Why? I can't figure it out either, but who cares, bro? I know that door's locked because I've tried it. have you?"

"You need some serious help" John B informed him with a frustrated look on his face, " Not even a little help, you need a lot of help cause it's like every girl who just has a heartbeat, you're like... uhh!"

Olivia halted in her movement standing in front of 229 as she turned to face John B and JJ with an unamused look on her face hearing the end of their conversation about girls, " You guys done? Look, this is it"

"Erm, Yeah" John B muttered his eyes widened in surprise with a nod of his head as JJ rolled his eyes moving to stand in front of the motel room and knocked on the door before he spoke in a high pitched tone, " House keeping!"

Olivia couldn't help the amused smirk that appeared on her face at JJ antics as John B had a skeptic look on his face and questioned, " should we try it?" JJ hummed nodding his head in confirmation as he added in, " Yeah. No power. No security cameras. No one's going to know"

The Thornton girl let out a sigh of frustration at their hesitation as she moved the two boys to the side before opening the motel room, pushing the door open exchanging a look with the two boys as she moved further into the room examining everything around as her eyes landed on a black duffel bag.

"Check the bag, see if there's a name on there somewhere." John B spoke as Olivia walked more into the room as John b made his way over to the duffel bag reaching his hand inside as he started to search if there was anything that could help them find out who this person was that owned the sunken boat.

JJ who was searching on the other side of the room raised his eyebrows and called out, " A jacket. No name on the jacket. It's a nice jacket, though" John B who was going through the black duffel bag added in, " Denim slides. Definitely over 50, he's got New balances"

"Hey, guys. Check this out. Maybe this is where they were fishing" Olivia suggested causing JJ and John B to rush over to the brunette looking over her shoulder at the map that was in front of her.

John B shook his head in response and softly informed Olivia, " No, that's off the continental shelf. That's big swell, nobody fishes there" the blonde frowned in confusion but nodded her head slightly as she picked up a sticky note that had the numbers 61666.

"Coffee?" John B questioned staring at the coffee holder as JJ nodded his head with a smirk on his face and replied, " yeah, standard. Tissues for when you get lonely. Ooh!" Olivia rolled her eyes following after JJ as John B asked, " did you find anything?"

JJ who had a small black bag in his hands started rooting through it and told him, " a really awesome Dopp kit you won't let me steal" grabbing some deodorant and slipping it into his pocket causing Olivia to let out a scoff of disbelief smacking the back of his head before turning around making her way back into the main room.

"Yeah, because we're not stealing shit" John B firmly told his best friend knowing what he was like before opening a small cabinet revealing a safe making Olivia's eyes widened in surprise as John B started pressing randoms numbers trying to pry open the safe.

"Punching shit at random. That will definitely work" JJ sarcastically spoke flashing his flashlight around the room as Olivia looked down at the sticky note moving to crouch down next to John as she pressed the numbers 61666.

John B eyes widened in bewilderment as the two shared a look before turning the lock to the safe opening it only to reveal stacks of money and a gun, " Holy Shit" Olivia breathed out making John B chuckle as he picked up a pile of money ignoring JJ who was going on about something John and Olivia wasn't listening to.

"Erm... JJ? Your gonna wanna see this" John B exclaimed causing the blond boy to raise his brows before making his way over towards the two only for a beaming smile to appear on his face at the sight of the money and the gun.

JJ quickly grabbed the gun from the safe before Olivia and John B could stop him, " Dude, dude, dude! This is a SIG Sauer. This is a fucking spendy gatt, man. Just... bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!" He raised the gun pretending that he was shooting.

Olivia groaned in frustration running her hand through her hair, " Oh, my god. Put the gun down before you shoot somebody or worse you'll end up hurting yourself in the process" John B firmly took JJ arm spinning him around and told him, " We are not stealing anything"

"Just take a pic of me. Right here" JJ exclaimed sending a pointed look to Olivia as he posed waiting for Olivia to take a photo of him as she scoffed in disbelief sending him a glare and replied, " Really? You can't be serious JJ"

JJ frowned with an confused look on his face not understanding what the big deal was as he opened his mouth ready to say something but was cut off when a stone hit the window causing John B to rush over to the window only to see Kie and Pope waving their arms in the air warning them the cops are coming.

John B and JJ was frantically rushing around the room trying to find a place to hide as Olivia eyes winded as someone knocked on the door causing Olivia to rush over to the window prying it open as she climbed up onto the desk but before she could climb out John B took her hand, " what are you doing?"

"What do you think I'm doing? It's rather this or we get arrested for trespassing" Olivia snapped snatching her hand out of his grasp climbing out of the window and onto the ledge causing John B and JJ to share a look before following after the brunette.

John B pushed his body's against Olivia's wrapping his arms tightly around her waist securing them both so they don't fall off the roof as JJ was on the other side closing the window just before the cops entered the room.

The three teenagers eyes widened as they shared a look before glancing at Pope who whispered yelled, " what are you guys doing?" John B placed his finger to his lips gesturing for him to be quiet as JJ beamed in excitement waving Kie and Pope off.

Olivia gulped taking a deep breathe as she looked into John B brown eyes for a moment turning her head so she could peak into the window feeling John B breathe on her neck causing goosebumps to appear on her skin as she held onto John B arm trying to listen in on the conversation the two cops were having.

Suddenly, the sound of something hitting against the gutter caught Olivia's and John B attention as they turned to look at JJ only to see the black gun drop from the roof and onto the ground below.

John B closed his eyes tightly cursing JJ as he hoped that they won't get caught as he leaning his head on top of Olivia's trying to hide them from view as the cop came to the window opening the blinds glancing around after hearing a loud bang.

Olivia released a breathe when the cop walked away from the window as the three teenagers waited for the two cops to leave the motel roomΒ  and glanced at Pope and Kie who let them know when the cops were gone.

"How's that for an adventure?" John B teased with a smirk on his face as he slid down the pole like JJ had done causing Olivia to shake her head immediately and told him, " Yeah, Nope. I'm going back into the room, I'll meet you guys on the boat"

John B shook his head in amusement as he called out to the blonde, " come on, I'll catch you" Olivia eyes winded in horror and surprise and exclaim, " are you crazy! There's no way I'm jumping, you'd probably miss knowing you"

" I promise. I'll catch you, Liv. Trust me, I won't let anything happen to you" John B stated causing Olivia to let out w heavy sigh in hesitation as she pushed her hair behind her ear and called out, " I can't believe I'm actually doing this. If you don't catch me..."

John B snorted shaking his head at Olivia who started threatening him as she moved to the edge of the roof letting out a breathe as she let out a shriek as she jumped off the roof only to land in John B arms as she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck afraid to let go of him.

Olivia slowly opened her here's glancing around only to see John B staring down at her smugly letting out a laugh as he told her, " see it wasn't so bad was it? I told you I'll catch you" Olivia couldn't help the fake laugh that escaped her lips as she raised her brows and told him, " hilarious"

John B started following after JJ towards his boat still carrying Olivia who rolled her eyes and muttered, " You do know I can walk myself" John B hummed in agreement staring at the girl in awe and amazement and softly commented, " Oh, I know. But what's the fun in that"

Olivia scoffed shaking her head at his antics as he placed her on the ground grabbing onto Kie hand who helped her onto the boat missing the smirk on her lips as she muttered under her breathe to the brunette, " nothing going on between you and John my arse"

"Shut up" Olivia whispered yelled as her cheeks coated in pink avoiding eye contact with her best friend as John B stared turning the boat back around driving off as JJ chuckled and commented, " Well, that was fun. Could of warned us sooner"

" we would of except Pope was on the math team" Kie explained with a slight smile on her lips as JJ frowned in confusion and asked, " you were on the math team?" Pope rolled his eyes at JJ before changing the subject, " the cops took everything like it was a crime scene. Did you guys find anything?"

Olivia smiled glancing over at John B who shook his head watching JJ pull out a stack of money and black gun, " did we find anything? No, I don't think so. Oh, yeah, we did" Pope eyes winded as he loudly exclaimed, " what the hell!"

"Dude, what?" Kie questioned looking at John B and Olivia for answers as the Thornton girl shook her head and explained, " don't look at us we didn't tel him to take the gun" JJ stood up making his over over to Pope and told him, " dude, chill. Come on."

"Why would you take that from a crime scene?"Β  Pope questioned throwing his arms in the air as JJ shrugged his shoulders casually and said, " it's better than the cops having it" Pope shook his head with a look of disbelief and muttered, " I'm gonna lose my merit scholarship"

"Hey, hey, hey, sh, sh, sh, sh, sh." JJ teasingly spoke wrapping his arm around his shoulder and assured, " at least you have us, right?" Pope pushed JJ away from him before he took a seat next to Olivia as he whispered to himself, " I'm living a nightmare"

Olivia's outfit

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