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- Pilot

"Sorry, I'm late. I stayed at Sarah's last night seeing there's no way I'm facing Topper just yet" Olivia called out with a small smile on her face as she entered the Chateau taking a seat next to John B who let out a heavy sigh before informing his friends, " Look, I'm calling it off. All right?"

Olivia frowned raising his brows at John B in confusion as just the other day he was determined to find out why Scooter had a Grady-white and over a sudden he's had a change of heart. The blonde glanced at JJ, Pope and Kie only for them to shrug their shoulders in response as they were just as confused as she is.

"Peterkin said, if I stay out of the marsh, she'll help me with DCS" John B continued to explain causing JJ to scoff as he shook his head in disbelief, " and you believed her?" JJ questioned turning around to face his friends making John B roll his eyes in frustration and resorted, " yes, I believe her, JJ"

JJ glanced between his friends raising his brows at them and called out in disbelief, " An actual Cop, John B. You believed a cop" Olivia narrowed her eyes at JJ as she's known Pererkin most of her life and knew she wasn't like other cops she did so he best she can do help people around the island while most cops usually just help the Kook's because they get paid to by their families.

"All I gotta do is stay out of the marsh for a couple days, and she'll help me out. It doesn't help that your ass was the one shooting the gun." John B exclaimed glaring at JJ who stood up and snapped, "You know what I should've done, man? I should've just let Topper drown your ass"

John B laughed sarcastically with a nod of his head and commented, " Yeah, because Topper was going to drown me" JJ narrowed his eyes at his best friend and told him, " sure looked like it" Olivia who awkwardly shifted in her seat knowing what her brother was like but the night before she's never seen anything like it, it was like he had snapped and took out all his anger out on John B.

" I know my brother better than anyone but I even thought he was going to drown you, John. He's never been that aggressive before towards anybody" Olivia spoke up causing the two boys to turn their attention to the blonde who had a frown on her face thinking about the events that happened the night before.

Olivia sighed crossing her arms over her chest watching the two boys argue back and forth like they were a married couple, " they always win, don't they, man? Kooks versus Pogues, they always win" JJ hissed in annoyance as he smacked the ball that was attached to two strings.

"Look it's okay" Kie softly told JJ in attempt to calm him down but JJ just shook his head angrily and loudly said, "No, it's not okay! It is not! They don't want us to go down in the marsh, that means there's something valuable down there, and you know it. I know you do."

Olivia couldn't help but roll her eyes at JJ as she was beginning to get fed up with him especially since whenever he had come up with something it would probably be something illegal or something that would get them all in trouble and the blonde knew that John B wanted to lay low especially if that means he won't end up on froster care on the mainland.

"And I understand why you don't wanna go. You're the golden boy, you got way too much to risk. And you two, i mean, you're already rich as fuck anyway. Why would you two bother?" JJ questioned with a shrug of his shoulders before turning his attention to John B, " But you and me, we got nothing to lose. We really don't, all right. And I know it didn't use to be that way for you guys"

John B shook his head standing up turning around so he wasn't facing JJ and told the
Maybank boy, " I don't want to talk about this. I don't want to talk about it" John B started walking away when JJ called out, " John B, listen to me. I have a plan"

Olivia rolled her eyes exchanging a disbelief look with Kie and Pope knowing that his plans were horrible and would always end up with them probably in trouble, " you got the key to Cameron's big boat, right? There's scuba gear inside of it. We just borrow that, and then we go down to the wreck this afternoon and that is what gonna save you, man. You don't see rich kids going into foster care, do you?"

John B glanced around his surroundings with a thoughtful expression on his face taking in JJ words before turning around to face Kie, Pope and Olivia and informed the three with a smile on his face, " I guess we're going back to the March"

"You're both idiots, literally" Olivia commented with a roll of her eyes causing John B to wrap his arm around her shoulder and teasingly told her, " Come on, Liv, It'll be fun. what's the worst that could happen?" The blonde scoffed raising her brows at the boy with a knowing look on her face causing John B to roll his eyes in response.


Later that day, after John B had obtained the Scuba gear from the Cameron's family boat, the group of friends traveled back to the shipwreck on John B boat, " This is empty" Kiara complained as she checked over the tanks, " you took empty tanks? Okay...."

"Okay, this one's a quarter full. It's enough for one of us." Olivia spoke up gesturing to the tank in her hands causing everyone to send her confusing looks except from Kie who knew that when the blonde was a child she always went scuba diving with her brother on weekends but as the two grew into teenagers they just drifted apart.

"Love it when a plan comes together" Pope commented causing Olivia to roll her eyes at the boy when Kiara glanced around at her friends and questioned, " does anybody know how to dive? Anybody?"

JJ shook his head in response and replied, " it's kind of a Kook sport" glancing between Kiara and Olivia who both scoffed in disbelief as Pope then sighed before adding in, " I... read about it" Kiara sighed in frustration and exclaimed, "Great, Pope read about it, so someone's gonna die"

"It's actually not that hard. Topper used to take me all the time to go scuba diving" Olivia spoke causing John B to immediately shake his head and calmly said, " Yeah, No. there's no way in hell I'm letting you go down there. If anything happens to you, your brother and mother would have my head"

" Look, y-you put the thing in you're mouth and breathe. How hard could it be?" JJ asked with a shrug of his shoulders glancing at his friends as Pope scoffed in annoyance before he informed the Maybank boy, " Well, if you come up too fast, nitrogen gets into your blood, and get the bends"

"Bends like, bend over and..." JJ trailed off, crouching down slightly and arching his back causing Olivia to chuckle in amusement shaking her head as she shoved him forward slightly as Pope shook his head at his best friends antics and stated, " the bends kill you"

JJ straightened his back up noticing that Pope clearly wasn't joking around with him and muttered under his breathe, " Right" Olivia let out a heavy sign only to furrow her brows in confusion when John B stood up and announced, " I can... I can dive"

" yeah, you can dive. I'm cool with that" JJ commented waving his hand towards John B direction causing Olivia to turn around pushing her blonde hair out of her face and told him, " Last I checked you don't know how to dive. It's fine, John B I can do it, it's not a big deal"

John B shook his head in response at the blonde girl who was staring at him in concern and assured her, " I'll do it. It's fine" Pope suddenly stood up from his seat and spoke up, "let me do some calculations real quick"

Olivia stood up looking over Pope shoulder watching him draw a diagram on a piece of paper, "that boat's about thirty feet down. So, it'll take twenty five minutes at that depth. Which means you need to make your safety stop about ten feet. All right? For two minutes"

"Yeah, yeah" John B mumbled taking in Pope's words with a nod of his head before turning his head watching as Olivia remove her shirt, " ten feet, two minutes. Got it" JJ smirked in amusement watching John B check out the blonde before she jumped into the water with her shirt in her hands.

The three boys looked at one another in confusion on why Olivia had jumped into the water, " what was that all about?" Pope questioned with a frown on his face only for JJ to shrug his shoulders and casually replied, "I don't know, but I liked it. A lot"

"God, you're such a pig" Kiara spoke scrunching up her face in disgust at the boys who were speaking about Olivia like she was some kind of object causing Pope to awkwardly clear his throat so that they would stop talking about the Thornton girl.

"Alrighty. Yeah, uh, when you're down there, you look for the cargo hold" JJ informed John B as he held up the key for John B to take, " you stick this thing inside and twist and pull, okay?"

John B nodded his head in acknowledgement as he repeated what JJ had just said, " Stick in, twist, pull" just as Olivia rose from the water and swam back towards the boat as JJ nodded his head in confirmation and informed his friends, " Yeah, my dad moved weight back in the day"

Kiara started helping John B put on the scuba gear on as Pope rolled his eyes in frustration and resorted, " who didn't?" Olivia swam towards John B boat and called out to her friends, " Hey! I tied my shirt to the anchor chain about ten feet down. It's where you need to do your safety stop"

Olivia grabbed JJ hand as he helped her back onto the boat watching as Pope and Kiara continued helping John B place the scuba gear on, " Keep an eye on this" Pope demanded holding up the timer attached to the oxygen tank, "You need to make sure you have enough air to decompress"

" Okay, how much do I need?" John B questioned with a curiously look on his face causing Pope to shrug his shoulders awkwardly and replied, " unclear. Breathe as little as possible" Pope moved to stand next to Kiara as JJ placed his hands on John B shoulders and firmly told him, " Zen. Think Zen, you know" before he began to intimidate breathing through a mask.

"Yeah, got it" John B assured with a nod of his head as Pope glanced at each one of his friends and worriedly commented, " Hey, if we get caught in the marsh we're basically screwed, so... better get a move on"

John B nodded his head and spoke, " Copy that" only for a frown to appear on his face as he watched Olivia closely who made her way towards him with a playful smile on her lips and pressed a kiss to his cheek causing his eyes to widened exchanging a look with JJ who just sent him a thumbs up.

Pope and Kiara had amused looks on their faces at John B reaction to the girl he's been in love with all his life pressing a kiss to his cheek a small blush coated his checks as he looked at the blonde in confusion, " For good luck. Just, don't die"

John B couldn't help the boyish grin on his faceΒ  before placing the mask on and jumping into the water as Olivia took a couple steps back and sat with his friends who were trying not to laugh at the blonde beauty, " do I get a kiss for good luck, too?"

Olivia sent an unimpressed look to JJ who were teasing her making kissing noises only for the Thornton girl to playfully shove him ignoring Pope and Kiara who were laughing loudly at the two who were messing around. JJ and Olivia only stopped messing around when the sound of a siren was heard, " Shit!" She muttered under her breathe turning her head to see the deputies from the motel.

The deputies began to question the four teenagers about the missing boat and if they knew anything about it. Pope, JJ, Kiara and Olivia all acted normal like they had no idea what the deputy was speaking about. The police then asked where John B was only to make up an excuse that he was at work.

A couple of minutes later, the deputies left the teenagers. Only once they were out of sightΒ  Olivia rushed over to edge of the boat and looked down to see any sight of John B, " He's definitely out of air" Pope commented when John B resurfaced from the water causing them all to let out a sigh of relief as JJ exclaimed, " there he is!"

"Oh, thank God. You're alright" Olivia spoke with a soft smile on her face as Pope shook his head with a slight chuckle and scolded John B, " don't scare us like that!" JJ who was leaning over the edge of the boat next to Kiara curiously questioned John B, "How'd it go down there? Did you find anything?"Β 

John B had an amused expression on his face as he scoffed tossing JJ a bag before he helped John B onto the boat, " did I find anything?" JJ couldn't help but laugh joyfully with a shake of his head, " Yeah, there we go! That's my boy!"

" You alright, John?" Olivia asked with an concerned look on her face causing John B to nod his head in confirmation and respond, " Yeah, I ran out of air" Olivia smiled in response as Kiara scoffed in disbelief and exclaimed, " you scared the shit out of me"

Olivia took a seat next to John B making sure that he was okay when Pope spoke up and informed his friend, " Yeah, the cops were up here, but, uh... we took care of them. You're all good" JJ nodded his head with a grin on his face and added in, " yeah, you kind of missed the show brother"

Suddenly, Kiara turned her head only for her eyes to widened in shock at the sight of the boat heading their way from afar causing the brunette to call out to her friends, " Hey, guys! Guys, bogey, two o'clock"

"What?" Olivia questioned turning around with a frown on her face as Pope looked at his friends in concern and questioned, " do you recognize that boat?" The blonde shook her head in response and answered, " I've never seen it before"

Kiara nodded her head in agreement with her best friend and added in, " Yeah, what are they doing back here? The marsh is closed" JJ shrugged his shoulders casually as he glanced at his group of friends and stated, "I don't know, but let's not stick around to find out,"

"JJ, get the bowline" John B ordered causing JJ to nod his head as John B moved to sit by the wheel ready to drive off when Pope spoke up and asked, " should we wait on them?" Olivia raised her eyebrows looking at Pope like he was crazy and exclaimed, " Of course not! Are you crazy! we have no idea why they are out here in the first place"

Guys, don't wait for me. Don't wait for me," JJ demanded as he pulled the bowline back onto the boat causing John B to start driving away only for the blonde to realise that the other boat was following them and informed her friends, "Hey, guys, they're following us"

"Oh, this can't be good" Pope stated with an uneasy look on his face as everyone turned to glance behind them at the boat that was now following them. JJ eyes widened in horror as he shouted out to John B, " Dude, you gotta go faster!"

" I'm going, I'm going" John B replied trying to go as fast as possible to get away from the two guys that were following them when suddenly one of the guys from the other boat shot at the teenagers causing them all to duck.

" what the fuck!" Olivia shouted next to Kiara the two girls sharing a fearful glance when JJ called out to John B when another gunshot went off, "John B, get down" Pope began to frantically shake his head as he worriedly spoke, " Oh, my god. We're going to die"

Olivia and Kiara shared a look before they picked up the net and rope from the back of the boat only for the guy from the other boat to continue shooting at the two girls, " get down, Kie, Liv." Only for the two girls to throw the net and rope into the water as it got stuck in the other boat engine causing it to suddenly stop.

The group of friends laughed loudly in success as they continue riding away leaving Olivia and Kiara to high-five one another with beaming smiles on their faces as they continued their journey to the docks where they immediately climbed off.

"What do you think it is?" Kiara asked, gesturing to what is inside the bag John B found when he went to check out the abandoned boat. ""Gotta be money, right?" John B replied as he knelt down on the ground with the bag in front of him.

"That or a couple of keys with street value to the low to mid mills," JJ commented causing John B to laugh in amusement as Pope had enough and suddenly snapped, ""Can we please just open the bag?!"

The group turned to face Pope with a look of surprise on their faces as John B commented, " Wow, Pope. That's a rare outburst of emotion" with an impressed look on his face as Pope was normally one to keep his cool. "Okay. You guys are literally killing me with anticipation. Open the bag. We almost died over this."Β 

Olivia raised her brows as she watched John B unzip the bag only for it to be a metal canister. John B frowned as he twisted open the metal canister only for a familiar compass to be inside causing Pope to let out an annoyed huff, "Oh, wow. Yup. That's about right. Good job, everyone. We found a compass."Β 

"Dude, what? It's not worth anything" JJ exclaimed causing the blonde to elbow him in the stomach as she realised the look on John B face causing Olivia to place her hand on his shoulder and questioned, " what is it, John B?"

"This was my father's," John B informed his friends with teary eyes and a small smile on his face causing Olivia eyes to widened in shock and only just realised that this was the beginning and knew John B wouldn't stop until he figures out what his father had to do with this.

Olivia's outfit

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