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- The Lucky Compass

The next morning, Olivia had picked up JJ before the two headed over towards John B house. The blonde had an amused look on her face as she watched JJ loudly knock on the door with the palm of his hand and called out, " DCS! I know you're in there!" Olivia held in her laughter knowing what JJ was like and knew he was trying to scare the hell out of John B.

"Come on" Olivia whispered leading JJ around the house where they snuck towards a window where John B was sleeping causing a smirk to appear on her face as she jumped forward banging on the window causing John B to jump in fright but sighed in relief seeing that it was just his friends.

"Whoa!" John B breathed out shaking his head at the two blondes while they were laughing loudly in amusement as JJ smirked and told him, " gotcha, slick." As he continued laughing with Olivia leaning on her shoulder, " you should have seen your face. Your face was like..."

Olivia nudged JJ as he began to mimic John B but chuckled shaking her head in amusement at the two boys. A couple of minutes later, the three of them got into the van and began making their way towards Scooter's house where John B wanted to speak to Lana to get some answers why her husband had his fathers compass.

The Thornton girl had her earphones plugged in blasting music so she couldn't hear what the two boys where speaking about as she humming to the song she was listening to, " I'm just saying, I don't understand why you don't at least try it with Olivia. She clearly likes you. She's like, ' Oh, John B'" JJ teased his best friend with a mischievous look on his face

"Dude, shut up. She can here you!" John B firmly told JJ who scoffed glancing back at Olivia with a shake of his head, " Nah, she can't hear a thing. Watch, Olivia I was the one that stole that dvd you always make us watch and burned it."

JJ send a knowing look to John B when Olivia didn't respond causing John B to shake his head in response with an amused chuckle as the blonde girl always made then watch the notebook with her especially after her break up with Rafe it's all she wanted to do.

"Come on, John B. She's sketching about you diving, then she kissed you bro" JJ exclaimed causing John B to roll his eyes in frustration and stated, " she kissed me on the cheek. It's not like we were making out or something"

JJ scoffed in disbelief at his best friend who was oblivious about his feelings for the blonde girl who was sat in the back of the van, " Low- hanging fruit, bro. Don't pretend you don't notice. I see it in your eyes. You're like, ' I kinda liked that' and you start blushing and shit"

" I blush?" John B questioned letting out a scoff shaking his head as JJ nodded his head in confirmation only for John B to shake his head in response and glanced at Olivia through the rear- view mirror with a look of adoration on his face.

JJ reached towards the dashboard picking up John B fathers compass only for John B to try and snatch it out of his grasp, " Hey, I was just looking at it" JJ exclaimed swatting John B hand away as Olivia pulled out her earphones glancing between the two boys with an confused look on her face.

" I gotta admit, your fathers compass in Scooter's boat, that's freaky" JJ commented causing Olivia to scoff narrowing her eyes at the boy and sternly scolded him, " JJ!" Causing both boys to glance at the blonde who now wasn't listening to music.

John B let out a heavy sigh and informed the two, " Yeah. That's why we're going to talk to Ms Lana, to figure this whole thing out" JJ rolled his eyes turning to glance at the two and sarcastically spoke, " I'm sure she would just love to talk to us. It's not like her husband just drowned or anything"

"Yeah, it's not a good idea John especially since she's still grieving. I think you should give her some time before going looking for answers" Olivia softly suggested with a sympathetic look on her face knowing how much this means to John B especially if it involves his father.

John B sighed rolling his eyes at the two as he continued driving towards Scooter's place only to arrive a couple of minutes later causing the blonde to anxiously climb out of John B van with the two boys following after her.

The three friends exchanged a look before making their way towards the house as John B spoke up and asked Olivia and JJ, " you know what this house looks like?" JJ had an grin on his face as she turned around to face Olivia and John B and told them, " whoever lives here smokes too much weed"

Olivia hummed in agreement as the place does look like where someone would store their drugs. The three of them suddenly came to an halt at the sound of shouting and glass being smashed causing an uneasy look to appear on the blonde's girl face.

John B took Olivia hand as the slowly made their way to the corner of the house as JJ eyes widened and suggested, " maybe we should come back, it's a little too soon..." John B shook his head in response and shushed the blonde boy, "No, no, shut up. Shut up, JJ,"

"Tell me where it is or I'll fuck you up! I'll sink you in the fucking..." An unknown man shouted causing the three teenagers to share a look at the sound of something smashing and Lana letting out a scream of fright.

Olivia looked at John B with an concerned look on her face, " John, I don't think we should be here" John B sent a reassuring look to the blonde as the three crouched down making their way towards the window.

"Where the fuck is it, you bitch!" The man loudly yelled only for Lana to cry out terrified, " i don't know" the man continued to trash the house as he questioned, " is it here in this house? Is is somewhere else?"

Lana who was sobbing pleaded with the man, " please! I... I didn't...." JJ opened his mouth to speak only for Olivia to shush him as the Maybank boy scoffed sending a look to the two and quietly questioned, " still think we should stay?"

" the compass wasn't on the boat! Where is it Lana?" The man questioned loudly causing Olivia to stare at John B in disbelief as Lana who was crying replied, " I don't know!" More crashing was heard causing dried paint on the house to fall in their hair.

Olivia had a disgusted look on her face as she ruffled her hair to get it out letting out a small groan of annoyance as JJ curiously asked, " is that paint?" Looking upwards from where the dried up paint was falling from.

"Yeah, it's paint" Olivia exclaimed with a look of annoyance on her face as she stared at the two boys in disbelief as the man spoke up once again, " let's get the hell, outta here, man" John B had a firm hold on olivia hand as he leased her around the house when JJ told the two, " we should just go. He's got smuggler"

John B and Olivia both shushed JJ as they hid watching the two men leave the house as JJ then whispered to the two, " smuggler written all over him" the three of them then hid when seeing the two men walking towards their boat waiting for them to leave.

"Dude, those were the guys that shot at us" JJ exclaimed his eyes widened in recognition from the other day when they started shooting at them. Once the guys from the boat disappeared the three teenagers made their way to the front door.

Olivia slowly walked into the house seeing as the door was already open with John B and JJ following after her. The Thornton girl gasped in shock seeing the state of the house the two men that shot at them made, " Miss Lana!" John B called out glancing around the house for the women, " Miss Lana!"

The three teenagers eyes widened seeing her crouched down in the bathroom sobbing holding onto her arm tightly as John B rushed towards the women kneeling in front of her, " Hey, are you okay? It's okay"

Lana turned to face the three teenagers with a terrified look on her face as JJ spoke up, "Dude, she's tweaking," Olivia rolled her eyes as she glanced at Lana in worry and concern and questioned, " Lana, do you need a doctor?"

John B turned to glance at Olivia and JJ and suggested, " let's call the sheriff department" only for Lana to shake her frantically as she glanced at them and insisted, "No cops, Please."

"Hm, that's not good. Come on, dude. Let's just go" JJ told his two friends feeling uneasy about the whole situation especially since Lana didn't want to get the cops involved after her house had been trashed by those two men.

"You shouldn't be here," Miss Lana cried out narrowing her eyes at the three teenagers with a shake of her head causing JJ to grab Olivia and John B, " that's enough for me. Come on." Trying to pull them towards the front door.

John B ripped his arm out of JJ grip and turned back to face Lana and exclaimed, " wait, wait. What do you know about these guys?" Lana who had tears following down her checks informed them, "They were looking for something"

John B eyes widened in recognition as he dug his hand in his pocket pulling out the compass showing it to Lana and questioned, " does it have anything to do with this" Lana eyes widened as her eyes landed on the compass as Olivia took a step forward and asked, " do you know anything about this? It's John B fathers and Scooter had it"

"Scooter didn't have it, okay? Don't tell anyone that you have that!" Lana shouted firmly only for JJ to try and get John B to leave only for him to swat him away and curiously asked the women, " why?"

"They can't know that you have that!" Lana informed shaking her head frantically as she began crying once again, "You've gotta get out of here!" John B frowned in confusion and questioned, "What do you know about the compass?" Trying to get some answers from the older women.

"Go! Get out!" Ms. Lana screamed at John B as JJ pulled him up and told him, ""We gotta go, buddy. Like, now" John B glanced at Lana one last time allowing Olivia to drag him out of the house with an uneasy look on her face knowing nothing good could come out of this.

Olivia outfit

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