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"Alright, let's try one more time." Stiles said. "What where you doing in the woods ?"

Sitting on a couch in the living room, Stella was staring at the floor, with no expression on her face.

"She won't say anything." Lydia said, standing next to him. "She seems to be in a catatonic state. I was like that when I was at Eichen House."

She paused.

"She's in shock."

"Okay, but there must be a way to communicate with her, right ?" Stiles asked. "A way to get inside her mind ?"

Lydia turned towards him.

"Really ? Who do you think I am ? I predict death, I don't read into people's mind."

"I don't know, Lydia. Just... do your banshee stuff, alright ? I'm gonna call my dad."

He kissed her cheek.

"I believe in you !"

He went in the kitchen. Lydia sighed and sat next to Stella who was still staring at the floor.

"I know you can't talk, but I know you can hear me. You probably feel lost and terrified right now, but you're not alone. I'm here and I'm going to help you, okay ?"

Suddenly, Stella started to shiver.

"You're cold ? Wait a minute, I'm going to get you a jack-"

Stella grabbed her hand. Lydia stiffened.

"He's next." The young girl whispered while looking into Lydia's eyes.

"What are you talking about ?" Lydia asked, slightly frightened. "Who ?"

Stella remained silent.

"Who's next ?" Lydia asked.

"Nolan. Nolan Holloway."

All of a sudden, Stella fell on the floor and started convulsing.

"Don't let them in ! Don't let them in !"

A dark liquid escaped from her mouth and worms came out of it.

Lydia knew it was over. She was dead.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


"What are you exactly ?" Liam asked.

"I think you already know the answer." Dave said.

Liam nodded.


"Actually, we are twins." The mysterious girl added.

She smiled charmingly and Liam frowned. Mason got up at the same moment. He felt a little bit dizzy.

"You... you are... he is her and... she is him... I... Intense !" He exclaimed, still in shock.

"He's always like that ?" The girl asked.

"Sometimes." Liam replied.

"So, you're not the same person, right ?" Mason asked, confused.

Dave shook his head.

"But I'm still Dave." He said.

Mason smiled, completely fascinated.


"Well, I just changed the color of my eyes." She said. "They're not really blue."

Liam looked at her.

"Who are you ?" He asked.

"My name is Ava and you're Liam, the annoying roommate who got his heart broken."

"What ?" He retorted, stupefied. "What are you-"

Suddenly, Ava metamorphosed and took the appearance of Hayden.

Liam stepped back immediately, eyes wide open. Mason's mouth opened in shock.

"You need to move on, Liam." She whispered.

Liam swallowed.

"That's awesome !" Mason said.

Dave rolled his eyes.

"We're not supposed to do that." He said.

Ava took her normal appeareance.

"Did you see his face ? It was worth it." She replied, amused.

"That's crazy !" Mason exclaimed. "What else can you do ? Change into a chair ? Can you turn into the school's principal and tell everyone there's no class today ?"

"We're shapeshifters, not criminals." Dave said.

"Can you be an elephant ?" Mason added, curious.

Ava raised an eyebrow.

"Can you give us a demonstration ? That would be amazing, I mean turning into an actual elephant here wouldn't be amazing at all, but-"

Ava turned into Mason.

"Shut up, you're getting on my nerves." She said.

Mason smiled.

"I like her."

"Anything new ?" Melissa asked, standing in the hospital hallway.

She approached the sheriff who was standing in the hospital hallway.

"Stiles and Lydia found Stella." The sheriff said, hanging up his phone.

"Great. All we have to do is explain to her family why she is alive and bring her back here."

"I don't really think that would be necessary."

"Why ?"

"Because she's dead. Again."

"This is not a game." Dave said sternly. "There are rules."

"I never follow the rules, I'm a free spirit." Ava said, still looking like Mason.

"That's totally something I could have said !" Mason exclaimed, impressed.

Ava took her normal appearance.

"Sorry, my brother isn't the funny one."

"It's not very fun to have your thoughts in my head all day long." Dave retorted.

"Why do you share the same body ?" Liam asked, still suspicious. "All the shapeshifters can do that ?"

"No, just the twins. We wanted to go to college but there was no more room available for a girl. It was the only solution."

"Shapeshifters twins can't be separated." Ava explained.

"What happens if they do ?" Mason asked.

"We explode."

Mason stepped back, frightened.

"She's joking." Dave said.

Mason laughed, reassured.

"We don't explode completely." He added.

Mason stopped smiling.

"If you're separated for too long, your powers weakens, right ?" Liam asked.

"You seem to know a lot about us." Ava said. "Let me tell you something you don't know."

She took a step towards him.

"Shapeshifters don't like werewolves."

"Well, that explains a few things." Mason said.

"How did you guess ?" Liam asked, clenching his jaw.

"Your smell is recognizable." Dave replied. "We knew since the first day."

"We also know about your friend Corey." Ava added. "He's not very discreet."

"There's other people like you ?" Mason asked.

"Shapeshifters are everywhere, we know how to blend in." Dave explained.

"Which is far from your case." Ava said, looking at Liam. "You were literally on the verge of pulling out your little fangs."

"Yeah, Liam is still learning self-control." Mason said.

"He's not the only one." She added. "I noticed the way you were acting around my brother."

"I was just trying to be friends with him."

"You said the same thing with Brett." Liam said.

"What ? I'm not allowed to find my friends attractive ?"

"You had a crush on the guy who stole your after-school snack in 4th grade and you weren't friends."

"This conversation is embarrassing." Ava said. "I have a proposition."

"You want us to see a movie together ? What about Black Panther ?" Mason asked.

Dave frowned.

"Forget everything." Ava said. "We don't have powers and I don't exist, got it ?"

"I love the fact that we all share a secret now." Mason said. "I guess it means we're close, right ?"

"Seriously, shut up now." She retorted, after turning into him again.

"What is going on ?" Melissa asked while noticing people screaming and running in the hospital hallway.

"People are freaking out." Malia said, stopping in front of her.

"I can see that. What the hell is happening ?"

A young man came out of his room, panicked. Other patients ran away with him.

"What the hell was that ?" Melissa asked, frowning her eyebrows.

"There's worms crawling everywhere. I think they're coming out of the morgue." Malia explained.

"What ?"

"I think it's because of Stella. Her body was starting to decompose."

"What can we do ?" Melissa asked, worried. "Are they dangerous ? Like the butterflies ?"

"That's what I need to find out. I will need your help."

"Are you sure nobody broke in ?" A policeman asked.

"No, it's a very secure place." A nurse answered. "People can't go inside that easily."

At the same time, Melissa walked inside the morgue, pushing a stretcher.

"Alright, thanks for your answers."

The nurse nodded and they all left the morgue. A few seconds later, Malia came out of a body bag.

She looked around her. The air on her skin was icy and she could feel her hair bristling under her uniform. She walked towards the mortuary freezer and stopped in front of Stella's locker. She put on gloves and opened it.

The room was plunged into darkness. When the light came back, Malia saw an enormous beetle inside the empty locker. The insect was motionless but seemed to be looking at her. Malia frowned and grabbed a reflex hammer.

Suddenly, the beetle started crawling on the hammer before stopping on Malia's arm. She looked at it carefully. Without thinking, Malia caressed it.

"You are not all bad, are you ?" She said, smiling.

The lights went out and the room was plunged into darkness again. A few moments later, the door of the morgue opened and the light returned.

"Did you find something ?" Melissa asked.

Malia looked at her arm. The beetle was gone.


"I thought we were done with the supernatural world." Corey sighed.

"And I thought we were done with sport." Mason added, doing push-ups.

"They told you not to say anything about them ? What makes you think they won't say anything about us ?"

"Because it would start a war and it's probably not what they want." Mason said, breathless. How many push-ups we have to do ? "


"How many have I done ?"

"Five and a half."

Mason fell on the ground.

"All right, guys ! Before we start this volleyball session, I suggest you all run for fifteen minutes around the field !" The coach said before blowing in his whistle. "Let's go !"

All the players started running. Mason, out of breath, was slowning down.

"Come on, Mason, faster !" Corey exclaimed, encouraging him.

"I c-can't !"

Corey turned towards him and pulled off his tank top to reveal his abs.

Mason's eyes widened and he ran as fast as he could.

"You have to tell us what you know about Stella." Lydia said, in Malia's room. "Concentrate."

"I can't concentrate when he's like that." Malia said, sitting on her bed.

She pointed Stiles who was pacing up and down.

"Stiles, calm down." Lydia said.

"What ? What makes you think I'm not calm ? Someone died in my living room ! I am perfectly calm !"

"Wait, I remember." Malia said. "Stella was the third of our patients who had a car accident, the first one was an old man and the second one was another teenager."

"Another teenager ?" Stiles asked.

"A girl."

"What was her name ?" Lydia asked.

"She was a very weird girl, her name was Meagan, I think."

"That's all you remember ?"

"Yes and also the fact that she was weird."

"Weird like eating ice cream with a fork or weird like killing people with an army of evil insects ?" Stiles asked.

"Probably both."

"We have to talk to her." Lydia said.

"I'm sorry, but Meagan needs some rest right now." A woman said, standing on her porch. "She lost a friend recently. She still needs time to recover. I hope you understand."

"What ?" Stiles retorted. "But, we have to-"

"Yes, of course, we understand perfectly." Lydia said. "Sorry to bother you, Mrs. Jefferson."

"But we didn't-"

"Goodbye, Mrs. Jefferson !" Lydia exclaimed, grabbing Stiles's arm while walking towards his Jeep.

"We can't leave like that !" Stiles exclaimed. "We need answers !"

"We have to focus on what's most important right now. Finding Nolan."

Malia was trying to study French on her bed again when she felt something grabbing the book she was reading.

She looked down and realized it was a puppy. It licked her hands and she grimaced, not used to that kind of interaction. She frowned.

"Couché." She said. (Sit.)

"His name's Mack." A familiar voice said, behind her.

Malia turned around.

"Hi." Scott said, walking inside her bedroom.

"Meagan, it's time for dinner !" Mrs. Jefferson exclaimed.

"I'm coming." Meagan said, leaving the basement.

A terrifying scream echoed behind her.

Before she closed the door, she turned around and smiled at Nolan, stuck under a gigantic spiderweb.

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