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"Bonjour !" Malia exclaimed as she entered the hospital.

She shook a man's hand.

"Enchantée, Monsieur." She said. (Nice to meet you, Sir.)

She greeted a woman.

"Comment-allez vous, Madame ?"

She grabbed a nurse's coffee in the hallway.

"Merci beaucoup." Malia said with a smile.

She took a sip, winced and threw the coffee in the trash.

She approached Melissa's desk. She was sitting in front of her computer.

"Salut, Melissa, quoi de neuf ?" (Hey, Melissa, what's up ?)

"Salut, je me demandais quand est-ce que ma stagiaire préférée allait enfin arriver." She replied. (Hey, I was wondering when my favorite intern would finally show up.)

"Whoah, you speak French really good." Malia said, surprised.

"Thanks, I used Google Translate."

Melissa got up and walked towards Malia.

"We will do something different today." She said. "You've already seen blood and infected wounds, but this time, you'll have to deal with one of the darkest sides of this job."

Malia raised an eyebrow, curious.

"You and I are going into the morgue." Melissa announced.

"The morgue ? Aren't you supposed to be dead to go there ?"

"Not necessarily."

"But one day you will be dead when you will go there."

"We can say that you have a good sense of reflection."

"That's not what my math teacher said."

Melissa shook her head and grabbed Malia's arm.

"Follow me."

Once they were both inside the morgue, Malia put her gloves on.

"Ready ?" Melissa asked.

Malia nodded and Melissa opened the mortuary bag in front of her.

Malia's eyes widened as she recognized Stella's corpse.



"You think Dave is a shapeshifter ?" Mason asked, sitting in the cafeteria.

"Why are you looking at me like it was completely impossible ?" Liam retorted, sitting in front of him.

"I'm not saying it's impossible. I'm just saying it sounds too crazy to be true."

"Too crazy ?"

Liam leaned over to his friend.

"You're dating an invisible guy and I'm a werewolf." He whispered.

"Yes, but this is different. Dave can't be a girl just like I can't be straight."

Liam frowned.

"So you won't believe me ? Me ? Your best friend ?"

Mason shrugged.

"You're not really sure about what you saw."He replied. "You said it yourself."

"I'm pretty sure about the fact that he's a girl."

"You have nothing to prove it." Mason added, biting an apple.

"What about the girl I saw in the bathroom yesterday ? Maybe it was him !" Liam exclaimed.

Mason frowned.

"You think he pretended to be his own girlfriend ?"

"Just think about it. It's the perfect alibi !"

"I think you're a little paranoid if you want my honest opinion." Mason said. "Maybe he just likes to try tight clothes and wear wigs and there's nothing weird about that."

Liam clenched his jaw, annoyed. He stood up.

"You're not hungry anymore ?" Mason asked. "Can I take your fries ?"

"If you're looking for me, I'll be upstairs in my room, trying to unmask this impostor."

Sitting on a bench in front of Beacon Hills High School, Meagan was staring the pictures inside of her camera. Suddenly, someone stopped in front of her, hiding the sunlight. She looked up.

"Hey." Nolan said, his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

Meagan didn't replied and looked down at her camera, ignoring him. Nolan sat next to her.

"I saw you at the party yesterday." He said.

He paused.

"Stella only had what she deserved. She was a bad person and bad things happen to bad people." He added, clenching his jaw.

Meagan remained silent.

"She's dead, but you're not, and I know there's a reason. Things are happening in this town. Crazy things. Things that are impossible to forget and impossible to explain."

He licked his lips.

"I hate when I don't understand what's going on."

He turned towards her.

"You intrigue me, Meagan." He said. "A lot."

Meagan looked at him then took a picture of him. He blinked his eyes, surprised.

She smiled at him.

He smiled back.

"I told you that poor girl was going to die." Malia said.

"You're still referring to that butterfly thing ?" Melissa asked.

Malia nodded. Melissa looked at a computer screen. She was analyzing Stella's dead body through the scanner.

"The death of this girl was an accident." She stated. "She had a cerebral concussion."

"So ?"

"So, I think we can forget the idea of a supernatural death for the moment."

Malia sighed.

"That's all ? She just had a car accident ?"

"To be honest, I'm ready to believe your theory about the evil entity, but this is the first time in a long time that I finish an autopsy so quickly, so I'd rather tell myself that this case is closed."

She got up from her chair and went out of the morgue.

"I'm going to take a break and eat the sandwich Chris gave me. He's so adorable."

She smiled.

"You should do the same and spend some time out of here." She added. "What about a girls trip with Lydia ?"

"She's with Stiles, they went out on a date." Malia said.

She pouted.

"I'm alone."

"It's a good thing to be alone."

"So, you regret the time when you were a single divorced woman ?"

"Well, I wasn't really alone. I was with Scott."

Malia looked down.

"We haven't talked much lately." She said. "He's too busy with his dogs and cats."

"That's not true, I'm sure he thinks about you every day. Distance can't erase love."

"Maybe you're right."

Melissa smiled at her.

"How do you feel now ?" She asked.

"Better." Malia said before stealing Melissa's sandwich.

Nolan walked inside Meagan's room and stared at a wall covered with photos.

"That's impressive." He said. "You're a good photograph, but can I ask you a question ? Why are you so obsessed with this tree ?"

Meagan closed the door behind him. He turned around her.

"I think I saw the same one day. It's in the woods, right ?"

The redhead walked towards him. He swallowed, but didn't step back.

She gently caressed his face with her fingers and looked into his eyes for long minutes. Nolan leaned back, uncomfortable.

"Is there something you want to tell me ?" He asked. "Something I should know about you ?"

Meagan shook her head then grabbed his face to kiss him. Nolan kissed her back. She pushed him on her bed.

Suddenly, Nolan stopped the kiss.

"You bit me." He said, frowning his eyebrows.

He touched his lower lip and noticed blood.

When he looked at Meagan, her eyes were black.

Nolan tried to scream, but she put her hand on his mouth. She put her mouth next to his ear and opened it.

Scorpions came out of it.

Nolan screamed in silence.

"Call the sheriff !" A nurse exclaimed, stopping in front of Melissa's desk.

"What ?"

"Do it ! Now !"

Melissa looked at her, confused.

"Why ?" She asked.

"Something happened. In the morgue."

"What happened ?"

"One of the bodies disappeared."

Melissa opened her eyes, in shock.

"Who's body disappeared ?"

"Her name is Stella."

Lying on her bed, Malia grabbed her phone and took a selfie.

She sent it to Scott, but she didn't received any answer. She sighed.

To : Scott McCall

Call me.

No answer.

To : Scott McCall

Call me. Call me. Call me. Call me. Call me. Call me. Call me. Call me. Call me. Call me. Call me. Call me. Call me. Call me.

He didn't answer. Malia sighed again and took her French book from her bag. She opened it and winced when she noticed a dead spider inside.

Enjoying their free time together, Stiles and Lydia were lying down while kissing under a tree.

Stiles moaned against her mouth. Suddenly, his phone rang.

"You're not answering ?" Lydia asked, between two kisses.

"I could." He replied, kissing Lydia's neck.

She smiled as she bit her lips.

"But I don't want to."

He kissed her and Lydia kissed him back.

Stiles's phone rang again.

"What if it's important ?" Lydia asked before pecking his lips.

"More important than being with the future mother of my children ?"

Lydia slapped his shoulder.

"Okay, I got it." He said. "We'll only have one."

She shook her head and laughed before kissing him. He smiled and kissed her back.

Lydia's phone rang.

"Don't answer." Stiles said.

"It must be really important."

She grabbed her phone. Stiles sighed.

"It's Malia." She said. "We gotta go."

She got up and fixed her messy hair.

"What about our romantic picnic ?" Stiles asked, disappointed.

"We'll do another one. Hurry up !"

Stiles got up and followed her.

"I need to stop planning sophisticated dates." He mumbled.

He got into Lydia's car and they left.

"Where are you going ?" Stiles asked, frowning.

"What ?"

"You're driving in the wrong direction."

She turned to Stiles.

"Are you sure ?" She asked.

"Watch out !" He shouted.

Lydia gasped and pressed the brake. The car abruptly stopped.

"You're okay ?" Stiles asked, worried.

Lydia was breathing heavily.

"Stiles ?" She whispered, looking right in front of her.

Stiles followed her gaze.

A girl in a hospital gown was standing in front of the car.

"Did you find something ?" Mason asked, walking inside Liam's dorm.

"Did you finally decide to believe me ?"

"No, but I know this is going to end badly and I want to be there when it happens."

Mason smiled.

"I'm not your best friend for nothing."

Liam rolled his eyes and rummaged through Dave's drawer. He turned towards Mason.

"Are you going to help me or not ?" He asked.

"Sorry, I said I wanted to be with you when you'll get caught, not that I wanted to get caught too."

Mason shrugged. Liam gave him a bad look.

"Alright, alright." Mason said, sighing.

He opened Dave's dressing.

"Oh my God !" He exclaimed.

"What ?" Liam asked, turning around him.

"I have the same jacket in green !"

"Stay focused, Mason, stay focused !" Liam growled.

Mason found a suitcase under Dave's bed and opened it. His eyes widened.

"Uh, Liam ?"

"If you tell me you both have the same shoes, I'll hit you in the face." Liam retorted, inspecting Dave's desk.

"You should really see that."

Liam turned towards Mason who was holding a bra.

"Amazing !" Liam exclaimed.

He stepped over Dave's bed and took the bra. Mason winced.

"You're not going to sniff it, right ?"

"No, idiot. It belongs to the girl I saw, there's no doubt."

"You mean Dave's girlfriend ?"

"It's not his girlfriend, okay?" Liam retorted, annoyed. "It was him ! I mean, it was her ! I mean, you know what I mean !"

"Actually, no, I don't understand any of this." Mason replied.

Liam fumbled in Dave's suitcase and found more girl's clothes.

"I can't believe it." He whispered.

"You can find cheaper things online." Dave said, behind them.

Liam and Mason stiffened.

"I think we got caught." Mason whispered.

"No, really ?" Liam retorted.

They turned around. Dave folded his arms against his chest.

"Can I know what you're doing?" He asked.

Mason and Liam talked at the same time.

"We know you're a girl." Liam said.

"I like your bra." Mason said.

Dave raised an eyebrow.

"It matches the color of your hair." Mason added.

Dave looked at them with no expression on his face then locked the door.

Liam stood in front of Mason, ready to defend himself.

Dave turned towards them and took a deep breath. He closed his eyes.

Suddenly, his body began to shake and a few seconds later, a girl appeared next to him. She smiled at them.

"What's up, guys ?" She asked. "It's not very nice to stick your nose into people's stuff."

Liam recognized her and opened his mouth in shock. Mason chuckled.

"Intense." He said.

He fainted.

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