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𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏
β†’Λšβ‚ŠΒ· ܴೈ Coulson, If we were on Asgard and the same things applied as they did there, I would seriously be questioning if you were in love with Steve - I mean Captain America. Wait, which would you prefer me to call you? ❞

ELAIN SAT ON the plane with Agent Coulson, Steve, and the agent who had been flying it. She was sitting by Steve as she watched Coulson move back to them. It was good to see the man again. Though, she wished it was under better circumstances.

"So, this Dr. Banner was trying to replicate the serum they used on me?" Steve questioned as Agent Coulson walked over and held onto one of the bars above Elain's head.

"A lot of people were, you were the world's first superhero. Banner thought gamma radiation might hold the key to unlocking Erskine's original formula," Coulson explained to the hero by Elain's side.

"Gamma radiation? That sounds rather dangerous," Elain mumbled as she watched the videos of Banner that played on the screen in Steve's hands.

"Didn't really go his ways, did it?" Steve questioned with a solemn look.

"Not so much," Coulson looked at the ground before adding, "When he's not that thing, though, the guy's like a Stephen Hawking." Coulson realized that neither understood the reference as they looked at each other as if asking who that was, "He's like a smart person."

It went silent momentarily. Elain nodded her head as she mulled over his words before looking back at the screen in Steve's grip.

"I've gotta say, it's an honor to meet you officially. I've sort of met you. I mean, I watched you while you were sleeping," Coulson stuttered out his words.

"That's a little alarming, Agent Coulson. I'd advise you to word that better," Elain bit back an amused smile as she looked at the Agent.

"Right! Sorry. I mean, I was present while you were unconscious from the ice," He tried - yet failed to make his words sound any better.

Elain watched as Steve rose to his feet and began to move to the front of the aircraft. Elain figured he must've gotten bored from sitting in one spot and she couldn't blame him.

"You know, it's really just a huge honor to have you onboard this..." It was clear that Steve made Coulson extremely nervous, and Elain couldn't help but feel bad for the man.

"I hope I'm the man for the job," Steve spoke as he looked out.

"Oh, you are. Absolutely," Coulson was quick to say with a grin.

"Coulson, If we were on Asgard and the same things applied as they did there, I would seriously be questioning if you were in love with Steve - I mean Captain America. Wait, which would you prefer me to call you?" Elain questioned as she rose to her feet, still in one of Steve's shirts and leggings as she hadn't been able to get anything else.

"Just call me Steve like you have been," Steve gave Elain a kind smile which she returned.

Coulson shook his head at the woman as he laughed before adding, "We made some modifications to the uniform. I had a little design input," He spoke proudly.

"The uniform? Aren't the stars and stripes a little old-fashioned?" Steve questioned, he didn't seem excited about the change.

Coulson seemed to ponder his words, "With everything that's happening and the things that are about to come to light, people might just need a little old-fashioned."

"Elain, you never did get to come back and help me debrief," Coulson turns his attention to the female after a few moments.

Elain's lips pulled into a thin line, "I know. I am sorry about that. The Bifrost had been destroyed so there were no paths out to other realms. Well, unless you got the Allfather to send you. My brother and I had just been reunited and then our Uncle had died, well turns out he's now alive but that is beside the point, I didn't get to come back till deemed necessary. Grandfather figured with the celestial energy pulsing from the Tesseract that it was finally time I came back."

"So, when do you leave back for Asgard?" Coulson questioned, "Since your time is, well, limited..."

"Not sure. I might stay here for a bit," Elain shrugged her shoulders.

It fell into a peaceful silence. Everyone chatted and easily became friends. Coulson was clearly enamored by Steve Rogers, and Elain found it rather hilarious.

"Wait, I've got to ask Elain, is there any other member of your family we should worry about?" Coulson questioned as he looked at her.

Elain shook her head, "No. The only other members of my family are more collected. My twin brother took after our Uncle Thor. I was the one who stuck closer to Uncle Loki. Yet, I disagree with most that he does."

"Then how did you two get along?" Steve questioned seeming confused

"I don't care about your values if you just tell them to me. Only when you act on them when they are harmful. Uncle Loki had never acted on them before. He had always just been there. I guess things change," Elain seemed bitter about the subject.

"What about your parents? What are they like?" Coulson asked, he couldn't recall ever hearing of them.

Elain looked at Steve who seemed to understand her look.

"Elain, you don't have to talk about this if it upsets you. It's alright," Steve placed a hand on her shoulder.

Elain felt her stomach do flips, giving a small sad smile, "It's okay. Agent Coulson, my father left when my brother and I were born. My mother died when I was one."

"I'm sorry. That must be hard, you are so young," Phil's look softened.

"I'm twenty-four," Elain deadpanned with a slight grin, her mood almost instantly changing as the subject changed.

Steve didn't seem surprised due to him knowing, but Coulson looked like he had been struck by a hand, "You're twenty-four?"

"Yes, I was born in 1987," She resisted the urge to smile, "April 13, 1987."

"You were born in the trickster's month. No wonder you seem to trick us," Phil joked causing a bit of laughter.

Elain tried to distract herself from the fluttery sensation in her stomach as her face felt hot, due to Cap's hand still being on her shoulder, "I'm pleading innocent."

"You are not as innocent as you may seem or as you say," Steve

"And how would you know, Captain?" Elain questioned with a teasing grin as she looked up at him.

Steve let out a laugh, "I've been living with you for the past few days, ma'am."

Elain rolled her eyes as she faked a sigh, "You see what I have been dealing with, Agent Coulson?"

"You won the lottery," Coulson simply spoke with a jealous look.

The rest of the ride was spent talking, catching up, Elain informing Coulson about Loki while Steve seemed to listen in, and just slightly goofing off while working. Elain was happy to see Coulson again, though, she could tell he was more enamored in Steve Rogers to really care.

It didn't take much longer before the trio landed on the S.H.I.E.L.D. boat, Steve had taught Elain a lot in her time with him, and they unloaded. Elain stayed close to the people that she knew while giving slight smiles to anyone who looked at her.

She didn't pay much attention to whatever Agent Coulson and Steve spoke of, she just stayed aware of her surroundings and she was quick to notice the redhead that approached them. She gave a kind smile and nod to the woman, not wanting to seem rude.

As soon as Coulson noticed Elain's nod he spoke, "Agent Romanoff. This is Captain Rogers and Elain."

"Ma'am," Steve looks at Natasha while he squints due to the sunlight.

"Hello," Elain spoke kindly.

"Hi," Natasha didn't seem fond of the formal conversation, "They need you on the bridge. They're starting the face trace," She spoke to Coulson with a look.

"See you there," And with that Coulson left the two with Agent Romanoff.

She seemed to eye Steve up and down, causing Elain to shift away from him despite the slight jab in her chest.

"It was quite the buzz around here, finding you in the ice. I thought Coulson was going to swoon," Agent Romanoff spoke as the three began to walk, Steve and Romanoff side by side while Elain trailed behind, "Did he ask you to sign his Captain America trading cards yet?"

"Trading cards?" Steve questioned, amused by the woman's words.

"They're vintage. He's very proud," She further explained with a slight grin.

They continued to walk before noticing a man in a suit looking around. According to the file, he should be Bruce Banner. Elain was slightly confused by the guy due to the whole 'turning green' thing.

"Dr. Banner," Steve was the first to speak, catching Bruce's attention which led him to walk over.

"Yeah, hi," The man spoke as he shook Steve's hand, "They told me you'd be coming."

"Word is, you can find the cube," Steve stared at the much shorter man.

"Is that the only word on me?" Bruce questioned as he looked around, fidgeting with his hands.

Steve proceeded to speak, "Only word I care about."

"It must be strange for you, all of this," Bruce spoke as he motioned around.

"Well, this is actually kind of familiar," Steve spoke as he stared at the agents in training.

"Gentlemen and lady, you might want to step inside in a minute. It's going to get a little hard to breathe," Natasha spoke as she walked over, getting much closer to the pair than Elain was but she shrugged.

The sounds that the ship was making were very loud. Elain didn't move or make a sound as she listened curiously. She noticed how they seemed to be lifting up more.

"Is this a submarine?" Steve questioned as he and Banner began to walk closer to the edge.

"Really? They want me in a submerged, pressurized, metal container?" Banner questioned.

"Isn't that what this is?" Elain questioned quietly, ignoring the looks she received.

She didn't speak about how everyone seemed to believe she was dumb due to her questions. But, where she came from, things were different. Very different.

People began to run to their stations while Natasha watched Banner and Steve go near the edge to watch whatever was happening there. Elain stood to herself still, not saying much.

"No, no. This is much worse," Banner spoke loudly.

The air whipped harshly against everyone's skin. Elain's hair began to blow wildly and she seemed a bit annoyed by it.

They did not stay outside for too much longer, as soon as they began to lift off of the water everyone went inside. Banner and Steve walked side by side as they followed Natasha while Elain continued to trail behind.

Elain looked confused when she saw Steve move back to her. He nodded at the woman before keeping up with her pace. She chewed on her lip as they continued to follow Natasha through multiple doors until reaching their destination.

The room buzzed with agents talking and moving wildly. Elain smiled slightly but never wandered off. She had never been a girl for crowds of people.

Steve walked around looking at the inside. He too had a smile on his face. Bruce seemed to be doing the same but he wasn't that happy.

"Gentlemen," Fury looked at the two men before nodding at Elain.

He wore all black. His coat went to the floor while an eye patch rested over one of his eyes that held multiple scratches. From what Elain had read from the internet, he could pass for a stalker.

It went into a monetary silence as Steve handed Fury ten dollars. Elain wasn't quite sure why but she wasn't going to ask.

Steve further walked down to look around while Fury held the money in his hands. Twisting it around before dropping it into his pocket.

"Doctor, thank you for coming," He greeted Bruce, holding out his hand.

Bruce took his hand before responding, "Thanks for asking nicely. So, how long am I staying?"

"Once we get our hands on the Tesseract, you're in the wind," Fury states.

"Where are you with that?" Bruce questioned as he began to move.

"We're sweeping every wirelessly accessible camera on the planet," Coulson spoke as he crossed his arms, "Cellphones, laptops... if it's connected to a satellite, it's eyes and ears for us."

"That's still not going to find them in time," Natasha spoke from where she had been squatting at.

"You have to narrow your field. How many spectrometers do you have access to?" Bruce questioned as he folded his arms with his suit coat.

"How many are there?" Fury asks as he copied Bruce's actions.

"Call every lab you know. Tell them to put the spectrometers on the roof and calibrate them for gamma rays. I'll rough out a tracking algorithm," Banner spoke as he peeled off his jacket, "Basic cluster recognition. At least we could rule out a few places. Do you have somewhere for me to work?"

Fury nodded before turning to look at the red-headed agent, "Agent Romanoff, could you show Dr. Banner to his laboratory please?"

"You're gonna love it, Doc. We got all the toys," Natasha spoke to him as she walked away.

For a bit, Elain stood as she watched the other agents try to find her Uncle. It wasn't an unusual thing for her to see people hunt down her Uncle Loki. When she was little, he'd often disappear for a bit of time and Thor would have people on a search.

Yet, earth's technology was different. It could easily find people and it seemed to watch every move that everyone made. It made Elain a bit wary of the place, if she ever stayed on earth.

Elain wandered between agents as she looked at their screens, she felt Steve's eyes following her every move but she wasn't that surprised. He must be wary of her. She's related to the enemy and often the family will side with the enemy if they're not dead.

"Elain, it's good to see you again," The round-glassed agent nodded at her, she remembered him from her first time on earth, he was an odd fellow.

"You as well. How have you been?" Despite the rather odd feelings for the agent, she couldn't be rude.

"On my toes. Director Fury has been on everyone about finding this Loki guy," He explained.

"Ah, I'm not surprised," Elain ignored the suspiciousness of the man, "He's dangerous. Especially with the power that he holds."

"Much like you," The man muttered.

"Excuse me?" Elain's eyes narrowed as confusion flashed across her features.

He simply waved her off before going back to his position. Leaving Elain right by one of the computers. She wondered what he had meant by that statement. Did he mean that Fury had been watching her, or making sure she wasn't on earth, because he feared she was like her uncle?

"Elain," Steve's voice was a bit louder, catching her attention as he motioned for her to go stand by him.

Elain hesitated momentarily before she turned and started to walk over to the small set of stairs that led to the area where Steve stood with Agent Coulson.Β 

"I mean, if it's not too much trouble," Coulson spoke as Elain finally reached Steve's side.

"No, no. It's fine," Steve was quick to assure as he looked from Coulson to Elain then to the other agents.

It went silent for a few moments. The whole trio seemed to look around with an awkward stance. Steve with his arms crossed across his chest, Phil with his arms crossed and hanging low, and Elain who stood with her arms loosely crossed behind her back.Β 

"It's a vintage set," Phil speaks as pride beams onto his face, "It took me a couple of years to collect them all. Near mint," He spoke with a grin as he'd look between Steve and the bustling area ahead of them, "Slight foxing around the edges, but..."Β 

"We got a hit! A 67% match," The agent who had spoken to Elain turned to look at them, "Wait crossmatch 79%"

Elain watched the flashing of the screens, Fury moving closer to take a good look as well. They had most likely found her uncle. Meaning that they'd most likely be leaving to fetch him soon.

Coulson walked over to the agent and towered behind his chair while asking, "Location?"

"Stuttgart, Germany. 28 Kongistrasse," The agent spoke as he closed in on the location on his screen, "He's not exactly hiding."

"Captain, Elain, you're up," Fury caught their attention, causing them to turn and look at him before nodding.Β 

Elain watched as Steve began to walk off ready to get suited. She went a different direction and moved where no one could see her. She was going to change back into her Asgardian wear, seeing as it would be better to fight in. She closed her eyes and focused on the energy before realizing that Steve would probably like his shirt back.

She quickly peeled off his shirt before letting the power flicker over her. Her appearance changed quickly. She was in wine-colored robes with a golden breastplate. Her hair was in a braid that rested over her shoulder and she wore a pair of boots for battle. She had barely noticed the lights flicker over her head.Β 

She held Steve's shirt in her hand and began to walk to the aircraft that they would be on. Whispers emerged as everyone saw her past knowing she had definitely caused the disruption in the power for a few moments.Β 

It wasn't long before Steve joined her side in the aircraft. He furrowed his eyebrows at her new apparel before looking at the shirt that she held out for him.

"I just put on my Asgardian wear, I figured you'd still want your shirt so here," Elain chewed on her bottom lip as nerves surged through her body.

"I thought you left it behind. Thanks," Steve nods as he takes the shirt before sitting it on one of the seats.

"I did but being who I am I have a knack for impossible apparel changes," Elain whispered with a slight laugh.Β 

𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏

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