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ARABELLA KNOCKED ON the large wooden door that separated them from the warmth of the castle. Johnathan stood behind her, cautiously glancing around the entrance. A dopey grin spread across her features as her excitement grew and grew. The door did not open immediately like Arabella wished to happen, but instead, a swarm of screeching bats swooped down, their sharp, pointed wings grazing parts of their exposed skin. With a squeal, Arabella ducked down, covering her rosy face with her silk-gloved hands.

Arabella turned back towards the door when she heard it creak open. Spotting the orange hue emitting from the crackling flames of the torches, she grinned and picked up her fallen bags and skipped towards the entrance. She called for Johnathan to follow her, which he did. 

"Hello?" Johnathan called out into the silence of the castle. Arabella's dropped to the floor as she examined the dimly lit dining room. "Anyone home? Hello?!"

Arabella's hand glided across the long mahogany dining table, her finger dancing across the grains and patterns before looking at Johnathan. "Isn't she stunning, Mr Harker?" Arabella breathed out through her smile.

"Yes," Johnathan smiled, his eyes scanning across the array of food displayed on the table. However, Arabella's attention was caught by the large shadow cast upon them from above. Her gaze flicked up to be met with the old, withered figure she recognised as Dracula. She had never seen him in such a condition, but she knew it was him.

"Hello, old friend," Arabella called up to him softly.

A tired sigh left his wrinkled mouth, a sigh laced with annoyance and fatigue. "Madam Arabella Victoria Andrei. I was wondering when you would be back. I foolishly thought you had moved on. But here you are. Once again," His once suave English accent had worn away, leaving behind his original thick Hungarian drawl. "You look young. Like usual. You must give me tips."

Arabella laughed. "I fear my tips would be wasted on you, my dear," She waved her hand, gesturing to his withered complexion.

Johnathan's gaze flickered between the two old companions before interjecting. "I'm sorry to interpret, but I apologise for the wine. It was open and I assumed... Can I pour you some, Count?"

"I don't drink...wine," Dracula dismissed. "I bid you welcome, Mr Harker. I am Dracula.


Sat at the table, Arabella and Johnathan politely stuffed their faces with the masses of food Dracula had displayed for them.

The ancient Count's stare remained fixed on the eating Johnathan who seemed uncomfortable at the scowl being thrown his way. "Your employer speaks highly of you, Mr Harker," Dracula spoke slowly.

"Yes," Johnathan sat up straighter in his chair as he swallowed the last of his food. "The property has been purchased in your name. Everything is in order. I need only your signature on a few documents and Carfax Abbey will be yours."

Arabella choked on the wine in her mouth. "Carfax Abbey? As in England?" Her French accent asked, her eyes fixed on Dracula.

Dracula only ignored her, waving a dismissive hand in her direction. "I am looking forward to England, Mr Harker. Ah, people here are so narrow. I wither among them. They are without...flavour!"

Arabella snorted into her glass, resulting in the Count to send her a glare.

"Perhaps you mean 'character'?"  Johnathan suggested, with a smile.

Dracula pointed at him with a nod. "Perhaps." The two men laughed with each other. Arabella raised her brows and blinked, downing the rest of her wine. Placing it back down, she began to pour more in her glass. "This is good, Mr Harker! You must correct my English at all times! From you, I shall learn to pass among your countrymen as one of their own!"

Johnathan shook his head. "Your English is already excellent, Count."

Dracula grinned. "You flatter me!"

"I don't! I don't! However, I'm afraid I will be leaving here tomorrow. I have to return to England immediately."

The light atmosphere grew heavy at the statement. Arabella stared at Johnathan, then to Dracula. "No," Dracula stated.

Johnathan's tight smile slowly fell. "S-sorry?"

Dracula painful stood up with the aid of his cane. "Your apology is unnecessary. You are staying! It has already been agreed."

Johnathan furrowed his brow. "With... with whom?"

"Your superiors," Dracula now stood behind Arabella, one pasty hand planted on her shoulder. "You will remain with me for one month and assist me with my English and my understanding of your culture," Dracula removed his hand from Arabella's shoulder, gliding it across the back of her chair and stumbling towards Johnathan. "Do not look so concerned, Mr Harker. You are so welcome."

"C-Count... Count Dracula, I'm a lawyer. I'm not a teacher." 

"Simply remain at my side and I shall absorb you," Dracula skimmed his hand across Johnathan's jaw.

Arabella coughed, raising from her seat. "It's getting rather late, my dear," She spoke to the Count. "Maybe you should show us to our rooms. I am rather tired, and I don't doubt that after such a long journey that Mr Harker is just as exhausted as myself."

Dracula stood straight, his eyes wandering over Arabella's figure. "Of course. As your visit was unexpected, Madam, there is no room prepared for you. You may wait here while a servant fixes you a room. Mr Harker, follow."

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