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"WHY DO YOU torment me still, Arabella?" The chilling voice of Dracula boomed out once he came back from showing Johnathan his room.

Arabella grinned, staring at the fire ahead of her. "I always get what I want, my dear," Arabella turned around, her hands clasped together in front of her waist. Her French accent thick dripping with a sense of obviousness. "You know that."

Dracula sighed, his pale wrinkled hand clutching the handle of his cane tightly. "You sicken me, you witch,"

Arabella's grin did not falter. "That is what I live for, darling. Annoying you with my presence is my only hobby nowadays," she spoke casually, strolling towards the sofa by the fire. She flopped down onto the plush seat, a cloud of dust flying from the cushions around her sending her into a small fit of coughs. "My, my! With all this dust, you wouldn't think you have an entire crew of servants around here!"

Dracula chuckled at this. It was a weak and tired one, but it was something that was a rare thing to escape his mouth, especially when it was caused by Arabella.

Arabella furrowed her brows, her eyes taking over his figure. "Sit, my dear, you're not well," The brunette held her hand out which he reluctantly took to help him over to the sofa. He fell on the seat, causing more dust to fly out of the material. "Are you going to use Johnathan?"

Dracula nodded, a soft cough escaping his lips. "He's the perfect flavour, Arabella. He's young, smart and English. He is just what I need,"

Arabella nodded. "It is a shame. Mr Harker is rather handsome, would be such a waste."

Dracula scoffed, rising from his spot. Arabella smirked evilly as he turned around and gripped her jaw tightly, dragging her from her comfortable spot on the sofa to a twisted standing position. "A waste? A waste?!" He bellowed. "His youth is wasted on him!"

His shouting was cut short when he saw Arabella stifling a giggle. Upon the silence and the loose grip, Arabella took the opportunity to burst into a loud fit of laughs, snorts and gasps for air, falling back to her seat. "You are a funny one, Count. So very defensive and paranoid."

Dracula sneered and threw his hand from her face. "You are a devilish woman,"

"Why, thank you, my dear," Arabella smiled, standing from her seat, a grin still plastered to her face. She smoothed her blue gown out from her waist. "I do pride myself on it."

"Get out of my sight before I kill you for good," Dracula taunted, stepping closer to her and blaring his fangs and red eyes.

Arabella only snorted at the sight. "You really think that scares me? I made you, and I can break just as easily," Arabella stepped even closer, her nose a mere centimetre away from his fangs. "Don't forget where you can from, Dracula,"

With that, Arabella stepped away and began her trek to the winding stairs leading to the bedrooms. "We'll have a splendid time together, Count," she called over her shoulder as she reached the staircase. "As we usually do!"


The next morning, Arabella stretched out of the comfort of her bed throw open the thick dark red drapes, allowing the bright beams of sunlight pour into the dusty room. Arabella's eyes closed on impact before she blinked a few times and yawned. Digging through her luggage, she pulled out a ruby red gown, a similar hue to the colour scheme of her room. She slipped the heavy material over her head, letting the dress pool around her frame and with an enchanted wave of her hand, the ribbon behind her back was tightened and secured with a bow.

Once dressed, she made her way down the winding stairs to the dining room to have breakfast. She was met with a large array of food. She smiled at the thought that Dracula had made sure that this was done, even though he insisted that he despised her. She sat at the seat she sat in the night prior and dished herself a serving of toast, juice, bacon and eggs.

When she was one mouthful away from finishing her meal, she heard frantic footsteps running around the stairs.

"Johnny?" She called out. The footsteps halted in their fast, panicked pace before they grew closer to the balcony above the dining room.

"Madam Andrei?" Johnathan questioned, his expression confused and curious. "Do forgive me if I am mistaken, but did you just call me Johnny?"

Arabella smiled. "Well, yes. I do apologise if I stepped over some boundaries. I suppose after spending the last two full days together, I assumed we had reached that level of friendship, but do forgive me if my assumption was wrong."

Johnathan shook his head. "No, no! There is no need for you apology, Madam, it is just you reminded me of Mina for a brief moment." 

Arabella tried her hardest to hide her smirk, but it would be doubtful if Johnathan missed the twitch of her lips. "Ah, well, I don't doubt that you miss her, so I do hope whatever memory I caused was a pleasurable one."

Johnathan's blue eyes widen slightly and gulped. Deciding to change the subject, Johnathan asked; "Madam, did you hear any noises last night?"

"Noises?" Arabella quirked an eyebrow as she sipped her orange juice.

"Scratching and scraping noises," Johnathan added.

Arabella thought for a long second. "No, I don't believe I did, Johnny. But I will admit that I was that exhausted, that the minute my head met the pillow, I was out like a light." Arabella lied. She did hear noises, but they were that common to the witch that they went almost unnoticed. Johnathan nodded, still a bit frazzled. "Are you going to come down and have some breakfast, Johnny?"

He shook his head. "No, I don't feel hungry at the moment. Sorry to disturb you," Before Arabella could speak again, Johnathan had left to explore the confusing paths of Dracula's castle.

Arabella shrugged and finished her breakfast, staring ahead at the open curtains.

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