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After the catastrophe of a dinner that happened a few hours ago, Sam asks my brothers and I if we could stay a little longer. But with the store and our parents, it was pretty much impossible for all three of us to stay here any longer. I told my brothers to go back home and tend for the store while I stay with Sam for a while.

"Woah, that's horrifying," I say as we enter Sam's room where a taxidermy owl was waiting on his bedside table.

"I wish Grandpa would stop giving me these stupid things," I hear Sam mumble as he grabs the bird and moves it into his closet. Once he closes the white door, we both see Michal standing by his window. Sam screams and clutches onto my arm.

"It's ok, I know who I am now, Sam," Michael states with exhaustion and slight fear.

"Don't kill me, Mike. I'm basically a good kid, so just don't kill me. I can help you. Just tell me who the head vampire is. I thought it was Max, but I was wrong. Just work with me and I can help you. You'll be okay." Sam utters as he loosens his grip on my arm and treads closer to Michael. I stay still.

Before Michael can respond, a female voice is shouting his name from outside. Michael, Sam and I lean out of the window to see a girl with large fizzy hair, that I recognise, with a pleading look on her face. "It's the girl from the boardwalk. Is she one of them?" Sam asks his brother.

"I have to talk to you. Can I come up?" the doe-eyed girl declares with urgency. Michael refuses the girl and informs Sam to close his window and lock the door. But before Sam could do either of those instructions, the woman flew into the room through the still open window and stood beside me and Sam.

"She's one of them!" Sam shouts as he jumps onto his bed, throwing the cover over his head. "And don't tell me it doesn't make her a bad person, Mike! Ziggy, get away from her!"

"Sam! Calm down, you'll wake your grandpa and mom! Star isn't a threat," I tell Sam. "She wouldn't hurt a fly."

"Until she makes her first kill!" Sam shouts. "Wait! How do you know her, Ziggy? You're not one, are you?!" I shake my head no and go over the Sam while Michael and Star continue talking. I quickly and quietly tell Sam about how I met Star on the boardwalk one night and we've been friends ever since. Sam is still petrified and continues to hide under the covers as we listen in on the couple's conversation.

"It was that night, wasn't it? That wasn't wine. It was blood I drank. David's blood." Michael accuses.

"David?" I whisper. Could he be talking about my David? I mean, it's unlikely, there are multiple Davids in Santa Carla. Right? "Why'd you come here Star?" I ask my friend.

"I was hoping you would help Laddie and me." Michael laughs and grabs her shoulders. He lets go of her and turns away, leaving enough time for Star to fly away. Michael turns back around to see his lover gone, leaving a gush of wind. The older Emerson is calling out her name from the window while Sam and I join him.

"Don't kill anyone until we get back to you," Sam shouts out of the window. Sam then rushes back to his bed and grabs his phone. Michael questions what the blonde boy is doing. "I've got connections."


Before morning came, I decide to go back home and get changed and have a small rest. I wake up to the sound of thudding footsteps bounding up the stairs to my room. My room is roughly pushed open by two young men, both wearing camouflage. "C'mon Ziggy, get up and changed! We've got some bloodsuckers to kill," Edgar said in his gruff voice while Alan ripped off my bed sheets.

I hop out of bed, knowing that if I stayed in bed any longer, my brothers would do anything to get me up. I throw on a pair of green jeans and a black t-shirt, along with a camouflage jacket my brothers gave me when I asked about vampires. I pull my curly hair into a low ponytail using a black scrunchie. I draw a few loose strands of hair from my ponytail to frame my face and run down the stairs to see Edgar and Alan packing all their necessities - such as garlic, holy water gun, and stakes.

Once we were packed and ready, we close up the store with our sleeping parents still at the counter and hop on our bikes. We ride, once again, to the Emerson household and knock on the door. Sam opens it and Edgar and Alan walk straight through, followed by me. "Where's Nosferatu?" Edgar asks while looking across the hallway.

"Who?" Sam responds, quickly.

"The Prince of Darkness." Alan starts.

"The Night Crawler. The Bloodsucker. " Edgar continues.

"El Vampiro." I finish. Sam shouts for his brother. When Michael joins us, we gather to the garage and hop into Grandpa's blue 1970's Cadillac. Michael is driving, me sitting in the passenger seat, with the three boys perching on the back seats. We travel down to the cave where Michael said the vampires slept.

Once Michael stops at an abandoned cave called Hudson's Bluff, everyone jumps out of the car. I run around the front of the car and help Michael out with an assist from Sam. I throw on of Michael's arm around my shoulder to give him more support as the sun is taking its tow on him. "I don't want you going down there, Sammy," Michael says tiredly as Sam also throws his brother's arm over his shoulder.

"I'm going." Sam defiantly states.

"This isn't a comic book. These guys are brutal killers." Michael groans.

"So are the Frogs." Sam exaggerates. Michael looks at me then at my brothers and I follow his gaze to see my brothers checking themselves. "Well, who would you rather go down there with you? Them or me?"

"If something happens down there, I won't have the strength to protect you." Michael proclaims.

"This time I'll protect you, bud. Even though you're a vampire, you're still my brother." Sam preaches. Michael removes his arm from my shoulder and moves it to Sam to bring him into a hug. The moment is ended quickly though, as Edgar begins to accuse Michael of potential future events.

"Listen!" Edgar yells as he points an accusing finger and Michael. "just you know if you try to stop us or vamp out in any way, I'll stake you without even thinking twice about it!"

"Chill out, Ed." I laugh. Edgar and Alan continue up the path leading to the entrance of the cave. I run after them to make sure they don't get hurt, leaving the Emerson brothers to follow me.

"Where'd you say you meet these guys?"

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