Chapter Ten

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I awoke groggily to the sound of the hoover. Blinking for a few seconds, I found that my head rested on Noah's chest, my arm slung across him so far that it lapsed over onto Caleb's side of our make-shift bed. I smiled faintly as I drew back from them, yawning as I did so.

"Do you like the sound of the hoover at 8am?" Noah asked incredulously.

I jumped, looking up to see that he was looking down at me, looking amused but as if he too had just woken up.

"What?" I asked him, rubbing at my eyes.

"You smiled as you woke up," he said, shifting himself once I had moved off him.

"Maybe I'm happy you didn't kill me in my sleep," I joked, hearing him laugh in response.

"Sometimes you're funny, Issy," I rolled my eyes at him, but felt myself smiling too.

"Does your mum often hoover this early?" He asked, combing his hair back with his fingers.

I frowned. "No..." I said, sitting up, "and that wouldn't be my sister either," I continued, sliding off the bed. "Let me check," I said, leaving the room as quietly as I could.

I walked out into the hallway, following the noise of the hoover and finding myself looking at a very familiar figure. He leaned over to switch off the hoover and I grinned.

He turned to see me at the same time I yelled, "Daniel!"

He laughed as I jumped into his arms.

"Hey, Belly," he said, wrapping his arms around me as I squeezed him so tightly that I probably nearly broke his ribcage.

"When did you get home?" I asked him, grinning as I pulled away from him.

He checked his watch quickly, "About an hour ago," he told me.

I quirked up an eyebrow, "And you're already cleaning?" He nodded sheepishly, making me laugh. I was about to make another joke when the floorboard behind me creaked. I turned to see Noah standing behind me in just boxers. I hadn't realised earlier, but he was just wearing boxers. We had been friends for a few years now, but I didn't recall him looking like this... I guess he grew up.

He must have caught me staring, because he smirked a little, although he did look uncharacteristically nervous. I turned to see my brother rolling his shoulder's back. Somehow, I doubted they liked each other much.

He raised an eyebrow at me, nodding towards Noah. "I'm guessing you have an explanation?"

I frowned, "What?" Then I thought about how this might look—Noah emerging from my room in boxers. I began blushing profusely. "Uh–"

Then the floorboards creaked again.

I turned to see Caleb entering the hallway, looking between the three of us. "Hi, Daniel," he smiled, but I didn't think we could really come back from this at this point. Unlike Noah, he had chosen to actually wear clothes with a grey top and black boxers. I was as equally surprised as I had been with Noah when I saw how good the top looked against his skin. I shook this off and turned back to my brother.

"We had a sleepover," I explained, "Alex and Hailey are in my room too,"

Daniel still didn't look convinced, "And mum and dad agreed to this?" He asked.

I nodded, watching my sister emerge from her room. Her eyes lit up when she saw Daniel, but I couldn't help but notice the nervous way she walked, as though she was on edge. When she embraced Daniel, I even saw her fingers trembling.

"Hey, Rosie-Posie," she grinned at him, tapping his chin.

"You've grown a beard," she smiled.

He nodded, "And you've grown a bruise to the side of your face," he said, turning her face to the side so that I could see it too. It wasn't big, but it was very dark. I almost gasped when I saw it, watching her freeze up.

"Ow, Daniel!" She said, swatting him away.

He laughed, though I could hear his unease. "How did you get it?" He asked.

She deadpanned him. "You know how clumsy I am, Danny," he agreed and let her pass. She smiled over at me, but the smile didn't quite reach her eyes. I turned around, watching her escape down the stairs skittishly after glancing at Caleb and Noah.

Caleb, Noah and I were soon joined by Alex and Hailey and we all sat downstairs in my living room eating the hell out of my cupboards. My parents were going to kill us. At least we were all fully clothed at this point.

"Iz," Alex said, nudging me with my foot as I began to drown in my usual fear of my dreamless sleeps. It more commonly happens in the mornings since every morning is a realisation that I don't dream. In those moments when I first wake up, that's the worst. The nights can be even more despicable sometimes; I'm so terrified to sleep, like there's something waiting for me in the shadows. If I'm not going to dream of my past life, what will I dream about? It was a fear that was forever gliding its cold fingers across my bare neck.

"Your brother has gotten way hotter," Alex said, pulling me out of my well of thoughts.

I stared at her, watching Noah roll his eyes. Hailey laughed before agreeing with her.

I shrugged, "He looks the same," I said.

"Yeah, but hotter," Alex and Hailey giggled over this for what seemed like ages whilst I contemplated my options. I often did this but now, more than ever, I feared for my future. When I was little, I didn't know any better, but now I know that it's a worldwide phenomenon—everyone dreams, and everyone has a past life. I don't. Which means I'm in trouble, now and until the day I die.

I looked to my right, past Caleb who sat beside me, scrolling through Instagram to see Noah staring at me, concern on his features. I wondered if he could really see the fear in my eyes. Sometimes I thought people could just tell. They know I don't dream. They can see straight through my lies and into my void eyes. They look at the signs of lack of sleep and they know. And they're coming for me.

Caleb glanced over at me. "You okay?" He asked. I suddenly realised that my breathing had picked up.

I smiled. "Yeah, just gonna go get ready," I felt as both Noah and Caleb frowned over at me.

I got to the bathroom, my hands shaking as I tried to lock the door, and I almost fell into the sink when I had successfully turned the lock. I stared at myself in the mirror—so desperate, so lost and so scared. I didn't want to be like this, I shouldn't have to feel like this. But this is the world I live in.

Survival of the fittest. I simply just shouldn't be here. I'm not like everyone else. I haven't kept up with evolution—I shouldn't be here.

I watched as tears streamed down my face as I clutched onto the sink. In that moment, I faded out a little, forgetting who I was just for one blissful moment. When I realised I was still Isobel Thornewood, I had to slap a hand over my mouth so that the loud sobs wouldn't escape.

Why? Why make me this way? I am so, so scared. Dreams. I want dreams.

Please, just let me dream.


It's been like

7 months

A whole second lockdown, another strain and a tier 4 has happened

Covid works harder than me, damn

Soz bye !!

- I promise this isn't a one time thing and I am writing


Songs that played when I was writing this chapter (in order):
Talking to Ghosts - Foxes
Where We Come Alive - Ruelle
Thinking Bout You - Ariana Grande
Believe - The Bravery
The Last Time - Taylor Swift
Our Story - Mako
Run For Cover - Gabrielle Aplin
Hold Your Breath - Ruelle
Truth Is a Beautiful Thing - London Grammar


Date written:

Next update: Christmas Day? Tomorrow? You decide chicas ;)


It only takes one scream to break the silence.

And then Isobel's secret is out.

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