Chapter Eleven

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I woke up on Monday feeling dread. I didn't dream. Again. But, for some reason, I still felt good about today.

I turned around on my bed to see a coffee and a biscuit waiting for me on my bedside table. I smiled at the sentiment that my brother had almost always upheld. Taking a sip of my warm coffee, I saw that my brother had left me a note. Smiling, I opened it. It was short, just a few words, and probably an inside joke, but I just couldn't read. Some of the letters looked backwards and some even started to drop from their place in the page.

I sighed frustratedly, putting the piece of paper back down and sitting up in my bed. Let's hope my vision returns some time soon since I'm guessing I'll need it for school.

I got ready in time to even make my hair look nice before I left the house to get the bus. When it reached his stop, Caleb joined me and his eyes seemed to take in my appearance. He looked like he wanted to say something but he didn't, instead blushing. I smiled, though frowned at him quizzically.

When it was time to get off the bus, I noticed some chaos at the entrance of the school and frowned. Almost losing Caleb in the crowd, I felt him reach out to me to pull me across the hall. I smiled at him once we had cleared the havoc, finding out friends. Noah looked down at our intertwined hands, and I began to frown at him before a mirror appeared in front of me. I thanked Alex as I laughed, fixing up my makeup.

"Your hair looks cute today," Hailey said, putting her phone away when she spotted a teacher. I grinned over at her and thanked her but my smile soon faltered when I saw a storm of police officers walk into the school. Suddenly, screams broke out. But it was just one person screaming.

It was a girl, Harriet Thompson. I watched with wide eyes as they took her into their hold, wrapping handcuffs around her wrists.

"What's going on? What did she do?" I asked. No one around me seemed even the slightest bit bothered about what was going on, which put me more on edge.

Alex sighed. "She doesn't dream," she said, glancing down at her nails.

I froze. "What?"

"They're arresting her because a source has told them that she doesn't dream," Noah said, shaking his head as his mouth pulled in distaste. I couldn't tell which angle he was coming from.

"Good thing, though, it freaks me out," when Noah pulled a face at Hailey, I knew. He didn't like to see this. His eyes met mine for a brief second before I turned back to the scene in front of me.

"We all know why you're bothered, anyway, Issy," Alex said.

I frowned over to her, "What?" My heart began to pound in my chest, my hands shaking as I looked over to see Harriet sobbing.

Without a heartbeat, Alex pointed a finger in my direction. "She doesn't dream either!" She yelled.

I jumped, startled. I stared with wide eyes at my best friend of ten years. How could she? How did she know? Tears came to my eyes as I stared into her cold ones.

"Alex..." I whispered. But she simply stared back at me with disgust. I looked over to see some officer approaching me. In that moment, I saw that everyone else was pointing at me. Everyone else in the corridor was mirroring Alex. Every single person was pointing at me with those cold, cold eyes.

I turned to see the rest of my friends doing the same, tears spilling out as saw Caleb and Noah both pointing at me.

"Caleb?" I asked, my voice breaking, "Noah?" He didn't even flinch.

My heart broke. I never thought... Why would my friends do this to me? What has this world come to?

Behind Noah's head was a poster. There was nothing significant about that fact, apart from the fact that I couldn't read it. Like the note from my brother earlier. My heart going into cardiac arrest and my body trembling, I realised something.

"You can't read in dreams," I whispered to myself. My eyes widened, the school beginning to fade out around me, "You can't read in dreams!" I yelled.

I jolted up, suddenly, startled when I realised I was sitting in my bed. I had been dreaming. Dreaming. I was actually dreaming. Though, that definitely wasn't a past life. That was my present life.

I jumped again when I saw a figure leaning over my desk.

"Noah? What the hell?" I watched him jump slightly, before he scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Sorry, Iz, I left something here on Saturday," he said, going back to his search, "oh and your brother said to wake up."

I wasn't even listening to him. It was something about the mere sight of him after the dream I had just had that broke me. I really, really thought that they all hated me. I didn't feel relieved that it was a dream, though, I felt terrified. If those are their reactions in a dream, what will be their reactions in real life?

I didn't even realise I was crying until I felt a liquid trickle down my left cheek. I sniffed, trying to halt the sobs inside of me. But I just couldn't do it. A loud sob escaped me and Noah glanced over at me.

"Iz? Isobel, are you okay?" He asked worriedly, walking over to me. "Hey," he said, sitting down beside me and pulling me into him. "You're way too pretty to be crying this early in the day," he said, making me laugh.

"Was it a nightmare?" He asked, "Something bad happen in your past life?" That just made me cry harder.

"It's all in the past, Isobel, it can't hurt you now." He said, uselessly comforting me with half of the information he needed.

I shook my head. "It will hurt me. It will." I said, choking on my tears.

He pulled me closer to him. "I won't let it." He said, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. He froze after that, probably just as surprised as me that he did that. For some reason, though, what he had said had managed to comfort me.

I pulled away from him, brushing away the tears. "Thanks, Noah."

He smiled at me before checking the time on his phone. "I'd love to give you a lift to school but I actually need to fill it up so I gotta go." I nodded, watching him pass me one last concerned look before he left.

I sighed, groaning into my hands.

I had a dream.

But it wasn't what I wanted.

I turned around on my bed to see that same coffee cup and biscuit waiting for me on my bedside table. I couldn't help but smile at it again, though this was how my horrible nightmare had began. I picked up the note, and this time I could read it.

'Drink up, Belly'

I rolled my eyes at the nickname but finished my coffee before getting ready quick enough that I had time to my hair look extra nice today.

Leaving the house, I tried to pick a song to play as I walked to the bus stop. When it reached his stop, Caleb joined me and his eyes seemed to take in my appearance. I almost prompted him to speak but took his blush as an unspoken compliment.

When it was time to get off the bus, my heart started to beat faster. This is where it all happened. The nightmare within my nightmare. I tried to calm myself down as Caleb and I hit a big crowd. I lost him for a few desperate moment but then felt his hand in mine. I smiled, thanking him when we had gotten through the stream of people. When we reached our friends; I spotted Noah and something silent passed between us, an understanding from this morning, perhaps. I also noticed him looking down at mine and Caleb's intertwined hands and I began to frown at him before a mirror appeared in front of me. I thanked Alex as I laughed, fixing up my makeup.

"Your hair looks cute today." Hailey said, putting her phone away when she spotted a teacher. I grinned over at her and thanked her, but my smile soon faltered when I saw a storm of police officers walk into the school. Suddenly, screams broke out. But it was just one person screaming.

And it was me.


Hey it's your local writer back here posting again


Nothing else to say apart from the fact that I got animal crossing and a switch !!

I'm living my best life !

- Best life !


Songs that played when I was writing this chapter (in order):
Only You - Selena Gomez
Explosions - Ellie Goulding
Big Guns - Ruelle
sHe - ZAYN
Long & Lost - Florence + The Machine
Big Eyes - Lana Del Rey
Forest Fires - Lauren Aquilina
Angels - Say Lou Lou
Home - Ellie Goulding
Shake It Out - Florence + The Machine


Date written:

Next update: It'll be a surprise


Isobel is painting her future.

But somewhere deep inside her home is another problem.

Let's just hope she figures it out in time.

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