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- Earth Skills

Amelia, Octavia, Finn, Monty and Clark were currently rushing though the woods heading back to camp especially after Jasper was empaled by someone who was on the ground before they had turned up and definitely knew they saw them as the enemy as they had landed on their territory. The dark haired beauty couldn't get the image of Jasper the smile disappearing from his face as soon as a spear pierced through this chest sending him back towards the tree.

Amelia was running between Monty and Octavia through the woods as they attempted to get back to their camp without getting caught by whoever it was that had hurt Jasper. The Carter girl couldn't help but feel like somebody was watching them as her eyes scanned passed them trees they were running past went suddenly Monty tripped over something causing him to fall face first to the ground.

" Monty" Amelia called out rushing towards the dark haired boy helping him up to his feet but her eyes widened in shock as she noticed that he had landed in front of a Skelton causing his eyes to widened as he immediately crawled backwards far away from the Skelton he had landed in front of, " Come on, we can't be that far from the dropship now. It's just a little further and then we'll find a way to get Jasper back, okay?"

Monty smiled gratefully at the brunette as she grabbed his hand pulling him up onto his feet as the group suddenly came to a hault in attempt to catch their breathes as they looked around at the dozen of human bones scattered around the forest floor, " who are they?" Finn quietly questioned his eyes scanning the forest floor in confusion

It went silent for a couple of moments as nobody knew who it was that was also on the ground with them when suddenly Clarke picked up a Skelton head with a look of confusion and horror on her face showing it to the group as it looked nothing like a human Skelton, " what are they?" Amelia turned her attention to the blonde, looking down at the skull scrunching up her face as she couldn't believe what was in her hands and wondered what the hell was on earth apart from water monsters and themselves and knew it wouldn't be anything good.

Octavia shifted her gaze towards Amelia who was standing next to her noticing the expression on her face noticing that none of them are exactly safe right now and just how serious things have gotten especially since they don't know if Jasper is alive and also because of the human bones scattered around, " we're so screwed" she muttered under her breathe with a look of dread and horror on her face.

Suddenly, the sound of ear-piercing scream was heard echoing throughout the woods filled with fear and agony but Amelia frowned at the familiar scream as it sounded like Jasper causing her eyes to widened in shock as she sighed in relief that he was still alive but if they didn't get to him soon he wouldn't be alive for long especially since they don't know what else is out there with them, " Jasper, he's alive"

Amelia turned around as she began to run in the direction they had just come from with the others following after her, " Lia, wait, wait. We don't know what's out there" Finn called out trying to stop the brunette but she didn't listen to him as she continued running through the same direction with the others following her as she was determined to get to Jasper.

Finn suddenly caught up to Amelia and Clarke grabbing both of their arms stopping them from running any further as he shot the two girls both a warning look and firmly told them, " Wait. Stay out of the trees" Amelia turned around in hopes to find Jasper where he was before they runned off to find help but there was no sign of Jasper anywhere, " He was right there"

Monty appeared beside Octavia as he looked ahead to see Finn was in fact that that Jasper has disappeared causing the hope he had in his eyes that his best friend was going to be just fine disappear, " No, where is he?" He questioned scanning the trees in hopes to find him but he was nowhere on sight causing Clarke and Amelia to share a look of recognition as they noticed the blood stains on the rock across the river as the blonde eyes widened in fear and breathed out, " They took him"


After Finn and Clarke reluctantly pulled Amelia away from mount weather, despite her protested as she wanted to go after Jasper before anything else bad happens to the boy with goggles and offered to stay behind while the rest of the ground went to get help so they could get Jasper back. Amelia huffed in annoyance giving up as Finn held a firm grip on her dragging her through the woods back towards the drop ship where the rest of their people were but they had no idea what chaos had happened since they left to get reinforcements to help keep everybody alive.

Amelia frowned at the sounds of shooting and encouragement of cheering from the delinquents as she turned her attention to Octavia who held the same confused expression on her face as the five of them rushed toward where the sound was coming from only to be met with the sight of Wells holding a knife to Murphy's throat, " Oh, for fuck sakes. You have to be bloody kidding me" Amelia muttered under her breathe at the two men who always seemed to be at one another's throats due to their ego's.

"Wells! Let him go!" Clarke demanded as she rushed forwards pushing some of the delinquents out of the way causing Wells to push Murphy harshly to the ground but it didn't take long until he climbed back onto his feet and was about to launch himself at Wells about to attack him again only he was stopped by Bellamy who grabbed his arms holding him back and firmly told him, " Hey, enough, Murphy!"

Bellamy then turned his attention to his little sister who was holding onto Amelia who was helping her down the small hill as he made his way towards the two girls taking Octavia from the brunette's arm and called out, " Octavia. Are you alright?" Octavia groaned lightly wincing as she leaned against her brother who was now helping her to walk as she nodded her head and muttered, " Yeah"

The older Blake nodded his head slightly raising his brows at Octavia like he didn't believe a word she had said before turning his attention to Amelia, Clarke, Finn and Monty with a frown on his face noticing they had come back with nothing when they were suppose to go out for supplies to help them all survive, "Where's the food?"

Amelia folded her arms across her chest rolling her eyes in annoyance shooting Bellamy a look and resorted, " where do you think it is? We didn't make it to mount weather" Bellamy frowned in confusion as he turned his attention to the dark haired beauty and questioned the people that had gone on the little trip, "what the he'll happened out there?"

"We were attacked" Clarke stated with a concerned expression on her face at the thought of Jasper who had been taken by whoever or whatever was out there who had hurt Jasper as people that had gone on the trek knew he was still alive otherwise he wouldn't of screamed when they moved Jasper's body.

Wells turned his head to look at Clarke with his brows furrowed and curiously questioned the blonde, "Attacked? By what?" Clarke opened her mouth to explain what happened but before she could Finn beat her to it as his eyes glanced around the camp and explained, "Not what. Who. It turns out, when the last man from the ground died on the Ark, he wasn't the last Grounder."

"It's true. Everything we thought we knew about the ground is wrong. There are people here, survivors. The good news is, that means we can survive. Radiation won't kill us." Clarke informed everyone who began to quietly murmur to one another in confusion and surprise. Amelia ran her hand through her hair sharing a look with Octavia who was just as worried about their safely as she was and added in,"Yeah, the bad news is the Grounders will."

Wells scrunched his face up in puzzlement as he looked at Clarke, Amelia, Octavia, Finn and Monty noticing that one person from the group is missing, " where's the kid with the goggles?" Wells curiously questioned causing Amelia to shake her head frantically as she narrowed her eyes at him and replied, " his name is Jasper, he was hit. They took him"

Amelia shifted her gaze to his wrist when she noticed that his wristband was missing and was about to ask what had happened since they've been gone but before she could Clarke spoke up grabbing his wrist and demanded, " where is your wristband?" Wells snatched his wrist out of Clarke's grip as he shifted his gaze over to Bellamy with a harsh glare and told her, " ask him"

"How many?" Clarke questioned with a furious look on her face taking a step closer to the Blake siblings narrowing her eyes directly at Bellamy as he avoided the confused look he was getting from his sister who was waiting for him to answer but it was Murphy that spoke up with a taunting smirk on his face and informed, " twenty four and counting"

Amelia shook her head with a disbelief look on her face clenching her jaw as her hazel eyes glanced around scanning the delinquents as she stepped forward before she began to speak, " You idiots! Life support on the Ark is failing. That's why they brought us down here. They need to know the ground is survivable again, and we need their help against whoever is out there. If you take off your wristbands, you're not just killing them. You're killing us!

Bellamy glanced around with an alarmed look on his face noticing the people were actually listening to the brunette including Octavia who seems to be really close to the Carter girl causing him to clench his jaw taking a step forward to address everyone as he loudly spoke trying to get the people on his side, " we're stronger than you think. Don't listen to her. She's one of the privileged. If they come down, she'll have it good. How many of you can say the same? We can take care of ourselves. That wristband on your arm? It makes you a prisoner. We are not prisoners anymore! They say they'll forgive your crimes. I say you're not criminals! You're fighters, survivors! The Grounders should worry about us!"

The delinquents raised their arms cheering on Bellamy who smiled in satisfaction causing Amelia to roll her eyes as she walked away from Octavia and towards her brother grabbing his arm forcing him to turn around and face her as she exclaimed, " do you really want everyone up on the ark to die? There are innocent people up there, children, our loved ones, people who are up there that have the skills to help us, nurses, engineers... the list can go on. If you continue taking off the wristbands, they've going to think that Earth isn't survival and that creates more death and that will be on you and your little lap dogs that follow your every command"

Bellamy frowned staring into Amelia's eyes for a moment watching as she rolled her eyes once again turning around and walking away with Clarke and Monty catching up with the brunette as Monty shifting his gaze between the two girls and and questioned, "What do we do now?" Amelia held a determined expression on her face with Monty and Clark following her as she stated, " Now we go after Jasper"

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