•. ✿ .•°Chapter 8•. ✿ .•°

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Isuels pov.

You almost land in the ocean. What the hell, Gustav! Sometimes, you wish you could kill a guardian. When your feet found their footing, you jumped up and wiped yourself. Your body transformed into a human body. Thank God, when you are earthbound, nobody can see the transforming power.

You strolled when you saw a lone figure on the smooth rocks. You don't know how to approach "Stanger boy." You suddenly feel sad that Gustav did that to you. Maybe he wouldn't wish to see you.

"Hi," you said, startling him with your voice. He inhaled deeply as he swung his body around to face you. He looks like the word "pissed". Oops!!! You hope Gustav didn't hear that word.

He scoffs, "Oh, it's magic girl,'" he says sarcastically."Now you see me, now you don't. You can go about your business...leave me alone." He shook his head after dismissively waving you off. You just shrugged. It is a mission, and you need to complete it. Otherwise, you will be toasted.

"What are you writing, stranger boy?" You inquired as you peered over his shoulder. You inwardly grin when he gives you some stinky look. He quickly shut his notebook with apparent irritation. But you were unfazed. Gosh, he is so cute. Sorry, Gustav!

"Can you just leave...like you did yesterday?"He looked into your eyes with his head tilted sideways. A strange sadness washed over your unusual, soulful eyes. You couldn't figure out why you suddenly felt so weird. Perhaps it is Yoonas' emotions. Is she knowledgeable about this young man? Are they connected in any way?

You smile and decide to sit beside him even though you were not invited. You pressed your lips as you noticed the look of disgust on his face.

You smiled into his raised eyes, "You sound delighted. You were emotionless when I first saw you, but today, I'm pleasantly surprised. You sound light, with strange energy in your tone. Don't worry...true happiness and inner joy are anti-depressants." You've already broken the rules, so you mustered the courage to place your cold hands on his and lightly press them. His hands felt strong. His doe eyes widen at your touch; you can tell his mind is racing. With his shocked expression, he probably wondered how you knew about his mental issues.

"How?..where?" he was perplexed. All you do is smile, and the air around you changes. It was like a magnet that drew you together. He just sat quietly beside you. You smile. So, it's an invitation to stay with him. You decided to encourage him. You hope it will help.

"It's so beautiful...life is so short, stranger boy...you can't let it pass you by," You said as You gazed over the ocean and the raging waves. Remember Stranger Boy: 'Yesterday was the past...tomorrow is a mystery...but today is the present...which is a gift.' Don't live your life with regrets."Wow, where did that come from? This Yoona must be something. You wish you could meet her before you cross over. 

Jungkook looked at you, puzzled. You were also surprised by yourself. "How old are you? Do you sound like my aunt?" he asked.

You could smirk, "I'm eighteen...as of today?" OK, this is Yoona speaking. Is this spirit taking over your mission? Is this mission two?

"Is it your birthday? Why are you spending it alone....here on the beach...don't you have friends...family?" He creased his brows. You also furrow your brows in concentration. No, you only had your two best friends, who are not with you. You don't even know where your body is right now. Gustav only gives you some memories; the others are blurred out. So, you had no idea about the rest of Yoona's relationship with her friends. As you look at him, he seems so relaxed, as if pondering what you are saying.

You just shrugged, "I left my parents a year ago...I left them heartbroken and shattered..." When he notices you start to cry, he looks strangely affected:"...I didn't say goodbye. I was conceited... I wanted to give up, and I did... I left them two days after my birthday..."He frowns as he observes your sad tone. You felt the heartbreak as an image flooded your mind of your parents' pain. Why did you do it? You walked alongside the river... you could see it now. You drowned... but then you heard his soft tone in your ears.

He returns his gaze to you. "It's never too late to make amends...return to them. I'm sure they miss you terribly. You are their daughter, and your birthday may be a very lonely time for them."

Yeah, you would have if you had known where Yoona was. Is she still in critical condition? Or what happened to her? The only image you got was of the doctor telling your parents some news.

You smile at him and say, "It's too late...it's been months..." You shook your head as the thoughts had just gotten to your mouth, and you looked perplexed by his soft expression. There was a stirring inside of you. Are you getting through to him if he is giving you hope? Suddenly, you both felt a new awareness. There was a chill in the air, but you knew it was something else. 

You turn to face him, your eyes glowing."Perhaps the echoes of people we once loved still linger in the places we regularly visited with them, which is why we return... Not so much to remember them as to feel them. "Your sudden melancholy made him shudder. It also makes you tense up.

"Yeah, their voices are like an echo in the wind...never finding peace within...return home, beach girl...tell them you love them and are sorry for causing them pain, heartbreak, and sorrow." He says softly.

You felt Yoona's emotions take over. " It was like never finding peace...every year I returned to this beach to find solace...until I met you, Stranger boy." Thank you for giving me the courage to go back and wipe their tears." You pressed his hand once more, smiling through your tears. Why are you sobbing all of a sudden? This girl is oversensitive.

"Not to mention...we all have demons we have to face and conquer," Jungkook said as he jumped up from the rock." Come on, beach girl, let's race. Let me warn you that it's your birthday. I'm a 100m genius."

Huh! he wants you to race. Well, it's on.

"Oh really...well, stranger boy, let's face it," You said, jumping up and sprinting ahead of him.

"Hey!" He exclaimed in disbelief as he saw you sprinting ahead of him. He worked hard to catch up to you. Wow, this boy can run, but you were also good at the running track. Your brother was a sports prodigy. You felt his breath on your neck when he suddenly tackled you like a rugby player. You felt flat on your face. With your landing, he fell on top of you. With you back on the painfully hard ground, you pout. Can't you win anything? He chuckled as he hovered above you. You felt your heart constricting as his hair was playing on your forehead. That is how close he was.

"Ugh...stranger boy. You're such a sore loser. "You were mesmerized by his laughing eyes. Oh my gosh! You almost succeeded. The boy genuinely smiled and even laughed out loud. The Stranger boy is so adorable. You don't know what came over you—maybe the teen hormones—as you inwardly wondered if tracing your finger over his perfectly formed lips would offend him. But you scold yourself. There is no time for this. You need to complete your mission soon.

"I know...come!" He abruptly stood up and extended his hand to assist you. You almost feel disappointed when he removes his body from yours. You sigh and place your hand in his.

"Thank you, so who won this race?"Your lips corner lifted slightly as you walked silently back to the beach.

"It's your birthday...so you are."He pushed against your shoulder. You both chuckled. You felt so happy when you smiled brightly at him.

"Stranger boy, may I have one gift from you as my race award?" Okay, what now, Yoona?

You look at him cautiously. Jungkook appears nervous. What is he thinking you'll be asking him for? You don't even know what Yoona's mind will come up with. You'll go with the flow.

"W...what do you want me to do?" He nervously bit his lip.

"Can I seal our friendship with a nice hug?" you asked. Your face beams. OK, that's not so bad, Yoona. You already broke the rules, so a hug will compensate for everything, right?

"Of course...come here and happy birthday," he exclaims. Okay, he wants to hug you. You don't wait for a second invitation. You want this boy. What! Where did that come from? Yoona!!!

He pulled you up against him. Your breath became nervous. This is amazing. He snaked his strong arms around your small frame and pulled you closer to him; it felt so good in his arms that you got the courage to snake your arms tightly around his waist. His breathing became strained. It's like a sudden attraction; you enjoy being in his arms. You've never had a boyfriend before. Say what! Yoona has never dated—such a stunning girl.

With his chin on your beanie head, you heard him softly say, "Thank you, Beach girl."

"What for?" You muttered against his chest. Your eyes were closed as you took in his glorious scent. Sorry, Gustav, but this guy is hot.

"For giving me a reason to live again...for giving the echo in the wind a voice to be heard again," he replied softly. Mission accomplished. 

A new thought suddenly enters your mind. It's as if the second mission has been revealed to you. Yoona took complete control. You let her.

"Promise me something?" You lift your face and brush your soft thump across his face. You were dead serious this time. It was as if time was against you. You forgot you were going to be transported soon.

"Is there anything else?"He looked down at your solemn expression.

His fingers were teasing your hair strands. You love it. He does seem to be fascinated by you.

"Be happy and count your blessings...all right. Go forth and live fully, enjoy what you love, and don't be afraid to fall in love again."As you stepped out of his embrace, you smiled. You don't want to, but Yoona demands it. You have no idea why?

He softly nods and takes your cold hand in his, pulling you in front of him in a back hug, his arms around your shoulders and your head resting on his chest, as you both watch the white waves crashing against the sharp rocks...

You seem to have found your home in this boy. You become attached to the mission.

You had a good time on the beach with Stranger Boy. You played "catch me if you can," and you drew funny words on the sea sand. You also had a sandcastle-building competition. As time progressed, it became a little colder. You even dared each other to walk into the cold water barefoot, squealing and screaming with delight. You've never laughed out loud so much in one day. This boy was ecstatic to be in your presence.

You were tired, so you sat on a smooth rock and munched on all the snacks he had taken from his backpack. It felt strange to eat earthbound food again. You both just enjoyed being together as you quietly threw some pebbles into the ocean.

You cast a few shy glances in between.

"Stranger boy...would it be weird if I wanted to know your name? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. "You quickly asked him.

He looked a little baffled, but he softly stated his name after a while.

"Jungkook," He looked at you as if he expected you to recognise him. Is Yoona familiar with him? Were you supposed to remember him? Yoonas' memories contain no further hints about this boy. Nothing. You still have no idea who he is. But you didn't want to pry. So, at least you remember Rule 7.

You smile," Beautiful name...I'm Yoona." You felt relief that you didn't say Isuel.

"Thanks, you're pretty, Yoona..." You notice the little grinning in relief. You flush as he smirks in your eyes. You fell for this boy, hook, line, and sinker. Why is he so...awesome?

The sun was setting as you jumped hurriedly. You felt a heaviness in your heart as if you needed to act quickly. Are you going to be transported right now? As you take a look around, Jungkook appears concerned.

"What is it, Yoon?" He looked worried as he asked you.

"Er...I'm going back home, Jungkook. I'm leaving."You jumped off the rocks and ran to the shore, followed by Jungkook. What home...where? Where does Yoona want to take you? Gustav said nothing about leaving the beach settings.

"Wait---beach girl! Yoona! Yoona!" he caught up with you, grabbing and holding onto your sleeve.

You turned away, heartbroken that you had to leave him," I want to spend so much time with you, Stranger boy-Jungkook...but we can't."

"Why not?...please don't leave so soon...please, Yoona" Oh my goodness, his eyes were sad! It's too much for your heart to bear. Why can't you stay longer?

You seemed frantic and hurried," Jungkook, please promise me that you will remember me if we meet again." Ok, Yoona again?

He frowned deeply. " Of course, I'll remember you, Yoon. I...I want to know you more. Please don't leave so soon. It is still your birthday," he pleaded. Oh, yeah, it is, Yoona's.

You sighed deeply, and a light flashed in your eyes, puzzling him." I'll give you something. If we meet again, you need to give this pendant back to me. This is my most precious gift to you. "Amid his puzzled expression, you quickly dug into the front of your hoodie and unclasped a beautiful gold pendant with an angel hanging from it. Huh! No, what!!

You became aware of a tug in your memory... Yong! Oh my gosh. You almost forgot, Yoona brother. Why are you recalling Isuel's memories now? Gustav! He transmitted those memories to Mission Two. Yong asked you to tell his sister he will always be there for her. So perhaps this necklace will find its way to Yoon in her earthbound body. Wow! The missions are connected.

When you put it around his neck, he looked amazed. Touching him causes your heart to race. Jungkook looked down at its beauty, gently touching it as he gazed into your eyes. You give him a cheerful smile.

"Why?" He looked puzzled. You also wondered that?

"You are the one worthy of it," You shrugged with a chuckle, but then your movements froze as you locked your gaze on his nervous eyes. Yoona, what now?

" Jungkook... can I kiss you goodbye?" you sheepishly uttered. What the heck is wrong with this teenager? Gustav is going to flip. No...no...a million times no. You groan, already picturing the fire on your delicate bones...you're going to the fiery place. Yoona will send you there. Oh my.

"Huh! "Jungkook replied with shock. You, too, were astounded. This is completely insane.

"You heard me...can you be my first kiss on my b-day?" You smirk, but your voice is solemn. Your first kiss, really. By the age of 18, you'd done more than kiss. Well, you weren't exactly sweet... So be it. Allow Yoona the desired kiss. He nods. Oh, yes!

"O-ok..."With a radiant smile, you softly snake your arms around his shoulder as he leans in to meet your lips. He has no idea what he's getting himself into.  First kiss, my foot.  He'll get the full monty of a make-out session.  Thank you, Yoona; at least you'll be happy in hell.

You softly peck his bunny lips until Jungkook grabs your head, hands cupping your face, and starts kissing you with such zeal that you throw all logic out the window and kiss him passionately back. It felt like hours, but it was only a minute.

You both stood breathless, staring deep into each other's eyes with awe as you awkwardly released each other.

"Wow! "You licked your soft, swollen lips and met his gaze with flustered expressions. The intensity of the kiss has left Jungkook dazed.

"Oh my..." Jungkook says softly. He is staring at you intently. You want to kiss his lips again, but Yoona will always get in the way.

"Make a promise to me, Stranger Boy. You will return my pendant to me. "You implored frantically. Ok, Yoona! Not again.

"Promise," he said as you urgently shook his forearms as if he would remember you. Gustav stated that this boy is significant. You're wondering why yet again.

"OK, promise," he said. Thank God, you have no idea why you felt such complete relief. Peace had taken over your demeanour. Did you just complete Mission 2? Wow. You're now ready to bounce. You can't wait to cross over and see your friends.

"Thank you, Jungkook," You could just thank him.

You felt a strange loss, as if you'd lost something essential to you. You hope those were Yoona's emotions.

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