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Riley cringes at the bruise on her forehead in her locker mirror. She considered covering it with make up, but there was one problem with that. She didn't own any make up, so the bruise would have to be on full display. Riley huffs and slams her locker shut and walks into her first period class, study hall. The teacher hardly ever pays attention in this class and never takes attendance so Riley will occasionally skip it.

But after missing yesterday she didn't really have much of a choice than to show up. See, the autobots got into a fight yesterday. Three decepticons showed up and they tried to stop them, but having the situation being so unexpected, they weren't ready and they got away. Not before slamming Riley into a wall of course. She hadn't even gotten the chance to really see the damage, but considering the fact that there wasn't any blood and she wasn't paralyzed, Riley didn't really worry.

It did hurt though. "Peter did you see the new video of the autobot fight?" Riley's ears perk up at hearing the topic. "No, do you have it? I was busy with patrol last night." A video begins playing behind her, and Riley's ears pick up on the familiar sounds from the fight. Slap! Bang! Blam! She inwardly winces at hearing the moment her back slams into the brick wall. Not that she is hearing it, maybe it was worse than she thought.

"Oooh! That's gotta hurt." Riley quietly hums and rolls her shoulders. "Autobots! Roll out!" The video ends and Riley glances over her shoulder. Peter and Ned whisper back and forth to each other. Riley sits at their table during lunch. The losers table. Riley chose to sit there rather than with any of the 'popular' kids. If you ask her, they are just a bunch of moronic privileged kids who will never really experience the world.

Now, Riley wasn't calling herself a loser. She knows she's not, but unfortunately, her current (or permanent) life situation kinda sucked. During school conferences, Riley's teachers asked to meet her parents. One problem with that. They are both dead, so that's off the cards. She only just got out of the sticky situation when she called Cade Yeager and had him say he was her uncle that was out of town.

Riley gets away with saying her uncle is a CIA agent that works a lot. You'd be surprised how well that excuse works especially with all this alien and Avengers crap going on.

Behind Riley, Peter Parker looks up to the girl he's had a crush on for the amount of time she's been at the school. The blonde had arrived two months ago out of the blue. Peter being the paranoid he is thought she was someone tasked with watching him, or rather, Spiderman. The more he stalked her, trying to figure out if she was stalking him, the more he realized she wasn't. Honestly how could you not have a crush on the girl after watching her for so long? She's beautiful.

As Peter continues to stare at the junior she moves her hair off her back and pulls it into a ponytail. He stares at her curls for a moment then spots something on her neck. Splotches off a sickening purple and blue stick out like a sore thumb. Then he remembers the bruise on her forehead. Had she been beaten? "Ned." Peter whispers to his friend and points at Riley's neck. Ned sees it and gapes. "That's huge!" He exclaims.

Riley glances over her shoulder, sending the pair a questioning glance. She notices them staring at her neck and pulls her hair out, then turns back to her work. Peter gapes for a moment. So she knows it's there. Peter and Ned share a look. What should they do?

Peter hadn't taken his eyes off Riley. That's not really anything new, but today was different. He was watching her every move, calculating and trying to figure something out. He noticed the little winces of pain every now and again and Riley couldn't bend her back more than a few degrees. The perfect posture just didn't look right on her. Riley had that 'I don't care, fight me' kinda vibe. Flash always tried his best to stay away from Riley's challenging glare.

Especially after the time she punched him. Now that was a day to remember. Flash was trying to hit on Riley and it didn't really work out for him. He tried for days, but Riley just actively ignored him, but the time he grabbed her ass, now that is what set her off. Riley whipped around and punched Flash with perfect aim and strength. He fell to the floor and spit out a tooth. His father tried to have Riley's parents pay for the bill, but somehow Riley lied her way out of it. That is when the school decided that Riley was not to be messed with.

Now it was lunch and Riley sat at the far end of the table eating a slice of apple pie. Peter knew that Riley loved pie. She ate it nearly everyday. "Ugh, I can't wait any longer!" Ned gapes as Peter stands from his seat and walks down to Riley, sitting on the opposite side of her. She looks at him and lowers the forkful of pie she was about to eat. "What are you doing?" She questions. Peter huffs, totally not puffing his chest out. "I wanted to ask you about your bruises." He says with so much faked confidence that made MJ cringe.

Riley raises an eyebrow. "My bruises?" Then she remembers. "Oh. Those." She shrugs. "It's no big deal. Just fell down a flight of stairs. I'm a bit of klutz." Peter blinks. "That's it?" Riley raises a questioning eyebrow. "Were you expecting a different answer?" Peter shakes his head, his cheeks becoming red. "Oh, no! I just- It looks pretty serious." Riley shrugs. "Maybe. I haven't really looked at it yet."

Then she goes back to silently eating her food. Riley is always quiet... except when she's not. She loves correcting people when they are wrong, especially if it will piss them off. Peter has noticed that she does that. Making people angry on purpose. Strangely she's never done it to him, though it could be because Peter hasn't done anything to piss her off. She is sarcastic to him though. Sarcastic to everyone she meets. Not the best first impression to put about herself, but Peter just guesses that's how she is.

Riley is just a very strange person that Peter may or may not have fallen for. Hard.




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