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      Riley sighs heavily as she steps out of the school. Rain begins pelting down causing her shoulders to drop. Riley groans and steps into the rain, looking around the parking lot for Bee, only to find him gone. "Really Bee? Really? Today of all days you decide to ditch me?" Riley's fists shake and she pulls up her hood, starting to walk in the rain. "I swear when I see you, I'm ripping your radio out."

      The rain became hail, pelting down harshly on Riley's head and back. Her face was becoming red from how pissed she was, quietly cursing out her alien car. As Riley crosses a street her foot just so coincidentally finds a puddle, soaking her sock and shoe. "You have got to be fucking kidding me." She sneers through clenched teeth. Riley pulls her foot out of the water, shaking it slightly before she begins walking again.

      Riley continues to walk grudgingly down the street. Behind her a man dressed in black follows closely behind. Riley notices this and takes a right turn- He follows. She takes another right, then another, effectively walking in a circle around the block and the man still follows. That was it. She knew he was following her. Riley starts picking up her speed, but the man does the same.

      Suddenly he runs ahead, jerking her shoulder around making her face him. Riley comes face to face with a revolver. She instinctively goes for her gun in her belt, but- Right. She left in with Bee. "Wallet and phone. Now." Riley huffs and rolls her eyes, crossing her arms. "What is this? Screw-over-Riley day?" The mugger looks confused, then Riley takes the moment of distraction to knee him in the groin. He doubles over in pain, dropping the gun.

      Riley kicks the gun to the side and glares down at the man. "Seriously dude. Get a life." She turns to walk away, but is faced with, yet another gun. "Do what the man said little girl." Riley clenches her jaw as she hears the other man grab his gun again. "Two against one, now that's hardly fair." She jerks the second man's gunaside and punches him in the face, but the other guy fires at her, just barely missing her ear. "Shit."

      As he is about to fire again, Something swings in, kicking him aside. Riley grunts and faces her man again. He raises his run, but grabs his hand with her inner elbow, then swings her other elbow into his face. She hears a satisfying crack as his nose breaks. The man falls to the floor in pain and Riley looks down at him in disgust. "Jackass." She turns around and is faced with- Wait, who the hell is this guy?

      Riley looks around confused. "Was there a cosplay convention I didn't know about?" The eyes on the guy's suit widen. "Oh! No, I'm Spiderman!" He sticks his hand out for Riley to shake, which she hesitantly takes. "Right..." Riley looks at the other guy and sees he is webbed to the wall. "Huh." She utters, surprised, then looks back at- what did he say his name was again? Spider-boy? "Thanks for the help, but I had it handled." Spider-boy tilts his head.

      "You were almost shot." Riley shrugs. "Wouldn't have been the first time." Spider-boy stares at her wide eyed and Riley gives him an odd look. "Okay, well I'm going to go now-" Spider-boy steps closer to her. "Wait- Why are you out in the hail anyway?" Riley faces him and rolls her eyes. "Unfortunately my car ditched me, so-" She jerks her thumb in the other direction and begins walking again.

      "Hey, wait!" Riley raises an eyebrow as Spider-boy runs next to her. He's still trying to talk to her? "Don't you have someone you can call to pick you up? Mom? Dad?" Riley walks ahead of him, trying to get away. What was this guy's deal? "My mom and dad are dead so if you don't mind I'd like to be left alone now." Finally Spider-boy stops following her. Riley hears a faint 'fwip' then she looks up and sees him swing away. "Freaking weirdo."

      "Bumblebee!" Riley shouts as she stomps into the warehouse that she calls home. The yellow autobot looks at her, noting her angered expression. "Don't ever ditch me again!" She points up at him. "I almost got mugged!" She points at her shoes. "My favorite shoes are ruined!" Riley grabs a piece of her hair. "I'm soaked beyond belief and you-" Bee bends down and rubs Riley's head. She looks at him as her hair becomes a mess under his hand.

      "What are you doing?" He kneels down in front of her and his heating system blasts on her. Riley crosses her arms and glares at the autobot as his eyes squint from a smile. "I'm still mad at you." Bee buzzes out a laugh and Riley sits down on the ground, letting the warm air hit her. "Where did you even go anyway." Bee's radio chatters as it flips through channels. Riley raises an eyebrow as she gets the message. "Did you find them?" She asks, referring to the decepticons. Bee shakes his head and Riley sighs.

      She pats Bee's arm. "We'll find them." Riley winces as she slouches. Right, her back. She'd forgotten about that. "Ugh," She pulls herself to her feet and starts walking to the garage entrance. "C'mon Bee. We're going to get some Icy Freeze." Riley points at the ceiling and nods. "And some pie. Can't forget about the pie." Bee transforms and Riley climbs in and Bee pulls out of the building.

      Riley hums along to Metalica as it plays through the store's speakers. She searches along the isles for Icy Freeze and hears the entrance bell ring. "Eddie. How's life?" Riley smirks a bit at the familiar name. "Dislam as usual." Riley peaks her head out of the isle and the brown haired man smiles at the girl. "Riles! Haven't seen you in for a bit." Riley shrugs and holds up the Icy Freeze. "Been busy." Eddie peers at her neck and sees the growing bruise. "You sure have. Been staying safe kid?" Riley smiles. "Never."

      Eddie Brock and Riley met by coincidence. She had been walking home one night, a few weeks after Dean's death. Being in the dazed state that she was, she didn't notice the man sneaking up behind her. Riley tried to fight back, but she was tired and fatigued. Luckily, Eddie had stepped in on time, saving her. Riley was in so much shock she didn't even notice the man turn into a giant black monster that ate her attacker whole. They run into each other from time to time.

      "How are things with Anne?" Eddie chuckles and shrugs a bit. "Slow. But, hey at least things are moving." Riley smiles and nods. She hears Bee's horn outside and frowns. "Geez, so impatient." Riley walks over to the counter to pay, but Eddie slams down his chocolate bars and beer neck to her things and hands the cashier $20. Riley gapes at him. "Hey, what are you doing?" Eddie smiles at her. "Paying." He grabs his things and leaves the store.

      Riley takes her things and shakes her head, stepping back out into the rain. Bee takes off from the curb the moment Riley gets in. "What are you feeling for dinner tonight Bee?" Bee answers her question by pulling up to a restaurant. Riley nods. "McDonalds it is."







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