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      "What do you mean she said she had been shot before?" Ned whispers-shouts to Peter. The nerd shakes his head. "No she said that she had been shot at before." Ned looks at Riley wide eyed. She always tries to sit in the back of the class. Peter and Ned always see her doodling into a sketchbook, but she always hides what she is working on. "Thats crazy dude!" Peter nods. "I know! And you should have seen her fight! She was good!"

      The two boys look back at the blonde, and feeling eyes on her, Riley looks up and raises an eyebrow at the two of them. They quickly turn their heads forward again and Riley goes back to drawing. Peter and Ned work on their AP Geometry for a second, then Peter pauses. "Did you know her parents died?" Ned doesn't look up from his work. "No." Peter glances back at Riley, then Ned looks up. "I think I've heard her talking about an uncle to the teachers. Works for the CIA or something."

      Peter nods and gives Riley one last glance. He hadn't known about her parents. He doesn't think anyone does. She's so quiet. Could that be the reason? Her parents? Peter knows he was quiet when Ben died. He couldn't really remember his parents, so May and Ben took up that title. But despite not knowing them, he still misses them. Or maybe it was just longing to know them. Peter didn't know.

      The bell rings, and as usual, Riley is the first one out of the room. As she exits the classroom she tosses something into the trash, and Peter being the intellectual he is, runs over to it and pulls it out. His eyes widen at what he sees. Ned walks over and looks over his shoulder. "Dude! She drew me!" Peter traces his fingers over the pencil marks. Ned nods. "Actually she drew Spiderman." Peter looks at Ned. "Dude, I am Spiderman."

      Ned thinks for a moment then nods, smiling. "Oh yeah." Peter rolls his eyes and walks out of the classroom, seeing Riley far down the hallway. He looks down at the drawing again and frowns. "She's good." Ned nods, looking at the drawing more closely. The second bell makes Peter jump. "C'mon, we're going to be late for 3rd period."

      During lunch, Riley has her earbuds in, blasting Queen. Her and Dean would constantly get into fights about the music group. Riley thought they were great, but Dean didn't agree. He would always say that their music was for 'girls'. Riley being the feminist she is would shoot back with, 'Right, and AC/DC is exlusivley for guys? Dad, this is the 21st century. Nothing is reserved for any specific gender.' Dean would then give her a lighthearted laugh and say he was kidding and that he was proud of her for standing up for herself. 'My little feminist'.

      Riley smiles softly at the memory. She misses her dad. She misses him everyday. Riley sighs, dropping her smile and goes back to her sketch of her dad. Her drawings of him aren't as detailed anymore. His face is becoming hazy in her mind and she hates it. To make up for it, she draws her father everyday, trying to keep her memory of him active.

      "Hey Riley!" Riley raises an eyebrow at Peter sitting across from her, Ned joining him. "Hi." She greets dryly, going back to drawing and using her free hand to hide the paper from their view. "I heard Spiderman saved you last night!" Riley creases her brows. She's pretty sure she, the two muggers, and Spider-boy were the only ones on the street. "His name is Spiderman?" Riley makes a face. "Thought it was Spider-boy." Peter becomes red from embarrassment.

      "It must have been scary. Being cornered by two guys." Now that gets Riley to look up from her drawing. She raises an eyebrow. "Why? Because I'm a girl?" Both of the boys in front of her gape and Riley goes back to her drawing. "Just because I'm a girl, doesn't mean I need saving." MJ hums from her place at the table. "Amen." She mumbles. "Besides, I can handle myself." Riley grumbles. She groans in pain and rolls her shoulders, correcting her posture.

      "Maybe you should get that looked at." Peter comments, catching a glance of a face on Riley's sketch pad. "Nah, it's getting better." She grabs her sketch pad and closes the lid, sliding it into her backpack. She stands from the table. "I'm going to 5th period." She waves at Peter and Ned, then leaves the lunch room. Ned looks at his watch. "Class doesn't start for another 20 minutes." Peter frowns. He gets the feeling she just didn't want to be bothered.

      "Good evening class! Today you will finally be finding out who your partners are for the project!" Several students groan in annoyance. The teacher glares at them, then turns the projector on. "Go find your partners. We will begin working today." Peter looks at the list and finds his name about midway down. Peter Parker and... "Dude! You got Riley!" Peter nods and glances back at the blonde. She doesn't seem to be paying attention. "Oh, I got MJ." Ned stands and walks over to MJ.

      Slowly, but surely, Peter makes his way back to Riley. She frowns and looks up, a figure blocking her light. "Uh, we're partners for the project." Riley raises an eyebrow. "Project?" She peers behind Peter and nods. "Right. The project. Forgot about it." Peter bites his lip, unsure of what to do. "So, uh, whose house do we want to work at?" Riley frowns. After school project? Ugh, this sucked. The autobots needed her help to find the escaped decepticons.

      "Yours." Riley says without hesitation. Peter nods. "So do you want to come over right after school?" Riley nods numbly. "Yeah sure." Peter beams at her and sits down next to her. Riley scoots away from him. "So what topic do you want to choose?" Riley shrugs and goes back to her drawing. "You choose." Peter looks at her. "You sure?" Riley nods, not really listening. "I was thinking we do our heroes. You know, like our idols?" Riley nods again. "Sounds good to me."




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