2) Agent Mobius

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Loki and Wanda finished the video and made their way to the ticket booth.

The video had been talking about the sacred time line, some space lizards, and how the lizards had created a bunch of people to stop others from gaining freedom.

"Time keepers? The sacred timeline?" Loki scoffed. "Who actually believes this madness!?" He rolled his eyes.

"Are you just not going to speak to me?" He asked, turning to Wanda after a silent moment.

"A man just gave me a stack of papers and told me that it was everything I've ever said, I think I've done enough talking." Wanda replied.

"Oh please." Loki scoffed once more.

"Ticket sir?" The two heard someone ask, they both turned to see what it was. "He didn't give me a ticket, I tried to ask for one!" The man from before claimed.

"Ticket. Sir!"

"I tried to ask that guy for a ticket!" "Sir." "What you're raising your voice at me bucket head!?"

The 'bucket head' pulled out one of the glow stickers and poked the other variant, causing him to disolve like the sand world had just before.

Wanda gave a bit of a shocked look, and Loki immediately scrambled to find his ticket. The two went up to the booth and handed in their tickets, which just pushed them along to another room.

"Next case please!"

Hunter B-15 came back from the yellow door and pushed Loki inside. Two more soldiers came out and grabbed Wanda to keep her still.

Loki glanced back to her as he was shoved in, but he seemed to be more worried than she did.

He walked through the room, looking around at the weird paintings that were drawn on the walls.

"Laufeyson. Variant L1130 AKA Loki Laufeyson is charged with sequence violation 7-20-89. How do you plead?"

Loki was brought to a small stand where he had a clear view of the woman judging him. Was this whole place run by women? It wasn't a problem, but men were easier to talk with and less judgy. Maybe that was the point...

Loki chuckled at her statement.

"Madam, a god doesn't plead. Look this has been a very enjoyable pantomime, but I'd like to go home now." He stated.

"Are you guilty or not guilty, sir?"

Loki scoffed before answering. "Guilty of being the God of Mischief? Yes. Guilty of finding all this incredibly tedious? Yes. Guilty of a crime against the Sacred Timeline? Absolutely not, you have the wrong person."

"Oh, really? And who should we have?"

"Well I have two guesses, one, the Avengers." He paused to let that sink in. "You see I only came into possession of the Tesseract because they traveled through time, no doubt in a last-ditch effort to stave off my ascent to God King."


"And the Scarlet Witch. I would've been on my way with the tesseract if she hadn't stopped me, but it seems you have her now so I should be released."

"That's quite an accusation."

"Oh, and believe me you can smell the cologne of two Tony Starks. You speak of Time Criminals? It's they you should be after. Perhaps you could provide me with a taskforce and resources, and I could return and eliminate them for you."

"We're not here to talk about the Avengers, nor the Scarlet Witch."


"No. What they did was supposed to happen. You escaping was not."

The woman gave a sort of intimidating look, which caused Loki to laugh again.

"Right, uh, 'Not supposed to happen'? According to whom?" He asked.

"The Time-Keepers?" The woman replied as if Loki were an idiot.

"Oh, the Time-Keepers. Right. Well, perhaps I should speak to these Time-Keepers, gods to gods." He gave a bit of a mock when he said their name.

"I'm sorry, but they're quite busy."

"Oh, they are? What are they doing?"

"Dictating the proper flow of time."

"I see. Right. And then what do you do?"

"Dictate the proper flow of time according to their dictations. How do you plead?"

The woman seemed very annoyed at Loki's argument, but he still wasn't satisfied with her response. Guess he'd just play along for now however.

"Guilty, of this."

Maybe the initial magic release had caused the tesseract to be revealed, but he was in a completely different area now that could totally have different rules.

He held out his arms and went to summon his daggers, which left nothing happening. Well other than him looking like a fool.

"Excuse me."

He tried again.

"What's going on?" The judge lady asked.

"Hang on. Everyone quiet." Loki persisted.

Hunter B-15 chuckled from behind him. "He's trying to use his powers ma'am."

"Don't rush me!" Loki grunted as he tried to summon the daggers again. He gave up and hit the edge of the podium he was standing on. "Damn it! Why won't it work?!" He exclaimed.

"Magic powers? They're no good in the TVA, Mr. Laufeyson." She said it softly to him before speaking loudly to the mostly empty room. "The court finds you guilty, and I sentence you to be reset." She stated firmly while hitting her gavel with the small mace. "Next case please!"

"Reset?? What does that mean? What, is it bad? What does it mean??" Loki asked as Hunter B-15 grabbed him to bring him away.

Another guard came over to help as he was struggling and the entrance door opened, which Loki only assumed meant they were bringing the witch in.

"Hey! You ridiculous bureaucrats will not dictate how my story ends!"

"It's not your story Mr. Laufeyson. It never was. Maximoff-"

"You have no idea what I'm capable of!"

Suddenly a man from the audience stood up.

"I, I think I might." He looked up at the judge before continuing. "Have an idea of what he's capable of."

"Approach the bench."

She gestured her hands and the guards holding Wanda pulled her back so he could get to the bench/podium.

Once he was up, he and the judge woman started talking quietly. Loki was too far away to hear, and he was not great at lip reading.

After their small talk, the man turned and looked to Loki with a generous smile.

Loki struggled to get out of the Hunter's arms but failed once more. Stupid magic restricting place.

"And who are you?" He demanded.

A paused occured of the man just looking at Loki with a smile before he spoke.

"Come with me please."

He made his way to Loki and the soldiers released him so that he could grab him.

"Hey! She's with me so either we both go or neither of us do." Loki demanded.

He glanced to Wanda and saw her with a confused look on her face. The man nodded though and the judge released her as well to come along, so she hurried over to the two.

"Why'd you do that?" She whispered to Loki once they were out of the court room.

"Cause now you owe me. I saved your life from the resetting." Loki stated smuggly.

The three walked into a new hallway and Loki gave an annoyed, quite angry look at the building.

"I'm going to burn this place to the ground." He declared.

"I'll show you where my desk is. You can start there."

Loki scoffed at that.

He then turned his head and stopped, causing both Wanda and the man to stop as well. He looked out the openings in the wall to see a city like structure filling the next door room. It was an amazing temple of a place, floating structures and flying objects moving about.

"Have a look." The man encouraged.

Wanda went over to Loki, standing next to him as he looked out.

"Home sweet home." The man joined them, standing on the other side of Loki.

"I thought there was no magic here?" Loki asked.

"There isn't." The man replied proudly.

After a moment of silence as the three looked into the city, Loki broke the peace.

"This isn't real."

The man went next to Loki again and put a hand in his shoulder, bringing him along once more, Wanda walking on the other side of Loki.

"It is, and, unfortunately, so is all the paperwork. Good tinder for your fire, though. Come on."

"This place is a nightmare." Loki stated.

"That's another department. Now that department I'll help you burn down."

The three went to an elevator and stood with Loki in the middle. The room resembled a regular elevator but definitely didn't have the earthly feeling to it.

"I'm Agent Mobius, by the way." The man said, holding out a hand.

Both variants just looked at his hand, not doing anything so he put his hand back down.

"Are you taking us somewhere to kill us?" Wanda asked.

"No. That's where you just were. I'm taking you two some place to talk." Mobius replied.

"I don't like to talk." Loki said.

"That was a lie." Wanda scoffed quietly.

"But you do like to lie, which you just did." Mobius said over her. "Cause we all know you love to talk."

He made a hand puppet and playfully mocked "Talkie-talkie."

Wanda was enjoying his presence but that felt a bit awkward.

"How long have you been here?" Loki asked.

"I don't know, it's hard to say. Time passes differently here in the TVA." He rhymed.

"What does that mean?"

"You'll catch up."

The elevator stopped ane opened so Loki and Wanda walked out, Mobius next to them.

"So you're part of the TVA's courageous and dedicated workforce?" Loki started.


"You were created by the Time-Keepers?"


"To protect the Sacred Timeline."


Loki laughed to show he was finished.

"Is that funny?" Mobius asked.

"The idea that your little club decides the date of trillions of people across all of existence at the behest of three space lizards, yes. It's funny." Loki stated, his laugh turning into a blank annoyed face.

Wanda pushed him along since he'd stopped to make his point.

"It's absurd."

Loki moved forward and glared at Wanda for a moment before returning his glare to Mobius.

"I thought you didn't like to talk." Mobius replied calmly.

Loki sighed and a soldier opened the doors to a room that the three had approached.

"Ladies first." He gestured into the room.

Wanda gave an uneasy glance, but then walked into the room, Loki following her, Mobius following him.

The room had a screen like wall on the opposite end from the door, and a table with three chairs aligned around it.

"For the record, this really does feel like a 'killing us' kind of room." Loki said, looking around.

"Not big on trust, are you?" Mobius asked.

Mobius had walked to the table already and placed down his stuff, which both the variants noted was one of the sticks that glowed.

Wanda was halfway to the table, walking slowly so she got in a view of everything.

Loki was standing in front of the door, glaring at Mobius.

"Trust is for children. And dogs. There's only one person you can trust." Loki said while walking towards the table.

"Yourself? I like it. Slap it on a T-shirt."

Mobius fiddled with a ball like device that was on the table and the wall that looked like a screen began moving. It formed into three letters. Non shockingly 'TVA'.

"If the TVA truly oversees all of time, how have I never heard of you until now?"

As Loki spoke, Wanda sat at the left end of the table since her legs were getting tired.

"Cause you've never needed to. You've always lived within your set path."

"I live within whatever path I choose." Loki stated firmly.

Loki noticed Wanda give a bit of a side eye to Mobius and a slight hint of pain on her face.

"Sure you do. Okay, come have a seat like your friend here."

Loki glared at Mobius before storming towards him, only to be brought back to his original spot. Oh not this again.

"I told you, time moves differently in the TVA. Come on, sit down." Mobius took a seat at the right end, leaving Loki to sit in the middle. "Let's get into this."

Loki glanced to Wanda and she gave a look of similar annoyance to this situation. Loki sat down at the open seat and crossed his arms.

"If looks could kill." Mobius commented at the two glaring at him.

"What do you want from me?" Loki asked.

"From 'us' you should be saying. I thought about it on the way here and I think your idea of bringing the Scarlet Witch with you was a great idea." Mobius said with a smile.

"Fine. What do you want from us?"

"Well let's start with a little cooperation." Mobius began.

"Not my forte."
"I'm not bending to this places wishes."

This time Loki and Wanda didn't even look at each other. They were used to it at this point.

"Really? Even when you're working someone powerful you intend to betray?" He turned his gaze from Loki to Wanda. "And don't you start with this attitude too. I was starting to like you."

"You don't know anything about me." Loki continued.

"Maybe I'd like to learn. I specialize in the pursuit of dangerous variants."

"Like myself?" Loki asked.

"No. Particularly dangerous variants. You're just a little pussycat."

Wanda was going to snicker, but she didn't want to be insulted as well so she kept it to herself.

"I've got a set of questions for you two. You answer them honestly and then maybe I can give you both something you want. You want to get out of here, right? We'll start there."

Wanda tilted her head a bit and Loki gave a small glare.

"Should you return, what are you gonna do?"

"Finish what I started." Loki replied.

"Which is?"

"Claim my throne."

"You wanna be king?"

"I don't want to be. I was born to be."

"I know, but king of what exactly?"

Loki scoffed. "You wouldn't understand."

"Try me."


Wanda glanced to Loki.

"Aka Earth?" Mobius repeated. "Alright, now you're the king of Midgard, then what? Happily ever after?"

"Asgard, the Nine Realms."



"Space is big. That'd be a nice feather in your cap. 'Loki, the King of Space.'."

"Mock me. If you dare."

"No I'm not! Honestly I'm actually a fan. Yeah. And I guess I'm wondering why does someone with so much range just wanna rule?"

"I would've made it easy for them."

"People like easy."

"The first and most oppressive lie ever uttered was the song of freedom." Loki stated.

"How's that one go?"

"For nearly every living thing, choice breeds shame and uncertainty and regret. There's a fork in every road, yet the wrong path always taken."

"Good. Yeah. You said 'nearly every living thing' so I'm guessing you don't fall into that category?"

Loki laughed again and Wanda rolled her eyes at his offensive mechanism.

"The Time-Keepers have built quite the circus and I see the clowns are playing their parts to perfection."

This time Mobius chuckled.

"Big metaphor guy. I love it. Makes you sound super smart."

"I am smart."

"I know."


Mobius nodded before turning to Wanda.

"Now your turn. Should you return, what are you gonna do?"

"Like the god said, I will continue what I started."

Loki noticed that somehow she had an accent now. She'd had it at first, but then it disappeared and now it was back. Odd.

"Which is?" Mobius asked.

"Find the infinity stones and continue my search for my brother and children." Wanda stated.

"Do you happen to have a lover or do they not fit into the category."

"If you know everything then why would you be asking that?"

"I see. So how do you think the infinity stones will help you get your family?"

"I've tried many solutions, including altering reality, going to other universes, and above all else, therapy. None of it worked. However with the infinity stones, I can snap my fingers and they'll be back."

"Now say you get your children and brother back. Happily ever after?"


"Good. Well I think we should take a look at something that both of you will find interesting." Mobius moved on.

"Which is?" Loki asked.

"Your memories."










My favorite quote of this chapter: "Don't rush me!"

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