4) Glorious Purpose

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The two arrived in a new hallway that neither recognized, so they stayed close as they walked down, trying not to look suspicious but probably out of place with their uniforms being the variant uniforms.

"Loki is that the man from earlier?" Wanda pointed out, stopping him in his walk.

Loki glanced to him, then to Wanda. The man was pushing a small cart down the hallway which seemed to be quite slow. He entered a door and Loki gestured for Wanda to follow him.

The two hurried to the door and Loki opened it and snuck in, Wanda following.

The room was a simple work place with a few corner desks aligned to be a square. The man from before stood at the closest table to them which was incredibly helpful.

Loki hurried over to him.

"Hey." He whispered.

"Hey!" The man did not whisper. "I know you. You're that criminal with the blue-"

Loki shushed him and pushed him down so that no one could see the two. Wanda joined them but went to the other side of the man so that he was surrounded. That might make him more willing to give up the tesseract.

"Ow." The man frowned at Loki's shoving.

"What's your name?" Loki asked.

"Casey." The man said with an annoyed and confused attitude.

Loki looked off for a moment before staring daggers at Casey.

"Give me the tesseract or I'll gut you like a fish Casey." He said aggressively.

Wanda raised an eyebrow, wondering how he would do this without his amplified strength or magic.

"What's a fish??" Casey asked loudly.

Loki shushed him again.

"What's a fish?" He re-whispered

"How do you not know what a fish is?" Loki asked, annoyed that the tactic didn't work immediately.

"I've lived my entire life behind a desk..."

"Well what difference does it make!?"

"I wanna know exactly what I'm being threatened with before I comply." Casey said with a shrug.

"Death. Casey." Wanda cut in before Loki could give any more ridiculous metaphors.

"Violent, painful death." Loki added.

"Okay! Okay, I comply, I comply." Casey said, raising his hands in defeat. "I comply jeez."

Casey stood up and opened his cabinet drawer. He then opened up a lid on the drawer and picked up the tesseract.

"This it?" He asked.

He handed the thing to Loki and Wanda stood up on the other side of him to see what else was in the drawer since Casey blocked her view.

Wanda's eyes widened at the view.

"What?" Loki said for her.

"Are these infinity stones?" Wanda asked. "How do you have these?"

"Oh we actually got a lot of those. Yeah, some of the guys use them as paperweights. Some of 'em." Casey replied cheerfully.

Wanda picked up an orange stone, the soul stone, and examined it for a moment before slipping it into the uniform pocket. Literally the only good thing about these uniforms.

She then stared at a yellow one for a moment. The mind stone.

The one ripped out of her previous lovers head.

The one that forced him to try to kill her.

Wanda grabbed the stone and shoved it in her pocket as well.

The only reason she grabbed those two were because she knew she wouldn't be able to find them in her universe. The mind stone was destroyed, thanks to her actually, and the soul stone.. Well she had no clue where that one was. It was nowhere so this was the easy way.

She could've taken them all, but if she did that would overload her with power the moment she left these doors and she was smart enough to know not to give into that temptation.

"Hey you can't take both of those!" Casey said. "We have a lot of paper."

"Watch it Casey or I'll do worse than gutting you like a fish." Wanda said with a glare.

He shut up.

Loki stood up and looked around at this place.

"Is this the greatest power in the universe?" He asked, looking up at where a small television played the sacred timeline.

The door behind them opened and Wanda turned, as did Loki.

Hunter B-15 ran at Loki with her glow stick, but Loki quickly pulled out his device and warped himself away.

Wanda quickly ducked behind the table, hoping none of them would see her, then thankfully Loki remembered to warp her as well.

The two landed back in the screening room. Loki on the ground and Wanda standing up, causing her to stumble since she was crouching moments before.

Wanda walked to Loki and held out her hand to help him up. He rolled his eyes but took her hand and got up.

"Don't try taking the stone out of my pocket." She warned with a small smile as she helped him up.

The screen still showed the Avengers and Loki looked at the ball device while Wanda went and sat down.

"What exactly are you hiding?" Loki asked.

Wanda didn't reply for a moment, then Loki clicked the ball device a few times and the screen warped into Wanda's face, but much younger.

"Your mother died. You couldn't save her? My mother died as well, and my father. My brother and I managed to make it out alive and I still don't know how." Wanda admitted.

Loki pressed a button on the screen and the images started moving.

There was a television that showed the Dick Van Dyke show, then Wanda's family was shown, laughing at the television show.

It seemed happy and peaceful for a moment before there was a sudden explosion.

Wanda flinched in her seat and Loki watched carefully.

The screen shifted to show young Wanda and her brother running and hiding under a table like item. In front of them was a bomb, just beeping.

It continued beeping until Loki pressed another button and the image shifted to Wanda and her brother, but older.

"Please, please stop. I know where this is going." Wanda said, watching the screen.

"What's his name?" Loki asked.


The image showed Pietro and Clint Barton on the screen. Gunfire was being shot from the sky, and Clint held a young kid, turning his back as he was ready to die for the kid.

Instead, Pietro ran forward and blocked all the bullets from hitting either of them.

The scene shifted to Pietro uttering his last words, then collapsing to the ground, dead.

"You didn't see that coming."

The scene then moved to Wanda, who was standing in a different area where many robots were flying at her. She collapsed to her knees and red magic shot from her, killing all of the robots and sending them to nothing but ash and spare parts.

Actual Wanda brushed her face, trying to hide the tears forming at her face.

"Then I lost my brother too." Wanda said.

Loki glanced at Wanda, seeing how she was reacting and decided it was enough for now. He switched the images back to his own life and it returned to the image of the Avengers.

He sped through it until it stopped on an image of his father.

"I love you my sons. Remember this place. Home."

Then his father turned sparkly and disappeared into the breeze as a cloud of golden sparks.

Loki pressed another button, his tears forming as well.

"Loki I thought the world of you." Thor said. "I thought we were gonna fight side by side forever."

The image showed Loki and Thor in an elevator, then it shifted to the two of them on a battlefield with a woman between them. Thor only had half of his eyes.

It shifted again and showed Thor with an eye patch.

"Maybe you're not so bad after all, brother."

"Maybe not."

"Thank you. If you were here, I might even give you a hug."

"I'm here."

Actual Loki gave a small smile and chuckle at the interaction, and Wanda watched the scene with a smile too, thinking back to her own family life.

The scene shifted once more and it showed Loki about to stab Thanos, but his arm was caught by the space stone's power.

"Undying? You should choose your words more carefully."

Wanda and Loki both watched the scene in shock as the oversized grape choked Loki until his neck snapped.

"You... will never be.. a god."

The scene showed Loki collapse on the ground and Thor rush to his body and hold him as explosions in the background drowned out the noise of his sobs.


The screen showed.

Wanda was in a shock state, but Loki started laughing. Not just a chuckle, laughing.

The door to the entrance opened.

"What's so funny?" Hunter B-15 asked.

"Glorious purpose." Loki scoffed.

Wanda stood up and backed towards Loki, showing that it would be 2 against 1. Loki stepped forward so they were together and Hunter B-15 marched towards them, so they marched in synchronized motions.

Loki threw a punch but the hunter caught it and elbowed him before bending his arm back so he fell to the ground, then she lifted him back up and pinned his arm around his back before pinning him to the table.

Wanda ran at her before doing a move that the one and only Black Widow taught her. She wrapped her legs around the woman and spun herself around until she was up on the hunters shoulders.

She flipped Hunter B-15 over and Loki pulled himself free, grabbing a small device that sat on the table.

Wanda kept her arms pinned and Loki touched her with the device before being able to take off his collar. He wrapped the collar around Hunter B-15.

Wanda quickly got off of her and the hunter got up to attack one of them, then Loki pressed the Time Twister and the woman vanished.

"Take mine off." Wanda said.

"No, you still owe me." Loki replied.

Wanda rolled her eyes.

Loki turned around so he was facing away from the screen like Wanda was. He looked at the device and pressed a button.

Hunter B-15 appeared and was running at the two, so Loki pressed it again and she vanished.

Wanda tilted her head and Loki began pressing it again. The woman appeared, then disappeared, then appeared, and disappeared over and over until Loki clicked the button one last time and she vanished for good.

"Better now?" Wanda asked as he tossed the remote on the table.

"Yes." Loki said.

Loki grabbed the tesseract from off the table and wandered over to the side where he sat down, defeated.

Wanda grabbed the time twister remote and the small device that Loki just had. She pressed a button and her collar beeped, allowing her to remove it. She sighed and put the three things back on the table since she needed none of it.

Wanda sat back at the table and clicked the device, switching it to her own life again. It appeared on the image of Pietro's dead body, so Wanda backtracked it.

It went to an image of her and Pietro at HYDRA. She was about to go into the experiment room and Pietro kissed her forehead in order to wish the best of luck.

"I will go first." Pietro insisted.

"No, let me. If it doesn't work, you'll still be able to go out with all the people you want." Wanda giggled.

Pietro playfully shoved her away and the doors opened. Pietro had been holding her hands the whole time, so he released them and gave a look of ‘you better be safe after this’.

Then Wanda entered the room.

Suddenly the door opened to the room so Wanda paused it.

"Loki? Wanda?" Mobius asked.

Wanda turned around, hand on the collar so she could do to him what Loki did to Hunter B-15.

Mobius held one of the glow sticks, but he didn't look like he was about to attack to Wanda didn't try to attack either.

"Nowhere left to run." Mobius said as he approached the two.

Loki didn't bother to look up from where he sat against the wall.

"I can't go back, can I?" Loki asked. "Back to my timeline?"

He looked up after he spoke.

Loki had his hands together and Wanda watched the two carefully, not saying anything.

"I don't enjoy hurting people." Loki admitted. "I... I don't enjoy it. I do it because I have to. Because I've had to."

"Okay, explain that to me."

"Because it's part of the illusion. It's the cruel, elaborate trick conjured by the weak to inspire fear." Loki said.

"A desperate play for control." Mobius finished. "You do know yourself."

Loki sighed. "A villain."

Mobius approached the table and Wanda watched him carefully, still gripping the collar since the stick was held at a defensive position.

"That's not how I see it."

Loki picked up the tesseract and looked at it. Mobius gave a small smile.

"You try to use that?" He asked.

"Oh, several times. Even an infinity stone is useless here." Loki scoffed and tossed the tesseract, catching it before speaking again. "The TVA is formidable."

"That's been my experience." Mobius replied. "Listen I can't offer you salvation, but maybe I can offer you something better."

Loki stood up, as did Wanda. Her hand finally left the collar.

"A fugitive Variant's been killing our minutemen."

"And you need the God of Mischief to help you stop him?" Loki asked, approaching him.

"The Scarlet Witch too. Don't get too over your head." Mobius smirked.

Loki rolled his eyes.

"But that's right." Mobius said.

"Why us?" Loki asked.

"The variant we're hunting is you."

Wanda's eyes widened. Loki gave an equally shocked look.

"I beg your pardon?"










My favorite quote of this chapter: "The Scarlet Witch too. Don't get too over your head."

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