𓆩:*¨༺✧ ♛ ✧༻¨*:𓆪Chapter 20: Try to forget

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That's your destiny, see
You know my life is like this...

Vicky POV

The next few days the Royal palace was buzzling for the upcoming dedication day. You and Tala were in the Queens' royal chambers to fit on numerous cocktail formal designer wear for the church dedication. 

The queen had her special designer who brought in a whole wardrobe of designs. You and Tala were both mesmerized by the choices. 

Your mom told Tala to choose five formal wear and five cocktail dresses with their fitting jewellery. Tala was hesitant but you urge her to take the generous offer from the queen. 

You both had appointments with a beauty therapist and hairstylist. You and Tala didn't want to cut your hair again. You loved your grown-out long hair. You will just enhance your colours.

You tried to lift up Talas'spirit when you both notice how Jin-Goo deliberately spend more time with Princess Francesca and Hwannie, but Tala only received a cold nod or polite bow.  Even if Tala looked emotionless,  You knew that his attitude was damaging to Tala, mentally. His mother the duchess even noticed it and berated their sons' attitude. 

Jin-Goo just shrugged and told his parents, that they brought it on themselves by forcing him to break up with his girlfriend,  Seolhyun. He will never accept Tala as his parents preferred choice but go for rather for Royalty. Princess Francesca was smug and Tala kept her posture and her dignity intact. 

You and Edwardo got really acquainted and you grew fond of him. He is such a gentleman. You kissed a few times and you really liked being in his arms even at times you felt ashamed by imagining him as Joonie kissing you. You hate it that your crush on Joonie was still so strong.

A day ago you and Tala were relaxing in your chambers when you came upon a Twitter meltdown. You were shocked beyond measure when you saw the latest dating scandal. Joonie and Jia's real relationship was exposed. He was vacationing with her in Chile. Images of them reemerge and there were mixed reactions from the ARMY and the frenzied netizens.

But you were so flabbergasted that he still wanted you to meet up and see if you are not soulmates, but he seems to be really invested in his current relationship which looks serious to you. Maybe he just wants to get closure like you.

That evening you were crying your heart out because you knew it was time to let go of Joon. That is how Jin-Goo found you in Talas' arms.

He came in with furrowed eyebrows, looking at a stoic Tala holding you in her arms, "'What's wrong with Y/n?"

You didn't want to disclose what you and Tala were up to. Jin-Goo doesn't know you're still very much in contact with Namjoon. But you haven't talked to him lately.

The girls didn't want to tell him, but he grabbed the phone out of your hands and scanned what you'd been up to too.

You jumped up and tried to grab your phone back, but he lifted his hands to see what was up. 

With an annoyed voice, "Prince Jin-Goo, can't you respect others' privacy?"

Jin-Goos' eyes flash dangerously from you to Tala, "Stay out of it!I have every right to check on my cousin. Whom she is speaking to... exactly! " When he saw your Twitter notifications, his eyes widened, and you could tell Jin was furious,"Vicky, why are you crying over a Twitter feed? Oh, my word! Namjoon is dating Jia for real!!! Are you still hung up on my superstar friend? Vicky I told you he is taken! "

You sigh and wipe your eyes as you grab his hands. He won't understand your longing to be with Joon, just to meet him once in person.

"I know, but it's not your business!" You sourly spat it out.

Jin-Goo looks furious, "Vicky you know how dangerous it is. Your number could be tracked by enemy forces. You are still undercover in South Korea. Here you are very safe. "

 Jin-Goo wasn't impressed that you and Joon were in contact after he explicitly told you to forget about the' idol', Now you are hurt once more. He went out of your room with a determined look on his face.

Needless to say, Jin-Goo made sure Intel blocked all communication lines from your phone and he made sure a tracker was installed on your phone. 

You wanted to call Joon and asked him to tell you the truth. But his number was mysteriously erased and call messages were gone. You knew it has Jin-Goo all written over it. At least he kept all your secrets covered. 

He and Tala just ignored each other. She called him on his formal royal title.

The Wednesday was Talas's long-awaited birthday. You planned a tea party with the Twins and unfortunately Princess Francesca, who was so nervous about Talas' soul mark. She is scared to the core that Tala would wind up soulmates with Jin-Goo. The latter is also so nervous and he made sure he and Princess Fransesca went to visit museums in Rome with her family. She will stay another day before joining her family in Monaco on a state visit.

You and Tala were elated when you heard that Jin-Goo and the annoying princess will not be in the country for a whole day on Tala's birthday.

But to your and Talas'surprise Tala received a massive flower bouquet with a box of diamond jewellery from the house of Cartier, from non-other than Jin-Goo. She got a very expensive diamond watch from the Duke, a diamond tiara with rubies from his mother, and Hwannie got her a big box of her favourite Nougat chocolate treats obviously driven by her Appa to buy it for her.

 The Queen gave her designer outfits and you got her limited edition law books with the help of your dad, the King. Eduardo gave her, topaz earrings. The twins gave Tala four designer limited edition handbags. Tala was so shocked by the royals' generosity. 

You and Tala went with the Twins for breakfast while Hwannie got acquainted with the two crown princes, Your eldest brothers' naughty boys. They were teaching Hwannie royal behaviours and they were so excited for their pretty cousin. The queen took the young ladies to the Valencia Opera house and then to a midday luncheon. It was well under wraps. The paparazzi weren't tipped off. But when they heard the royal family was at the Opera they only manage to get side photos of you and Eduardo as well as Tala and the Twin princesses. 

Tala got text messages from your intern friends and her brother. But her sadness was evident when there was none from her parents only her maternal grandparents and a distant uncle. She was flabbergasted when she found out that her distant uncle was actually BangPd, BTS founder and father. You were just as shocked to learn that from Tala. He is her mother's cousin. But her father kept most of her mom's family at bay.

Her day was memorable and the whole palace were in anticipation of their little Hwannie's mom will be Tarnished or soul-marked. The question remains if Prince Jin-Goo and Tala would be soulmates. 

You and Tala were in your chambers alone in your pj's awaiting her soul mark.

"How do you feel to be 21 years old? "You grin as you open another nougat treat while popping it into your mouth.

Tala grinned, "I feel mature...But I pray to be Tarnished. I rather wait for a late whisperer mark than be mated to Jin-goo."She said with a sour expression.

"Oh Tala, what if you are true soulmates?" you smirk at her.

" Your highness...it would be my funeral. Prince Jerk ignored me the whole time and apparently he made up his mind to rather get married to the Princess and I'm ok with it. He'll never love me Vicky...and if the system forces us to mate us together...He will despise me for taking his choice away as if I'm the system. So no, I don't want to be mated to him."You noticed the deep underlying pain in her eyes. You know that she truly loves Jin-Goo and his attitude hurts her tremendously

"Tala Fate knows best. Look Joon and I aren't meant to be, I had to accept it. I might never meet my true soulmate and settled for the count who treats me well. What's the time know?"You ask with excitement. 

Tala looks at her wristwatch," Almost 12 am...I'm so scared Vicky." She looks anxious. She wants to be Tarnished so bad, that she can seriously forget about hoping for a miracle with Jin-Goo.

That night after an excruciating pain, Tala received her soul mark with shock. Right behind the nape of her head.

You yourself were flabbergasted beyond measure because you instantly knew your friend will not handle it if she found out about her status. 

You can't wait to see them look into each other's eyes after the bonding. Jin-Goos' reactions is what you anticipate.

Tala sends her mark to her grandmom. You celebrated with a midnight snack.

Hwannie was with Tala the next day, while you and Eduardo went on a boat ride. Your new relationship with him deepens, but you're not sure if your feelings for him are genuine. Eduardo is a patient man, and you admire him for it.

Hwannie was unsettled, and Tala was dealing with her behaviour. It was bothering her because her tod simply wanted to be with her cousins. Two chambermaids were bathing and dressing her, and they had their hands full. Her curls were not even styled the way you desired, and she bolted from the room down the hall.

Tala was tired and exhausted, and she and the two maids were running after the Hwannie, who had discovered glorious hiding places behind sculptures and metal armor suits, big pillars, and under the stairs. She was surprised that she had only received it last night and that it had already been acted out. Tala prayed that her soulmate would not be in Spain. She desires to return home. Her grandparents had been booked on a private charter. She wanted to explain Hwannie's lineage to her astounded grandmother. Her grandmother could now understand why Hwannie had the royal treatment at birth and throughout her pregnancy.

"Lady Tala, please allow us to pursue further; you could return to your room and relax. We will look after her once we locate her "They comforted Tala. She nods gratefully and walks back to her room slowly. Y/n room door is shut; perhaps she is still sleeping. Eduardo took Y/n for a midnight stoll in the beautiful maze garden after she went back to sleep.

The door to Princess Fransesca's room was open when she passed by. She was caught off guard by the return of the obnoxious princess with Prince Royal Jerk.

She was about to pass when she noticed Pincess Fransesca with her arms tightly around Jin-Goo's neck.   He was standing with his back to the door when the princess caught a glimpse of you in her peripheral vision, She smugly smirked up at Jin-Goos'face, who was oblivious of your presence.

They were in her bedroom. Her luggage was on her bed. They appeared to have just returned from their short vacation. Jin-Goo's getaway from you. Tala snorted softly and wanted to leave the two lovers who were pecking each other's lips quietly.

However, when she heard Jin-Goo reply back to the Princess's question. She was frozen on the spot.

"Jin-love... Are you certain there is nothing between you and the mother of your child?" She makes her eyes flattering as she coyly looks at him. While Tala just shook her head and rolled her eyes.

Jin-Goo smiled, "Bang Tala is nothing to me, Princess. I have no feelings for her. I've never been interested in her. Sleeping with her in high school was a big mistake that cost me my peace and freedom...so stop worrying about something so insignificant...she is cute but she is not my type!!!-"

Tala's heart dropped when Jin-Goo said 

 heartbreaking words. Her eyes began to water, and with a sob, she abruptly turned around and ran through the hallways.

Jin-Goo frowns as he notices a blurred figure escaping from the doorway and and looked at the smirking princess with raised eyebrows.

Jin-Goo tilted his head to the door and pointed in that direction, puzzled at a smiling Princess.

Princess Fransesca shrugged casually, "Oh, it was Tala...don't worry, she knows what you think of her and where you stand now. She won't have hope for you  two together?" She wrapped her arms around his waist, a small laugh on her lips.

Jin-Goo inhaled deeply and his eyes widened "Tala heard my confession? Oh, my goodness!" He brushed his hair backwards as he frantically looked at the door.

"Yes...Jin-Love. What's the big deal? You're going to marry me rather than  her. Jin-Love,she is  is a common citizen. She needs to understand where she fits in this family. She's just a common foreigner. Forget about her  Jin-LOVE! Come kiss me now, "She purred.

Jin-Goo appears troubled as he untangles Fransesca's arms around him.He quickly excused himself and exited the room, leaving a smirking princess behind.

She shook her blondish hair out of her face and went back to packing the rest of her belongings. The family is leaving tonight.

"No one will steal my Prince from me, Miss Tala...he is finally mine." She smirked and strutted back to her bed as she called a maid to come and re-pack her belongings for the state trip to Monaco with her family. Why must she make her hands dirty if the palace has over 20 maids only for the royal chambers.


Tala pov

Tala dashed down the back staircase, which led to the lush gardens in the backyard. Palace maids had been scurrying around since earlier this morning to get everything done. They plainly frowned, wave, and bowed to her when they saw her. Tala just nodded, but her mind was elsewhere, where she could lick her wounds.

When she passed the door guards, she just pursed her lips. She ran as far as she could through wide open corridors. Her heart was breaking as she wiped her tears away with the back of her hands. 

Her eyes were red-rimmed as she tried to breathe in and out from the running. She looked around frantically and came across the Maze. She dashed into the Maze and sat on a small stone bench, sobbing in her hands.

She knew Jin-goo didn't like her and only tolerated her for Hwannies sake. It had only been ten minutes when she noticed a figure running down a hallway. Jin-Goo.

Tala quickly managed to crawl to the ground, hiding behind a thick hedge. Jin-Goo appeared frustrated when he asked some of the Palace staff if they had seen Tala. They simply bowed and shook their heads. They didn't see any girls. They had only come to relieve some of the guards.

Tala expressed relief when she noticed him scanning the garden for her, but Tala is an expert at hiding. She and Y/n were able to successfully hide from their school bullies.

She wiped her eyes and sat down on the bench as her eyes began to harden and her lips pressed firmly together.

She had made up her mind. She's had enough of this jerk. She will only be here for Hwannies dedication and will leave with her family on Sunday. She will take her daughter with her and leave Jin-Goo's life for good.

After an hour, she stood up with a new perspective and walked slowly through the garden until she came across a beautiful pavilion surrounded by pillars. Sadly, she did not grab her phone to take a selfie with the pavillion as a backdrop. She just shrugged and looked over the hedges. A wrought iron fence separated the Royal residence from the side where the public could get tours to see specific sections of the Palace, etc.

Tala was drained because her life had been a rollercoaster since Hwannies birth, living with guilt, rejection, and constant loneliness. Only Suyk, her nextdoor neighbour, liked her enough to befriend her despite the fact that she was considered "used goods" in her parents' eyes.

When she returns, she will start again, and she may accept his proposal to a date if he is still interested. She'll forget about Prince Jerk.

She was so immersed in her thoughts that she didn't notice a presence behind her until it was too late. Tala's heart raced as she turned around, hoping to see a guard.

But the two had no idea Fate had set them up on a date. When Jin-Goo locked eyes with his child's mother, his sails were knocked off the rails.

Suddenly, feelings of euphoria, wonder, and awe reached each other's eyes, and they knew without a doubt that they were meant to be. Their necks began to sting as a result of their nearby match. Jin-Goo grabbed the nape of his neck in open shock, closing his eyes to the fact that he was mated to his child's mother. He couldn't comprehend this fact. What is the FATE idea? why?

Tala was totally shocked. Why can't she get over her feelings for Jin-Goo? She only desired to be Hwannies' mother, not Hwannies' dad's soulmate. Why can't she be happy for once?

She understood why he seemed deflated. He isn't interested in her. He inhaled deeply, but before he could say anything, Tala lifted her hands to stop him and said, detachedly,

"Keep quiet, your majesty! We both are aware that this is an unwanted bond. I decided to release you to live your life. I don't want anything to do with you ever again, "Tears welled up in the corners of her eyes as she realized her life was interconnected to Jin-Goo's Because of the pain she had experienced with the soul mark, she suspected that they were not yellow strung.

Jin-Goo sighed and strangled it out. "Tala, I'm sorry you had to hear that...but—-"he looks conflicted. The half-bonding created strange feelings in him as he look into her deep hurtful expression.

Tala scoffs, her brow furrowed "You said what was in your heart, your majesty...you're right, I don't belong here. You've been out of my league since middle school. Now I know why Fate made me fall for you?...why we were enticed that night when Hwannie was conceived?... now I know why? But how could Fate have done this to me? What did I sin to deserve someone who will never love me back, to let me love you forever... I'm tired of rejection...and I'm tired of You..." She spat, her teary eyes flashing, as she turned around. 

Jin-Goo was out of his element; he was speechless, and he knew he would be forced to marry and mate with his soulmate. He felt his eyelids begin to burn as he realized he was bound to the girl he had just destroyed beyond repair. She had always loved him and now she despised him...his life had turned out to be a complete mess due to FATE.

Tala walked away with dignity and pride. She's done! She will not establish unwelcome bonds.

"Tala...Tala!!". She could hear rapid footsteps behind her. But she forced herself not to be concerned by his agitated calls. He is not her king. When he gets close to her, she turns around and yells angrily at him.

"You jerk, leave me alone. Go enjoy your airhead fiance...just she's your type, full of yourself and entitled!" Tala was enraged. Her chest was heaving up and down.

Jin-Goo exhales as he notices the girl's anger and frustration. She was ferocious, just like when she was  Vickys' protector at school.

"Tala, I'm sorry...but we need to activate the bond to know our strings," Jin-Goo expressed remorse.

"Why, just so you can reject me again?" She was sick of everything.

Jin clenched his teeth in frustration, "Do you want to die? Do it for yourself and Hwannie."

Tala narrowed her eyes and waved her small finger at him, furious "Don't dare using Hwannie as a bargain. I don't want to activate the Flippen curse! You listen to me, and you listen well, your Majesty! We won't be dealing with each other about Hwannie when we return to Seoul...get yourself a lawyer. Let our lawyers handle our demands. You can rest assured that Hwannie will be your responsibility...but stay out of my life" She gave him a hard look and jolted back to the palace, leaving Jin-Goo gobsmacked.

"Oh my Gawd, that was so "hot!" he murmured, still astounded by the introverted girl's transformation. He had no idea she had so much fire in her. He could only shake his head, perplexed beyond words. She is a savage girl.

He scoffed, his eyes narrowed. If she thinks he'll set himself up for months of agony due to unactivated bonds, she's in for a shock...

A/n: Another update. I hope you like the surprise half-bonding of our beloved second-leads.

Thank you for all the support, votes and comments and even those who added the book to their readers' list. Don't be a shadow reader, kindly vote or drop a comment so that I can get to know you.

A shout out to:

ggarg1234  Goshluv    lilyYumy   alex_trjn  Nill_SRS  Gayu_Ot7   ErOrr3  lillypad0906  kamyahdanae 

Questions. Kindly comment your thoughts.

1. Does Vicky truly believe that Namjoon has moved on?

2. Why is Jin-Goo behaving so poorly against Tala?

3. Do you think what Jin-Goo did to Vicky and  Namjoon was fair?

4. What do you think of the spoilt princess Francesca?

5. What are your thoughts about Talas' new attitude? Do you think Jin-Goo will actually leave her alone?

6. Do you have any idea what he might have planned for them to bond?

As a thank you to all the comments, votes and support. 

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