Chapter 8

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                   " Fate plans the are just a doll who acts upon with it but you can change it through your work.."

" YOU !!! "

Jungkook almost shouted . He was beyond shocked to see Y/n there . He was at the verge of an unknown happiness or ...he too can't sort it out. But he remained shocked and plastered an angry and fierce face upon her.

And there stands Y/n with a disgusting feeling. She never wanted to see him again but... She never imagined him here but...

They met again ! fate again made them meet .

All except Taehyung and Y/n 's friends frowned on seeing them like this . Taehyung was not interested in anything but his eyes got stuck to something after a span of 2 years which gone unnoticed by others in the middle of the play they are facing.

On the other side, Y/n's friends who know everything remain silent and wait for the correct time to speak.

Jungkook's pov :

What ??? She again come again ?

How did she come here ? Did she come to meet me and continue the fight ? it won't be that ..but..but why am I getting unknown happiness on seeing her ..

why is she staring at me like that ...She too seems to be disturbed like me...I can see the hate for me from her eyes and here I am standing with overwhelming happiness on seeing her.. But I won't show it, let me remain mad.

I was debating with my inner self but was backed to reality when someone tapped my shoulders

It was Jin hyung. He seemed surprised , who won't !

" Kookie , Do you know Y/n ? "

* So her name is Y/n ,mmh Jeon Y/n Jungkook nice..Oh ! Jungkook control your mind.... *

I mentally slapped myself and looked at others who were continuously glancing at us both .

I gulped.. What to do now ? I want to tell the truth and I am damn sure that my hyungs will only support her ...

" Jungkook , he is asking you . Why are you dreaming in the middle ? " Suga hyung is annoyed, making me gulp again the knot formed in my throat.

Now it's time , I can't stay like this for more ...between why no one is asking her? She is still there like shooting draggers at me with her those specs filled eyes

...Shoot ....I was the one who shouted on seeing her...I am tired of slapping myself, uff!!!

" Kookie ? " Jin hyung again called

I sighed ...I have to say it after all he knows everything.

" It's her hyung " I managed to say up to that but seems like my dump hyung didn't get it , uh

" Who ? "

" Tha..that one who shouted at me on that day ... " I hesitated myself from going further

Jin hyung frowned at me but soon his questioning eyes turned to shocked ones

" Wwhhaatt ? Y/n is that girl who shouted at you on that road, is she ? "

He was surprised beyond my expectation...

I nodded my head in yes and what I got was his windshield wiper laugh making me grit my teeth to remain calm

End Of Jungkook's Pov :

" What are you two saying and why is this dumbo laughing like this ? we can't understand anything ? " Rhea and others were tired of this drama and now they want to know the truth.

Jin stopped his laughing and rolled his eyes at Rhea

" Jin hyung enough spell it out , we are getting on our nerves !" Jimin commanded

" Okay guys..I will say it "

Jin sighed and explained everything to them .

And no wonder they were shocked and glared at Jungkook for his mad behaviour

" What have you done Jungkook ? Is this the way to behave to someone who asks for help ?" Jhope asked making Jungkook gulp and look at Y/n who was still looking at him

" Why are you looking at her ? you have done wrong " Namjoon added

" hyung " Jewel said in the middle ," Actually Y/n too should be scolded , she also behaved mad at him "

"And that's why we planned and took Y/n to here , so that she would apologize to Jungkook " Zia said making Y/n to turn her glance from Jungkook  to her friends. They planned everything!!! Good, now everyone came to know about this cruel.

" way ..i won't apologize to him..he was the one who started everything and that's why I shouted at him "

Y/n who was silent till entire time now opened up making Jungkook to forget his unknown happiness and he glared at her more

" Y/n is right .. Actually...Jungkook you are the one here to apologize " Jimin supported Y/n .

But his eyes widened on hearing Jimin

" Yah ..c'mon Jungkook , apologize to Y/n " Namjoon commanded but

" What ? No..why are you all supporting her? You are my hyungs and not hers . And she was the one who shouted and called me names at such a public place " Jungkook tried to defend himself

" It won't help Jungkook more talkings now say sorry " Suga finalised the verdict

Jungkook was now out of help and he felt ashamed . He looked at Jin for some help but Jin too was helpless .He was reminded about Taehyung who will help him in any situation but now he is not his old V hyung who once always stood by him at any cost.

So hesitantly Jungkook accepted his fate and ,

" I am sorry for my harsh behaviour to you "

Jungkook apologised to Y/n but y/n didn't care . She doesn't want his apology . She was still mad at him and she can't forgive his past behaviour at any cost.

" So that's it . And Jungkook, don't repeat this ...I have warned you many times to control your short temper and I am still saying it .We only want our sweet and caring Jungkook not that animalistic anger of yours. It won't help you, " Namjoon warned Jungkook . They all know how mad their lil brother is at anger and they only want his other side who is baby-like . They don't want him to fall into problems because of his anger issues , they only want Jungkook who cries when they tease him ...

" Now c''s time ... we have to prepare for the last minute " Jhope said

" Okay..come guys we have to go ..." Namjoon said and turned towards the girls and said , " See you at stage..bye " He smiled and joined others who started to move after a great play.

Jin was at last..he bid bye to Rhea and turned to Y/n,

" hope my lil sissy is happy now..hmm ..don't be mad at him..he is a poor soul " He advised Y/n before patting her hairs

Y/n smiled at his brotherly love but mentally neglected Jungkook's part .

They moved to take the last steps for the concert while Rhea and Jewel guided their friends to the front .

But suddenly Y/n was pulled by someone but no one noticed her absence as she was at the back.

Y/n was shocked and before sensing anything she was dragged to a room nearby. She looked at the one who pulled her and was shocked to see him again ; this close

Jungkook !!

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