Chapter 9

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  " There must be a reason for every meet which you can't understand but soon later.."

Concert was in the moon , audience were twinkling . The beat of the music was hard . The atmosphere was full of excitement. As the time passed the beat of the music was getting louder , the whole stage was shaking and vibrating. The lights and sounds were getting higher and it seemed like the whole audience was in the air. The boys were doing their best and to be frank it was beyond their limit . They were immersed in the show and so the audience. Now the whole stadium was in their control ; the seven dazzling young youths.

Since they got a chance to be in the front , they can clearly see how the boys are sweating more like they took  a whole shower before the concert. As for others it was an outdoor concert and they all were sweating. But people were so immersed in the concert and they were shouting and were almost squeezing each other .But who cares !

Y/n was getting uncomfortable by the loud noise and hotness. She too was sweating but it was to a limit as she didn't try to shout like her friends or others. But in the middle of this tightness she managed to enjoy their performance to the full. She liked their hard work for their passion . She wondered how good they were utilising their energy and the audience too managed to reciprocate it . They were drugged by their performance like once who tasted the wine will never forget that kick they got.

She closely watched every member. Each was outstanding and put their whole strength in it. But whenever her eyes met Jungkook she got alarmed about their meeting which was held some minutes before the concert ; when he dragged her to a room . She admired the way Jungkook was performing and she liked his passion for his work but anger got filled in her whenever he saw him.

It increased her hate for him , which doubled more when he tried to trail her before .

Flashback - some minutes before concert

" You ? What do you want ? Why did you pull me here ? " Y/n asked out of shock

Jungkook didn't reply, instead he closed the door and turned to see her, who looked confused by his actions.

He smirked and started steps towards her .

Y/n frowned,

" Whe...Where are you coming ? Sta...stay where you are ...don't... don't dare to come to me " Y/n warned but Jungkook smirked more and moved close to her .

Y/n doesn't like this closeness so she tried to move away but Jungkook grabbed her both hands to him and blocked her .

Y/n left off guard .She got more shocked 

" Wha..what are you doing ? leave me you idiot " Y/n said in the middle of her struggle from his grip.

" Idiot ? " Jungkook scoffed , " It's Jungkook "

  Y/n left out a scornful smile in teasing for what he said ,

" Take your hands off from me " She continued protesting 

"What will you do if not , huh ? listen girl I am not here to harm you , I want you to remind something "

Y/n stopped her actions and crossed her brows at him

" What ? "

Jungkook chuckled , " This is not over ...Don't be so happy for my sorry ..I didn't mean it and I know you are too happy for making me embarrassed in front of my hyungs ..Remember this is not over , you should pay for what you have done ..I will make you pay with my revenge "

Jungkook warned but to his surprise Y/n smirked at him now

" You felt ashamed in front of others??? " Y/n mocked " haha GREAT should feel yourself down for your behaviour. I am not the one who made you embarrassed and I am happy that your hyungs are not idiots like you ..they are nice to split butter from curd . "

Y/n stopped . She herself moved close to Jungkook's face and continued ,

" And don't think I am happy for your sorry , okay . I loathe your sorry and I mean it ...and about your revenge I can't help it .. . I am not so low as you to take revenge on others ..and of course you can so do whatever you can..I don't care "

With that Y/n yanked her hands from his grip . She looked at him at last before leaving him all shocked there.

End Of Flashback 


All were exhausted .

Boys were hell as tired . Some of them were sweating really hard and were struggling for air. Whole staff was running and helping them. All were helping them and so Y/n and her friends. Y/n felt bad for their condition and her caring mind alerted , she helped them all beyond her limit.

Some time after they gained their strength back but not fully. They were taken to a private room and all left behind. Now only the boys, Rhea , Y/n and her friends were present there. Jewel left to take care of some modelling and staff duties.

Now they are a bit comfortable but are tired. They slowly started talking and cracked jokes each other

Y/n took a heavy breath and roamed her eyes at everyone. All are now sitting calm which brought happiness to her mind.

But her eyes stopped at Taehyung . He was lying far away from others . He was not talking or joking like them. Y/n have already watched him on the stage , he was not cheering or shouting like others. He was just plastering everything in his emotionless face . She even saw Jungkook trying to make him cheer but he ended up more gloomy and calm .

* What is with him ?Why is he not talking like others ? Something got into him ?*                             
Y/n was in her thoughts but she got back when she saw Taehyung whining when he turned his lying position .

Y/n closely watched him and saw his leg bleeding . She gasped ,

* Why is no one helping him ? Why didn't he say this to us ? It must be paining so hard *                 
Y/n again thought but she soon decided to help him.

Y/n quickly went out and managed to get a first aid box. She came back and walked towards Taehyung.

Others were confused to see Y/n passing them and going . Their eyes followed her and they all gasped on seeing her destination ; Taehyung .

All in that room except Y/n and her friends know Taehyung and his problems. He never tried to talk or allow anyone to mingle with him. All leave him in his way and never bother him in any manner as they have past experiences. They were feeling bad for Y/n , they didn't know how Taehyung would behave . They wanted to stop Y/n but it was too late ..

Y/n moved close to her and peeked at his face . He was lying there with eyes closed and his right hand placed over his forehead.

Y/n cleared her throat .

" Excuse Me " Y/n was trying to make him know her presence

On the other side Taehyung stretched his hand away from his head and opened his impassive eyes to see her . He squinted at first but soon saw her face ...

Others were watching everything with hawk eyes.. They don't know what will happen.

Taehyung slowly got up but his eyes never left Y/n's face .

Y/n presented him a mindblowing smile of hers ,

" Hi . Your legs are bleeding .. may I bandage it ? " 

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