Chapter 6: Battle for Freedom

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-Continuing on from Chapter 5-

-The Next Morning, In The Hallway of Goethe Hotel-

March 7th: "Hey, Stelle, Dan Heng. Did you both hear that?" She asks the two, yawning and rubbing her eyes.

Dan Heng: "There's a group of Silvermane Guards at the entrance... and I don't think they're here to say hi." Dan Heng answers.

March 7th: "If this is our escort, it's less friendly than I was expecting." March 7th responds.

Stelle: "Maybe they're not here to escort us?" Stelle proposes.

March 7th: "I guess we'll have to find out..." She says with a sigh.

Dan Heng: "Let's go and meet them. We won't know until we're down there."

-Outside Goethe Hotel-

Upon walking out the door, the three Nameless are approached by a stern Silvermane Guard.

Silvermane Guard: "Hey! Commander Bronya is waiting for you all down below. Hurry up and go see her. And no tricks!" He commands them.

March 7th: "Are... we in a lot of trouble? Aw man... Where's Y/n when you need him...?" She asks the Silvermane Guard, only for her to be met with silence. The crew cautiously make their way down the stairs, being met with a troop of Silvermane Guards with Bronya and a short young woman with long indigo hair and blue eyes. This is Pelageya Sergeyevna, or better known as Pela.

(Underrated asf)

March 7th: "Huh? It's you... you were there at Qlipoth Fort..." March 7th says, looking at Bronya.

Bronya: "I am Bronya Rand, acting commander of the Silvermane Guards. In the name of the Amber Lord in the highest, and under order of Supreme Guardian Cocolia Rand, I hereby arrest the suspected infiltrators under the charge of plotting to incite rebellion. As an agent of the Supreme Guardian, I herewith temporarily strip you of your freedom of action and speech. When you are tried by the adjudication panel, you will be given the opportunity to defend yourselves against the accusations. Resistance will prove futile. You must come with me." Bronya commands, causing surprise to grow amongst the crew.

Dan Heng: "I can already hear Y/n's 'Get the speech over with and attempt to detain me already, drills-for-hair'..." He whispers to himself with a sigh, remaining calm despite the current situation.

March 7th: "W-Wait a minute! This isn't what we agreed! She said we were gonna be escorted to discuss an urgent matter!" March 7th exclaims.

Dan Heng: "...This is an orchestrated betrayal, obviously." He tells March 7th, just as Silvermane Guards surround the crew.

March 7th: "...Looks like we've been downgraded to accomplices... again. Seems like it's every third planet this happens..." She says with a sigh.

Dan Heng: "That's because you always act without thinking. You never have a plan." Dan Heng responds, getting an agreeing nod from Stelle.

March 7th: "Hey, I'm improving! I'm coming up with a plan right now... aaaand... got one!" She says, looking around and spotting the Fragmentum-infected alley, next to Goethe Hotel. "Stelle, Dan Heng, the alley!" She tells them.

Dan Heng: "The one that's been sealed off... Hmm, it's possible. Stelle, March, be ready to make an escape. I have a feeling a certain someone will be making his return any minute now." He tells the two, getting nods from them.

March 7th: "Huh? Really? I just wanted to say something... Wait! Does that mean..."

Stelle: "It's now or never!" Stelle tells them.

Dan Heng: "Four of a kind..." He says under his breath, looking forward.

Stelle: "Huh? I guess with Y/n we are a strange group compared to normal people..."

March 7th: "Shh! It's an old Astral Express escape signal. Do you play cards?" March 7th asks Stelle, only to be cut off by Dan Heng.

Dan Heng: "Two Pair..." He closes his eyes and whispers, being approached by a Silvermane Guard.

Silvermane Guard: "Hey, what are you whispering? Let's get going!"

Dan Heng: "Ace!" He shouts, pushing March 7th's head down as Stelle turns around and hits a homerun with the Silvermane Guard's head.

March 7th: "Argh! Hey!" She yells out in surprise at the sudden forceful push. 

Summoning his spear to his hand, Dan Heng uses the blunt end of it to forcefully trip the Silvermane Guards in his way, running to the Fragmentum alley with Stelle and March 7th as a dust cloud kicks up. The Silvermane Guards get into position, aiming their guns at the fleeing trio, only for ice to form on the barrels of each gun, preventing them from being fired. March 7th turns around while running away from the Silvermane Guards, waving and sticking her tongue out at them.

March 7th: "Have an 'ice' day!" March 7th mocks them, running with Dan Heng and Stelle into the Fragmentum affected alley, just as the Silvermane Guards stop in front of the alley with Bronya and Pela at the front.

Pela: "They charged straight in!" She exclaims.

Bronya: "...Escaping into a Fragmentum. I don't know if they're overconfident or just eager for death. It would seem that mother's judgement was correct..."

Pela: "Should we report them as missing or deceased?" Pela asks, gaining Bronya's attention.

Bronya: "...The Supreme Guardian's order was to arrest them. We cannot abandon our pursuit just because they fled into a sealed off area. I must ascertain their fates with my own eyes." She responds after a moment of pause.

Pela: "Y-Yes, ma'am-"

Pela responds to Bronya, only to be cut off by the two and every Silvermane Guard present suddenly having a feeling of ice-cold Death wash over them, completely freezing them all in place as the image of a white haired man sitting on a throne appears in each of their minds.

Recovering from the shock, Bronya and Pela both take a step back from the Fragmentum, followed by each Silvermane Guard shortly after.

Pela: "W-W-What... was that...? W-Who was that...?" Pela asks, suddenly incredibly fearful of whatever or whoever is in the Fragmentum.

Bronya: "That feeling... That person..." Bronya says, keeping her calm and composed demeanor despite the sudden feeling of a freezing death.

Silvermane Guard: "M-Miss Bronya... What was that...? Who was that man...?" A Silvermane Guard asks, still ridden  with shock.

Bronya: "...Eradicate all threats to Belobog's safety... that is what I must do." She tells herself, turning around and walking away from the Fragmentum alley, leaving the Silvermane Guards and Pela.

-Inside The Fragmentum Alleyway-

March 7th: "Hah! See, they weren't brave enough to follow us! Freedom! Serves them right! Better luck next time, slowpokes!" She yells out.

Stelle: "Great work you two!" Stelle tells them.

March 7th: "Hehe, it was a team effort." March 7th responds.

Dan Heng: "We caught them by surprise, nothing more. They'll be in pursuit soon enough. Though, they seemed to have slowed down for some reason... No matter, let's follow the path ahead. We need to guarantee our own safety before making any further plans." Dan Heng tells the two.

Silently walking through the Fragmentum corroded alley and taking care of each and every monster that gets in the way of their path, the silence is suddenly interrupted by March 7th.

March 7th: "So what happened back there? Why did the Supreme Guardian send people to arrest us? Imagine launching a surprise attack when your enemy is fast asleep. The cheek!" March 7th tells the two.

Dan Heng: "That woman had a troubling aura... our instincts were correct. Though, it seems that Y/n caught on faster than any of us did. How he knew is what's troubling me the most..." Dan Heng tells her and Stelle.

March 7th: "Oh yeah... Where could he have been during that entire thing? We haven't seen him since yesterday when he went up those stairs."

Stelle: "I dunno... I have a feeling we'll get our answers soon enough-"

March 7th: "Wait! There are Silvermane Guards here. Careful not to alert them!" She cuts Stelle off, looking through a barred gate and pointing out the Silvermane Guards resting on the other side of it.

Dan Heng: "They must have entered from another direction to cut us off. We should try to avoid an open conflict. Let's find another path." Dan Heng says, March 7th and Stelle both agreeing.

After finding a separate path to avoid confrontation with the resting Silvermane Guards, the three come across an iron-barred gate completely locked off, with a peculiar mechanism sitting dormant next to it.

March 7th: "The gate's locked... Wait! Check this mechanism out! Doesn't it look familiar?" March 7th points out the mechanism, gaining Stelle's attention.

Stelle: "The workshop!"

Dan Heng: "Indeed. We need to solve it before we run out of time. The Guards will be right around the corner any minute now." Dan Heng explains to the two.

After fiddling with the mechanism for a few moments, the barred gate opens, letting the trio go through. Walking ahead, the trio encounter yet another locked gate, getting a sigh out of March 7th.

March 7th: "Another one..." She says, looking around for the mechanism to unlock the gate. "I don't see the switch for the gate." March 7th tells the two, putting her hands on her hips.

Looking to the left, down a narrow pathway, Dan Heng points to the mechanism for the locked gate.

Dan Heng: "It's over there. There's a monster guarding the mechanism, so we'll need to deal with it first. Hurry, they'll be here any minute now if we don't pick up our pace." He tells the two, getting nods from them.

After dealing with the monster, the trio mess with the mechanism for a moment, eventually getting the gate unlocked. Running up to the now-opened gate, the crew immediately notice the portal to escape the Fragmentum alley at the end of the path.

Dan Heng: "There's our exit! Run!" He tells the two, all three of them sprinting to the exit.

Suddenly, March 7th and Stelle are brought to a stop by Dan Heng, stopping them from going any further.

Dan Heng: "Look out!" Dan Heng yells out, just as several bullets make contact with the ground in front of them. Looking up, the trio notice countless Silvermane Guards stationed on top of the walls standing tall next to them, all their guns aimed at the Nameless.

March 7th: "They really caught up with us... Even had time to set up an ambush..." March 7th says, just as more Silvermane Guards block off their exit from the Fragmentum.

Bronya: "Hmph, you dare underestimate me?" Bronya questions March 7th, surprising the trio by walking up from behind them.

Bronya: "Even though it has suffered from the Fragmentum's corrosion, this is still a part of Belobog. It was our home. The Guards know this place like the back of their hand, as do I. Enough of the cat and mouse game. Drop your weapons and come with me." Bronya tells them.

March 7th: "Ugh, you're such a nuisance! Just what crime are we supposed to have committed again? It better be worth you all following us all the way out here!"

Bronya: "My orders are to arrest you. It is for the adjudication panel to present you with the nature and penalties of your alleged crimes." Bronya explains.

Dan Heng: "You saw us yesterday, don't you remember? Madam Cocolia received us as honored guests. How can such a drastic change have occurred in the course of just one night?" Dan Heng asks her.

Bronya: "...The Madam Guardian investigated your backgrounds and summoned me last night to tell me that you had deceived her. Your identities and purpose here are counterfeit, and you seek to overthrow the rule of the Architects." She responds.

March 7th: "Ah! What a two-faced hag!"

Bronya: "Publicly insulting the Supreme Guardian only elevates the seriousness of your crimes. Throw down your arms and surrender!" Bronya commands.

Stelle: "Dick rider-" Stelle says, only for Dan Heng to shake his head, cutting her off and thus disappointing her. "Aw..."

Dan Heng: "We're wasting our words, you two. At least one thing is clear: We mustn't be caught at any cost." He tells the two.

March 7th: "Well, if there's no escape, then maybe it's time we gave them a taste of Astral Express medicine!" She says, pulling out her bow, followed by Dan Heng summoning his spear and Stelle grabbing her baseball bat. Suddenly, a bandaged hand reaches through the exit from the Fragmentum.

"Sorry I'm late... again. Had to take care of a few things before I got here. Miss me?" A familiar voice makes itself known as the person the hand belongs to pulls themselves through the Fragmentum portal.

March 7th: "Oh! Y/n! You're just in the nick of time! Help us- Hey, what's with your clothes? And why are you holding a baseball bat?" March 7th questions him, looking over to him from her shoulder.

Dan Heng: "Now that isn't something you see every day..."

Stelle: "Whoa..."

(Ignore the Chinese text)



"Save it for after we've taken care of the troop of dick riders and dick rider commander #2. Dan Heng, March, you two keep the bottom feeders off Stelle and I's backs. Stelle, you're with me." Y/n commands them, twirling his new baseball bat around as he approaches the group, every Silvermane Guard in Y/n's way not stopping him from meeting the trio due to being paralyzed by the amount of swagger radiating from his mere presence.

Dan Heng: "Understood. March 7th and I will keep the Guards from interfering with you and Stelle's battle." Dan Heng tells him, suddenly invigorated by Y/n's sudden development in leadership skills.

March 7th: "You go, Y/n! Always making a badass entrance at the best of times!" She tells him, also invigorated by his leadership. Meanwhile, Stelle is utterly amazed by Y/n's sudden development.

Stelle: "So cool..." She says, earning a small smirk from Y/n who stands by Stelle's side, facing Bronya while March 7th and Dan Heng face the small fry Silvermane Guards.

"What're you gawking at? Come on, we've got a baseball game that we've gotta win. You joining me, or are you having second thoughts already?" Y/n asks Stelle, getting a rapid head shake in response from the girl, who prepares herself for the battle.

Stelle: "Let's do this!" She tells him, preparing her baseball bat.

Bronya: "Give up now, or else your crimes will be heightened. You, the man named Y/n. Lay down your weapon peacefully and hand over those three, you will be pardoned if you do so." Bronya tells the crew, earning a scoff from Y/n.

"Just shut the hell up already, drills-for-hair. Save me the lecture for when you can't speak after you get your shit absolutely rocked and get put into a coma. You might as well just give me the crimes they have, 'cause your Supreme Guardian is a rotten piece of shit. Now, I'll admit it, she does have some pretty nice hips, but other than that she's absolutely foul." Y/n mocks her to the highest degree, even going as far as to call the Supreme Guardian rotten.

Bronya: "W-Why you...!" Bronya grits her teeth, absolutely seething, malding, and coping all at the same time.

March 7th: "How can a person be this... verbally gifted?" She asks no one in particular, preparing for battle.

Dan Heng: "Y/n." He simply responds, getting into his stance.

March 7th: "Fair enough."

"Let the game..." Y/n trails off.

Stelle: "Begin!"


Chapter 6: Finished.

Y'all getting left on the biggest of cliffhangers fr fr.

Anyway, looks like Natasha won the poll, so she'll be the love interest from Belobog, along with about three others (Seele, Bronya, and one other who I won't disclose, yet very few of you have speculated will make an appearance eventually). This chapter might have been a little shorter than usual, but I made sure to get 2500 words in at least. Hopefully y'all enjoy it. With that out of the way, I bid you all adieu, and have a good day/night.

Final word count: 2636

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