Chapter 5: The Rizzler Revealed and Meeting The Supreme Guardian

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-Continuing on from Chapter 4-

Staring each other down without so much as the slightest movement, Y/n and the blond haired man both ready themselves for the others attack.

March 7th: "So why are they just staring each other down? Isn't this supposed to be like, I dunno, the Silvermane Guards' big comeback?" She whispers to Dan Heng.

Dan Heng: "They're attempting to get a read on each other's abilities before entering combat. Judging from the way that man blocked the arrows, I'd go as far as to guess he uses barriers or that giant case as both a shield and weapon. Though, I have no doubt that Y/n already picked up on that from the moment he blocked those arrows." He tells her, earning an "Ooooooh" response from March 7th and Stelle. Suddenly, cutting through the silence, the man coughs.

Gepard: "I, Gepard Landau, captain of the Silvermane Guards, order you to relinquish your futile resistance-" The man now known as Gepard says, only to be interrupted by Y/n.

"Pretty boy detected, opinion rejected. No thanks, Gerome, we're fine as is." Y/n tells him.

Gepard: "P-Pretty boy? G-Gerome?-" Gepard confusedly questions the casual mockery, being cut off again by Y/n dashing towards him at inhuman speeds with his fist reeled back, catching Gepard off-guard. 

Attempting to block the incoming blow by Y/n, Gepard activates the same barrier from before fully expecting it to tank the punch with little damage, only to be surprised by Y/n's fist colliding with and destroying the barrier instantly upon contact, soon reaching Gepard and landing the gut-wrenching punch to the blonde man's abdomen.

Gepard: "Guh!" He exclaims, coughing up saliva. Recovering, Gepard jumps back to gain distance from Y/n, immediately realizing close combat with him would be a suicide run.

Sneaking up on Y/n from behind, the last Silvermane Soldier attempts to attack the "unsuspecting" Kaslana, only for the Soldier to receive an immediate roundhouse kick to his stomach from Y/n, sending him flying back with potentially- No, definitely broken ribs. Cringing from witnessing the brutal blow, March 7th speaks.

March 7th: "Y/n seems a lot more...." She trails off as Dan Heng turns toward her.

Dan Heng: "Ruthless?" Dan Heng asks her.

March 7th: "Yeah! Out of all the times I've seen him fight on his own, he's never been this... violent?" She explains to the two, just as Y/n stands back up straight, out of his battle stance and staring Gepard down as another Silvermane Soldier runs up from behind Gepard and whispers into the latter's ear.

Gepard: "...I see. And the prime suspect? The one with the blue hair?" Gepard asks the Soldier.

Silvermane Soldier: "Apologies, Captain! W-We lost him during the pursuit. We can't find his footprints..." The Soldier apologizes, causing Gepard to shake his head as he stares down Y/n and the other three.

Gepard: "No matter, we have his accomplices. Even if this will be a tough battle against the one with white hair, he'll be close by, plotting his next move." Gepard tells the Soldier. Seeing this as the perfect time to prove their innocence, Stelle walks in front of Y/n to speak with Gepard before the Kaslana initiates the second-half of their battle.

Stelle: "You might be waiting longer than you think." Stelle tells him, confusing the Silvermane Captain.

March 7th: "...As in, forever. I'm not trying to talk our way out of this, but... we're not friends with that scoundrel. Did you see how fast he ditched us?" She adds, further confusing Gepard.

March 7th: "We rescued him from the snow out of the kindness of our hearts. Y/n only attacked you and your soldiers because he was trying to protect us from unwarranted harm. We had no idea he might be using us to get past you! Are you really dumb enough to fall for his..." She continues.

Gepard: "I'm a captain, not an adjudication panel. As Belobog citizens, you all have the rights to defend yourselves, but that can only take place under the scrutiny of the Architects, not now. Take them away." Gepard interrupts her.

"Oi, pretty boy, look at our clothes and equipment. Don't they seem completely different from whatever you halfwits wear? Hell, we're not even from Belobog. If you need proof, then March can show you photos." Y/n in turn interrupts Gepard, confusing the blond man.

Gepard: "Photos...?" He questions, ignoring Y/n's blatant insult.

March 7th: "Ah! Y/n, you're a genius! Great idea!" She praises Y/n, making the latter scoff.

"Save it. I was just using my brain and preventing several murders by my hand." Y/n states as March 7th walks past him and then Stelle, stopping in front of Gepard with her phone out.

March 7th: "You've probably never seen what your planet looks like, right? I took this one. Behold, Jarilo-VI..." March 7th tells Gepard, putting her phone up to his face and showing him a picture of the ice-covered planet they're all currently standing on, confusing the Silvermane Soldiers greatly.

Silvermane Soldier: "...You mean to say that this... white ball... That's here? That's our home? How can that..." The Soldier questions, only to be interrupted by Gepard.

Gepard: "...It is said that a long time ago, strange visitors from beyond the sky would visit us here... but that after the Eternal Freeze, the blizzards made passage impossible... and Belobog would cease to witness such arrivals." He explains.

Silvermane Soldier: "But these people are-"

Gepard: "This decision is beyond us. If what they say is true, then only the Supreme Guardian may decide their fate. Our job is to present them before her. Nothing more." Gepard tells the Soldier as Y/n, Dan Heng, March 7th, and Stelle all converse about the current situation. Interrupting their conversation, Gepard signals for them to follow him.

Gepard: "Outsiders, follow me. Belobog lies beyond this blizzard." He tells them, prompting them all to follow him beyond the blizzard.


Arriving in front of a snow covered city, Gepard turns to the Nameless.

Gepard: "Welcome to Belobog, the City of Preservation."

Being escorted into the city by the Silvermane Guards, the Nameless soon find themselves in a city district.

March 7th: "...Hey, it feels like it got a bit warmer!" She says, smiling just as Y/n stops next to her, making March 7th gain a disappointed look. "Never mind..."

"...What?" Y/n asks her as Gepard turns around and faces March 7th.

Gepard: "...That's because you're in Belobog, the last bastion of humanity." Gepard tells her.

March 7th: "Last bastion?" She asks Gepard, the latter going silent.

"Oh, great, story time. Guess I'll die of old age." Y/n remarks.

Gepard: "...Seven hundred years ago, monsters from beyond the sky set the world ablaze. The land was turned to scorched earth, with raging infernos and billowing towers of smoke stretching far beyond the horizon." Gepard tells the crew.

Gepard: "In the midst of the conflict, the Eternal Freeze descended upon the land without so much as a warning. Suddenly, sweepings winds brought along blizzards which buried the invading Antimatter Legion. Belobog was all that survived and remains to this day." He adds.

Gepard: "The steadfast Architects built this city. Under the protection of Qlipoth the Preservation, Belobog remains forever warm in the face of the unrelenting cold."

'...Does every story have to take up 20 minutes of my life? I could just ask around and then put the pieces together to figure out what happened... Although, the way he's explaining it makes it sound like he's reading from a historical book.' Y/n thinks to himself, his thoughts being cut off by March 7th once again.

March 7th: "So... why's he telling us all this?" She whispers to the rest of the crew.

Gepard: "You wanted to know." Gepard interrupts her, March 7th laughing nervously while Y/n, Dan Heng, and Stelle all shake their heads in disappointment as Gepard turns around and continues walking, the crew following him.

Dan Heng: "We saw strange creatures outside the city. They must have come from a tear in corroded space. A Fragmentum, correct?" Dan Heng asks Gepard.

Gepard: "How do you... That's right. Out there in the blizzard, there are still many threats... including the monsters you saw." Gepard explains, escorting the crew and thus catching the eye of the civilians they walk by.

Gepard: "The Silvermane Guards are continuously engaged with the enemy, but I'm afraid the situation is bleak... After your meeting with the Supreme Guardian, I would like to consult you on this matter. We're completely lacking in intel." He adds with a sigh, just as he and the crew arrive in front of a giant fortress. "We're here. This is Qlipoth Fort, the heart of Belobog and headquarters of the Architects." Gepard tells the crew.

Stelle: "The Architects?" Stelle asks him.

Gepard: "The saviors of humanity. Long before the arrival of the Eternal Freeze, the Architects braved the doubts and derision of the people, never wavering from their construction of its defenses. History has proven that their decision was the correct one. The Architects named this fortress after Qlipoth, Aeon of Preservation. Under their direction, humanity has withstood external enemy attacks and held off the Eternal Freeze. Even today, we resist the Fragmentum's corrosion thanks to them. This fortress is also the residence of the Supreme Guardian." Gepard explains, boring the absolute hell out of Y/n.

"Hey, Gepard. I've got a question that only you can answer." Y/n tells him.

Gepard: "What is it?" He answers Y/n's question with a question.

"Did you ever meet a priest when you were a kid?"

Gepard: "No?" He confusedly answers.

"Damn. It seemed like a crazily high chance with how much you dick ride the absolute fuck out of the Architects and Supreme Guardian." Y/n tells him, walking up the stairs for dramatic effect and staring down at Gepard with the ultimate white rizz stare, leaving Gepard and the others present absolutely speechless as Y/n leaves the rest of the crew behind, beginning the long walk up the mountain of stairs to Qlipoth Fort.


March 7th: "I've never seen someone emanate that much rizz..." She comments, absolutely flabbergasted by Y/n's rizz. Coughing, Dan Heng attempts to break out the rest of them from their rizz-inflicted paralyzed states.

Dan Heng: "So, who is the 'Supreme Guardian'?" He asks Gepard, finally ending the others' rizztable (rizzed up vegetable) states.

Gepard: "Ahem. The leader of Belobog, elected and appointed by the Architects. The Supreme Guardians have watched over this city for countless generations, sheltering the people from harm. The current guardian is Madam Cocolia Rand. Every major strategic decision is issued by her." He explains, completely disregarding what had just happened.

March 7th: "Whoa... She sounds like a big deal." March 7th comments.

Gepard: "I will now bring you to see Madam Cocolia. Please have your words at the ready. Her time is precious, so she prefers concise communication. Though, I have no doubt that friend of yours is already knocking on the door."

March 7th: "Uhh... We're gonna see her right now? Can I at least find a place to freshen up first?"

Stelle: "You look fine." She tells March 7th.

Dan Heng: "You've got some snow in your hair, but no one will notice." He adds.

Gepard: "I've dispatched a messenger to send word, Madam Cocolia will be aware of your arrival, as well as your friend's. Come with me."

-Inside Qlipoth Fort-

Gepard guides the Nameless, minus Y/n, through Qlipoth Fort and into a giant office area, befitting that of the ruler of Belobog. Looking forward, the crew notice a young woman with long gray hair and matching gray eyes. This is Bronya Rand,

who is seemingly arguing with the person who appears to be in charge.

Bronya: "...But that's a meaningless sacrifice, how can you-" Bronya goes to ask the woman, only to be cut off. This woman is Cocolia Rand,

the Supreme Guardian and Bronya's mother.

(You're welcome. Enjoy it while it lasts, haha.)

Cocolia: "Ahem... You may leave, Bronya. Visitors have arrived." She tells Bronya, earning an irritated grunt from the latter.

Bronya: "Yes, mother." She responds, turning around and glancing at the group with furrowed brows as she walks past them, eventually leaving the room.

Gepard: "Madam Guardian, I have brought three outsiders to see you."

Cocolia: "The messenger informed me. Well done, Gepard. You may leave now." She tells Gepard, watching as he nods and leaves the room. Turning to the Nameless, Cocolia stands up from her chair.

Cocolia: "Welcome, visitors from beyond the Eternal Freeze. Or perhaps I should say: from beyond the sky, no? I am Cocolia Rand, Belobog's Supreme Guardian. I would be grateful if you could tell me why you have come." She greets them.

Stelle: "So you believe we come from beyond the sky?" Stelle asks Cocolia.

Cocolia: "Do you wish me to doubt it? Or perhaps you're not confident in that identity yourself? Haha... No, I do not doubt it. I can see that you are not from this world." Cocolia answers.

Cocolia: "The Architects remember history well, else we should forget it. I know that in the distant past, before the Eternal Freeze descended or the Legion invaded, this world was once prosperous beyond measure... An Aeon once connected our planet to other worlds, and we discovered the endless possibilities of the boundless universe. We also came to know of Qlipoth, the Amber Lord. Under their attentive gaze, we built the city walls." Cocolia explains.

Cocolia: "...So, do not be surprised. For seven hundred years, the Architects have received no further communication from the stars... but I knew of your existence. Tell me why you have come." Cocolia adds.

Dan Heng: "We came here for something known as a Stellaron." Dan Heng tells her.

Cocolia: "A Stellaron?" She questions.

Dan Heng: "Objects that fell from the blue on separate worlds. Their appearance spelled disaster. Many of the planets we've visited have suffered their effects." Dan Heng explains.

Dan Heng: "You mentioned invasion by the Antimatter Legion. Soon after their arrival, this planet suffered the Eternal Freeze. At the same time, the phenomenon known as Fragmentum space corrosion began to occur. Correct?" He asks.

Cocolia: "...Correct." She confirms.

Stelle: "The Stellarons were cast by the Aeon of Destruction." Stelle interjects.

March 7th: "Which is why the Antimatter Legion and Stellarons often show up together! Worlds seeded with Stellarons give birth to Fragmentums. As for the Eternal Freeze... it must have been a product of the Stellaron, unique to the environment of your world. You can see us as.... kindhearted interstellar public servants, tending a helping hand to any world affected by a Stellaron!" March 7th explains.

Cocolia: "...Your analysis of our current circumstances is clear. We have indeed suffered the disasters you speak of, some of which prove vexatious to us even today... but why should you care? Even if this Stellaron you speak of did bring about disaster, I fail to see its connection to you. I don't believe that anyone would go to such lengths to help a world unrelated to them.... unless they had something to gain." Cocolia responds.

Dan Heng: "You're right. Our reason for coming here is not purely selfless. If we don't seal the Stellaron, we cannot leave this planet." Dan Heng explains.

Stelle: "Please let us help you and the citizens of Belobog." Stelle begs.

Cocolia: "You... know how to seal the 'Stellaron'?"

Dan Heng: "We have the relevant means." He answers.

Cocolia: "Very well, I believe you. If our present situation is truly the result of this so-called Stellaron, then your arrival is the hope that Belobog has waited seven hundred years for. I am willing to assist you in any way possible to help you locate the Stellaron."

Cocolia: "It's getting late, and you must be tired. I will arrange for you to stay in our most comfortable hotel. Rest there, and get a good night's sleep. Tomorrow, at noon, I will dispatch someone to escort you here, and we can discuss this urgent matter in greater detail." She tells them.

Stelle: "Thank you, Supreme Guardian."

Cocolia: "It should be me thanking you, visitors from beyond the sky. I too need some time. I will go over our records for anything that may be connected to Stellarons... Please excuse me for not escorting you further." She apologizes.

Turning around, the three Interstellar Travelers begin their walk out of the office. Stelle stops, looking at Cocolia from over her shoulder and then looking forward, walking out of Qlipoth Fort with March 7th and Dan Heng. As the Trailblazers leave, Cocolia turns around and walks to the giant window behind her desk, talking to herself.

Cocolia: "Yes, I understand. Do not worry, I have a way."

-Outside Qlipoth Fort-

Meeting up with Gepard outside Qlipoth Fort, the three finish their walk down the long flight of stairs, arriving in front of the Silvermane Captain.

Gepard: "It seems that the Supreme Guardian holds you in high regard. I have received orders that your movements are no longer to be restricted. Though, might I ask where your white haired friend is?" He asks them, arousing confusion between the three.

March 7th: "Y/n? But he's..." She goes to say, only to look around and realize the Kaslana is no where to be found.

Dan Heng: "Now that you mention it... I haven't seen him since he went up these stairs to the fortress." Dan Heng tells them.

Stelle: "Weird... I thought we would've seen him when we met with the Supreme Guardian..."

Gepard: "Well, I'm sure your friend is just looking around. I'm afraid I still have duties to attend to, so I must return to my post. I hope you enjoy your stay in Belobog. Oh, and if you're staying at Goethe Hotel, please avoid the alley that runs next to it, the one with Silvermane Guards stationed there. It started to be affected by corrosion recently, so it's been sealed off." Gepard informs them, bidding his farewells to the group and leaving them.

Dan Heng: "So the corrosion is inside the city... that's a grave situation."

-In Goethe Hotel-

March 7th: "...So tired. I just wanna put my head on a pillow and drift off..." March 7th says, yawning.

March 7th: "Seems like the first day of our trailblazing expedition is always pretty eventful, huh Dan Heng." She adds.

Dan Heng: "Heh, that's just because you've got too much energy." He tells March 7th.

March 7th: "Wanna have a pillow fight later? Huh? Huh? I bet they're stuffed with goose feathers, haha!" She says, looking around the lobby of the hotel and suddenly regaining her energy.

Dan Heng: "March, earlier in Qlipoth Fort-"

March 7th: "Stop! I know what you're gonna say; "March, you said too much back there. March, you shouldn't reveal our goal to people we don't trust..." Meanwhile you guys were beating around the bush and speaking in riddles. But check it out, seems like we landed with a pretty sweet deal, right? We get the royal treatment, rooms in a beauuuutiful hotel, and the full support of the locals! As far as trailblazing goes, this is smooth as heck!"

(Famous last words if I've ever heard them.)

Dan Heng: "...That's... not what I was going to say." He tells her.

March 7th: "Alright, spit it out then."

Dan Heng: "Earlier in Qlipoth Fort... were you paying attention to the Supreme Guardian?" He asks March 7th.

March 7th: "Uhh, yeah, of course. This isn't my first expedition y'know. My powers of perception are sharper than the sharpest blade~" She comments.

Stelle: "I knew there was something up with her!" Stelle tells the two.

March 7th: "Something up with her? She seemed pretty normal to me. She was kinda harsh at first, but she turned out to be a nice, reasonable lady. Although... it felt like she was looking right through me. As in, I know she was speaking to us, but it seemed like her gaze was fixed on something far away..."

Dan Heng: "Hmm, I had a similar feeling. Almost as if we weren't the only people in the room. Pair that with Y/n's sudden disappearance..." Dan Heng explains to the two, making March 7th gasp and Stelle think to herself.

March 7th: "Do you have to put it like that? That's scary..."

Stelle: "It must've been the invisible man!" She tells them.

March 7th: "Well, there's no way he'd get past Dan Heng's sharp eyes, and if he were any threat then Y/n would've gotten rid of him by now."

Dan Heng: "Perhaps I'm too sensitive... She did promise to help us. I just hope she keeps her word... Let's get some rest, we need to save our energy for the discussions tomorrow, we'll look for Y/n bright and early in the morning if he hasn't shown up by then."

Stelle: "Sleep well guys!" She tells them, prompting a yawn from March 7th.

March 7th: "You too."

Dan Heng: "Let's get to bed early and save our energy. I sense the next few days could be tiring."

March 7th: "Well, I'm off to my room then. Express lights off!"


Voice: "Cocolia.... Cocolia..." A mysterious voice makes itself known.

Teenage Cocolia: "Wh-Who are you...? ...What are you?" The voice of a young woman asks.

Voice: "We are allies... allies of the guardians through generations." The mysterious voice responds.

Teenage Cocolia: "What do you want...?" She asks.

Voice: "To rebuild... this vanishing and dying world... To help you... achieve your wish." The voice responds, just as everything fades to black and disappears into the abyss.


Chapter 5: End.

Bit of a longer chapter for y'all since school was easier than usual. A special person will be making their debut in the next upcoming chapters, and who that person will be I'll leave up to y'all to guess. Also, I'll start updating you, the readers, on my Honkai: Star Rail account.

I got Silver Wolf on my second ten pull, thus meaning I won the 50/50, which I am very happy about. Then I managed to fully max out the new event Light Cone and completed the entire event within 1-2 hours of beginning it.

My current team is:

-Level 70 E4 Fire MC with the 5 star "Moment of Victory" Light Cone
-Level 70 E0 Seele with the 4 star "Return to Darkness" Light Cone from the BP
-Level 70 E2 Bailu (Yes, I got Bailu thrice) with the 4 star "Post-Op Conversation" Light Cone
-Level 70 E0 Jing Yuan with his signature 5 star "Before Dawn" Light Cone

Yes, all the Light Cones are level 70 too.

Fun fact: I haven't missed a single limited 5 star character so far.

And yes, I may or may not have whaled a little.

Final word count: 3857

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