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      Bobby hands Riley a beer. Dean just explained everything to her, and she's been staring at the floor for about 10 minutes. She takes the beer and takes a rather large sip. Dean chuckles at her. "Slow down." He tells her. Riley puts the beer down and shakes her head.

      "Shit just keeps getting crazier and crazier..." She mutters. Dean looks over at the weapons Bobby took from Riley. It's his gun. He stands with a smile and grabs it. Riley glances at him. "You can have it back. I've got mine in my bag." Dean gives her a smile, then stuffs his gun in his belt.

      "So where have you been?" He asks as he sits next to her. Riley glances at Bobby. "New York." Dean frowns. "I thought you hated New York." Riley nods with her eyebrows raised. "I do, but," She glances out at Bumblebee. "I got a sort-of job."

      Dean raises an eyebrow at her. "And this sort-of job is?" Riley makes a face. "I'll tell ya later." Dean nods and puts an arm around her. Riley leans into him and smiles. "I've missed you." She tells him quietly. Dean smiles down at her. He can't tell her what he did. She'll hate him for it.

      "So, Sam," Riley starts as she sits up. "Any idea where he is?" Dean nods. "Got a hit off his phone. Pontiac, Illinois." Riley's eyebrows shoot up. "But that's where-" Dean nods. It's where he was buried.

      Dean looks at Riley. "So, what do you say kid? Another roadtrip?" Riley smiles wider than she has in months. "Hell yeah!"

      Dean looks around the interior of Bumblebee. Riley couldn't wait until she was alone with him so she could gush about how damn happy she is. "Why a Camaro?" Dean asks as he looks at Riley. She shrugs with a smirk. "Dunno. It just sort of chose me." Dean nods slowly.

      "Uh huh." Dean makes a face. "It's not terrible. Could have gone with an older model." Riley cringes. She can only pray Bumblebee doesn't do anything stupid. He hates it when his choice of form is insulted. "Nah, I like him like this." Riley instantly catches her mistake.

      "'Him'?" Riley groans as her father smirks. She did this with Jo. She sighs. "Yes, 'he'." Dean laughs and looks around. "Let me guess," He turns to Riley. "Bumblebee? That was always your favorite autobot right?" Riley can't help but burst out laughing. "I can't-" She only laughs harder.

      Dean gives her a look. "What?" Riley shakes her head and Bumblebee takes over driving as Riley would have been swerving. "Nothing, I just-" Riley slows her laugh until she is only smiling. "I'll tell you later. Let's find Sam's dumbass first." Dean narrows his eyes at her then nods.

      He reaches towards the radio, but before he can touch it, it turns on. AC/DC blasts through the stereo. Riley glances at her father as he stares at it. "Your car haunted or somethin'?" Riley smiles. "Or something."

      Dean looks at her, but seeing the look on her face, realizes she isn't going to talk until she's ready. They both know Riley can't lie to Dean. He always knows when she's lying.

      "So, school. How's that?" Dean asks as he bobs his head to 'Shoot to Thrill'. Riley shrugs. "Boring as ever. I might end up dropping out." Dean looks at her. "Why?" Riley frowns a bit. "I've had a lot going on. With you gone," Dean watches the sadness in Riley's eyes, and swears, for just a moment, he sees them glow sky blue.

      "It's been tough, but I've managed." She nods slowly. "I just don't have time for it." Dean nods slowly. "Have you been hunting?" Riley shakes her head. "Only once. Jo called me for help and you know how she is. You either go, or she gets herself killed."

      Dean chuckles. "How was it?" Riley groans. "Terrible to be honest. It was a spirit and it tried to drown me in maple syrup." Dean pulls on a face of disbelief. "Syrup?" Riley nods. "Yeah. I'm never eating pancakes or waffles again." Dean gives her a smirk. "I bet that pissed you off."

      Riley nods. "It sure as hell did." Riley then pauses and glances at her father. "Do you remember anything? From the pit?" Dean instantly looks away from her. "No. Nothing." Riley glances at him while she drives. "Bullshit."

      Dean glances at her and sighs. "Not now, Riley." Riley gives him one last look then nods. "Okay." Riley relaxes in her seat. "But after we figured out what dumbass did to save your ass, we're talking." Dean gives Riley a look. "What made you so bossy?"

      Riley smirks. "You'll just have to see it to believe it."

      Riley, Dean and Bobby walk up to room 207. Riley raises an eyebrow at the heart around the number and the music coming front the room. Dean knocks on the door and a woman opens the door. Riley looks at Bobby and Dean's faces and laughs.

      "So, where is it?" The woman asks. Riley's smile fades and he looks at the woman. Both of their eyes meet. The woman gasps quietly as she sees Riley's eyes glow a sky blue, then quickly looks away trying to play it off. "Where is what?" Dean asks, glancing at Bobby.

      "The pizza that takes two guys and a girl to deliver." Dean gapes, then smiles. "I think we got the wrong room." Suddenly Sam walks around the corner. "Hey, is-" He stops when he sees Riley, Bobby and Dean. Dean smiles. "Hey, ya, Sammy." Dean says. He walks into the room, and Riley's eyes land on Sam. They are glowing and no one but the girl notices.

      Something is off about Sam. Riley can tell that plain as day.

      Sam charges at Dean, fist in the air. Riley and Bobby charge in and throw Sam off Dean. "Who are you?!" Sam demands.

      "Like you didn't do this!" Dean shouts. "Do what?!" Riley grunts against Sam's resistance. "Sammy, it's him! It's really him!" Sam continues to try and reach out for Dean. Riley doesn't seem to notice that as she is holding back Sam, the brighter her eyes seem to glow. "We've both been through this already. It's really him!" Sam starts to calm down. "But-"

      Riley lets go of Sam and catches the woman's eye again who seems to take her eyes off her. "I know." Dean says nodding. "I look fantastic, huh?" Sam pulls Dean into a hug. Dean glances at Riley as the blue in her eyes fades away, but he knows for sure this time that he saw it.

      "So, are you two, like... Together?" Sam raises an eyebrow. "What? No. No." Sam sighs. "He's my brother." The woman's eyes widened. "O-Oh. Got it... I guess." She glances at Riley again and this time the blonde raises an eyebrow at her. "Look, I should probably go." Sam nods. "Yeah, yeah. That's probably a good idea. Sorry."

      Dean glances at Riley and gives her a look. She makes a face. "Why's everyone staring at me? Do I have something on my face?" Dean pulls his head back. She has no idea about her eyes.


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