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      Riley and Dean stand next to each other as they watch Sam excuse his... guest. Riley almost smirks at how uncomfortable and awkward Sam is, but she remembers she is mad at him for leaving her. Again. By now she's had enough and is done trying to fix things with him. He runs, hurts Riley, comes back, Riley is pissed off, they forgive, but Riley never forgets.

      She remembers every time he's left her and now she doesn't want him back in her life.

"So, tell me, what'd it cost?" Sam looks at Dean. "The girl?" Sam laughs. "I don't pay, Dean." Riley rolls her eyes. "That's not funny, Sam. To bring me back." Dean clarifies. "What'd it cost?"

      "Was it just your soul, or was it something worse?" Sam finally pulls his shoe on. "You think I made a deal?" Bobby nods. "That's exactly what I think." He says from the couch. Sam shakes his head. "Well, I didn't." He creases his brows. "And shouldn't you be asking Riley? She's your kid. She'd do anything to get you back."

      Riley gapes at him. "Excuse me?" She yells. Sam looks at her and Riley gives him a glare that makes him feel like he's being crushed. Maybe he is, just a little. "You left me Sam. I was alone," Riley glances at Bobby. "'Cept you Bobby." She turns back to Sam.

      "You ran off, again, and I had to deal with my father's death. I drank, I cried, hell, I didn't want to live, but you know what?" Riley asks with an eyebrow raised. "I did. I didn't sit on my ass and pout. I was doing good. I was even on the verge of possibly feeling happy again, and you have the damn balls to blame me?" Riley asks as she points to herself with an eyebrow raised.

      Sam swallows hard. Riley has never done this before. She's never yelled at him like this. Dean watches from behind with a smile on his face.

      "It's been rough. I get that more than anyone, but you do not get to blame me." Sam scoffs. "So, what? You didn't try to get him back?" Riley throws her hands out. "No!" Dean looks at her. A crack forms in the ceiling above Riley and Dean notices

      "Riley." He warns her. He reaches for her, but Riley jerks away from his touch. "I need some air." Riley storms out of the room and slams the door closed. All three people in the room blink in surprise as cracks form around the door as she slams it.

      "I didn't know what I was going to expect, Bee." Riley says earnestly as she rubs her head. She's got a strange headache. "-Why you mad? Why you sad? When you could be, glad.-" Bumblebee says through the radio. Riley looks at the stereo. "Did you just say a vine?" Laughter plays through Bumblebee's stereo and Riley smiles a bit. "You are on the internet too much."

      An autobot in Gen Z culture. Now that's a new one for Riley's big book of weird.

      Riley sighs and rests her head on her seat. "Sam is such a difficult person. I love him, but anything goes slightly wrong, he runs." Riley closes her eyes. "He's always leaving, and I'm done forgiving him. He'll just leave again."

      "-Advocate! - Love yourself!-" Riley smiles slightly. "Thanks Bee." Riley's phone dings and she pulls it out. It's a text from Peter.

I was wondering if you wanted to meet up
I can tell you about... you know
Who I am.

As much as I'd love to expand my universe of crazy, I am currently out of town again.
Something came up and I'm not sure when I'll be back

Is everything okay?

It has to do with my father

Oh, okay.
I hope everything goes smoothly and I'll see you as school when you come back

      Riley stares at the last message. She knows she has to return to New York at some point to help the autobots, but she doesn't think she'll be going back to school. It's not like she needs an education in her line of work. She's smart enough as is.

      Someone knocks on Riley's window. She looks out to see Dean. He's got a big smile on his face and Riley knows exactly why. Riley steps out and smirks at him. "Baby is back!" he shouts. Riley chuckles and Sam looks at Bumblebee. "How'd you get that car?" Riley frowns at him then looks at Dean.

      "Where are we going?" Dean nods. "A psychic. Pamela." Riley nods. "Yeah I know her." Dean raises an eyebrow. "How?" Riley glances at Sam. "Like I said. I never sat on my ass. Even when I was at Bobby's. He drove, I came with." Dean nods. "Be safe kid."

      Riley nods and gets back into Bumblebee. "-9 o'clock - We got - buddies!-" Bumblebee says through the radio. Riley creases her brows. "What?" She looks to her left and watches as the Impala pulls out of the parking lot. Riley spots something on the bumper that has been there for as long as she's known the car, but never stuck her until now.

      Bumblebee was right. On Baby's bumper is a symbol. The autobot's symbol.

      "Any luck Bee?" Riley asks as they begin nearing their destination at Pamela's house. "-Radio Silence-" Bumblebee answers. Riley sighs and nods. Bumblebee has been trying to contract the autobot- The car Riley was practically raised in. "It's crazy. I mean, the Impala has been in our family since-" She pauses. "Whenever Grandpa John bought it."

      Rileys stares ahead at the autobot symbol on the Impala's bumper. "Were autobots even on Earth at that time? It had to have been, what, almost 45 years ago?" Riley shakes her head. The thought of the Impala being an autobot this entire time is just crazy. Then again, that car has lived through far more than any normal car should.

      "-The possibilities are endless!-" Bumblebee responds. Riley sighs. "Aren't you helpful." She grumbles sarcastically. Riley licks her tongue over her teeth. "Do you think Optimus would know?" She asks mostly to herself. "-Call-" Bumblebee says. Riley shakes her head. "No. The Avengers might be taping into the phones. I don't want them knowing anything about this, or where I am."

      Finally the three cars stop outside Pamela's house. Dean steps out of the car with Sam and waves at her to come. "I'll be right back Bee." Riley tells him as she steps out of the car and over to her father. As they walk past the Impala Riley gives it a long stare, then looks to the front door.

      Bobby knocks and Pamela opens the door and laughs. "Bobby!" She greets pulling him into a hug. She sees Riley and hugs her too. "It's been awhile kid!" Riley laughs and nods. "You're a sight for sore eyes."

      Pamela looks at Sam and Dean. "So, are these the boys?" Bobby looks at them and RIley stuffs her hands in her back pockets and casts a glance at Bumblebee and the Impala. "Sam, Dean- Pamela Barnes. Best damn psychic in the state." Dean smiles at her. "Hey." He greets. Riley rolls her eyes.

      "Dean Winchester. Out of the fire and back in the frying pan, huh?" Pamela glances at Riley and the youngest Winchester raises an eyebrow. Pamela glances out at her car and Riley gapes a bit as Pam looks back at Dean. "Makes you a rare individual."

      Riley stares at Pamela. She couldn't possibly know, could she?

      Dean shrugs. "If you say so." Pamela nods her head behind her. "Come on in." They all walk in and as Riley passes Pamela she gives her a questioning look and Pamela only smirks. "So, you hear anything?" Bobby asks Pamela. The woman sighs. "Well, I ouija-ed my way through a dozen spirits." Pamela closes the door behind Riley. "No one seems to know who broke your boy out or why."

      "So, what next?" Pamela crosses her arms. "A séance, I think. See if we can see who did the deed." Bobby shakes his head. "You're not gonna summon the damn thing here?" Pamela laughs. "No. I just want to get a sneak peak at it, like a crystal ball without the crystal."

      Dean glances at Bobby. "I'm game." Riley pauses by the door and glances out at Bumblebee and the Impala. She knows he is going to continue to contact the autobot that was her childhood home.

      Riley cringes. God, the amount of embarrassment that happened in that car.... Mostly all were caused by Dean. The poor autobot.

- author's notes -

sorry for the update pause. I had finals.

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