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      Riley looks around Pamela's séance room with her hands in her back pockets. She hasn't done one of these before, but she knows how it goes.

      Bobby pulls the curtains closed and Pamela lays a cloth over the table. She walks over to a drawer and crouches down. Riley rolls her eyes as Sam and Dean look at the tattoo just above her waistline saying 'Jesse Forever'. "Who's Jesse?" Dean asks. Pamela laughs and faces them. "Well, it wasn't forever." Dean makes a face and Pamela stands. "His loss." Pamela walks over to Dean. "Might be your gain."

      Riley cringes and looks away. Do they really have to do this with her here? "Dude, I'm so in." Dean says with a smirk. Sam laughs. "Yeah, she's gonna eat you alive." Riley gags and walks away to Pamela. The psychic looks at the blonde and Riley crosses her arms. "You know, don't you?" Pamela smirks and Riley scoffs.

      "How?" Pamela winks at Riley and she rolls her eyes. Pamela sets six candles on the center of the table. "Okay, we're ready."

      Everyone sits at the table, Riley between Pamela and Bobby. Pamela puts her hand to her forehead, then takes a deep breath and puts it down. "Take each other's hands." Everyone does so and Riley's heart pounds in her chest. She's feeling anxious and she doesn't know why. "I need to touch something our mystery monster touched." Dean nods and rolls his sleeve up revealing the hand shaped burn.

      Pamela places her hand over it. "Okay." Pamela closes her eyes. "I invoke, conjure, and command you- Appear unto me before this circle. I invoke, conjure, and command you- Appear unto me before this circle." Riley peels her eyes open and meets Dean's eyes. She shrugs as Pamela continues to chant. Suddenly the TV behind them turns on.

      The table begins to shake and Dean stares in shock as Riley's eyes burn bright blue. "Castiel?" Pamela says. Riley looks at her and Dean continues to stare at his daughter's eyes. "No. Sorry, Castiel, I don't scare easy." Dean tilts his head. "Castiel?"

      "It's name." Pamela tells him. "It's whispering to me, warning me to turn back." Dean looks at Riley and notices she's hyperventilating. Whatever this thing is, it's scaring her. "I conjure and command you- Show me your face." Pamela continues to chant.

      Bobby and Sam open their eyes and see Riley's eyes. Dean shakes his head at them, telling them not to comment on it. "Maybe we should stop." Bobby suggests. "I almost got it." Pamela shouts. "I command you- Show me your face! Show me your face now!"

      Everyone gasps in surprise as the candles in front of them flare and burst. Pamela screams in pain as her eyes burn and blood flows out of them. She passes out and falls to the floor. Riley catches her and looks at Dean in fear. Pamela sobs as she opens her eyes. They are gone. Her eyes are gone and she is left with empty sockets. "I can't see. I can't see!"

      Riley's head snaps up to Sam. "They won't get here fast enough." Dean looks at her and sees her eyes are back to normal. "Help me get her out to my car. I'll get her there faster." Bobby and Dean share a look. "Now!" They both nod and lift Pamela off the floor. They rush her outside and slide her in the backseat of Bumblebee.

      Bobby sits with Pamela and Riley gets in the front seat. She pulls out of the driveway and bullets down the street. Bumblebee senses the urgency of the situation and speeds up.

       Riley walks into the Johnny Mac Diner and sits between her father and Sam. "How's she doing?" Dean asks her. Riley sighs. "She's stable and out of ICU." Dean nods. "And blind because of us." Riley nods sadly. "And we still have no clue what we're dealing with." Sam says.

      Riley's head snaps up. Her fingertips are tingling. Something is up. "That's not entirely true." Dean says. Sam and Dean both notice Riley's glowing eyes and before Sam can comment, Dean kicks him. She doesn't know, and Dean is going to keep it that way for as long as possible. To protect her.

      "No?" Sam asks as he peels his eyes away from Riley. "We got a name- Castiel or whatever. With the right mumbo jumbo we could summon him, bring him right to us." Sam scoffs. "Are you crazy? Absolutely not." Dean shakes his head. "We'll work him over. I mean, after what he did?"

      "Pam took a peek at him and her eyes burned out of her skull, and you want to have a face-to-face?" Dean stares at Sam duley. "You got a better idea?"

      "Yeah, as a matter of fact, I do-" Riley cuts Sam off by grabbing both Sam and Dean's arms. "Demons." She tells them. A waitress walks over and places food in front of Sam and Dean, then sits in front of them all. Riley smears at her and the waitress stares at her blue eyes for a moment.

      "Aligning for a tip?" Dean asks. The waitress smiles. "Sorry, I thought you were looking for us." Her eyes turn black and Riley looks around at everyone else in the diner. All their eyes are black too. They're all demons.

      One of them walks over to the door and locks it. "Dean..." The demon in front of them starts. "To hell and back." Riley reaches behind her back where her gun is hidden. "Aren't you a lucky duck?" Dean makes a face. "That's me." Riley waits for any chance to strike. Her gun is useless against them, but that doesn't mean she won't shoot for a distraction.

      "So, you get to just stroll out of the pit, huh?" The demon's eyes flicker to Riley's whose eyes are still glowing. "Tell me, what makes you so special." Dean smiles. "I like to think it's because of my perky nipples." The demon stares at Dean and he shakes his head. "I don't know. It wasn't my doing. I don't know who pulled me out." The demon nods. "Right, you don't."

      "No, I don't." Riley narrows her eyes and leans forward. "You don't know, do you?" The demon glances at her and both Winchester brothers see a flicker of fear in her eyes. She's scared of Riley. Riley scoffs. "You don't." The demons have no idea what saved Dean's ass.

      Dean leans forward. "You're just as spooked as we are and you're looking for answers." The demon glances at Sam, but keeps it's eyes on Riley. Riley can see it now too. It's scared of her. "Well, maybe it was some turbocharged spirit, hmm? Or, uh, Godzilla." Riley smirks a bit. "Or some big, bad boss demon. But I'm guessing at your pay grade that they don't tell you squat."

      Dean pauses. "'Cause whoever it was, they want me out... and they're a lot stronger than you." The demons swallows hard and Riley can't help but smirk. "So go ahead. Send me back. But don't come crawling to me when they show up on your front doorstep with some vaseline and a fire hose."

      The demon scowls at Dean. "I'm going to reach down your throat and rip out your lungs." Riley stands up and all the demons flinch. Riley raises an eyebrow at them and leans onto the table, gun in hand. Dean nods at the demon. "That's what I thought."

      They all walk over to the door and with one look from Riley, the demon guarding it steps aside. The three winchesters step outside and Riley laughs. "Demons scared of me? This has to be some major karma." Dean lets out a breath. "Holy crap, that was close." Riley nods and glances back at the diner.

      "We're not just gonna leave them in there, are we, Dean?" Dean points at the diner. "Well, yeah. There's three of them, probably more. We've got one knife between the three of us and I doubt Riley can scare them all to death." Riley smirks. "Wanna bet?"

      Sam sighs. "I've been killing a lot more demons than that lately." Riley glances at Sam. Could that be why she is getting demon vibes off him? "Not anymore. The smarter brother's back in town." Riley snorts at Dean's comment. "Dean, we got to take them. They are dangerous." Dean looks at Sam. "They're scared." He starts.

      "Scared of Riley and scared of whatever had the juice to yank me out." Sam sighs and Riley looks down. Why are they scared of her? "We're dealing with bad mofo here. One job at a time." Suddenly Sam stops walking.

      "Fine. But we are telling Riley." Riley and Dean stop. Riley makes a face. "Tell me what?" Dean glances at her and then Sam. He sighs and turns to Riley, takes out his phone and snaps a photo of her face. Riley raises an eyebrow at him. "What-"

      Dean turns his phone around and shows Riley. She stops talking and stares at the photo. Her eyes are glowing blue. "What the hell?" She asks herself. Dean shakes his head. "I don't know. Whatever it is, is enough to spook the demons." Riley looks at her father and touches her eye.

       "We'll figure it out, but for now we've gotta find what saved my ass."

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