- T W E N T Y - F O U R -

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- T W E N T Y - F O U R -

The Walking Dead
(season 1-11)

'I never thought I would
ever love someone because
they were incapable to love me
and here i found you.'

by @everm0res
- A W A K E-

It was later that night, around eight. Glenn had gotten Maia back to the farm by five at most, he couldn't stop panicking.

Everyone else was extremely confused and panicked. Luna had broken down in tears and Anthony was in shock, the Koa siblings didn't know what to do, they've only seen their sister so hurt once.

Maia came home with bruises and cuts all over her body, her stomach was bleeding and tears streaming down her cheeks. She never told Anthony or anyone for that matter what had really happened. She made sure to never tell anyone.

Luna was laid on the bed next to Maia sniffling, seeing all of the small bandages on her face and arms. Anthony sat on the chair next to the bed, it was like Carl all over again. Maia was laid in the same bed Carl was when he was shot — unconscious and her family waiting for her to wake up.

Anthony sat in the chair with his hand on his chin, staring at his unconscious sister. He didn't know what to do, he hadn't realised how much Maia did for him and Luna until now, when she was laying in a bed, unconscious and with a mild concussion.

She was a pale white colour, it was clear she had lost quite a bit of blood from the attack. Luna was slowly falling asleep, putting her small hand in Maia's hand even if Maia didn't respond.

"Ant?" Luna's voice was small and soft, Anthony snapped out of his small daze and looked at his sister who was still sniffling.

"Yeah?" He responded to his little sister leaning forward in the chair, looking his little sister in the eyes. You could see how worried and sad she was but he had to stay strong for her. For Maia.

"Do you think she's gonna wake up?" Luna looked at Anthony with doe eyes, almost pleading.

Anthony's gaze softened at his little sister's question. He didn't know if Maia was going to wake up, even if it was only a mild concussion, there was no telling when she would regain her consciousness.

"Of course she is." Anthony's voice was soft and tired — Luna just nodded in response and leaned into Maia's shoulder, nuzzling her head into her older sister's neck.

Anthony leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and putting his hands on his chin. He exhaled sharply, almost holding back tears — it was like junior year all over again.

He hated seeing his sister like this and he knew that if she was awake at this very moment she would hate it too. The room was silent, a pin could drop and you'd hear it.

Anthony blinked back tears when he heard a soft knock on the door frame. Both him and Luna looked up to find Glenn there, he held his baseball cap in his hands and a small gaze.

"Glenn." Anthony sighed out causing Glenn to nod. Luna gave Glenn a weak smile, she was so innocent, she had been through hell and she still smiled.

"Can I?" Glenn asked softly, not sure what he was asking but Anthony took the hint before nodding and gesturing to the chair he was sitting on.

"Yeah, of course. Lu, come on, let's get you in your pyjamas okay?" Anthony spoke in a soft tone to his little sister who was hesitant to leave Maia's side. She hesitated to take her hand of Maia's and stood up off of the bed following Anthony out of the room.

Glenn stepped past Anthony and stepped slowly towards the chair next to the bed. He slowly sat down and rested his elbows on his knees, gazing at Maia's pale figure.

He shook his head to himself — biting down on his bottom lip and then rubbed his face with his hand in a distressed manner.

"It should be me." Glenn spoke in a soft tone, talking to Maia's unconscious state. He shook his head again after seeing she wasn't responding, not that he was expecting it.

"It should be me in this bed, hurt and concussed, not you." Glenn whispered and bowed his head looking down at the ground, holding his hands in his lap.

"I'm so sorry." Glenn whispered in a sad tone, he felt guilty. Everything was going great until the walkers attacked, they could never catch a break.

He had given the pills to Lori. The poor woman felt horrible, first it was Maggie who got attacked now Maia? Glenn didn't know what to do — he just sat and stared at Maia's unconscious state with sad eyes.

"I don't even know if you can hear me." Glenn leaned forward to look at Maia. Her eyes were closed, her body slightly limp. Her chest rising and falling ever so evidently, not entirely noticeable.

Glenn just looked at her as a small piece of hair fell in front of her eyes. He took notice and moved the hair behind her ear. He left his hand on her cheek just gazing and examining her face.

No words could explain how much guilt and remorse Glenn was feeling. He felt like he let Maia and the group down in a way — the two said that they would be safe, no problems.

Yet here they were: Maia lying unconscious in a bed with a mild concussion, cuts all over her from glass that penetrated her skin and then Glenn, sitting next to the bed sitting and rotting in his own guilt wishing she'd wake up.

It didn't seem like she would be waking up anytime soon which made Glenn feel even worse, the way her chest rises and falls every few minutes it was obvious that her breathing was starting to stabilise instead of breaking like it had just two hours ago.

He sat there for a few more seconds with his hand on her cheek, his thumb caressing her cheekbone gently before he let his hand fall from her cheek back down to his lap.

"I'm sorry." He whispered gently and inhaled deeply before leaning back in the chair just admiring her features, gazing at her pale face and all of the cuts.

Glenn rested his chin on his palm, letting himself just stare at Maia's unconscious state with sad, guilty eyes thinking that it was all his fault. They finally weren't awkward after everything. They were finally talking properly again. He really liked Maia; he just didn't know how to say anything if she didn't even remember the kiss.

At least that's what he thought.


The next morning had rolled around, the group outside set up by their camp eating breakfast whilst Anthony and Luna sat in the room with Maia as they ate their breakfast.

The sounds of chewing quietly in the room, Luna sitting cross-legged on the mattress next to Maia who was still asleep on her back. Anthony again in the same chair he was the night before taking small bites of his food as he had seemed to lose his appetite.

Every few minutes Maggie would come to check in on him to see if he was okay, ever since last night he was acting differently. Maybe after Maia was unconscious it gave him a real slap in the face.

It didn't feel the same without Maia's sarcastic comments or insults she'd throw Shane or Andrea's way, or even her stupid conversation topics she and T-dog would bring up at the most inconvenient times.

It almost felt wrong in a way.

Luna finished her plate of food and noticed how Anthony was picking at his food. She furrowed her eyebrows in slight concern.

"Ant? why aren't you eating?" Luna asked gently, the right year old saw straight through her older brother.

"I'm just not hungry." He had a lot on his mind to be fair, he spoke with Dale yesterday about telling the group about the walkers in the barn, even though Maggie didn't want him to.

"You're acting like Maia." Luna piped up and Anthony chuckled, shaking his head.

"I'm not." Anthony smiled and then looked over to his still unconscious twin sister again. Maia was laying still on her back and they couldn't do anything about it.

Luna put her plate down and sighed before looking down at Maia again.

"Why isn't she waking up?" Luna asked in a soft and weak tone, almost as if she was about to cry causing Anthony to lean forward and sigh.

"She'll wake up, don't worry." Anthony spoke softly before he put his plate on the side table and stood up from the armchair towards Luna and sat down next to her on the bed.

"She'll be okay." Anthony whispered reassuringly and wrapped his arm around his little sister's shoulder. Luna nuzzled her head into Anthony's chest, seeking comfort and security which Anthony took notice of and put his hand at the back of her head in a comforting manner.

Anthony sits there silently holding his little sister in a comforting embrace, the silence leaving him with his thoughts. He had to tell the group about the barn, it was unsafe and for all they knew they would get overrun sooner or later if that barn was still a secret.

Anthony glanced at Maia's unconscious state for the last time before he pulled away from the embrace and looked Luna in the eyes.

"Come on, we need to go talk to the group — at least I do." Anthony sighed out and Luna nodded with a soft sniffle, Anthony saw a small tear call from Luna's eye and he wiped it away with his thumb.

"She'll be fine, I want her awake just as much as you do." Anthony spoke softly and he brushed a hand through Luna's hair causing her to nod before he patted her shoulder standing up off the bed making it sink ever so slightly.

"Get your plate." He whispered softly and walked to the other side of the bed where his plate laid on the side table before the little girl nodded and stood up as well taking her plate and fork waiting for Anthony to walk with her to the kitchen.

Maggie was sitting at the dining table and saw Luna and Anthony both walk in with their plates causing her to stand up.

"Are you guys okay?" Maggie asked gently and Anthony just nodded before Luna nodded as well.

"Are you sure? I can get you guys more food." Maggie tried to reassure them but Anthony just shook his head and had an uneasy look on his face.

"We're fine, Maggie." Anthony replied in a soft but flat tone. Maggie's face twisted into a look of confusion at his sudden flat attitude but inevitably just nodded.

"Uhm, Anthony can I...can I talk to you for a sec?" Maggie asked and Luna looked up at Anthony before he nodded with a sigh.

"Yeah, sure. Uh, Lu can you go tell Giselle that Maia is still unconscious?" Anthony asked his little sister who nodded in return, sending him a look before putting her plate down in the sink and walking off outside.

Maggie looked to see if Luna was gone and then she looked back at Anthony.

"What's going on with you?" Maggie asked and rested her hands on her hips. Anthony shook his head and sighed before walking past Maggie towards the sink and placed his plate in the sink.

"Don't ignore me." Maggie spoke sternly and put her hand on Anthony's shoulder to turn him around to face her. As soon as she did so she saw Anthony's face, he seemed lost and tired, like he hadn't slept all night.

"What's wrong?" Her voice softened slightly but still stern, looking at his expression, there were dark circles under his eyes and they looked slightly puffy almost as if he was crying.

"Nothing's wrong." Anthony spoke softly and Maggie shook her head and stepped forward.

"No, something's wrong." Maggie's eyes softened and he just shook his head, his eyes heaved slightly.

"You know what, yeah something is wrong. My sister is unconscious in the bedroom right now, her body won't even respond to anything — my little sister is crying her eyes out because she's worried. I don't know what to do with myself. Maia's life is practically on the line here and I don't know when she'll wake up or if she'll ever wake up, she may be breathing and it may be stable but we don't know anything." Anthony rambled and felt tears well up in his eyes before he wiped his face with his hands and inhaled sharply.

"On top of that, you're giving me mixed signals and one second you're mad at me and the next you're kissing me and telling me that I'm brave? You can't stop me from telling the group about the barn. It's dangerous, Maggie and you know it too so if you're gonna be pissed at me about the walker barn-." Anthony was cut off from his rant and Maggie shook her head.

"Don't call it that." Maggie sighed, folding her arms across her chest.

"Whatever, okay? I'm doing what's best for all of us, not just me or the group but you too." Anthony inhaled sharply again and Maggie was biting down her bottom lip causing him to sigh.

"I'm telling them whether you like it or not, I'm sorry but I'm also not." Anthony sighed and watched Maggie look down at her feet before she gave Anthony a look.

"Anthony, please." Maggie pleaded trying to keep her calm but Anthony just shook his head.

"No, Maggie, I'm sorry- Actually no I'm not, this is for the best. It just is, I don't care how pissed at me you'll be." Anthony sighed and then turned around to walk away, leaving Maggie in the kitchen with her thoughts. He was really going to tell them.


Anthony walked out of the Greene house — stopping by Maia first — then walked towards the group who were sitting outside eating their breakfast.

Giselle, Jose, Rosalyn and Izraella were with Luna whilst Glenn was spending time with Lara.

Anthony walked towards the small camp setup earning glances from the rest. Glenn sent Anthony a tight lipped smile and Anthony nodded in return before running his hand through his hair which was slightly knotted.

He stood before the group and sent Dale a nod, earning confused glances from everyone else before he swallowed the lump in his throat, looking back at the house seeing Maggie with her arms folded across her chest on the porch.

"Uh, guys?" Anthony spoke up and caught everyone's attention but they were still eating, waiting for him to speak.

"The barn's full of walkers." Anthony stated flat out, there was no going back now. Everyone's eyes widened as they started to digest this new information.

Worry and fear filled their expressions before they all glanced at each other and then the barn. They stood up and started pacing quickly towards the barn.

As they all arrived at the barn, everyone kept a safe distance before Shane walked forward standing in front of the barn doors peering inside through a small crack.

Hearing the snarling and moans from the walkers in the barn, it was unsettling and made Luna uneasy.

Shane peered into the small crack between the two chained up doors that were held with locks and large chains.

Everyone looked worried and scared, not knowing what to do. They were just told that the barn — that was close to their camp — was filled with the things that were trying to kill them?

"You cannot tell me you're all right with this." Shane glared towards Rick and pushed past him.

"No, I'm not, but we're guests here. This isn't our land." Rick bellowed sternly, staring at the large barn doors in front of them.

"God, this is our lives, man!" Shane exclaimed loudly and Glenn glared towards the bald headed man.

"Lower your voice." Glenn spoke in a stern tone that Lara even looked up to see if it was actually her brother speaking, it was only certain situations where Glenn got upset and stern like this and most of them seemed to involve Shane.

"We can't just sweep this under the rug." Andrea stated the obvious and Anthony felt an unnecessary mad feeling towards her now.

"Well no shit, Andrea. Why do you think I told you?" Anthony practically sized up Andrea at this point, Luna placed her hand on Anthony's as if she was attempting to pull him back before Izraella quickly stepped in and pushed him back.

"No it's not right, not remotely. We've either got to go in there, we've got to make things right, or we've just got to go. Now we have been talking about Fort Benning for a long time." Shane was quickly cut off by a stern Rick.

"We can't go."

"Why, Rick? Why?" Shane looked at Rick with a serious expression before Carol stepped forward.

"Because my daughter is still out there." Carol had a tinge of hope in her voice. Luna stood next to Rosalyn and Lara holding their hands seeking comfort.

Luna had a feeling that they wouldn't find her and with Carl being back on his feet and with a gun? She felt like she was losing one of her friends, her and Carl were close in Atlanta but Jose was here and Luna knew that maybe it was for the better?

The little girl wasn't jealous, she just didn't feel in place or maybe it was just because Maia was unconscious, it didn't feel right.

"Okay," Shane sighed and covered his mouth with his hands and stared at Carol in the eye.

"I think it's time that we all start to just consider the other possibility." Shane sighed before Izraella spoke up.

"Maia is still unconscious, we can't just leave her here while we all leave and flee for "safety", Fort Benning can easily be the worst option right now." Izraella glared at Shane and he scoffed.

"Yeah she's unconscious but how long will she be unconscious for huh? Got any idea?" Shane stared at Izraella who was fighting the urge to knock his teeth out at that very moment.

"Shane, We're not leaving Sophia behind." Rick piped up seriously and Daryl walked out from behind Carol.

"I'm close to finding this girl. I just found her damn fill two days ago." Daryl countered Shane's response and he laughed bitterly.

"You found her doll, Daryl. That's what you did. You found a doll." Shane scoffed.

"Man, you don't know what the hell you're talking about!" Daryl exclaimed and swung his arm in a frustrated manner.

"I'm just saying what needs to be said. You get a good lead, it's in the first 48 hours!" Shane was practically yelling at this rate and Giselle had ushered the kids slightly away from the argument trying to keep them calm.

"Shane, stop." Rick raised his voice to Shane who had a bitter smirk on his face.

"Let me tell you something else, man. If she was alive out there and saw you coming, all met her out with your buck knife, and geek ears around your neck, she would run in the other direction!" Shane ranted and Daryl was getting even more defensive now, he stepped forward and tried to swing his fist before Rick quickly kept them away from each other before the rest quickly stepped in to help.

"Back off!" Rick yelled and Shane spoke in a stern tone to Lori.

"Keep your hands off me."

"Now just let me talk to Hershel. Let me figure it out." Rick held his hand out in a mediating manner and Shane scoffed before turning on his heels and pacing towards Rick again.

"What are you gonna figure out?" Shane exclaimed and Lori pushed Shane by his chest to keep him from stepping any closer to Rick at all costs.

"If we're gonna stay, if we're gonna clear this barn, I have to talk him into it. This is his land!" Rick exclaimed before Dale stepped in.

"Hershel sees those things in there as people, sick people, his wife, his stepson." Dale explained and Rick looked at him in disbelief.

"You knew?" Rick was in pure shock, he wasn't expecting it. Giselle held the kids back a bit and sighed before ushering backwards so they wouldn't have to hear but they all refused.

"Yesterday, I talked to Hershel." Dale stated and the group all looked between the men.

"And you waited the night?" Shane was getting defensive again and Anthony wasn't having it — with anyone at this rate — he was mad and he would punch someone if he had to.

"I thought we could survive one more night. We did." Dale defended himself and Shane shook his head unimpressed.

"I was waiting till this morning to say something. But Anthony wanted to be the one to say something." Dale spoke and everyone's gaze went towards Anthony.

Shane scoffed and then paced towards Anthony.

"Oh, so you wanted to be the one to break the news huh? How long have you known! These are our lives man!" Shane exclaimed and sized Anthony up causing him to chuckle bitterly.

"You better back the hell up." Anthony pushed Shane back and Rick held them both apart.

"The man is crazy, Rick, If Hershel thinks those things are alive or no!" Shane exclaimed and the doors of the barn started rattling.

Everybody stumbled back a bit and heard the loud growls and groans from the inside of the barn which held the walkers.


Anthony sat next to the bed that Maia laid in and Rosalyn, Izraella and Jose sat with him. They were all sitting in silence before the sounds of footsteps went past the door.

Anthony saw Maggie spare him a small, annoyed glance. Izraella, Jose and Rosalyn all sent him a look before he got up out of the chair and followed her.

Maggie held a woven basket in her hands as she walked towards the chicken coop. Anthony paced behind her and she walked faster until she was inside picking eggs.

"Maggie." Anthony called out to her.

She ignored him.

"Hey, Maggie, just talk to me." Anthony pleaded and she ignored him again, stepping out of the chicken coop and shut the door.

She walked around the chicken coop and completely ignored him by walking past him when he attempted to talk to her.

"Hey." Anthony spoke softly.

"Maggie." Anthony bit back a slight yell as he wanted to catch the woman's attention and she stopped in her tracks, turning around and walking back towards him.

"Give me your hand. You said talk to you, I'm talking to you. Give me your hand." Maggie said with an annoyed gaze before Anthony gave her a slight confused glare before he held out his hand.

She then put her hand in the basket, took an egg out and placed it in his hand.

"What? Why are you-." Anthony was cut off by the sensation of her hand moving the hand with the egg to his head and cracking it on his head.

His mouth was now agape and he closed his eyes to not get the egg in them.

"Why would you waste an egg like that?" Anthony doubled over slightly and wiped the egg over his face that was dripping before flicking it on the grass.

"I think it was rotten." Maggie turned around and walked away back to the house.


The sounds of hushed voices filled Maia's ears as she slowly regained consciousness, she was aware of everything around her and her eyes fluttered open slowly.

The kids gasped softly and Jose ran off out of the room to fetch Anthony, who had cleaned the egg off of his head.

"Mai." Luna smiled and hugged her sister's waist as she laid in the bed. Maia barely knew where she was for a second, her head throbbed and some of the cuts on her arms stung.

Maia groaned softly and gave Luna a weak smile.

"Hey." Maia's voice came out in a soft whisper before Luna pulled back. Maia's eyes felt heavy and she gazed around to see Izraella, Rosalyn and Luna in the room with her.

She blinked a couple of times to stop the blurriness in her vision.

"We were goddamn worried, asshole." Izraella sighed and flicked Maia's forehead softly.

"There was no need for that." Maia's voice was raspy and groggy from being unconscious for so long.

"Is Glenn okay?" Maia asked softly and Izraella's eyebrows raised before nodding.

"Yeah he's fine, just a bit of a nervous wreck." Izraella pushed a piece of hair out of Maia's face before the raven haired girl sighed as she laid flat on her back.

Maia sighed and thought of Glenn, he must've been so scared. She felt bad for him. She then looked over at Luna who was looking at her older sister.

"I was so scared, Mai. I thought you weren't gonna wake up." Luna spoke softly and Maia sighed and took Luna's hand.

"Well, I'm okay now, aren't I? I always come back." Maia smiled weakly at her sister and Luna let a small tear roll down her cheek.

Jose came running into the room and Anthony was behind him.

"Thank fuck." Anthony's voice sighed out and he came forward, walking towards the bed and looked at his sister who had her eyes heaving, threatening to close.

"Hi." Maia smiled cheekily and she closed her eyes for two seconds before opening them again and blinking a few times.

Anthony scoffed and sat in the chair next to her.

"You're stupid you know that?" Anthony sighed out and stared at his twin sister.

"Well shit, I woke up concussed and I'm getting insulted first thing." Maia groaned as she tried to shift to get comfortable again, as she could finally feel her arms and legs again.

Rosalyn chuckled from beside Maia and Luna sat down next to her.

"Hey there, Rosie." Maia smiled and she then saw Jose.

"Hey dude." Maia chuckled ever so slightly and the two Ramirez siblings looked at each other and then at Izraella and Anthony.

"She's definitely concussed." Rosalyn spoke and Maia rolled her eyes while the others laughed softly.

"Shut up." Maia sighed and tried to shift a bit before Anthony just helped her a bit.

"Thanks." Maia sighed out and looked at the others who were just staring at her, she gazed around at them and raised her eyebrows.

"What?" She asked in a confused manner.

"Uhm, I'm gonna break it to her." Anthony sighed and Maia furrowed her eyebrows turning her head to him.

"What? Break what?" Maia's voice broke a bit from the grogginess in her tone and Anthony sighed.

"There are walkers in the barn." Anthony spoke softly and Maia's eyes went wide.

"What? Is anyone hurt?" She attempted to sit up but failed miserably and felt lightheaded.

"Don't sit up." Izraella ushered her down again and she laid there feeling helpless.

"No, no one is hurt, but there was a huge argument with Shane." Anthony replied and Maia rolled her eyes.

"Who else would it be." Maia muttered in annoyance and the kids giggled softly.

"Look, I have to go on watch for Dale for a few minutes, we're gonna leave you to sleep, you need rest." Anthony sighed and took his sister's hand in his, she looked at him with the same look she always gave him after she had a fight with their dad.

She always took the hits from their father, it was a horrible feeling. But she just wanted her siblings to be okay, even if it meant she had to get hurt to keep it that way. She always gave Anthony this look every time an argument ended, it was a mixture of sadness and helplessness.

Maia currently felt helpless and useless just lying down in this bed but she couldn't help it. Her eyes heaved and her head throbbed but she would never admit it. She just didn't want to worry her friends and family.

"We're gonna go, okay?" Anthony whispered to her in a comforting tone and kissed her forehead before standing up.

"Come on, guys." Anthony ushered the others out before Rosalyn stayed behind and gave Maia a mini-hug before the other two kids piled on and Maia groaned with a soft, weak laugh.

"Tell Lara and Carl I say Hi." Maia smiled softly and waved to Luna who waved right back at her.

"I'll tell Glenn you're awake, he will be relieved." Izraella smirked and Maia rolled her eyes.

"Okay." Maia muttered and closed her eyes for a few seconds.

The sounds of footsteps echoed down the hallway and she heard a sigh of relief enter the room. She opened her eyes and they met with Glenn's, he smiled softly as she looked at him.

"Maia..." Glenn sighed and walked towards the chair next to the bed.

"Are you okay?" Glenn asked softly and Maia nodded.

"I'm fine." Her voice came out in a soft whisper.

"I'm so sorry." Glenn spoke in a soft tone that was filled with remorse.

"For what?" Maia asked softly.

"For not being able to help you in time." Glenn spoke softly and looked at the ground and Maia tried to sit up again.

Glenn quickly looked up and helped her, placing his hand on her back and she shook her head as she used the upper body strength she had to sit up and lean her head on the headboard of the bed.

"It's fine I got it." She muttered but Glenn still helped her regardless.

"Glenn, shit happens, you were the one to save me and I'm so grateful." Maia spoke in a soft spoken tone looking at Glenn with a certain look. He couldn't tell if it was admiration or something else.

"Thank you, if you didn't save me I would've literally been a walker's dinner." Maia tried to lighten the mood and Glenn chuckled slightly, shaking his head at the girl.

She always tried to have a light atmosphere after something serious happened, she was concussed and still making jokes.

"You don't have to thank me, Mai." Glenn spoke softly and Maia's eyes softened at the use of the nickname. He noticed and his cheeks flushed a little bit.

"Can I call you that?" Glenn asked in a slightly nervous tone and Maia chuckled and leaned her head back.

"Yeah of course you can, we're friends, remember?" Maia smiled weakly and her eyes heaved.

"You look exhausted." Glenn spoke in the same tone and Maia just nodded.

"I am." Maia sighed.

"Thanks Glenn, for everything." Maia hesitantly reached out for Glenn's hand and held it for a few seconds.

She was attempting to show her gratitude but as soon as she felt his hand in hers, an odd feeling was in her stomach and her heart raced slightly.

"No need to thank me." Glenn's cheeks flushed and he looked down at their hands.

"I'm gonna do it anyway." Maia smirked slightly and Glenn just smiled in return before she noticed they still held hands.

She took her hand out of his and she cleared her throat.

"You hungry?" He asked her and she shook her head.

"No, no, I'm okay thank you." Maia muttered softly and he nodded before standing up again.

"You sure you don't want anything, I can get you water or something?" Glenn asked, walking towards the door.

"I'm okay, Glenn. Don't worry about me." Maia sent him a soft smile and Glenn smiled at her in return, he could feel the blood rushing to his cheeks and Maia noticed.

She said nothing but Glenn nodded and walked out of the room before she sighed.

Glenn poked his head back into the room.

"Feel better, alright?" Glenn spoke in a reassuring tone which Maia found comforting.

"Thanks, Glenn." Maia smiled softly and he nodded before walking out.

Maia sighed to herself before she closed her eyes.

She internally groaned as everything was slowly falling into place.

She couldn't deny it any longer.

She really liked him.

She liked Glenn.


jada speaks!!
y'all...i swear i can explain
i am just a lazy bitch okay?
I had no motivation whatsoever and as well as writers block SO im so sorry for the delay of the chapters, i've definitely been lacking in the writing department BUT im back and ready for the new year.
merry christmas and happy new year guy, as well as a new year, new maia our bae has finally given in and STOPPED DENYING HER FEELINGS!!
finally if you ask me...
but enough from me, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and enjoy your new years <33
tags: AngelKissesWP BerxshiresWp p0iisoned avaawritesz katgrahamslvrr eltheria Pizzaboyrheewp
(this was not proof read if it's ass, blame the no proof reading)

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