𝗶𝘅. 𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻 '𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗶 𝗱𝗶𝗲

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chapter fourteen

eighteen 'till i die


JORDANNA SIGHED AS she looked down at her phone. She hadn't spoken to Rebekah since after she had left her at the Salvatore Boarding House, the witch had asked Rebekah if she wanted to stay at her house but she declined, Jordanna had been texting her to make sure the original was okay, but she hadn't gotten anything back.

They were supposed to be getting ready for homecoming together—with Caroline. Yes, I know, both the blondes together probably wouldn't be the best mix. However, Jordanna hadn't told the vampires that the other would be joining them. Was she forcing a friendship? Yes. Would it work? Probably not. But was she still going to continue these efforts? Definitely.

Jordanna had also invited Bonnie to the little get-together, to which the Bennett also declined, she was probably off trying to figure out what the 'Scooby Gang' were up to—Jordanna wasn't that stupid, of course she knew they were up to something. They always were, weren't they?

But that didn't make Jordanna feel any less weird, it was her birthday and they were all spending it plotting against the big bad hybrid. Jordanna didn't want to sound self centered or anything but wasn't your birthday supposed to revolve around I don't know.. you?

She had received pathetic little texts from Damon and Elena—even humanity-less Stefan, which surprised her. Even in his depressed, emotionless state he still cared, sort of.

Jordanna grumbled under her breath as she threw her warm bed sheets off of her body, her feet padded against the cold floor as she got up to answer the door.

"What?" She snapped as she hastily opened the door. God, she looked a mess. Eyebags dark under her eyes, hair sticking up in odd places, some strands wavy, some straight; she looked like she had gotten in a fight with a goddamn tree.

"Happy birthday!" Caroline Forbes squealed, engulfing her best friend in a tight hug. 

"What—Uh, hi Caroline," Jordanna said as she tried to free her arms, which were compressed under the blonde's body.

Caroline unwrapped her arms from the girl, "I seriously can't believe you're eighteen! You're practically an old lady. Is that a wrinkle I see?"

Jordanna rolled her eyes, tone dry as she spoke. "Ouch." She turned away from the vampire and walked further into her house, not before taking a quick glance at the mirror which was held up on her wall, searching for any sign of wrinkles.

Caroline practically skipped behind the raven-haired girl as they headed to her bedroom to get ready for an eventful night.

Roughly an hour or two later Caroline, Jordanna and now Bonnie—who had joined them a little while after Caroline had arrived, walked into the Lockwood manor, shocked. Homecoming got cancelled at school, something about the gym being flooded. Bullshit.

"How did he plan a better party than me so fast?" Caroline whined, with it being Jordanna's birthday Caroline had taken over the party planning, she was ecstatic, Jordanna was a huge control freak when it came to stuff like this, so the fact she had allowed her to plan it was an achievement.

"Who are all these people?" Bonnie asked, looking around. 

"God knows," Jordanna muttered as she took her coat off, revealing one of the dresses she had bought back in Chicago.

"This is weird," Caroline muttered, somewhat annoyed. "Where's, Tyler?" The blonde stormed away before anyone could answer her. 

Jordanna rolled her eyes at the girl before turning to Bonnie, "I'm gonna' get a drink. Want anything?"

The witch shoved her way through the crowd after Bonnie had shook her head in answer, her eyes drifted to Tyler, who was holding a crate of beers in his hands.

"Lockwolf," she yelled, Tyler spun around and smiled at the girl. "I'll take one of those," she snatched a beer from the crate and popped the top.

"Happy birthday, J," the hybrid greeted, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. 

"Thanks, Ty."

Stefan appeared next to the two friends— "Hey Stefan! What's up?" Tyler greeted the vampire, shooting him a quick smile.

"Hey Tyler," he said before his eyes drifted to Jordanna. "Hey Jords! Happy birthday by the way!" He grinned slyly, "I got you something."

Jordanna choked on her drink and looked at the vampire sceptically, "you did?"

"Oh, yeah! Didn't think I was going to miss my best friend's birthday did you?" Stefan smirked as he reached into his pocket, pulling out a long, black velvet box.

Jordanna slowly took the box from the vampire with a raised eyebrow, the Salvatore just motioned for her to open it as Tyler stood and watched the encounter in slight amusement.

She lifted the box lid to see a beautiful diamond bracelet. "Wow," her mouth formed an 'o' as she looked down at the piece of jewellery, eyes wide in surprise. "Thank you, Stef."

"Oh! It's nothing really," Stefan shrugged off with a grin, "I saw it on the girl I ate today and couldn't help but think it'd be perfect for you."

"Uh—Thanks, I guess?" She said, pulling the bracelet from the box and held her wrist out to the vampire with a sweet smile. "Put it on for me?"

"Anything for you" Stefan teased as he clipped the bracelet on. Jordanna hated to admit it, but she loved humanity less Stefan, he was so fun.

"Nice party, Tyler," Stefan told the hybrid as he, too, grabbed a beer from him. 

Tyler grinned proudly, "thanks but I'm not the one throwing it. I'm just doing what Klaus wants."

Jordanna choked on her drink.

"What?" She asked, looking around. "Klaus is here?"

"What do you mean?" Stefan asked, brows furrowed. 

Tyler smiled cheekily, "it's not a party man, it's a wake."

Asif on cue the original hybrid himself, Niklaus Mikaelson, stepped onto the stage and the crowd cheered loudly as Jordanna's breath hitched lightly at the sight of the man dressed in a suit.

Jordanna took a long sip of her beer to try hide her nerves—why was she nervous, she was never nervous. Especially around men, women, sure, men, definitely not.

"Good evening everyone!" Klaus' voice echoed across the Lockwood estate. "I wanna' thank you for being here with me to celebrate! It's been a long time coming!"

Jordanna groaned as she looked over at Stefan "what's going on? What the hell did you do?"

"We daggered Mikael last night," the vampire in question shrugged, taking a sip from his beer, unbothered.

Jordanna looked at him with a small smirk and nodded her head, "should've told me, I would've loved to see that."

Before Stefan could reply Klaus approached them, his eyes tracing over Jordanna. He immediately recognized the dress she was wearing—from their time together in Chicago. Sadly, he was still yet to see the dress he desired.

The silky emerald clung to her body tightly. The thin straps exposed her shoulders and neck. Her dress fell mid thigh, it tied at the right hip—exposing more leg. Leaving little to the imagination. 

 He stood so close she could feel his presence next to her. "Well, I must say you look ravishing, love," he whispered in her ear; breath hitting her neck, though his lowered voice made no effect on the others as they could still hear the hybrid—it did, however, effect the witch, she felt chills run up and down her spine. 

She slowly looked up at the man with squinted eyes. "Thank you," she hummed before her eyes slowly, yet slyly, trailed over him. "You don't look to bad yourself."

Stefan narrowed his eyes at The Original, feeling slightly over protective of the witch. Jordanna had a way of invading his mind, you see, even with the no humanity he still cared. "Quite the homecoming," he interrupted Klaus' little moment.

Klaus began to lead the three through the crowd; wrapping his arm around Jordanna's waist in doing so, though the witch sent him a look and slapped his arm away. Klaus eccentrically rolled his eyes, holding his hands up in mock surrender. "I've been planning my father's funeral for a thousand years. Granted, in no version of it were any of these people invited, but you get the idea."

"So, what now, you stop running?" The Salvatore questioned as he followed after the pair.

Klaus hummed, nodding his head, coming to a stop, "now I reunite my family."

Jordanna's eyes snapped to his, he briefly looked down at her with a smile before looking back up at Stefan.

"Your family?" Stefan raised his eyebrows. "You mean the people you cart around in caskets?"

Jordanna snorted at the vampire before muttering an 'ow' as Klaus pinched her on the side of her hip where his hand rested as he moved behind her, now facing Stefan properly. "None of that matters anymore, Mikael is gone. Bygones will be bygones." Klaus watched with a sudden peak of interest as a girl with a tiara walked past; Jordanna's eyes narrowed at the girl. "Seems the homecoming queen still walks among the living, which leads me to believe Rebekah isn't here.. where is she?"

"Yeah, I haven't heard from her since yesterday," Jordanna voiced, concerned on her friend's whereabouts.

Stefan shrugged his shoulders, "I have no idea. I thought she was coming with Matt."

"Matt?" Jordanna furrowed her brows, why the hell did she want to come with Matt of all people? No offence to Matt or anything but... Matt?

Klaus stepped closer to the younger vampire, "oh, be honest now, Stefan. Where is my sister?"

"I said I have no idea," Stefan rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. "How would you like me to take you to your father?"

"Well it wouldn't be a party without the guest of honour would it? Bring him to me," Klaus smirked.

"Alright . . . Perhaps there's something in it for me?" Stefan asked hopefully. "My freedom from your compulsion?"

Jordanna, too, looked up at the hybrid in a hopeful matter. She loved ripper Stefan, however she missed kind, bunny munching Stefan. Her best friend Stefan, the one who she could sit and talk to for hours about her problems—specifically boy and girl problems.

She was in desperate need of a Stefan Salvatore therapy session.

"Oh, you want your freedom. Well, once he is dead and his weapon destroyed, you can have your freedom," Klaus told the vampire with a nod. "It'll be my pleasure to give it back. Now, if you'll excuse us, I would like a dance with the beautiful Jordanna."

Jordanna was about to decline but the hybrid gave her a look she couldn't possibly say no to. "One dance. That's it." She prodded a finger in his direction. "And don't get handsy, you do that a lot."

He held his hand out with a smirk, Jordanna's signature glossy lips upturned into a soft smile as she placed her hand in his. He pulled the witch against his chest, faces merely inches apart—lips almost touching. "You do look stunning if I hadn't already told you, sweetheart," he whispered as his warm breath fanned her face. 

"You might've mentioned it, though you're certainly not the first," Jordanna said sweetly, teasing as she pulled her eyes from his lips. His hand dragged down to her waist, while the other held her hand in his. 

The hybrid smirked as he heard her pulse quicken, "yes, but I'm the only one that matters." Jordanna smiled widely at his ego, shaking her head as she lifted her arm to lay it on his shoulder as they swayed to the soft rhythm, getting lost in the moment.

"Not really, but you can believe that if you makes you feel better," the Jones teased in reply.

"There's nothing to believe, sweetheart. I know I'm the only one that matters," he offered her a cocky smirk in reply.

"Whatever you say," she trailed off, a small smile playing at her lips.

"Exactly," he grinned. "Whatever I say."

"You're delusional, you know that?" The Jones rose her brows before shaking her head lightly as the Mikaelson merely shrugged. She contemplated something before she spoke up once again.

"They've got something planned Nikky," Jordanna began, her voice low. "I'm not sure what exactly it is but I know it involves Mikael." It didn't take a genius to figure that out- Elena's incessant nagging about Mikael and Rebekah's story, the caves. Of course they were up to something; when are they not.

"Why are you helping me?" Klaus asked curiously as his eyes caught sight of his necklace which still hung around her neck, sitting between the curve of her breasts. 

Jordanna looked down as they swayed to the music—to be honest she didn't know why she told him. She could of helped her friends and betrayed him and Rebekah, but she didn't want to. She didn't want to do that to them, deep down she knew that they meant more to her than that, that he meant more. But would she admit that? Would she fuck. 

Rebekah was her friend and Klaus? Klaus was Klaus. They had an understanding, a friendship of sorts—but it wasn't just a friendship, was it? 

"You've given the others a reason to hate you," the raven-haired witch shrugged. "But you haven't given me a reason to hate you. I probably should, friend loyalties and all . . . but I don't. I don't know why, but I can't bring myself to hate you. I'm not sure I ever could. I do care about you weirdly enough," she admitted, meeting Klaus' gaze.

Klaus was shocked; to say the least. He hadn't actually thought she'd up and tell him how she felt. The hybrid gulped, swallowing his nerves "I care about you a lot Jordanna. More than I'd like to admit, which scares me."

After their dance, Klaus led Jordanna over to a moping Tyler Lockwood. "My mom would seriously freak if she saw all these people here."

"Your mother won't be a problem; I compelled her to go to church and pray for your friends," Klaus informed with his infamous smirk. Jordanna choked on the air- what the hell?

Tyler's face twisted in confusion, "what are you talking about?"

"I want you to look around. There is Bonnie," he gestured towards the witch with his beer bottle before his eyes drifted off, "there's Elena and Matt. There's your girlfriend Caroline. Epic dance was wrecked tonight and who came through with the party? You did. What a pal." Klaus smirked as he took in Tyler's expression. "But who are all these other people?"

Jordanna looked over all the people the original was referring to—she didn't recognize half the people there. "I have no idea," Tyler answered. "I have never seen half these people in my life."

"That's because I invited a few dozen friends of my own," Klaus gestured to a group of hybrids. "That's my friend Mindy—picked her up along the way in Kansas. Did you know that there's an entire bloodline of werewolves in the heartland? That's Tony, from North Dakota. And lets not forget Seattle contingent."

"No one cares Klaus," Jordanna told him uninterestedly as she sipped on her drink. She couldn't care less about hybrids nor where he got them from. "You got yourself a little werewolf groupie fan club—it's cute."

"Jordanna," Klaus warned, trying to mask the small smile that his lips threatened to spill.

"Are those people all hybrids?" Tyler asked, eyes widening.

"Duh, Ty. Use your brain, doll," Jordanna informed rolling her eyes.

"Well, they also love a good party. And they, like you, are sired by me," the original announced with an evil glint in his eyes. "They wish to serve their master. So if anyone should so much as make a move against me, they may feel obligated to retaliate. You're free to warn your friends," he shrugged innocently, taking Jordanna's hand in his and lead her away.

"Caroline and Bonnie stay out of this, Klaus," Jordanna told him firmly.

"I promise you they shall come to no harm at my hands," Klaus assured before his eyes spotted Elena in the crowd. "Come along love, we have more people to threaten."

"Yeah-no," Jordanna said pulling away, "I don't want to ruin my night by talking to her, so I'm gonna get my jacket. I'll be back."

Jordanna spun around and walked into the living area of the house, a red cup in her hand as she sauntered around, looking for her jacket. She found it hanging up besides an annoyed looking Bonnie, she headed towards her, but before she could get within a vicinity a rough hand was placed over her mouth and she was dragged out of the room and into the awaiting arms of Mikael.

The Jones thrashed around, screaming into his hand, to attract attention as she felt a sharp, stabbing pain in her neck, he injected her with something—the witch tried to use her magic, but it was no use, whatever it was that he injected her with seemed to immobilise her powers for the time being. Her legs kicked out as she tried to free herself but Mikael merely held her tighter, not even flinching as the heel of her Jimmy Choo's slammed down onto his feet. Repeatedly

"It seems your friends would do anything to rid Niklaus from this earth, even if that meant risking your life," the eldest original taunted causing Jordanna to frown.

"Am I supposed to know who you are?" Jordanna asked spitefully—obviously she knew who he was, she wasn't an idiot. But she wanted to dim his ego slightly, I mean he was kidnapping her after all.

"Mikael, you might've heard of me," the original gritted his teeth in annoyance. 

"Well, Mikael, care to elaborate on what the hell you're talking about, you psychotic son of a bitch?" The witch asked, thrashing about in his arms as she tried to push down the pit in her stomach.

"Your friends informed me that my son has a soft spot for you. Pity really. What a better way to lure him out of the house. The doppelganger even gave me her blessing, the elder Salvatore too." Mikael smirked as Jordanna squirmed trying to get out of his hold.

"Of course she did," the witch muttered under her breath. "Don't get your knickers in a twist Martin. I don't even know your son. Or you as a matter of fact. Who are you again?"

The original gritted his teeth, cursing under his breath, before Jordanna's world went black and her body fell limp.

Jordanna's eyes fluttered open as she regained consciousness, she found herself on the front porch of  the Lockwood mansion. Jordanna winced as a sharp pain was sent through her head, she felt a trickle of something—blood, drip down her face. She pulled at her arms to wipe the substance away, only to find her arms held tightly in someone's grip, keeping her in place.

Well . . . she didn't expect her eighteenth birthday to go like this, Jesus Christ.

"The hell," Jordanna whispered as she looked around, her eyes stopping as they fell onto the doppelganger. The witch's eyes narrowed at the brunette. "Kat, what the fuck?" She whisper-shouted across to the Petrova.

Katherine's eyes widened. She knew it was her? Jordanna rolled her eyes at the vampire's shocked state and tried to concentrate on the voices—Klaus and Mikael. 

She could hear them but couldn't interpret what they were saying. She needed to think fast—the witch currently had no idea what was going on and she didn't like that. She liked being in control of a situation, especially if her life was at risk. I guess she'd just have to improvise.

If she could get through a goddamn exorcism she could get through this.

Jordanna tripped on her own feet, stumbling over in her heels as she was pushed into Mikael's awaiting arms. Klaus' face dropped at the sight of the witch being held by his father, fear flashed across the hybrid's eyes briefly before he quickly hid it. 

"What about her? Hm, Niklaus? After all these years you haven't learned, have you boy? Your impulse Niklaus, it has and will forever be the only thing that keeps you from being truly great," Mikael stabbed Katherine with a dagger and pulled it out before stabbing it into Jordanna's stomach.

The Jones tried to push away that nagging voice in the back of her head telling her she'd HIV from the blood, but it was a real thing to be concerned about!

Jordanna bit her lip, suppressing a groan as she fell to the ground—she would not give Mikael the satisfaction of letting him think he had won. Not even on her death bed. Jordanna glanced down at her dress, the silk fabric was soaked in blood as small amounts dropped onto the pavement. The witch gritted her teeth, running her tongue across her lip in annoyance.

He had ruined her dress.

She heard the faint voice of Katherine mumble 'kaboom' and a loud bang soon followed after—next thing she knew the doppelganger sped in front of her and shoved an herb in her mouth. The witch spluttered out and scowled up at the brunette, "what the fuck, Kat?"

Katherine rolled her eyes as she cautiously looked around, "it'll bring back your magic, idiot."

"Why the hell do you have it then?" Jordanna spoke at a hushed whisper, swallowing the vile taste of the herb as she slowly felt her fingers tingle. 

"'Cause you're always getting yourself into crap, and I'm always saving your ass, Jords. Never know when I might need it," she shrugged before holding a hand out to the Jones and pulling her up from the ground. "Plus, Stefan may have mentioned something about Elena and Damon bringing you into this . . . so I thought it best to be safe and bring it."

"Oh," Jordanna let out. "Well, thanks."

"No problem," the Pierce woman responded, she looked back. "I better go, good luck."

Jordanna watched her speed off before she crossed the porch of the Lockwood house. Her body felt hot as the magic travelled through her veins. The raven-haired girl turned as everyone was distracted and held her blood stained hand out to the eldest Mikaelson; the wretched man fell to his knees, groaning in pain. He clutched at his head, withering in pain. Her left hand shot out, throwing Damon off of the Original hybrid and harshly into the wall besides them, "Klaus, now."

Klaus looked down at the abandoned white oak stake besides him and grabbed it—driving it through Mikael's small, small heart. Jordanna let a relaxed sigh escape her lips as she dropped her hand to her side while the other held the wound on her stomach tightly.

God, that hurt like a bitch.

Jordanna zoned out the conversation going on behind her and continued to glare at Mikael's dead body. Her vision was hazy and head pounded, black spots danced across her vision but she merely blinked—ignoring it. She flinched as a hand gently touched her shoulder, she turned to find a concerned Klaus Mikaelson stood looking down at her. He quickly grabbed her forearm and sped them to a room in the Lockwood Mansion, where Tyler had so generously let him use for the night.

"I'm fine Klaus," Jordanna groaned as she pushed his hand away from her face. The hybrid had given her his blood for the wound on her stomach and had been nagging at her for the past ten minutes.

"I'm just checking, sweetheart," Klaus rolled his eyes, holding his hands up in mock surrender. 

Jordanna smiled at the original, "thank for, uh—that. I should probably get going now."

Klaus smirked as he noticed the slight nervous façade the girl held, "it was my pleasure." 

Jordanna laughed slightly as she stared at the hybrid contemplating something; Klaus watched her with narrowed eyes as she neared him. The witch embraced the him in a tight hug. "Thank you," she repeated with a sigh. 

Klaus was shocked at first, he never pegged Jordanna for the affectionate type but nonetheless wrapped his arm around the witch's waist before squeezing lightly. He drew in a deep breath and inhaled her scent; something was comforting, familiar, about the witch. He felt at home, something he hadn't felt in a very long time.

His hand stayed on her waist as they pulled away from the hug, he drew her in closer to him, not wanting her to leave yet. Their noses brushed together as they held eye contact. "Goodnight Klaus," she breathed out before turning to walk away, only for a firm grip on her wrist to pull her back into the arms of the hybrid. 

Their lips smashed together in a passionate kiss. His hand regained its place on her waist as Jordanna's hand made its way to his hair and she tangled her fingers in the curls before tugging lightly, earning a small groan from the man. 

Klaus picked Jordanna up, wrapping her legs around his waist, her breath hitched as her back slammed against the wall. Klaus' hand rested besides her head as they slowly pulled away, out of breath, while the other held her up firmly by the thigh. Jordanna slowly pulled away, resting her head against the wall and looked into the eyes of the man before her.

Smirking Klaus spoke huskily, "please call me Nik," before Klaus's lips trailed down to her neck.

Jordanna threw herself onto her bed as soon as she arrived home.

Klaus kissed her.

She kissed him back.

She didn't regret it at all.

The witch sighed as she threw her shoes across the room, dropping her coat to the side of the bed. Jordanna groaned as she threw her body up, "fuck's sake." 

Grumbling curses under her breath, she made her way to her wardrobe, she hastily pulled the doorknob open, grabbing an oversized shirt and a hair tie she turned back to her bed, something perched on her bedside table caught her attention. She made her way over, there sat a long velvet box, a bouquet of light pink peonies and a rolled piece of paper.

He remembered her favourite flowers? 

Jordanna's eyes furrowed as she picked the parchment up, unrolling it only to reveal a drawing of herself. A quiet gasp left her lips as she stared down at it—her eyes trailed across to the writing in the corner of the sketch.

'Happy birthday sweetheart, yours truly Nik.'

A soft smile etched onto her face as she picked up the velvet box. She opened it to see a beautiful diamond necklace; however it wasn't just any necklace, it was her mothers. Her eyes filled with water as she looked down at the necklace. How the hell did Klaus find it?

When they were on the road she had lost it, she even did a location spell on it but it came up blank. Her dainty hands pulled the necklace in her grasp and she stood like that for a moment.

Her thoughts clouded with one man.

Niklaus Mikaelson.

Oh sweet Jesus, she liked that man.

{AN} ew ok so I was to high and lazy to edit this so have fun xox

(edited 15/02/22)

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