𝘅. 𝗽𝗮𝗰𝗶𝗳𝘆 𝗵𝗲𝗿

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chapter fifteen

pacify her


"HE KISSED YOU?" Caroline exclaimed, looking over at her best friend with a wide smile on her face. 

"Yep," Jordanna responded as she sat on her bed with a tub of ice cream.

Caroline had shown up in the middle of the night after Tyler had told her what happened. She was furious with Damon and Elena; furious that they were willing to sacrifice Jordanna for their own selfish needs. She had ended up staying the night, claiming that she had to be sure the witch didn't bleed out in her sleep or something—even though she knew Klaus gave her his blood so she'd be fine.

Dramatic much?

"Did you kiss him back?" The blonde smirked as she snatched the ice cream out of the witch's hands, earning a groan from her. 

"Yep," Jordanna repeated, shrugging as she reached for the spoon only for it to be snatched away by the blonde.

"That's it? No sex?" Caroline frowned looking at the girl. She was slightly confused, Jordanna had sex with everyone- and she meant that in a total non-judgey way.

"No sex," Jordanna confirmed with a nod of her head. 

"Huh," Caroline breathed out, flabbergasted. "Didn't know you could do that."

Jordanna rolled her eyes at her best friend as she played with her mother's necklace that hung round her neck—in addition to the other one Klaus had given her.

"Bitch," the witch grumbled as she snatched her ice cream back from the blonde before burying herself in her pillows.

"Says you," Caroline snorted as she joined the girl. Jordanna took a glance at the vampire before rolling over to her beside cabinet, pulling out a spoon and handing it to Caroline.

The blonde's eyebrows shot up in question as she slowly took the spoon out the witch's hand.

"What?" Jordanna asked. "Never know when you might need it."

"Why am I not surprised?"

"Guess you know me too well Carebear," Jordanna responded with a sarcastic smile.

"Lucky me," Caroline quipped sarcastically earning a glare from Jordanna. The raven-haired witch pursed her lips as her mind drifted back to The Original Hybrid.

Stop thinking about him you dweeb! You're not some boy obsessed teenage girl!—except she was, oh dear lord she was.

Breaking the witch from her thoughts Caroline spoke up, "what are you gonna' do now?"

Jordanna sighed before answering, "as long as he doesn't talk to me or look me in my eyes I should be fine."

"So you'll ignore him?"


"Not the best plan JJ," Caroline told her, sending her a pointed look.

"I'm so fucking screwed," Jordanna whined dramatically, pulling at her hair.

Jordanna strutted into the Grill looking for the Bennett witch. The two had made plans to have lunch together since they hadn't properly seen much of one another since Jordanna's return to Mystic Falls.

Jordanna made her way up to the bar as she spotted a certain football player. "Hey Matty-Blue, you seen Bon Bon around?" 

Matt glanced up and gave the witch a small smile, shaking his head in answer, "no, not since homecoming. Sorry."

"Alright, thanks anyway, Matty," Jordanna said, sighing in defeat.

Matt nodded and made his way back to wiping down tables and taking orders- whatever people do in a job. Jordanna wouldn't know she's never had one, and is most certainly never getting one.

Now, I know what you might be thinking. How the hell does this eighteen year old girl afford her own house? How the hell does she buy all this designer shit without a job? The answer was her mother—and grandfather.

Mary, before she died, wasn't just a witch. She was a doctor. A neurosurgeon to be specific. Mary liked the fact that she could help people, and being a witch amplified that chance. She could heal them, with a few herbal remedies and a couple of spells they were fixed. All put back together—because of her.

And Mary's father? Jordanna's grandfather, Nelson, or Nelly as they called him was not only as powerful as his daughter but smart—he was a lawyer. Leaving Jordanna with a hefty amount of money in the events of their deaths.

Jordanna's phone buzzed; a text message from Bonnie. 

Bon: Got held up sorry, we'll have lunch another time. I promise J.'

Jordanna rolled her eyes in annoyance, she had gotten dressed for nothing. As she spun on her heels to make her way out her eyes caught Klaus' who was watching her from the other end of the bar.

Taking a deep breath the witch walked over to the hybrid, so much for ignoring him, dumbass. "Just because we kissed doesn't mean you can follow me around. This could be classed as stalking, you know?" She teased, sending him a pointed look.

Klaus chuckled as he looked the girl up and down with a smirk at their close proximity. "Three times actually if we're being specific, four if you count—" before he could finish Jordanna's hand smacked against his mouth.

"Please don't finish that sentence," Jordanna groaned.

"As you wish," Klaus grinned as he removed her hand from his mouth, fingers lingering on her soft skin before he released her hand. "Also sweetheart, I was here first—technically speaking, of course."

"Ah yes, I forget you're basically an old man," Jordanna teased. "Do you normally pursue younger women?"

Klaus cocked his head to the side as he looked down at the girl, "you're an exception, love."

Jordanna gasped dramatically, placing her hand over her heart. "I'm honoured," she trailed off, her gaze scanned the bar—feeling someone's eyes on her. She turned slightly and scoffed—her mood dropped as her sight fell on Damon and Elena. Klaus followed her gaze, finding both of their eyes on the two. 

Klaus held his hand out to the witch causing her to furrow her brows in confusion, "feel like wrecking havoc, sweetheart?"

Jordanna's lips twitched as she hesitantly looked up to his eyes, he gave her a reassuring look, and that alone placed a smirk on her face as she placed her hand in his. "Thought you'd never ask."

Klaus' grin widened at her response before he led her over to the Salvatore and doppelganger. "Don't mind me."

"Klaus," Elena breathed out, as she neared Damon, causing both Jordanna and Klaus to grin in amusement. 

"You're gonna' do this in the Grill? In front of everyone? It's a little beneath you, don't you think?" Damon said, glancing at the witch with betrayal in his eyes causing her to roll hers. Jordanna couldn't believe the audacity he had to look at her like that; he's the one who said Mikael could use her as Klaus bait, he's the one who ruined their friendship and betrayed her. This is on him.

"I don't know what you're talking about, D," Damon winced at the tone, she spat his name out as if it was venom. "Klaus just came to grab a drink with a few of his friends."

Klaus smiled at her in admiration before glancing back at Tony—one of his hybrids. "Get a round in, would you, Tony?" Elena's eyes widened as she looked at the hybrid, she had realized it was the same person who had followed her on her run this morning.

"I'm surprised you stuck around town long enough for happy hour," Damon spoke, narrowing his eyes.

Klaus' grin fell as his eyes met the Salvatore's, his voice vicious as he spoke, "my sister seems to be missing. Need to sort that out."

"Cute, blonde bombshell, psycho? Shouldn't be too hard to find," Damon replied with a taunting smirk. 

Klaus, however, was having none of it.

"Truth is," the hybrid started as he slowly made his way over to the pair. "I've grown to rather like your little town. Think I might fancy a home here," he told them, snatching a dart from Damon's hand.

"I imagine you're wondering how does this effect you and the answer is, not in the slightest. As long as I get what I want and everyone behaves themselves you can go on living your little lives however you choose. You have my word," Klaus falsely smiled in Elena's direction causing the brunette to scoff.

"What more could you possibly want?"

Jordanna rolled her eyes at the doppelganger; at the closeness between she and Damon. Jordanna knew that Elena had both brother's wrapped around her little finger, the witch also knew that Elena secretly enjoyed it—after homecoming Jordanna didn't care if Damon got his heart broken anymore, but Stefan was different. She didn't want to see him hurt, he was still her best friend regardless of what his idiot of a brother did.

"Well for starters, you can tell me where I might find Stefan," Klaus demanded stepping closer to the doppelganger in an attempt to intimidate her. Jordanna's brows furrowed—what the hell had Stefan done now?

"Stefan skipped town the second he saved your ass." Damon seethed as he walked in front of Elena, blocking her from Klaus.

"Well, you see that is a shame," Klaus' eyes narrowed as he threw the dart, hitting bullseye with ease. "Your brother stole from me. I need him found so I can take back what's mine."

"That sounds like a Klaus and Stefan problem," Elena tilted her head, as if she was taunting the hybrid before her.

Jordanna rolled her eyes as she stepped forward, "this is him broadening the scope, 'Lena." 

"I know you've got a thing for sleeping around, but him? Really, Jordanna? Are you honestly that desperate?" Elena retorted in anger.

Klaus' eyes narrowed at the brunette at the way she spoke to his girl. Jordanna snorted in amusement. Seriously?  "You're one to talk... Remind me, which brother are you on now? I've lost track. One minute you love Stefan, then there's this disgusting tension between you and Damon. Oh, sorry! But you love Stefan — never mind, Damon just flashed his pretty eyes at you and, oh would you look at that? Damon's in the lead again!"

Elena's face fell; ignoring the look that Damon gave her. The witch turned her head in the Salvatore's direction.

"And you," she started, walking closer to the vampire. "You let Mikael use me as bait, yeah?"

Damon hesitated, swallowing loudly before answering, "yes."

Jordanna nodded as her lips pursed. "You sold me out and almost got me killed for a plan that failed. I mean, seriously, Damon? Do better." The witch rolled her eyes before a taunting smirk curved on her lips, "I don't think Steffy would be very happy to hear you killed yet another one of his best friends."

Damon rolled his eyes, "don't be dramatic Jords, you're alive aren't you?"

"No thanks to you."

Damon shrugged, "I did what I had to do to protect Elena. You would've been collateral. Get over it already."

"Ouch" Jordanna whistled. "Elena this, Elena that. You know Damon you're starting to sound like Elena's sired little bitch," the witch's lips upturned into a mischievous smirk. "I'm in no mood for killing today, I just got my nails done. So I suppose this will have to suffice."

Damon's brows furrowed. "What?-"

Jordanna laughed as she pulled a stake from her jacket and drove it into the vampires stomach. Damon groaned, hutching over as she pushed it in further, twisting it as it hit an organ. Her breath fanned his neck as she leant over and whispered, "you feel that? This is what I felt, all because of you D."

The witch glanced around the Grill, noticing people looking their way because of the loud, irritating noises Damon was making. "I thought we were friends, Damon. Turns out you're just as bad as she is, you deserve each other."  

Jordanna stepped back with a grin, grimacing as she wiped Damon's blood on his t-shirt. "Tick-tock people."

The witch stepped back as Klaus grabbed onto her forearm, pulling her out of the Grill. He dragged her to a back alley and let out a heavy breath.

Jordanna tugged on the sleeve of his jacket earning his attention, "you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"You know for a big, evil, scary hybrid you're a bad liar, Nik ."

Klaus' lips curled into a smile at the nickname, his mood slightly lifted, "I want my family back."

Jordanna's eyes softened, "you're Klaus Mikaelson I'm sure you'll figure something out."

"Knock knock," Jordanna called out as she and Klaus waltzed into the Salvatore Boarding House.

"I think it's time we had a drink don't you?" Klaus spoke with a smirk, addressing the elder Salvatore brother.

"I'd say we are well overdue," Damon answered with a tight smile.

"Very overdue," Jordanna hummed as she twirled a strand of hair around her finger. 

"Yes," Klaus agreed. "Especially since you've been so busy with all your plotting and scheming." 

"You know me, never miss a chance to plan an epic failure," Damon said bitterly as he looked at Jordanna in guilt.

"Clearly," the witch grumbled under her breath earning a smirk from Klaus.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, Damon. Who could have guessed your own brother would betray you?" Klaus mocked the Salvatore with a sarcastic smile on his face.

"Well, I did have a front row seat when your sister lied to you," the younger vampire remarked.

Klaus' face fell in annoyance, "yeah, well she's fickle that one." Damon nodded in agreement as Jordanna's lips pursed at the tense silence.

"So you don't know where she is?" Jordanna spoke up curiously, her eyes narrowed at the Salvatore.

"That's the thing with younger siblings," he laughed falsely. "You never know what they're going to do."

Klaus chuckled lightly, the pair watched as Damon grabbed three glasses and a bottle of bourbon. "Drink?" He asked, handing them both a glass. 

"Well, duh, Damon. Why the hell do you think I'm here?"

Free alcohol, of course; and the amazing bonus of annoying Damon.

"I don't know," Damon pondered, shrugging slightly. "To try and kill me, maybe."

"I'm not going to kill you, Damon," she told him. "As much as I want to, you're still Stefan's brother. So, you should really thank Steffy, it is because of him that you're living to see another day."

"See," Damon started, pointing at the witch. "I think you're being a tad bit dramatic."

Jordanna stared at the vampire for a minute. 

"Dramatic?" She spoke slowly.

"Yeah, I mean you were collateral, so what? Elena would've been safe that's all that mattered. I did what I had to do, like I said you survived."

"Barely," Jordanna deadpanned.

"You want to know what I think?" Damon questioned as he poured the bourbon into the awaiting glasses.

"Not really, no."

"I think that you are so desperate for-"

"She may not kill you Damon, however I won't mind getting my hands a little bloody if you continue to speak to her like that," the hybrid threatened.

Jordanna's eyebrows shot up in surprise, Klaus stood up for her. 

Her stomach started feeling weird, like fluttery. 

She didn't like it.

Klaus smirked as Damon handed them each a drink, "cheers, mate."

"Down the hatch."

The witch's eyes darted between the two before she muttered, "well, this isn't awkward."

"You know we've actually got a lot in common, you and I," Klaus spoke up after a moment causing Jordanna to snort.

"Really? Well, yeah. Maybe we can bond over the mutual loathing of my brother. Why are you so mad at him? He stole something?"

"My family. The originals," Klaus told him with a scowl. "I had them daggered, boxed up, awaiting the day when I saw fit to wake them and he went in and pinched the bloody lot."

Damon chuckled as he gazed out the window, "of course he did. Ah, such a buzzkill my baby bro. Well I'd love to help you find him, trouble is, I sure as hell don't work for you.

Klaus looked amusedly at the vampire, "you know your drink stinks of vervain so I can't compel you. There'd be no point in killing you because you're the one with the most hope of getting me what I need. And yet it would seem a demonstration is in order."

Jordanna glanced up at Klaus, confused as to where he was going with this. 

"Perhaps I wasn't clear enough when I told you to find Stefan. Oh, well. It seems you people respond best to displays of violence. Why don't you take this as an example of my reach?" Klaus said as he pulled his phone from his pocket, quickly dialling a number. "There he is. So that thing I told you to do. Why don't you go ahead and get on with it?"

Jordanna had returned home a little while after hers and Klaus' trip to the Salvatore house. The hybrid had taken her out to lunch, leaving the witch flustered and confused with his non-stop flirting, he even offered to take her anywhere in the world if she gave him a chance.

What a fucking charmer . . .

The witch cursed as she paused Criminal Minds and lifted herself from the couch, wandering towards the door. 

To her surprise she was greeted with Jeremy Gilbert; she and Jeremy were close before Elena forbade them from being friends. With Jeremy and his little drug episode Elena blamed one person—Jordanna. Jeremy, Vicki and Jordanna used to get high together before Vicki passed,  of course when Elena found out she went crazy on Jordanna and told her to stop talking to her brother.

What Elena didn't know was, Jordanna was only there to watch Jeremy. The Jones had an off feeling about Vicki. Something about the Donovan girl and the Gilbert boy felt off, so, if Jordanna was there, she could ensure that nothing was going on. 

Other than that, Jordanna hadn't really cared for Elena's wishes and continued to talk to the Gilbert boy, he was sorta' the little brother she never had but when he found out about the supernatural and the secrets that were held within the town, the two drifted.

"I- I didn't know where else to go."

Jordanna's brows furrow as she grabbed the boy by his forearm and dragged him into the house. "What's wrong, Jer?"

The pair dropped themselves onto Jordanna's couch, "I killed someone."

Jordanna's breath hitched in surprise. "One of Klaus' hybrids. He tried to run me over but got Alaric instead. Ric was dying and he wouldn't let the paramedics take him, so I . . . I shot him and chopped off his head. I had to . . . Jords I swear, I- I had to. Oh God, I'm a monster."

Jordanna pulled the boy to her chest as he sobbed, "you're not a monster Jeremy. He tried to hurt you, he hurt Alaric. You were protecting your family, okay? Sometimes you have to do what you need to, to survive, no matter the damage. But you have to try overlook that and realize that you did it. You saved him."

Jeremy nodded as he lifted his head from her chest, wiping his tears, a dry, awkward chuckle left his lips, "I'm sorry for just dropping in like this. I didn't want Elena or Alaric to see me like this, they wouldn't get it but you-"

"-but I would. I'm here to help, Jer, not judge you. I'll always be here for you," Jordanna finished with a small smile.

Jordanna drove Jeremy home soon after; they watched a few movies and ordered a takeout. She just had one more stop to make.

It wasn't hard finding Klaus' house, just look for a house big enough to fit his ego.

She trudged through Klaus' doorway, heels clicking. The original stood, ordering his hybrids about. Klaus' head snapped in her direction with a smirk, "Jordanna, sweetheart, to what do I owe the pleasure? Have you taken any thought to my offer?"

Jordanna huffed as she kicked him in the shin, "you're an idiot. I swear."

"Ouch," Klaus looked at her with a deadpanned expression, "care to explain what it is that I have done wrong now?"

"Your stupid problem between you and Stefan is between you and Stefan. Not Alaric or Jeremy."

"Ah, so I assume you heard about the little mishap between Alaric and my hybrid's car."

Jordanna rolled her eyes, "yes I heard about the little mishap," she mocked. "I just came by to tell you that I'm adding Alaric and Jeremy onto my little 'keep safe from Klaus and his stupid temper tantrums' list."

Klaus looked at the witch amusedly as he stepped closer, "and pray tell, what makes you think I'll listen to you?"

"Because you like me too much," Jordanna said smugly with a light smirk.

"Do I now? What leads you to believe that?" Klaus questioned as he placed a hand on her waist.

"The fact that your hand is traveling so far down my ass" Jordanna said before taking a breath and throwing Klaus' hand off her. "There will be none of that, thank you."

Klaus groaned, throwing his head back in annoyance, "so you're only here to demand things of me and not because you want to confess your undying love?"


"You wound me Jordanna Jones," Klaus said with a smile but his lips formed into a toothy grin as he watched her try hold back her own smile. "How would you feel accompanying me to the Salvatore house? I just had an interesting phone call with the doppelganger."

Jordanna tilted her head in thought before holding her hand out to the hybrid, "lead the way, asshole."

Klaus watched Jordanna's face fall as he knocked on the door before she had the chance to burst into the Salvatore residence.

"Why are you being polite? It's weird."

"Hush now," Klaus said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as Elena swung the door open. 

"Thank you for coming," the doppelganger spoke, looking directly at Klaus.

Jordanna pushed past the two and entered the house with Klaus trailing behind her. 

"Chop, chop, 'Lena I haven't got all day, why are we here?"

"I trust you have news of Stefan?" Klaus questioned.

Elena shook her head, "I couldn't find him."

"Sure," Jordanna drawled out; easily telling that the doppelganger was lying.

The doppelganger shot Jordanna a look to which she responded with a smirk. "But I have something else."

Jordanna and Klaus shared a look as they followed Elena down to the basement- the witch squealed as a spider landed on her hand resulting in Klaus having to get it off and him receiving a hard smack on the head when he laughed.

"If I give you Rebekah, you can't hurt my brother again," Elena demanded.

"You little bitch-" 

"Easy love," Klaus teased with a smirk before whispering in her ear. "You'll get your revenge soon, I promise."

Elena opened the door to reveal Rebekah laying on the ground with a dagger in the back of her homecoming dress. 

"My poor sister," Klaus spoke quietly. "I can't turn my back on her for a moment."

Neither can Rebekah, clearly.

"You have Rebekah. A deal's a deal."

"The life of my sister in exchange for your brother? Yeah, I'd say that's a bargain," Jordanna and Klaus shared a look; little did Elena know Jeremy's life was already protected. "Consider him spared."

"You should know I was the one that daggered her," Elena confessed. "When she wakes she'll come after me."

"Good," Jordanna spoke up with a deadly glare. "I hope she tears your throat out."

"I can control Rebekah," Klaus assured the Gilbert girl. "Besides, I still need your help finding Stefan."

"I told you I don't know where he is."

"Uh-huh," Jordanna nodded sarcastically.

"You're lying," Klaus told her with a smirk. "Fortunately, you have no shortage of loved ones. If I don't find my family the question you should be asking yourself is who's gonna' die next. Bonnie? Matt?" Klaus' smirk turned into a teasing grin. "Damon? It's only a matter of time before Stefan gives me what I want."

"He doesn't care about me anymore. You made sure about that. You turned him into a monster, now he's your problem."

"I'm sorry I don't recall asking whether or not Stef cared about you," Jordanna spoke rolling her eyes.

Klaus chuckled while Elena glared at the witch. "And just so you know I'm not the only one that Rebekah wants dead. She knows what you did to your mother, she knows that you killed her." Elena headed towards the door of the cell; face holding judgement. "You can let yourselves out."

"Stronza," bitch, Jordanna shouted back at the retreating figure.

{AN} ngl the Jeremy thing was unnecessary and i cba to think of somt else to write so pretend its relevant xoox

anyways hi ;) <3

(edited 18/02/22)

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