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- Smells Like Teen Spirit

Sarah was in the middle of getting ready for school, she was sat in front of her vanity mirror applying lipgloss to her lips. The blonde placed her lipgloss down on the table as she zoned out in the daze and couldn't help but think about last nights events and was worried about Tyler as he hated being a werewolf and was now turned into a hybrid against his will but she knew Caroline will help him embrace his vampire side.

The Donovan girl was snapped out of her thoughts when Matt stormed into her room, seeming nervous as be began to pace causing the blonde to turn around on her chair to face her brother as she watched him in confusion but before she could ask what was wrong Matt had suddenly stopped pacing as he turned to face her with an hesitant look, " Last night I did something to help save Tyler's life"

Sarah frown deepened still looking just as confused as she was before as she stared at her brother who began pacing once again causing her to sigh as she stood up and walked over towards her brother, " Matt, if you want me to at least pretend to know what your going on about you've going to have to elaborate. You do know that I can read your mind, right?"

" You promised you would never invade my privacy, Sarah" Matt pointed out narrowing his eyes at his sister before he let out a sigh and continued, " The only way we were able to figure out how to help save Tyler's life is because I drowned myself with weights in the school's pool. I saw Vicki, she was the one who told me it was Elena's blood. Bonnie got there just in time to save me"

Sarah scoffed in disbelief folding her arms across her chest with a furious expression on her face as she yelled, " I'm sorry! Have you completely lost your god damn mind!" Matt sighed with an guilty expression on his face for even thinking that Sarah would be okay with this, " Sarah, I can explain..." the blonde shook her head frantically not wanting to hear any excuses her brother was currently trying to come up with, " No, Matt! What if your stupid idea had failed. I would of been all alone! You think you're the only one that misses Vicki!"

The youngest Donovan greatest fear was being all alone and losing everybody that she loved and after Vicki she had closed herself off not wanting to grow attached to someone only for them to leave or die on her especially in a town of supernatural creatures. The blonde had been abandon by both her biological parents and her adopted parents and loneliness is something Sarah had felt all her life which is why she distracts herself with her friends or guys that seem to be interested in the blonde.

The problem with Sarah was that she fell in love too easily and it didn't take long for her to fall for the next guy even with their disgusting thoughts she would hear from them as the only thing they were interested in was for her to be another notch on their belt. When it came to her ex boyfriends she was naive and didn't know at the time it wasn't love that she had as they were only using her for one thing as she's never had anyone care about her and wanted to get to know her for being herself.

"What has that got to do with anything?" Matt asked with an confused expression on his face as he stared at his sister who mockingly laughed shaking her head with a furious look on her face and resorted, " Oh, come on. I might be blonde but I'm not that stupid! You did this because of the slight chance you might be able to see Vicki again, you heard about Jeremy seeing both Anna and Vicki so why don't you give it a shot, right? I hope you got what you wanted. I can't do this right now, Caroline is picking me up"


Sarah, Caroline, Bonnie and Elena all stood in front of Mystic Falls High with different expressions on their faces, " Here we are. Senior year" Caroline sighed looking up at the school with a beaming smile on their face happy that they had all made it to their final year of high school. " anyone else think it should feel slightly more empowering?" Bonnie asked with furrowed brows staring at the school with her hands rested on her hips.

The blonde vampire looked between her three friends, noticing the expressions on their faces causing her to let out a sigh in defeat knowing that senior year isn't what they thought it would feel like as she ran her fingers through her hair and stated, "Ok. So prank night was a bust. But we are accepting it, and we are moving on" Caroline positively spoke placing a bright smile on her lips.

Bonnie nodded her head in agreement, "You're right. I mean, why should I let the fact that my boyfriend is seeing the ghost of his dead girlfriend hinder this experience" the Bennett witch rhetorically asked as the four best friends started to walk towards the school. " Yes! And why should I let the fact that my boyfriend was turned into a hybrid put a damper on an otherwise fabulous day" Caroline added with a grin as she looped her arms with Bonnie and Sarah.

The blond haired girl smiled leaning her head on Caroline shoulder as she sarcastically spoke, " Let's not forget about about my idiotic brother who had temporarily killing himself to find out how to save Klaus dying breeds of hybrids. Or that fact that Klaus won't stop until he finds out what I am"

Sarah held out her arm for Elena to take a hold of so the four girls would walk into the school together, but the doppelgΓ€nger slowed her steps coming to a holt behind then, "Today's our anniversary" she whispered in a daze causing the three girls to turn around to face her, "Technically, Stefan and I met on the first day of school last year." She explained sadly causing the three girls to send her sympathetic looks.

"Yeah, you win" Caroline told the doppelgΓ€nger with a frown causing Sarah to roll her eyes as she sent an incredulous look to Bonnie and Caroline as herself, Bonnie and Caroline had been through much worser than the doppelgΓ€nger had been through with the Bennett witch boyfriend seeing dead ghosts, the blonde vampire who had been killed by Katherine and had to learn her life with no longer be the same and the fact that Sarah had to learn to control her abilities to read peoples thoughts and dealing with the fact of nearly loosing her brother after Vicki had died last year.

"Are you sure you want to be here?" Bonnie curiously questioned her best friend with an concerned expression as Elena nodded her head in reassurance and commented, " I have to be here. I have to put it behind me. New Year. New life" she listed, taking a deep breathe placing a smile on her lips as she headed towards the school.

Caroline and Bonnie glanced at one another, grins began to grow on their faces as Sarah rolled her eyes once again in disbelief, " I don't see how she won" Sarah shrugged her shoulders throwing her arms up in exasperation causing the vampire and witch to laugh at the blonde in amusement before each grabbing ahold of her arm, the three strutting into Mystic Falls high with beaming smiles on their faces


Matt pulled up in his truck at Mystic Falls high with a longingly expression on his face lost in his thoughts when he was suddenly startled by an familiar voice, " you were always so much better at being a part of this than I was" Matt quickly turned his head staring at Vicki who was sat in the passengers side causing her to send him an apologetic look, " Sorry"

Matt let out a deep breathe trying to calm down his racing heart as a smile appeared on his face at the sight of his sister, " you can't just keep appearing like this. It freaks me out" Vicki shrugged her shoulders with an amused look on her face and informed, " I'm a ghost. It's all I got and I couldn't appear if you weren't thinking about me"

Matt stayed silent for a couple of moments before he let out a sigh and stated, "well, I was just thinking about our first day last year. I was worried about running into Elena and you said..." he trailed off causing Vicki to smile fondly remembering all the memories she had with Sarah and Matt as she finished off his sentence, " suck it up, be a man, and show her what she's missing"

"Yeah. Instead, she met a vampire," Matt stated as his frown deepened as life was so much easier before they found out about the supernatural it was normal and would have still had Vicki here with him but because of the Salvatore brothers obsession with Katherine it had taken away his sister. Vicki had an concerned expression on her face noticing the saddened look on his face as she questioned, " You ok, Matty? You seem unhappy, is it Sarah? I saw your argument earlier"

"Yeah, just life stuff. You know with you being gone and mom not around it's a lot to deal with alone" Matt confessed turning his head to glance at his sister with a sad smile, " I'm glad I get to talk to you, though. I miss you. And Sarah, you two were always so close with one another. You're the only one who truly understands her and I know she misses you and is scared of loosing me too. You know what she's like she doesn't like to be alone and after you died she took it the hardest"

Matt couldn't help the smile on his face as Vicki was the only one who didn't treat Sarah differently because of what she could do and whenever you saw one Donovan the other one isn't that far behind. Matt used to envy the relationship between the two of them as they were more than just sisters they were best friends and nothing could ever get in between their relationship it made many people jealous and envious of the two girls.

" I miss you and Sarah too. I miss having sleepovers with Sarah where we would binge watch friends talking about nothing and everything." Vicki couldn't help but laugh at the thought of her little sister before her smile slowly faded as she looked at Matt and told him, " what if I told you there was a way that you could help me come back? That I could be there for you and Sarah that we can finally be a family again"

Matt frowned in confusion as he stared at his sister and inquired, " what do you mean, come back?" Vicki opened her mouth to reply when suddenly Tyler banged on the Bonnet startling Matt who quickly glanced away from Vicki and turned his attention to Tyler who called out, " Donovan! What are you doing? Come on, man. Let's go" Matt turned to face Vicki only to find that she had disappeared causing him to grab his backpack before climbing out of his car, " you talking to yourself?"

Matt ignored Tyler's question as he tried to avoid answering not wanting to bring up the fact he was seeing his dead sister as he stared at his friend in confusion and questioned, " what's got you on such a good mood?" Tyler shrugged his shoulders as he began making his way towards Mystic High with his best friend by his side, ""We're seniors, man. Life is good!"


Sarah and Caroline were hanging up flyers for the bonfire tonight as they laughed together chatting about nothing in particular when Elena made her way over towards the two girls her eyes widened at what they were putting up as she sighed before speaking up and saying, " I forgot about the bonfire" making both girls smile drop from their faces.

" you have to go! It's our first spirit squad event. And it sets the bar for the whole year" the blonde vampire pleaded with the doppelgΓ€nger as she gave her a pointed look making Elena smile slightly and assured the blonde," Relax, Caroline. I'll be there" making both her and Sarah laugh slightly at Caroline's antics as she tried to persuade Elena to go to the bonfire.

Caroline sighed in relief looking between the two girls as she said, "Thank you. It's just that..." the blonde vampire began to explain only she suddenly got cut off as Tyler attached his lips onto hers making Sarah scrunch her face up in disgust turning away from the couple that was currently making out. The blonde Donovan girl might of been happy for her friends but it's something she just didn't want to see especially since it's still a little weird for her to see her two best friends together all loved up.

"Happy first day!" Tyler exclaimed looked between the three girls with a beaming smile on his face when suddenly Sarah squinted her eyes as she spotted a red stain on his shirt making her narrow her eyes on her friend," is that blood!" The blonde human hissed quietly not wanting to draw any attention from the students around them.

Elena and Caroline both turned to look at Tyler seeing that Sarah was right making the blonde vampire jaw clench tightly as she mumbled, "Oh, my god" grabbing her boyfriends arm and dragging him into the boys bathroom with Sarah and Elena following after them making sure no one was following them into the girls bathroom.

"What's going on?" Tyler questioned as he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion glancing between his girlfriend and his best friend who were glaring at him as Elena checked the bathroom stalls to make sure they were all empty so no one could listen to their conversation.

Sarah slapped the back of his head as she exclaimed, " Vampire 101. Don't wear your breakfast to school" the blonde scolded him with Caroline nodding her head in agreement only for Tyler to roll his eyes in annoyance and say, "Chill out. It was just a blood bag"

The Donovan girl couldn't help but scoff in disbelief as he didn't even seem that bothered as Caroline narrowed her eyes at her boyfriend and asked, "From where?" Tyler shrugged his shoulders casually as he cooly replied, " Rebekah hooked me up" he looked between the two girls as they interrogated him seeing the irrational expressions on their faces.

"Rebekah? And what are you doing talking to her for?" Caroline asked with jealousy in her tone making Sarah sigh slightly as Tyler rolled his eyes and told his girlfriend, " Klaus told her to keep watch on me, protect his new asset" he boosted with an amused smile on his face causing the three girls to exchange a look of aggregation.

"His what?" Caroline asked as she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as Sarah narrowed her eyes at the newly turned hybrid and harshly hissed, "Why, are you so amused by this?" Tyler looked between the two girls with a sigh not understanding why the two girls were so pissed off at him only for him to smile at them and say, " I'm his first successful hybrid. Don't you guys think that's the tiniest bit awesome?"

Sarah eyes widened in shock as her jaw dropped opened looking at Tyler in disbelief as she snapped at him and said, " Oh, wow. I can't believe you just said that. What the hell has gotten into you? You know what, he's all yours Caroline" Sarah told the blonde vampire with a shake of her head before grabbing Elena's hand and dragging her out of the bathroom.

"Good luck" Elena called out to Caroline from the hallway as she and Sarah walked down the corridor only to bump into someone making them stumble slightly but as they looked up only to see a familiar Salvatore vampire standing in front of them with a smirk on his face. Stefan looked between the two girls with a smirk on his face causing Sarah to glare at him as she hated emotionless Stefan but there is nothing she could do until Klaus compelled him to turn it back on. " Hello Elena, Sarah" Stefan greeted making the blonde beauty groan in annoyance keeping her distance as she knew what he was like last time when he nearly switched it off as he couldn't control himself around her.

"What are you doing here?" Elena questioned as she backed up slightly standing beside Sarah as she shook in fear, remembering what he had done the night before. Stefan tilted his head to the side in mock confusion before he sarcastically cheered, " what do you mean? I'm going back to school. Go timberwolves!"

Sarah couldn't help the snicker that came from her throat as she narrowed her eyes at him and asked, "Now, why the hell would you do that? Especially since now your an emotionless prick" Stefan smirked glancing between the two girls and replied, " Klaus wants me to keep an eye on you both. I'm just doing what I'm told"

"What? Why the hell would he have you keep an eye on me?" Sarah asked in confusion exchanging a look with Elena who shrugged her shoulders in reply just as confused as she was. Stefan glanced down at the blonde human girl in amusement and responded, "Why do you think? He has a thing for you and secondly because he's curious on what you are"

The Donovan girl rolled her eyes in annoyance getting more irritated by the second as she grabbed Elena's hand and hissed, " We're going to be late for class" she barged past the emotionless vampire, " excuse us" Elena went to follow after her best friend only for Stefan to grab a hold of her arm preventing from going after her friend as Sarah turned around with a glare on her face as Stefan looked down at the doppelgΓ€nger and told her, "Oh, Class is this way"

"Let go of me, Stefan" Elena hissed trying to set her arm free as Sarah walked over toward the two in fear as he had no emotions so she wouldn't know if Stefan really would hurt Elena just to prove his point. Stefan looked down at Elena with a roll of his eyes and exclaimed, " Elena, do you think I want to be a senior for the 100th time? No. But I don't have a choice in the matter and neither do the two of you"

Stefan sent the two girls a sarcastic smile as Sarah narrowed her eyes at the emotionless vampire with a look of distaste on her face as she snapped, "Let go of her Stefan!" Making Stefan glance at the brunette he knew she wouldn't do anything since they were many students around but it didn't mean she wouldn't kick his ass if she needed to.

Alaric who was walking down the corridor seeing the three of them, making him walk overΒ  to them sending a glare to Stefan as he demanded, "Let her go" much to everyone's surprise he let go of Elena and raised his hands in the air in mock surrender making Sarah sigh in relief quietly to herself as she grabbed Elena hand squeezing it in reassurance.

Suddenly, Stefan grabbed ahold of Alaric and pushed him against the Lockers drawing the attention of the students around them as both Elena and Sarah gasped in shock as the doppelgΓ€nger hissed, "Stefan! Stop it!" The Salvatore vampire ignored his ex girlfriend and pushed Alaric more roughly against the Lockers.

"You're not going to get in my way? Okay, Ric" Stefan threatened before letting go of Alaric and looked between the three of them and calmly told them, " I will see you three in history" he said with a smile before turning around and walking down the corridor leaving Sarah, Elena and Alaric by themselves.

"No humanity Stefan is such an asshole" Sarah mumbled with a shake of her head as the three of them made their way to Alaric's classroom seeing as they had history first anyway. Alaric glanced towards the two girls and questioned, " what the hell is he doing here?"Sarah and Elena both took their usual seats as the blonde sighed before informing the vampire hunter, "Klaus compelled him to watch over Elena and I" the doppelgΓ€nger nodded her head in confirmation and explained, " Apparently I'm one of Klaus's assets now that my blood is the only way to create a Hybrid"

Elena then turned around to face Sarah with a mocking smile and told her, " and according to Stefan he's obsessed with you" Sarah mocked a laugh with an unimpressed look on her face lightly punching elena in the arm making Alaric chuckle at the two girls from across the room. "So he's your bodyguard now?" Alaric asked with a scoff shaking his head in disbelief.

Elena sighed sadly looking down making Sarah rub her arm in comfort as the doppelgΓ€nger looked back up and said, " I don't know what he is. But he's definitely not Stefan" Elena whispered as the school bell rang making Sarah look between the two of them and exclaimed, " Look, him being here is not good for any of us, we have to do something" Students started walking into the room making Alaric and Elena send Sarah a nod in agreement as Caroline and Tyler walked into the classroom, the blonde vampire taking a seat beside her best friend as Tyler sat behind Sarah sending her a sheepishly smile.

Alaric started writing on the chalkboard AP American History when Stefan walked into the classroom walking towards a guy that was sat next to Elena, " your in my seat" Sarah couldn't help but scoff in disbelief as the guy stood up and took a seat at the back of the class.

Stefan then smiled down at Elena making Sarah glance at Caroline who shook her head in annoyance as the emotionless vampire taunted the brunette and said, " Hey, you" Sarah rolled her eyes in annoyance ignoring him all together facing the front of the classroom as Alaric clapped his hands from the chalk he used on the board and addressed the class as he said, " Welcome back, seniors. Let's turn our brains back on, starting with this country's original founders. The native Americans"

Alaric trailed off when a familiar blonde original walked into the classroom with a smirk on her face, " what about the Vikings?" Rebekah asked taking a seat next to Sarah sending her a friendly smile ignoring the others who were sending her glared from across the classroom. "There's no evidence that Vikings explorers actually settled in the United States" Alaric answered the original vampire before his face twisted in confusion not knowing who this blonde girl is and asked, " who are you?" Rebekah smiled slightly before replying, "my name's Rebekah. I'm new and history is my favourite subject"

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