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- Smells Like Teen Spirit

After school, Caroline and Sarah were outside on the side-lines of the field, starting cheerleading practice as the football players practiced on the field in front of them. The blonde beauty was stretching beside her vampire best friend when their coach looked around in confusion, "has anybody seen Dana?" She asked causing the two girls to share an uneasy look before shrugging their shoulders. Of course, both Caroline and Beth knew what happened to Dana and Chad, Stefan had killed them last night at Senior prank night.

"Sounds like you've got an opening on the squad" Rebekah mused as she walked forward standing between the two girls, appearing out of nowhere dressed in her gym clothes. "what are you doing?" Caroline hissed as she stood up facing the original vampire with her arms crossed as Sarah continued to stretch as she glanced between the two vampires with a roll of her eyes.

Rebekah ignored the vampire, beginning to stretch beside Sarah causing Caroline to scoff with a look of frustration on her face, "Hey! Hey! You can't just come here and infiltrate all of our lives" she said as she stopped the original vampire from stretching as she stood up to face Caroline, "I'm only interested in yours" Rebekah remarked smirking at the cheerleader, "your popularity, your spunk, your best friend" she listed sending Sarah a smile from over her shoulder causing the two girls to scoff in disbelief, "maybe even your boyfriend" the original finished as she moved her gaze over to the football field, watching Tyler run with the football.

Sarah stood up in annoyance, walking over to stand next to the original with her arms folded across her chest narrowing her eyes at the vampire, "what are you really doing here, Rebekah?" The blonde questioned, letting out a heavy sigh stepping in noticing the seething and jealous expression on Caroline's face. The original vampire smiled sadly at the blonde, " I wanted to apologize for yesterday. I've never really had a real friend before and I would really like it if you would give me a chance. I just hope I've not ruined that in fear going against my paranoid brother"

The Donovan teen narrowed her eyes at Rebekah with a blank expression on her face debating whether to give the blonde vampire a chance before she sighed in defeat, " if you want to be my friend Rebekah, then you need to stop antagonising my other friends. I just really hope that you don't make me regret this" Sarah turned to face Caroline, following her gaze towards the football field, but her eyes were focused on Tyler who had just compelled his coach.

Caroline sighed in irritation before storming over towards Tyler muttering curse words under her breathe causing an amused smirk to appear on her face at her friends antics, " will you back off from Caroline" The blonde beauty said to Rebekah was standing next to her as she watched Caroline shout at the newly turned hybrid, " she's been through so much recently"

Rebekah opened her mouth to respond to the blonde human with a smile on her lips only for it to disappear at the pleading look on Sarah's face making the original send her a smile smile nodding her head in agreement, " I'll promise I'll try my best to not antagonise her. I just want to be your friend, Sarah" the original told her sincerely, Sarah smiled gratefully before the two of them both looked towards the football field, noticing the stares from other football players.

The blonde original smirked wanting to show off before taking off in a run, doing a front handspring and landing in the splits as the group of guys wolf whistled cheering the vampire on. Sarah laughed at the original actions before she caught her waving flirtatiously over towards Tyler, causing Caroline to clench her jaw with a furious look on her face. Sarah looked between the two girls with a smirk on his face winking towards her best friend from across the field before taking off in a run.

Sarah started doing a front back handspring, step out and a standing back tuck before finishing into the splits, smiling brightly at the cheers and whistles from the football players grew louder. Caroline cheered loudly from her spot next to Tyler, Rebekah eyes widened in shock and amazement letting out a laugh as she helped the blonde back to her feet as the two girls continued stretching.


After practice, Sarah went back home to change ready for the bonfire before meeting the gang back in Alaric's classroom to discuss to take down Stefan, "I'll lure Stefan away from the bonfire, then when he's distracted" Elena started, trailing off as Alaric spoke up, "I'll shoot him" Sarah was playing with the necklace around her neck leaning against the wall next to Damon, "can't Bonnie just ju-ju him or something?" Damon questioned, not wanting his brother to get hurt even in his emotionless state he his currently in due to Klaus who compelled him to turn his humanity off.

Sarah shook her head from beside him, crossing her arms over her chest sending him a scolded look raised her brows at the raven haired vampire, " No, we're trying to keep Bonnie out of this" she stated as Elena nodded her head in agreement, "I don't trust that Stefan won't hurt her. Caroline, are you covered?" The doppelgΓ€nger asked looking over at the blonde vampire who was standing by the doorway.

"Yes, I will make sure the old Forbes jail cell is prepared and ready" Caroline said nodding her head as she glanced around at her friends when Damon spoke up with a serious expression on his face folding his arms over his chest," We're forgetting a key player here. Rebekah? Wherever Stefan goes, the blonde ponytail tends to follow" Elena smirked turning to face the vampire and told him, "which is why you're going to distract her"

"What?! How? She's an original. Last time I checked, we're out of daggers" Damon insisted with a look of annoyance causing the brunette to roll her eyes, " so then preoccupy her with your charm," the brunette replied in a sarcastic tone causing Sarah to let out a chuckle in amusement. "Might have better luck finding the dagger" The blonde stated smirking at the raven haired vampire mockingly causing the rest of group to laugh loudly.

Damon rolled his eyes, laughing mockingly as he shoved Sarah slightly before noticing the amused smile on Alaric's face, "are you ever not going to be mad at me for a day?" He asked him as Alaric shook his head, the smile now disappearing from his face, "doubtful" he let out a heavy sigh just as the classroom door opened, Tyler walking in with a smug smirk on his face causing Sarah to narrow her eyes at him in annoyance.

"Sorry I'm late. What's going on?" The Lockwood teen asked as he glanced between the group, "we need you to raid your moms vervain supply. Enough to keep Stefan down for a while" Sarah told him raising her brows at the hybrid who frowned in confusion at the blonde words, "you can't do that to Stefan" he said looking at everyone in the room with a shake of his head. " why not?" Caroline questioned as everyone stared at the hybrid in confusion.

"Trust me, Tyler, it's in his best interest" Elena began to explain only to be cut off by Tyler, "yeah, it's not in Klaus'" he snapped at the group with a harsh glare on his face causing Sarah to narrow her eyes at Tyler wondering what the hell is going on with hybrid. The blonde vampire frowned with a shake of her head as she's fed up with Tyler attitude as he's completely changed since Klaus turned him into a vampire, "but Klaus is the bad guy, Tyler. Why are you acting like some freaky, hybrid, slave minion?" she asked in anger as she glared at her boyfriend.

"Uh-oh," Damon muttered under his breathe as his eyes lit up in realization as Sarah turned to face him noticing the expression on his face, "Klaus made me who I am, Caroline. I owe him everything," Tyler snapped defensively as he glared back at his vampire girlfriend. "Oh, boy" Damon muttered once again causing Sarah to sigh in frustration, " Okay, can we cool it on the commentary please. What the hell is going on?" She questioned as she looked between the elder Salvatore and the hybrid.

Damon ignored her, walking over to Alaric's desk picking up the vervain dart causing the blonde to stare at him in confusion. "Look, I'm just going to go" Tyler trailed off noticing the tension between everyone, turning to walk out the door but before he could, Damon sped towards him injecting him with vervain causing him to drop to the ground unconscious. " what are you doing?" Caroline exclaimed as Sarah walked over towards her best friend sending a disbelief look to Damon.

"He's been sired" Damon informed, causing everyone to turn to him with confused expressions on their faces, " he's been what?" Sarah asked as her frown deepened at the vampires words. " Sired. He feels loyal to Klaus because Klaus' blood created him" Damon explained, kicking Tyler body to see if he was truly passed out so he doesn't wake up and ruin the plan to put Stefan down.

"Loyal how?" Elena questioned as she glanced at the knocked out hybrid before turning her attention over to Damon. " he'll seek acceptance from his master. It's really rare. But maybe not so much in hybrids" Damon said not bothered by the slightest as he shrugged his shoulders casually. " So, how do I fix him?" Caroline asked hopefully as she glanced at the raven haired vampire, "get a new boyfriend" he stated with a serious look on his face causing Sarah to punch him in the arm from being insensitive as she had enough to worry about without adding an unemotional vampire and a sired hybrid who will do anything Klaus wishes for him to do.

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