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- Smells Like Teen Spirit

The bonfire was in full swing, kegs and coolers lined up as the teenagers began to get drunk, " Sarah, you know what you need? You need a drink. All right, let's get you a drink" Jack spoke up as Sarah arrived at the bonfire dragging her through groups of drunken teenagers towards the table where the alcohol was as he smirked glancing over at the blonde over his shoulder, " Oh! They got mai tais. Come on"

" I don't know" Sarah muttered with a smile on her lips as Jack shot her a look raising his brows in response at the girl, " come on. Let's just have a good night. Come on. Something to kind of take the edge off" Jack said handing her a can of beer as he opened up his own and raised it in the air, " Cheers" Sarah giggled as she clinked her drink against his, " Cheers" Jack smiled dopily at his ex girlfriend as he continued, " Cheers to just a... just a normal, fun night"

Sarah nodded her head in agreement as she began to down her drink only for her choke slightly on her drink at the sight of Noah, a guy she was dating after she broke up with Jack but ended things as their relationship was toxic, " you okay?" Jack questioned with an amused look on his face watching Sarah who was having a coughing fit as she waved her hand with a shake of her head and replied, " yeah, I'm fine. Yeah, yeah, Um, this" gesturing towards her drink as she continued drinking it averting her eyes away from her recent ex boyfriend who was glaring over at the two of them.

"You good?" Jack curiously inquired with a look of concern on his face as Sarah looked around for another drink and told him, " yeah, I need another one" Jack frowned raising his brows in surprise as he knew Sarah isn't really one to drink and the only time she does drink is because it makes it easy for her to focus when she doesn't have to listen to everyone's thoughts around her not like Jack knew as she didn't want him to stare at her like she was crazy, " you want another one? It's that kind of night. All right? Let's just check out this party. Let's go"

Sarah nodded her head as she followed after Jack as the two searched to find more entertainment as they stood by a couple of teenagers who were dancing and drinking, " Sarah, I got nothing against him, all right? I really don't . I just... I didn't feel like you belonged with him, right and I knew you thought you were close" Sarah took a sip of her beer glancing over towards Noah who was now flirting with a girl, " Yeah, I thought so but turns out he wasn't what I wanted or needed"

"You're too damn trusting. You're just gonna get hurt. I just, I don't think he feel things in the same way we do" Jack spoke with a small smile on his face as he stared at the blonde longingly when she giggled slightly with a shake of her head and decided to change the subject, " um... you know what I think? I think we should have a good time tonight and I wanna dance" Jack grabbed her hand chuckling and loudly exclaimed, " let's dance. Let's dance. There it is"

Sarah laughed shaking her head sending him a weird look as he was swaying them back and forth before he grabbed her hand and twirling her around before he spun her around before pulling her to close to him not noticing Rebekah and Stefan who was standing close watching watching the two teenagers who were dancing and laughing together, " it just feels like old times, you know? It's just... it's just you and me. We're lljust. Listen, Sarah. I don't want to freak you out after everything you've been through"

"What could possibly freak me out any more than what I've been through?" Sarah asked with a frown tilting her head to the side as Jack let out a heavy sigh and told her, " I just don't want you to forget we had something too" Jack placed his hand against her check as he leaned down to kiss her but Sarah awkwardly cleared her throat taking a step back, " sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. No it's just- no, no it's just. Look, it's just a little soon and to be honest I'm not ready to get into another relationship. Jack you're a great guy but what we had it's over we're best off just being friends.

"Oh! Oh, Um... I'm sorry. I, um... yeah, one too many mai tais. It's all good. It's fine" Jack trailed off awkwardly rubbing the back off his neck as Sarah sent him one last smile before walking away when she noticed Rebekah who was standing on her own watching Stefan who followed after Elena only to smirk in amusement as she looked at the blonde girl, " so you look not sober"

Sarah laughed shaking her head in response, " I'm not that drunk, just a little tipsy. I need to ask you something and you have to answer me honestly" the original raised her brows in curiosity gesturing for the blonde human girl to continue, " I just want to know why your brother has Stefan watching over me. It's just creepy for one and secondly I don't get it I hardly even spoken to him if you count me threatening him and now Stefan's acting like he's my body guard and won't let me or Elena out of his sight"

"You don't see it do you?" Rebekah questioned with a small smile on her face as she knew exactly why her brother had Stefan watch Sarah closely as they was something about her that caught Klaus's eye and it's also the fact that while she is selfless, kind and loyal she also has this fire in her that she's not afraid to show just to protect the people that she loves, " He finds you interesting, there is something about you thats makes you different I don't know what but whatever it is my brother will find out one way or another. You can lie to yourself all you want but apart of you also finds him interesting but your holding back because of what your friends and brother may think about it"

Sarah scoffed in disbelief shaking her head frantically, " what? That isn't true and even if it were nothing could ever happen because of what he had put my friends through..." she trailed off when suddenly her phone started ringing causing her to pull it out of her pocket, " excuse me. I have to take this" Sarah walked away from Rebekah placing her phone against her ear only to listen to her brother who was currently freaking out, " what? Matt calm down. Tell me where you are. I'm on my way" she ended the call rushing out of the bonfire ignoring the looks she was receiving from her classmates.


After Matt had called Sarah to meet him and Bonnie in Alaric's classroom, Sarah made her way back into the school to meet up with both Bonnie and Matt who was waiting for her, " Sarah, we need your help to send Vicki away" Bonnie spoke up as soon as she spotted the blonde girl walking into the classroom. Sarah frowned in confusion as she glanced at Matt who explained what had happened as he tried to bring his sister back but the only way she could stay is if she killed someone.

Sarah eyes widened in shock as she never really said goodbye to her sister as when she and Matt found out Vicki was dead not long after the funeral Sarah left town for a while and returned for the Miss Mystic Falls pageant, " is there any way that she could stay?" She questioned with a pleading expression on her face as she glanced between her brother and the Bennett witch.

"No, she can't Sarah. She doesn't belong here anymore and the only way for her to stay here is if she hurts somebody" Matt told his sister with an sympathetic look on his face as he knew how hard it had been when Vicki had died as the two girls were more than sisters they were best friends. Sarah had tears welling in her eyes as she shook her head frantically, " but she's my sister, I don't want to say goodbye again. Is there anything you can do Bonnie to bring her back without hurting anyone?"

Matt walked over to his little sister placing his hand on the back of her head bringing her into a right embrace rubbing her back as he tried to comfort her, " she's gone, Sarah. She's been gone for a long time and we have to let her go, we can't be messing with the living and the dead. It's time Sarah" Sarah pulled away from her brother running her hands through her hair looking down at the ground before she averted her eyes to Bonnie when she interrupted the conversation between the siblings, "I found a spell that can block whatever magic is helping Vicki,

"What do we do?" Matt curiously questioned looking up at Bonnie who glanced between the Donovan siblings as she stayed silent for a moment before she demanded, "Give me your hands" Sarah and Matt shared a look before holding out their hands to Bonnie who cut their palms as their hands hovered over a photo of the Donovan siblings when they were children letting their blood drop onto the picture.

Bonnie began to chant a spell to reverse what Matt had done with her eyes closed when suddenly a loud gasp was heard causing Sarah to look up only for tears to gather in her eyes at the sight of her sister. Vicki chuckled slightly with a bright smile on her face as she was about to walk over towards the blonde but suddenly stopped when she turned her attention over to Bonnie who continued to do the spell and inquired, "what is she doing?"

"Fixing my mistake" Matt informed glancing over at his sister with an apologetic look on his face as while he wanted Vicki back with him and Sarah this wasn't the way to do it. It was too late as Vicki had been dead for a while and it's time for both him and Sarah to accept it. " Sarah! Make her stop, please. I don't want to go back there"

Sarah shook her head with a heartbroken look on her face and told the brunette, " I can't, V. This is wrong and you know it too. Bonnie?" She questioned turning her attention back to the Bennett witch who stopped chanting for a moment to inform the two siblings, "The spell is working Sarah. She's still here because of you two." Bonnie closed her eyes once again as she continued with the spell as Vicki looked between her siblings and pleaded, " Sarah, Matt, please"

" I can't let you hurt anyone, Vicki" Matt spoke as he stood up making his way to stand in front of his sister who shook her head frantically and begged her brother for them not to send her away, " I won't. I'll stop. Just please don't make me go" Sarah looked at the ground wiping her tears away not be able to look at her sister as she couldn't watch Vicki disappear as it nearly broke her when she found out she was dead, "I have to. This is wrong. You shouldn't be here"

Vicki cried softly as she looked at her brother and told him, "I'm sorry. I just didn't want to be alone anymore" Matt smiled sadly at his sister with a shake of his head and replied, "Neither did I. But I have to let you go. Goodbye, Vic" Matt stayed silent for a moment before he informed Bonnie and Sarah, " she's gone" Sarah lifted her head only to see that Vicki was still here as she quietly muttered, " I can still see her"

Sarah turned to look at her brother who squeezed her shoulder in reassurance when the blonde rushed forward bringing her sister into a tight embrace, " you have no idea how much I've missed you. You didn't deserve what happened to you and I wish you were here with me and Matt but he's is right you don't belong here anymore. It's gonna hurt knowing that you can't be here with us and I know it always will. Some days will be harder than others but we'll remember the good times we had with you too"

Vicki buried her head into her sisters shoulder stroking her blonde hair before pulling away as she looked at Sarah with a sad smile on her lips, " you know the best thing in my life was you. You were full ofΒ  this light and no matter what I knew that I was going to protect you but I don't want you or Matt wallowing in grieve. I want you to live your life to the fullest. It's time to put yourself first no matter what others think. This is your life Sarah it's about time you started living it. Life is too short"

" I love you, Vicki" Sarah softly spoke as she grabbed her sisters hand watching as Vicki disappeared only to bring her hand to cover her mouth as she shook her head sobbing only for Bonnie to catch her as she fell to the ground crying calling out her sisters name. Matt wrapped his arms around his sister in attempt to comfort her knowing how heartbroken and devastated she was as she had to say goodbye to Vicki again.

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