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- Ghost World

Sarah awoke the next day with a killer migraine as after she had said said goodbye to Vicki the blonde beauty thought it was a good idea to get drunk with Rebekah, she winced as she turned over only to frown in confusion as there was a glass of water with two tablets of paracetamol with a note from the blonde original who had taken her home after she had drunk too much and wasn't capable of getting home herself.

The youngest Donovan sibling took the tablets before climbing out of her bed, getting a shower and got dressed for the day. It didn't take long until Sarah was sat in front of a portrait with a paintbrush in her hand as she didn't know what she was drawing until she snapped back into a reality looking up at the painting she did of her sister.

Sarah had a saddened look on her face as she placed her hand on the painting as she recalled her last moments with Vicki who wanted her sister to start living her life to the fullest and to start putting herself first as Sarah was the type of girl who made sure everyone around her was happy and didn't really take time to think about herself because then she would breakdown and remember everything that she had lost.

She sighed heavily as she remembered all the good times she had with Vicki as she was her protector and wasn't just her sister, she was her best friend and it was hard the first time to say goodbye but to do it all over again broke her as everyone she had ever cared about had either died or left her one way or another which is why she surrounds herself with her friends so she doesn't feel so alone.

Feeling someone's eyes on her she turned around in her seat looking around the empty room as she didn't see that Vicki was standing across from with her a smile on her face as she watched her little sister with a saddened and lovingly expression on her face causing Sarah to lick her lips as she turned her attention back to her painting wanting to distract herself from thinking about Vicki and how much she missed her.


A couple of hours later, Sarah was hanging lanterns with Bonnie and Caroline in the town square to get her mind of things and to get out of the house so she doesn't loose her mind. "So, when you did the spell to send Vicki away, did it get rid of Anna, too?" Caroline asked unexpectedly, dragging Sarah's attention away from the thoughts in her head causing her to tense at the mention of her sister.

Bonnie sighed in annoyance with a shake of her head, " I wish. All I did was block the magic that was helping Vicki get a physical foothold here. Jeremy's still got a direct line to the other side, and as long as he wants to see Anna and she wants to see him, she's still here" The Donovan teen looked at her friend in sympathy as Caroline shot her an expectant look, "okay, you don't think I can actually resist commenting on that"

Sarah nudged the blonde vampire sending her a warning look with a shake of her head as while Caroline only wanted what was best for her friends at times she can be too judgey and can take things a little too far, "There. You commented," Bonnie mumbled, continuing to hang up the lanterns, ignoring the look the vampire was giving her.

"Bonnie" Caroline trailed off with a knowing tone in her voice, making Sarah roll her eyes as Bonnie glanced over her shoulder staring at the vampire with a look of irritation on her face, " What do you want me to say, Caroline? I went against the balance of nature when I brought Jeremy back to life, and now I'm paying the consequences" The witches snapped clearly not wanting to talk about it as Caroline sighed shooting her a look and replied, "I want you to say you're not okay with it"

"I'm a thousand times not okay with it. I just don't know what to do about it," Bonnie admitted with a saddened expression on her face as Sarah pulled her into a tight hug as she was about to say something to comfort her friend before she was interrupted by the sound of a revving engine. "Greetings, blondie, witchy," Damon said as he pulled up at the side of them, his window rolled down as he leant against it, "princess" he stated flirtatiously glancing at Sarah who shook her head with an amused smile on her lips knowing what he was like.

"I think your voodoo wires all crossed when you got rid of Vicki Donovan," Damon smiled sweetly as he looked back at the witch, but it was anything but as he had a sarcastic smile on his lips. " what do you mean? Why?" Bonnie asked, crossing her arms over her chest as the three girls stared at him in confusion. "I'm pretty sure I just got spit-roasted by Mason Lockwood's ghost" Damon informed causing Sarah to snort in amusement only for the smile to quickly disappear when the vampire sent her an unimpressed look.

"Wait, why would you even think that?" Sarah asked as the frown deepened on her face still confused as Caroline nodded her head in agreement. "Maybe because he chained me to a chair and shoved a hot poker in my chest. Let's just say I'm having dΓ©jΓ  vu," Damon explained causing Sarah to smirk, " not like you probably didn't deserve it seeing as you did the same exact thing to him"

"I thought you said ghosts couldn't physically interact with people," Caroline muttered under her breathe turning to Bonnie as the witch stared in confusion, "they can't" she answered with a shake of her head as she knew when she did the spell to send Vicki away something had gone wrong. Damon scoffed in annoyance sending the witch a stern look as he wasn't exactly happy to be tortured first thing this morning and wanted whatever she had done wrong fixed, " Whatever you screwed up, fix it," he demanded before speeding off.

Sarah let out a sigh as she watched Damon speed away before she locked eyes with her brother who was standing on the opposite side of the road causing her to grab both Caroline's and Bonnie's hand pulling them with her as the three girls questioned Matt, " I haven't seen Vicki, I swear. I sent her back like you told me to"

"Are you sure? Because she has just as much reason to haunt Damon as Mason Lockwood does" Bonnie stated before turning her attention to Sarah with a sympathetic look on her face, " what about you, Sarah?" The blonde beauty scoffed in disbelief narrowing her eyes at Bonnie, " How dare you? I haven't seen her since I said goodbye to her last night. She's gone, Bonnie. If she was here, I'd know it. Why do you think it's Vicki and not Mason?"

Caroline sighed as she grabbed her best friend hand squeezing it in reassurance knowing how hard everything had been for her these past couple of days especially what had happened with Vicki as Sarah is normally so strong and put together but when it comes to loosing the people that she loves it slowly breaks her.

Bonnie sighed in frustration as she glanced between her three friends and informed, "Because if any ghost other than Vicki Donovan has a physical foothold on our side, then that means Damon's right and something has gone really, really wrong" Matt shook his head as he wanted nothing else to do with whatever is currently happening, "I've had enough of this ghost stuff to last forever. So you guys can leave me out of this one"

Sarah watched sadly as her brother walked away from the three girls before she turned to look between Caroline and Bonnie with an apologetic look on her face, " I'm so sorry, Bonnie. But I can't help not with this. I'm tired... I'm so tired and if anything I just want my sister back but she's dead. She's dead and she's never going to come back. I've spent my entire life with my siblings, I mean our parents leave us too soon and boyfriends come too late. Siblings are there for the whole ride but she was taken away from us too soon"

Bonnie and Caroline sighed sadly as they watched Sarah and pulled her into a tight hug as she tried not to break down in their arms, " it's fine, Sarah. You've been though so much recently. I didn't expect you to help. Go home, I'll let you know when I've fixed whatever went wrong when I sent Vicki away" Sarah pulled away with a nod her head as she turned on her heel and walked away from the two of them, " I feel so sad for her. It took her a lot for her to send her sister away. You know how close the two of them where. Vicki might of had some issues but Sarah meant the world to her"


After Sarah had left Bonnie and Caroline in the town square, the blonde beauty decided to make her way to the grill to distract herself not wanting to deal with all the emotions that came with loosing her sister all over again so she had a shift to work not wanting to be involved in any ghost or vampires problems just for the day. Sarah was in her pyjamas when the doorbell went off causing a frown to appear on her face as she walked downstairs to answer the door.

After a moment, Sarah opened the door with a tired smile on her face at the sight of Caroline who was dressed in her pyjamas holding a bag of drinks and snacks in one hand and a movie in the other, " hey" Caroline smiled in response, " Hey" she cheerfully said causing Sarah to frown in confusion as she wrapped her silk pink robe about her body, " what's going on?" She questioned as all she wanted was to be alone and forget about these last couple of days.

" I was a little bit worried about you after everything you've been through" Caroline replied with an sympathetic look on her face as Sarah frowned forcing a smile on her face and assured, " I'm fine." She insisted as she leaned against the doorframe, " Good, but just in case we're going slumber it like we always do. I even brought your favourite movie, Mamma Mia"

Sarah laughed pulling her friend into a tight hug, "
thank you, Caroline. I wouldn't know what to do without you in my life" Caroline giggled with a shake of her head leading the blonde girl to her bedroom closing the door behind them as they got the drinks and snacks ready before they started Sarah favourite movie.

The movie had only just started when the blonde's phone began ringing causing the two friends to groan in annoyance as Sarah picked up her phone only to see an unknown number calling her, " What! I swear if this one of those sales people..." a laugh was heard from the other side of the phone, "Hello to you too, sweetheart" Sarah eyes widened at the sound of his voice pulling the phone away from her ear as she turned to face Caroline who has an confused look on her face on why Klaus was calling her friend in the first place.

" why the hell is Klaus calling you?" Caroline demanded raising her brows at the blonde girl who sent her look letting out an frustrated sigh and replied, " you're asking me like I know the answer. I know I definitely didn't give him my number I would of remembered that" Sarah rolled her eyes placing the phone against her ear listening to Klaus laughter as he was listening to the two girls who were bickering with one another.

Sarah cleared her throat with a frown on her face, " who is this?" She questioned causing Caroline to snort in amusement as she mocked the Donovan teen who threw a pillow at her as Klaus huffed in amusement at the blonde girl and resorted, " Aw, did you forgot about me already? You did have an awful lot to say the other night"

Sarah bit the inside of her cheek as her gaze was locked onto Caroline who was smiling shaking her head at her best friend, " Klaus, how the hell did you get my number" Klaus hummed on the other side of the phone before he innocently answered, " I have my ways" Sarah scoffed in disbelief with an annoyed look on her face, " Is your 'way' name probably your sister by any chance"

Caroline watched her best friend closely noticing how her smile brightened when speaking to the original hybrid, " perhaps" Sarah beamed happily but it soon faded from the look she was receiving from Caroline, " you shouldn't be calling me, Klaus. I'm not going to help you with whatever psychopathic plan you're currently cooking up"

"That's not why I called, Sarah. You intrigue me, I don't know what it is about you but I can't stay away from you" Klaus replied causing Sarah to stutter trying to find her words making Klaus chuckle in response, " Erm, I need to go. It was nice talking to you I guess..." she trailed off ending the call throwing it on the bed as she let out a heavy sigh covering her face with her hands, " Oh, my god. You like him"

Sarah scoffed turning her head to look at the blonde vampire in disbelief, " what gave you that idea. He's a thousand year old homicidal, narcissistic sociopath who killed our best friend on an alter of fire and almost sacrificed you to break that stupid curse of his" Caroline shrugged her shoulders in amusement playfully nudging Sarah, " but he is cute and totally has a thing for you"

" He does not" Sarah denied shaking her head in disagreement making Caroline snort in amusement as she had seen the way Klaus looked at her best friend and knew she interested not just because she isn't human and her blood smells intoxicating it's because she had this fire in her that burned to protect the ones she's loves and the fact she isn't afraid of him and speaks her mind when everyone else is afraid of him because of what he is and what's he's capable of, " he totally does" the two girls began bickering with one another throwing pillows at each other.

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