chapter xxi

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pretty girl🩷 is typing...

pretty girl🩷 sent you a chat!

pretty girl🩷
good god i could fall asleep

ethan <3
Good morning to you too

pretty girl🩷
hes literally so mono toned rn

ethan <3
So I'm guessing you're bored?

pretty girl🩷
and ik im the one who agreed to this before you say anything

ethan <3
I didn't even say anything

pretty girl🩷
i could sense it in your tone

ethan <3
Over snap?

pretty girl🩷

ethan <3
Is Lola not there?

pretty girl🩷
no.. naurato just wanted to talk to me since i'm the one literally majoring in sports medicine
plus she said she had band rehearsal

ethan <3
I forget she's a music major

pretty girl🩷
ikr doesn't match her personality AT ALL
but i guess that's what she gets for being godly at trumpet
anyways what do you have planned today

ethan <3
Me and the guys are going to the mall. Sofia's dragging Luke there and he didn't wanna go alone

pretty girl🩷
i'm sure sofia loved that

ethan <3

pretty girl🩷
she prob wanted some time alone w her idk...

ethan <3
I'm still shocked they're a couple

pretty girl🩷
when i first met her she never mentioned him but then when we were waiting for you guys to come out after practice one day she spilled the beans
safe to say my jaw was on the FLOOR

ethan <3
So you talk about us huh?

pretty girl🩷

ethan <3
So what do you say about me

pretty girl🩷
nothing.. what makes you think the girls know?
lola doesn't even know..

ethan <3
Bullshit you tell her everything
Do you tell them about how you love having my face between your legs

pretty girl🩷
good bye ethan!

ethan <3
Or how you like being choked a little bit

pretty girl🩷
i am literally in front of your coach right now i can't do this

ethan <3
Am I doing something wrong? Just stating the facts🤷‍♂️

pretty girl🩷
i'll see you later.

ethan <3
Wait did I seriously upset you
I didn't mean to
Wait come back
I miss you
I'm sorry
I was just joking
The period at the end of that sentence is scaring me

pretty girl🩷
jesus christ e i'm not mad calm down
just don't wanna get flustered in front of your FUCKING COACH

ethan <3
So I make you fluster huh?

pretty girl🩷

ethan <3

Opened at 8:47 am

stassie's bday🤫

ok bitches gc is made so it's OFFICIAL

.. I am now licensed!

Not the fucking tiktok references Rut..

I cant help myself

So what are we making official

And why are we all up at 8:50 am ON A WEDNESDAY

it's the only day all of us don't have any classes...

It's for Stassie's party bud..

And did that require you guys to wake me up?

yes it did mackie

i would just like to justify the reasoning i was awake at this time is bc i had a band rehearsal at 7✋🏼

Oh wait damn, really?

I thought that was just a lie you told Stassie

she told you?

how'd you know 🤨

She texted me literally like 5 mins ago

Kept on going on abt how bored she was

She was texting you?

oh shit

mark you're so pretty

Aww thanks lo


When and where sweet cheeks😘

Good god Rut...

I am a proud hater of sappy couples🫡

ok can we get back to the original intent of this gc

Yes please

Ok so the party's Saturday right?


At that club that the football team goes

What I got in my notes is party starts at 9, and during the day Lola's gonna distract her and then when she has to leave for the club, I'm gonna pick her up and then boom surprise

Sounds good

plan sounds solid


You got it daddy ;)


Man needs to be in time out after that one

Luca you're talking as if I'm not in the dorm as you.

I chose you against my will for my dorm mate

Does anyone got their costumes figured out?

sofia, stassie and i got a group one

I don't got one








y'all will figure something out


Where'd that come from😭

Aren't you from Michigan?

She is, she's been saying it a lot recently

not my fault the guy who sits next to me in band is from texas


We've known this Duker...



Since literally the first day..

When coach literally made Stassie and Lola introduce themselves after practice...

Mans doesn't pay attention🤣🤣🤣

Neither do you...

Yes I do!

What instrument does she play Rut?

Uhh.. tuba?



i play trumpet dumbass

As if that's even better

i KNOW you aren't talking edwards

Ok pause do any of you guys have a gift for her?

I in fact do not






Mark, did u just agree to an answer to your own question?

This is a judgement free zone!



Shit now I'm panicking

I know. What do you even get the prettiest girl for her birthday?

Watch it.

how abt me and lo meet you guys at the mall? since all of us don't got classes or (practice and/or band rehearsals)

Sounds good w me

Someone just go make sure Mackie's awake

Not it. I gotta shower

can i join?


Rut are you okay?

He's awake!

You fucking poured water on me.

Do you expect me to apologize????

STASSIE SIGHED AS she wrapped the gauze around the mannequin arm, her back cramping up due to how slumped she was in the under-padded rolling chair. She had been there since 8AM, talking with Coach Naurato and the current athletic trainer that she was shadowing, asking questions about how she could become better at her job, and be more of a support for the staff. Granted, yes, she was the one who reached out to the head coach first, asking if there were any ways she could improve, so she brought this on herself. And Lola would've been there, if it weren't for the Coach's words, "And don't bring Lola, no offense towards her but she doesn't seem to take this job as seriously as you," Stassie couldn't really blame him. Hell, she was a music major, so she didn't even know why he agreed to take her as one of the trainers. Mark probably had something to do with it if we were being honest.

She had woken up early enough that she could go on a run before she showered, something she missed doing from her soccer days. She decided to quit the sport when she went to college, and stated she wanted to focus on her academics. Which was fine with her parents, given the fact that she was lucky enough to revive a scholarship for her grades with the University of Michigan.

Once she got back from her run she showered and put herself together, deciding to wearing some shorts and one of Ethan's hoodies that she thought she discreetly stole, (she didn't, Ethan totally knew she was still wearing his hoodie when he dropped her off at her dorm). The smell of his mahogany cologne lingered in the fabric, and every time she got a whiff of it she found her heart pounding a little harder in her chest.

The last couple months have been amazing. And Anastasia found herself quickly falling harder and harder for the hockey player. But little did she know that he was feeling the same, maybe even more?

As she wrapped various parts of the mannequin she was practicing on, she found her mind wandering to her upcoming birthday. Sure, she was grateful to of been born and stuff, but she was never one to make a big deal out of it. All throughout high school, she had to practically beg Mark and Lola not to throw her a party or get her any gifts. Because when they went against her wishes and threw a party or gave her gifts, she felt guilty. Like she was in debt to her friends. Even though she literally did the exact same thing for them.

Stassie hoped that Mark wouldn't make a big deal out of it, but she knew better, and knew that he would go against her wishes. In fact, just last night, Lola and Sofia texted her about an upcoming party that is conveniently happening on her birthday. It was a costume party, and Lola insisted that they show up in matching and/or coordinating costumes.

She wasn't stupid, she knew that that party wasn't just a spontaneous Halloween party. But, she chose not to mention the fact that she knew to her friends. She wanted them to feel proud of the hard work her friends undoubtedly put in.

WHILE STASSIE WAS cooped up in the trainer's room at Yost, Sofia, Lola, Ethan, Mark, Luca, Rutger, Mackie, Duke, and Luke sat at the food court of the mall that was closest to campus. The girls had decided to help out the boys in picking out presents for their dear friend, 'You guys look like you have zero shopping experience' Lola said to the group of hockey players, who just moaned and groaned in response.

And so, while the guys stuffed their faces with some Chinese food that was provided at the food court, Lola and Sofia watched them with disgusted expressions on their faces, "Goddamn do you guys even chew?" Lola practically gagged, as her gaze was focused on Mackie who was inhaling his food.

"You brought us to the mall and expected us not to eat before you guys drag us to the depths of hell?" Luca shrugged. "Victoria Secret is not the depths of hell, Luca." Sofia snorted, trying to keep her eyes off her boyfriend, scared that if she did catch a glimpse of him stuffing down mediocre Chinese food, that she would throw up. "We're going to Victoria's Secret?" Rutger sat up in his chair, his eyes going wide. "No, they're going to VS, you're coming with," Ethan said, chuckling slightly as he watched the excitement leave Rutger's face. "Actually, Ethan, you're coming with me," Lola spoke up, one of her perfectly plucked eyebrows raising as she watched his face turn into an expression of worry.

"What did I do?" Ethan seemed to sink down into the hard metal of the food court chair he was sitting in due to the borderline scared gazes that he was receiving from his teammates. "Nothing," Lola shrugged as Mark put his arm around the back of her chair, "I just assumed you need the most help so I'm giving you the gift of my presence." She beamed, which was only met by a sarcastic smile from Ethan. Lola thought it was funny that all of these hockey boys, who all basically tower over her, are scared of her. It was quite humorous, especially since they've all seen her act like a fucking child when she's drunk,

Once the boys finished up their food, Luca, Rutger and Duke followed Sofia mindlessly as they walked off to Bath and Body Works. Luke and Mark started their way towards Aerie, a store Mark knows Stassie gets a majority of her leggings, and Ethan followed Lola like a lost puppy as they walked in the opposite direction of their friends. And Mackie? Mackie said he was going to find one of those massage chairs and catch up on the sleep that was 'rudely stolen' from him earlier that morning.

No, he would never admit this but Ethan was fucking terrified of what his girlfriend's best friend thought of him. It was like meeting her dad for the first time (not that he has), except instead of a middle-aged grown man, this was a 5'5 college freshman girl who was protective over he friend. And she had every right to be, don't get him wrong. Ethan actually thought it was sweet how much Lola cared for his girl, he noticed how close they were the second Mark dragged them into the locker room all those months ago.

Once they were quite literally on the opposite side of the mall than their friends, Lola turned towards the man that walked next to her, "I know you're fucking my best friend," she blatantly states, as she watched his reaction to her words carefully. "Well I'm more than aware you're fucking mine," he retorts, which causes Lola's jaw to drop slightly. "Trust me, hearing you guys from down the fucking hall almost every night is not how I want to fall asleep." He chuckled slightly, as he was her taken aback expression.

Lola stayed silent, but yet Ethan picked up on how the corner of her mouth quirked, as she tried to suppress a smile. "But I'm not even 'fucking her'," he air quoted, honestly feeling disgusted about how he was talking about Stassie. "We haven't done any of that." He shrugged nonchalantly, as he put his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants.

Ethan looked up to the store sign that they stopped in front of, 'Spencer's' he thought. He had never heard of this store before. Lola looked up at him, her hands on her hips as if she was trying to intimidate the 5'11 man in front of her. Ethan was having a hard time reading her face, he couldn't tell if she was going to lecture him, or slap him, or what. But all he knew is that he was sort of terrified.

"Listen, Eddie," her voice was surprisingly soft. "I have a good feeling about you, and I can tell by the way you look at her, and from what she tells me, that you really like her," Ethan was taken aback from her words, "So she did tell you about us," he smiled as he adjusted his baseball cap that was on his head. "Yeah, and let me just say I know that you like your hair pulled. But that's besides the point," Lola slightly chuckled, as she tried suppressing her laughter. "Just I hope you know that if you hurt her, I will not hesitate to come into your room at night and cut your dick off." Her voice was stern, and her jaw was set. Ethan could tell she genuinely wasn't kidding.

He swallowed harshly, his hands remained in the pockets of his sweatpants. "I wouldn't even think about hurting her, Lo."

Lola's gaze softened as she looked into his eyes. She didn't sense any underlying negative emotions in his expression. "Good. Now that we have that established, I'm gonna let you explore this little store by yourself while I go get some Boba," She scrunched her nose up as she motioned to the store they stood in front of. "I don't even know what I'm looking for–" "You will!" She yelled over her shoulder, given she was already walking away from Ethan, who's face looked like he had just been betrayed. Which in all fairness, he technically was.

So, reluctantly, he sighed as he walked into the store. Sure he's heard of the store before, but he never knew what kind of store it was. He was met with rock music playing over the speakers. Shirts being displayed lined the walls, random items sat on the shelves. Ethan laughed to himself over few of the things he saw sitting on the shelves as he wondered further back into the store.

He was confused about what exactly Lola was talking about, and why she left him at here to go get fucking boba. That is until he saw the items that was hanging on the back wall of the store. And that was when he understood why she left him to explore the store by himself.

Various vibrators and even some dildos were blatantly hanging up on the hooks that lined the walls.

It took him aback if he was being completely honest. He wasn't expecting a store to carry such items, but he wasn't going to lie and say his dick didn't twitch in his pants the more he stared at the wall. His tongue darted out to wet his lips as he let his mind wandered.

And who could blame him? He was a college boy after all.

The thought of Anastasia using a vibrator, pressing it to her sensitive clit while she threw her head and imagined instead of the vibrator, it was him who was making her come. God he was fucking weird wasn't he? That the images of his beautiful girlfriend, who, at times, he catches himself wanting to say 'I love you' to, getting off was giving him a semi in the middle of the mall?

He didn't even know what he was looking for, so he just grabbed the first one that was in an arm's length away, before he made his way towards the cash register. Ethan didn't realize just how embarrassing it was to be seen buying a fucking vibrator in public. He was sure that the cashier was judging him. And he wouldn't blame her if she was judging him. Hell, he would judge himself too if he didn't know the situation.

A quick 'thank you' fell from his lips, as he adjusted the brim of his cap lower down in front of his face to cover his slightly flushed cheeks before he darted out of the store as fast a possible. He looked for Lola amongst the sea of people the surprisingly that filled the mall on a Wednesday morning. Once he spotted her curls, he made a b-line towards her.

She was leaned against the side of the boba cart, her boba straw in her mouth as she scrolled mindlessly on her phone. "I fucking hate you," he whisper-shouted once he was close enough to her. Lola swallowed her drink before she smiled at him, "I don't know what you're talking about," she said innocently, as her face scrunched up playfully.

Ethan slammed the bag next to her on the bar-area that lined the boba cart, "Bullshit, you just made me embarrass myself in front of the fucking cashier!" His voice was low, as he made sure that their conversation couldn't be heard by wondering ears. "You bought something though, didn't you?" She quirked, a smirk tugging on her glossed lips before she took a sip of her boba. Ethan's cheeks flushed a light shade of pink, as he took off his cap and ran his hands through his hair, before he placed it back on his head.

"That's besides the fucking point Lola. You forced me into a sex store by myself." "And like I said, you bought something, though. Didn't you?" She shot back, watching as Ethan struggled to come up with a response. "Whatever, let's just go find the guys." He mumbled before he grabbed the bag and darted off towards Bath and Body Works, where Sofia, Rutger, Luca, and Duke probably still were.

They met up with the rest of the group, and Ethan made sure to hide the Spencer's bag from Mark when him and Luke walked up. "Did you find anything?" Mark bumped his shoulder as they made their way back to their cars. "Nah I didn't find anything," Ethan shrugged, as he sensed Lola appear at his side, and take the bag from his hand that was furtherest away from Mark.

God thank Lola, he thought.

please i have been wanting to write that spencer's scene for so long you don't even know.

so in case you haven't seen my latest message, until school is over (which is in 4 days), i will not be updating daily. instead i'll be updating every other day so that i'm not stressing myself out with updating and finals.

but don't worry once school is over we will return to our regularly scheduled activities!

this next chapter is gonna be A BITCH to write but im so fucking excited

how we feeling about stassie's party hm???


stassie after hanging out w ethan

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